View Full Version : Government Witch Hunt to Eliminate Monsanto Critics

May 21, 2015, 9:59 AM

"Anybody can fake scientific results. But to be believed, you want a prestigious organization behind you with a billion-dollar budget and access to compliant reporters. You want to manipulate technical language. You want to keep saying how much you care about people. And then you also want to get down and dirty when you have to, and threaten and coerce your in-house scientific dissenters who won’t go along with the fakery. Cut their pay, demote them, fire them, ruin their careers and lives. This is all standard procedure in the major leagues of science. I’ve watched it happen.”
(The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

May 21, 2015, 1:57 PM
These are articles you will like.



May 21, 2015, 2:46 PM
Nothing corrupts like money and power, except absolute power! (My version)

May 22, 2015, 8:02 AM
These are articles you will like.



Thanks Pole.

I think the root of this issue (pun intended) is the same as many issues ongoing in our world today and what that issue comes down to is...do HUMANS have the WISDOM to change/improve/build upon, what NATURE has already established?

I used "Roundup" one time when I was a neurotic homeowner doing neurotic activities like making sure my lawn conformed to neighborhood standards. Then I saw the light, lol!


May 22, 2015, 8:07 AM
Nothing corrupts like money (condensed human energy) and power (ability to amass condensed human energy), except absolute power (ability to issue condensed human energy)! (My version)



May 22, 2015, 8:08 AM
money is the root of all evil and so is greed

May 22, 2015, 10:09 AM
I think that the people that run Monsanto are both as greedy and EVIL as it is almost humanly possible to be. Ok---they don't cut off the heads of people like a whack job group like ISIL does----but in their own way thanks to GMOs might be doing to the human race they are just about as bad as is ISIL and other groups like that-----Monsanto never did any testing before they started putting all those GMOs into the food supply with the testing being done on us and we are now the guinea pigs, real pigs and monkeys and other animals that companies once used to test their products on before bringing them to market. Even when evidence starts to come to light showing what appears to be a clean link between negative health affects of GMOs, they start the process of denying, shifting blame, obfuscation, misdirecting and outright trying to quash such information by pretty much any and all means at their disposal.

They also basically have "blood on their hands" thanks to driving more than a few farmers to commit suicide thanks to Monsanto taking them to court and turning their neighbors against those farmers who wanted to continue to do a very simple and fundamental thing that farmers have done since the human race began formal agriculture-----keeping a "seed bank" and sharing those seeds with their fellow farmers.

Monsanto went after hundreds of such farmers without mercy, taking those farmers to court and basically bankrupting them and telling other farmers: "If you buy seed from Jim White, we will go after you too for using his seeds and grind you into legal dust!"

These are just a few of "the sins" of this crowd of thugs. There is plenty of documentation of what I am saying in the form of long form newspaper and magazine reports on the legal but still nefarious activities of this corporation, along with government investigations and more than a few highly regarded and award winning documentary films on this subject.

I would not have said anything about Monsanto on a site such as this on my own, but since someone posted on this subject---I had to put my comments up.

May 22, 2015, 11:15 AM
money is the root of all evil and so is greed

Yes, I see the problem as a combination of money (condensed human energy) and the desire for it (greed) overriding all other factors. There's nothing inherently evil per se in regard to condensed human energy (money) by itself. It's when the desire for it effects human behavior into unethical territory that it becomes problematic.


May 22, 2015, 1:44 PM
I think that the people that run Monsanto are both as greedy and EVIL as it is almost humanly possible to be. Ok---they don't cut off the heads of people like a whack job group like ISIL does----but in their own way thanks to GMOs might be doing to the human race they are just about as bad as is ISIL and other groups like that-----Monsanto never did any testing before they started putting all those GMOs into the food supply with the testing being done on us and we are now the guinea pigs, real pigs and monkeys and other animals that companies once used to test their products on before bringing them to market. Even when evidence starts to come to light showing what appears to be a clean link between negative health affects of GMOs, they start the process of denying, shifting blame, obfuscation, misdirecting and outright trying to quash such information by pretty much any and all means at their disposal.

They also basically have "blood on their hands" thanks to driving more than a few farmers to commit suicide thanks to Monsanto taking them to court and turning their neighbors against those farmers who wanted to continue to do a very simple and fundamental thing that farmers have done since the human race began formal agriculture-----keeping a "seed bank" and sharing those seeds with their fellow farmers.

Monsanto went after hundreds of such farmers without mercy, taking those farmers to court and basically bankrupting them and telling other farmers: "If you buy seed from Jim White, we will go after you too for using his seeds and grind you into legal dust!"

These are just a few of "the sins" of this crowd of thugs. There is plenty of documentation of what I am saying in the form of long form newspaper and magazine reports on the legal but still nefarious activities of this corporation, along with government investigations and more than a few highly regarded and award winning documentary films on this subject.

