View Full Version : USE OF CONDOMS

May 26, 2015, 6:44 PM
There was a time when condoms were primarily used to prevent pregnancy between men and women. With the onslaught of HIV, condoms became a point of discussion between men(and to some extent women) out of fear of transmitting the virus. There would be tsk tsking if anyone posted a promotion for non condom sex(bareback).

There has been a variety of arguments about the use of a condom for penetrative sex and even oral sex.

In your opinion, where are we (society or personal) at today when it comes to condoms?

Do you use condoms?

Do you consider that you do not practice high risk sex acts and do not need to use an condom?

Is the fear of receiving HIV (and other STD) still a factor for you as to whether you use a condom or not?

May 26, 2015, 7:35 PM
There was a time when condoms were primarily used to prevent pregnancy between men and women. With the onslaught of HIV, condoms became a point of discussion between men(and to some extent women) out of fear of transmitting the virus. There would be tsk tsking if anyone posted a promotion for non condom sex(bareback).

There has been a variety of arguments about the use of a condom for penetrative sex and even oral sex.

In your opinion, where are we (society or personal) at today when it comes to condoms?

Do you use condoms?

Do you consider that you do not practice high risk sex acts and do not need to use an condom?

Is the fear of receiving HIV (and other STD) still a factor for you as to whether you use a condom or not?
…I’ve never used a condom…with men or women…but I think it’s a sad state of affairs when you can’t safely get some pussy…or suck a dick…without the need of one…I take that back I tried one once just to see what it tasted like…I didn’t like the taste of rubber…

May 26, 2015, 9:07 PM
Tenni what's the point of this? More hypocrisy from you? You have posted about how you have had unprotected sex with a man or men and didn't use condoms during anal sex, and you have STDs...so it's typical that you would post your usual 'Do as I say not as I do...' BS. :rolleyes:

I have had unprotected bareback anal sex with a man where we did not use condoms and he was not a partner who I was in a long term monogamous relationship with, and I do have STDs...

I use condoms when I give anal sex to my husband, and when I've given anal sex or vaginal sex to all the women and men I've had sex with.

I used a condom once to get oral sex since a guy I was with at the time we had sex once, wanted me to use one. It was just OK but not that enjoyable as it is without one.

May 27, 2015, 11:21 AM
Any other opinions?

May 27, 2015, 11:41 AM
I tried one once and it broke, lol. I don't like them at all. So I don't use them. Which is okay because if I can't be close enough with someone to trust them not to disease me, than I'd rather just go without.


May 27, 2015, 12:16 PM
I've rarely used a condom and am thankful every day that I never caught anything in over 40 years of playing ! I am currently involved with a local married couple and we all went for testing so we could play without worrying about disease. I still think I would like to use condoms for anal just for cleanliness overall and since the chance of blood or tearing exists.

I'm married 30 years and plan to stay clean and healthy. I've had some random encounters throughout my whole sexual life and since more than 95% was with swingers or committed couples I guess I was pretty lucky.

The other thing to remember is HSV and HPV are not detected in men and you must request an STD panel be done. Just getting a blood test is not enough, you must specifically request a test covering STD's to be tested for them.

FWIW: I never enjoyed condoms. The only benefit was they slowed down my cumming too quickly during sex. I never liked how they felt, no matter what type or brand I bought. I got a vasectomy years ago, and it's nice not to worry about pregnancy either....

May 27, 2015, 8:14 PM
I use condoms when topping & insist that my partner use them when penetrating me. Would luv to bareback, but just don't dare to. As a matter of fact, was talking to someone online last nite about potentially hooking up only to have the condom issue become a deal breaker for him.

May 27, 2015, 9:27 PM
With someone I don't know, or someone I suspect has been with a lot of partners I would want to use them (giving or receiving). If I know someone very well and is monogamous then maybe not...you can get an oral HIV test over the counter (no questions asked) in some pharmacies here in the US now for about $40-$50, but you have to know how to use it - as in antibodies only show up 4-6 months AFTER last sex.

I can't see using a condom for oral sex, what's the point? ..and yeah, the thought of getting something from oral sex bothers me..I guess there's always hand motion if I really don't trust someone. Isn't sex post 80's/AIDS scare fun??

Curiously enough, I have learned that I am more or less incapable of having sex with someone I don't trust/in a hurry. I can force myself to play but it just seems to result in fearful, nervous aggravation. I love touch and affection but sex literally will not work if it is rushed with me.