I would not have said anything about Monsanto on a site such as this on my own, but since someone posted on this subject---I had to put my comments up.

What is so peculiar to me about ISIS or IS or ISIL is how quickly they formed and how well funded and organized they are. It's as if they had manifested overnight or something. That is a big red flag to me that they are not what they are being presented to the public to be. Another angle on this Monsanto crop takeover is the happening in the Ukraine, which is known for its rich soil and large capacity to produce crop just like our Midwest is here in the U.S. There are some who think that Putin is very much aware that Monsanto wants to make its way onto Ukrainian soil and that Putin is very much against this, hence all of the turmoil there as of late.

Thanks for the post. You seem to be very much on top of this subject.


May 22, 2015, 7:32 PM
What is so peculiar to me about ISIS or IS or ISIL is how quickly they formed and how well funded and organized they are. It's as if they had manifested overnight or something. That is a big red flag to me that they are not what they are being presented to the public to be. Another angle on this Monsanto crop takeover is the happening in the Ukraine, which is known for its rich soil and large capacity to produce crop just like our Midwest is here in the U.S. There are some who think that Putin is very much aware that Monsanto wants to make its way onto Ukrainian soil and that Putin is very much against this, hence all of the turmoil there as of late.

Thanks for the post. You seem to be very much on top of this subject.


Suffice to say, HardCell, before some major life changes hit me unplanned in what I liken to being hit by a major hurricane like Katrina, I had gotten very much involved in the "farm to table movement" around the Cincinnati, Ohio area a few years back and as a result, I got a big time schooling in the "evils" of Monsanto and other companies like Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland.

I was actively seeking to buy a piece of property in the countryside where I could raise some sort of Organic, high quality ag product plant or animal, to be determined based as much as anything on the nature of the property I acquired and what it was best suited to produce.

One more nasty thing that Monsanto has done in recent years----they finally got approval to release seeds for Alfalfa grass that have GMOs in them here in the US----something that has ZERO reason being done. Being a grass, that is raised mostly as a feed and bedding for livestock animals---there was no advantage to putting GMOs into this plant. They are hardy against nearly all pests, drought, weather conditions, etc---save too much rain!!

As one person, I do forget his name, who is a big producer of USDA certified ORGANIC products----(a designation that is both initially hard to obtain and to keep since you always need to prove to the USDA that both your seeds for what you produce are free of things that can take you off being considered Organic like GMOs and that you do not use the same chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers employed in "traditional farming practices,") said that he could figure Monsanto put GMOs in Alfalfa for only one reason, to make sure that there can no longer be truly organic produce and other products.

It was explained to the group I was with in a presentation on this----with Alfalfa, the pollen from a field of the grass, can drift downwind of those fields for a zone up to 200 miles or more from that field---and with the way that pollen of this grass is-----it can "insinuate" its genetic properties into other field crops like corn, wheat, and other grains and grasses.

So, the bottom line on this-----while you as an Organic crop producer, you can do all the things that the USDA says you must do to comply with and be certified as having ORGANIC crops, thanks to GMO alfalfa, if you are downwind of such a field----the next time you get tested----you stand a good chance that much of what you grow will test positive for having GMOs in it and therefore, you can no longer be certified as being a true and proper USDA certified operator. OK---so much for that---you lost your market you sold to---so you try to sell your harvest to a foreign market--but you get shot down at that because many countries in the world ban GMO product from being imported and sold.

As I said----the people that make the decisions at Monsanto, are at the very least---some greedy bastards-but I stick with calling them "Spawns of Satan!"


There was another fear that farmers had about this----when your crops showed up having some of Monsanto's "copyrighted genetic material" in it----they would take you to court to sue your ass for having "Stolen" their protected and proprietary genetic material in it!! They did this sort of shit to some of the seed bank people and destroyed their lives!!


PS--I found these stories--after I wrote my copy. If you do a Google search on this subject---you find scores of such stories along these lines---amazing that people in the agricultural community not just in the US but elsewhere have the same experiences and feelings about the way that Monsanto operates. I had decided that I was going to spend my life savings on "doing right' by getting into organic farming at this stage in my life. I was taking part in programs that provided training, assistance and such offered by the state of Ohio to get new people of all ages into farming. I was doing my "due diligence" in trying to figure out all the "In's" and "Out's" on that. As scary as it was the thought that this company could destroy me if my path and theirs crossed and I felt I had to fight them, I was prepared to "go for it." Now I guess things worked out for the best and I am not so sure it is a good idea to do this. I lost a few years on that now and have pretty much decided to go another way again. Finally going to go back to college and start working on a Master's Degree beginning in June 2016. If you watch the film at the site talking about Canadian farmers fighting GMO Alfalfa, I had no idea that GMO Canola made Organic Canola Oil a total impossibility and that GMO Alfalfa is an even bigger threat than I had learned!