May 27, 2015, 9:52 PM
With women, I use a condom. That, never was a problem for me. With men, I am into oral sex and have never used a condom. I would rather do without sex than suck on a condom.

May 27, 2015, 10:18 PM
I've rarely used a condom and am thankful every day that I never caught anything in over 40 years of playing ! I am currently involved with a local married couple and we all went for testing so we could play without worrying about disease. I still think I would like to use condoms for anal just for cleanliness overall and since the chance of blood or tearing exists.

I'm married 30 years and plan to stay clean and healthy. I've had some random encounters throughout my whole sexual life and since more than 95% was with swingers or committed couples I guess I was pretty lucky.

The other thing to remember is HSV and HPV are not detected in men and you must request an STD panel be done. Just getting a blood test is not enough, you must specifically request a test covering STD's to be tested for them.

FWIW: I never enjoyed condoms. The only benefit was they slowed down my cumming too quickly during sex. I never liked how they felt, no matter what type or brand I bought. I got a vasectomy years ago, and it's nice not to worry about pregnancy either....
Given how promiscuous you are, how long you've been sexually active "playing" for, how you don't use condoms or practise safer sex, how you're pretty much a "do me" bottom for anal sex, how you're deeply closeted, and cheat on your wife you probably do have a common STD like herpes or HPV; but of course you'll deny it or claim that you're "clean" LOL but everyone knows you're lying and full of BS since you lie to your "wife" who you supposedly love instead of just having the balls to get a divorce. :rolleyes: I'm not surprised you cum fast during sex LOL. But STDs were and still are spread because of people swinging, being highly promiscuous, and not having safer sex.

Neither I, or my husband have or have ever had any sort of STDs but even before we met we practiced safer sex and were not promiscuous.


May 29, 2015, 9:00 AM
Neither I, or my husband have or have ever had any sort of STDs but even before we met we practiced safer sex and were not promiscuous.

I use condoms when I give anal sex to my husband, and when I've given anal sex or vaginal sex to all the women and men I've had sex with.
Trust issues with hubby? Promiscuity & cheating rife there?:rolleyes:

May 29, 2015, 11:26 AM

Trust issues with hubby? Promiscuity & cheating rife there?:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Nope. We're monogamous and neither one of us are into cheating or promiscuity unlike some people here. ;)

I'm writing about giving anal sex. Even when I was single I refused to put my dick into a place where shit comes out of without a condom on. While single both my husband and myself used condoms with women too since neither of us wanted to get a woman pregnant or get an STD from a woman.

May 29, 2015, 12:14 PM
"Given how promiscuous you are, how long you've been sexually active "playing" for, how you don't use condoms or practise safer sex, how you're pretty much a "do me" bottom for anal sex, how you're deeply closeted, and cheat on your wife you probably do have a common STD like herpes or HPV; but of course you'll deny it or claim that you're "clean""

violation of rule 2 Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

No one not sexually involved knows how promiscuous another person is and even then they may not know. It seems illogical to claim to be in a monogamous same sex relationship and also claim to know who is promiscuous.

This lying and violating rule 2 is very similar to other banned trolls like Top Fucker, Bi Dave (who also claimed to be in a monogamous relationship with his wife) etc.

May 29, 2015, 12:20 PM
"Given how promiscuous you are, how long you've been sexually active "playing" for, how you don't use condoms or practise safer sex, how you're pretty much a "do me" bottom for anal sex, how you're deeply closeted, and cheat on your wife you probably do have a common STD like herpes or HPV; but of course you'll deny it or claim that you're "clean""

violation of rule 2 Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

No one not sexually involved knows how promiscuous another person is and even then they may not know.

It seems that this troll is delusional and making up quotes from other posters. He is clearly a liar who has unresolved issues like his former self as topfucker, etc. Now I don't think that top fucker claimed to be monogamous and in a monogamous relationship but another former troll claimed so as BiDave. All the same character.
No I'm not making up quotes. You posted this stuff about yourself, and the other troll I replied to frequently posts about not using condoms, being highly promiscuous, etc. Or don't you remember this, or do you have trouble reading and comprehending what you read that other people post?

I have only posted under this name...but I would not be surprised if you and others here post under other names or have in the past. Since you are a troll in every sense of the word tenni.

May 29, 2015, 1:03 PM
For anal sex, absolutely! Especially if you're having a casual encounter with someone you just met. I always use one and also use lube. Its a different story if you've known him for a while and want to do it naturally.
I don't really use condoms when I give blowjobs that often.

May 29, 2015, 4:14 PM
I tend not to use condoms and rarely did with women. Presently, I do not get involved with anal or body fluid sex with men and so there is no need from my perspective.

May 29, 2015, 4:57 PM
Always for anal sex, never for oral

May 29, 2015, 6:07 PM
I tend not to use condoms and rarely did with women. Presently, I do not get involved with anal or body fluid sex with men and so there is no need from my perspective.
Don't forget how you have fucked some dude up the ass without a condom. Or how you have STDs. ;) But here comes the denial... :rolleyes:


May 29, 2015, 9:55 PM
I pity people who just can't seem to let go of a grudge - life is too f'king short to be pissed off forever. I get angry, then I get over it - works wonders.

Sadly porn does serve a purpose in this society..

Someone that angry, it's almost like their their spouse won't let them play or they were playing and got some sort of disease that they seriously regret. Or maybe they were in a monogamous relationship and got fucked over by a cheater and now hate the world.

Could be worse than that - they could be a sex addict, or even worse - a sex addict that can't perform...maybe they were raped as a child..no one deserves to go through that.

May 29, 2015, 10:06 PM
I pity people who just can't seem to let go of a grudge - life is too f'king short to be pissed off forever. I get angry, then I get over it - works wonders.

Sadly porn does serve a purpose in this society..

Someone that angry, it's almost like their their spouse won't let them play or they were playing and got some sort of disease that they seriously regret. Or maybe they were in a monogamous relationship and got fucked over by a cheater and now hate the world.

Could be worse than that - they could be a sex addict, or even worse - a sex addict that can't perform...maybe they were raped as a child..no one deserves to go through that.

What sort of utter nonsense are you going on about? :rolleyes:

Have you ever actual really been in an actual partnership or monogamous relationship with anyone? Quit projecting your own issues onto other people.

Jun 8, 2015, 10:26 AM
For anal - YES! For oral, it depends on the guy. I like a one-man-only situation, so do not get it on with any man who gets a hard on. Would prefer bareback, and was able to go that way with my previous FWB, but would definitely not risk it now.

Jun 8, 2015, 12:03 PM
Since I primarily hook up with other married guys that I meet on craigslist, I always use condoms especially when performing anal.

Jun 8, 2015, 4:09 PM
When receiving anal, yes. When sucking cock, no.

Jun 10, 2015, 10:25 AM
It is good to read that most men are intelligent and socially aware enough to not do anal sex without a condom. It makes sense that if you are monogamous to eventually trust and go without a condom...but...Yet, there still are polls being posted asking about cumming in a gaping hole etc. What makes it stranger is that a pollster does not do unprotected anal sex but continues to ask about if others are having unprotected sex into gaping holes etc.

Is society at a position where enough public HIV education has happened that those doing anal sex know not just the risk but can filter out ideas inferring that there is no need for condoms?

Jun 10, 2015, 11:19 AM
It is good to read that most men are intelligent and socially aware enough to not do anal sex without a condom. It makes sense that if you are monogamous to eventually trust and go without a condom...but...Yet, there still are polls being posted asking about cumming in a gaping hole etc. What makes it stranger is that a pollster does not do unprotected anal sex but continues to ask about if others are having unprotected sex into gaping holes etc.

Is society at a position where enough public HIV education has happened that those doing anal sex know not just the risk but can filter out ideas inferring that there is no need for condoms?
So much for the ignore feature. :rolleyes: LOL You simply can't stop stalking/harassing/trolling me, and reading my posts.

You're also being a total hypocrite since you have had unprotected anal sex with a man who you were not in a monogamous "relationship" at all with. :rolleyes:

Jun 10, 2015, 2:58 PM
…I think it’s a (sad) sign of that they have become necessary…

Jun 10, 2015, 5:42 PM
…I think it’s a (sad) sign of that they have become necessary…

Nobody says you have to use them I know women and men of all sexual orientations who make the choice not to.

Even before HIV/AIDS my husband and I used them since we did not want STDs, unplanned kids with women, and the idea of sticking your cock into where shit comes out of from a woman or man without a condom on is disgusting. We also happen to both be more into oral sex.