May 23, 2015, 2:33 PM
I think that the people that run Monsanto are both as greedy and EVIL as it is almost humanly possible to be. Ok---they don't cut off the heads of people like a whack job group like ISIL does----but in their own way thanks to GMOs might be doing to the human race they are just about as bad as is ISIL and other groups like that-----Monsanto never did any testing before they started putting all those GMOs into the food supply with the testing being done on us and we are now the guinea pigs, real pigs and monkeys and other animals that companies once used to test their products on before bringing them to market. Even when evidence starts to come to light showing what appears to be a clean link between negative health affects of GMOs, they start the process of denying, shifting blame, obfuscation, misdirecting and outright trying to quash such information by pretty much any and all means at their disposal.

They also basically have "blood on their hands" thanks to driving more than a few farmers to commit suicide thanks to Monsanto taking them to court and turning their neighbors against those farmers who wanted to continue to do a very simple and fundamental thing that farmers have done since the human race began formal agriculture-----keeping a "seed bank" and sharing those seeds with their fellow farmers.

Monsanto went after hundreds of such farmers without mercy, taking those farmers to court and basically bankrupting them and telling other farmers: "If you buy seed from Jim White, we will go after you too for using his seeds and grind you into legal dust!"

These are just a few of "the sins" of this crowd of thugs. There is plenty of documentation of what I am saying in the form of long form newspaper and magazine reports on the legal but still nefarious activities of this corporation, along with government investigations and more than a few highly regarded and award winning documentary films on this subject.

I would not have said anything about Monsanto on a site such as this on my own, but since someone posted on this subject---I had to put my comments up.

Those poor farmers that Monsanto has sued got.just what they deserved. When they.purchased the seed they signed an agreement that they were purchasing the seed to grow crop for one season. They acknowledged that they were being licensed by Monsanto to grow one.crop.with the seed. They agreed that they would not replant or sell seed from that crop.

It is just a one purchasing software for your computer. You are being licensed by the manufacturer to use it. You are not allowed to duplicate or sell it.

Farmers have not held seed back for replanting for many decades. Modern seed, even non- gmo has been bred for optimal production. The seed is then treated with a variety of chemicals. The days of opening up the grain bin and filling the planter went by the wayside decades ago. They knowingly and intentionally committed theft.

May 26, 2015, 9:31 AM
Suffice to say, HardCell, before some major life changes hit me unplanned in what I liken to being hit by a major hurricane like Katrina, I had gotten very much involved in the "farm to table movement" around the Cincinnati, Ohio area a few years back and as a result, I got a big time schooling in the "evils" of Monsanto and other companies like Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland.

I was actively seeking to buy a piece of property in the countryside where I could raise some sort of Organic, high quality ag product plant or animal, to be determined based as much as anything on the nature of the property I acquired and what it was best suited to produce.

One more nasty thing that Monsanto has done in recent years----they finally got approval to release seeds for Alfalfa grass that have GMOs in them here in the US----something that has ZERO reason being done. Being a grass, that is raised mostly as a feed and bedding for livestock animals---there was no advantage to putting GMOs into this plant. They are hardy against nearly all pests, drought, weather conditions, etc---save too much rain!!

As one person, I do forget his name, who is a big producer of USDA certified ORGANIC products----(a designation that is both initially hard to obtain and to keep since you always need to prove to the USDA that both your seeds for what you produce are free of things that can take you off being considered Organic like GMOs and that you do not use the same chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers employed in "traditional farming practices,") said that he could figure Monsanto put GMOs in Alfalfa for only one reason, to make sure that there can no longer be truly organic produce and other products.

It was explained to the group I was with in a presentation on this----with Alfalfa, the pollen from a field of the grass, can drift downwind of those fields for a zone up to 200 miles or more from that field---and with the way that pollen of this grass is-----it can "insinuate" its genetic properties into other field crops like corn, wheat, and other grains and grasses.

So, the bottom line on this-----while you as an Organic crop producer, you can do all the things that the USDA says you must do to comply with and be certified as having ORGANIC crops, thanks to GMO alfalfa, if you are downwind of such a field----the next time you get tested----you stand a good chance that much of what you grow will test positive for having GMOs in it and therefore, you can no longer be certified as being a true and proper USDA certified operator. OK---so much for that---you lost your market you sold to---so you try to sell your harvest to a foreign market--but you get shot down at that because many countries in the world ban GMO product from being imported and sold.

As I said----the people that make the decisions at Monsanto, are at the very least---some greedy bastards-but I stick with calling them "Spawns of Satan!"


There was another fear that farmers had about this----when your crops showed up having some of Monsanto's "copyrighted genetic material" in it----they would take you to court to sue your ass for having "Stolen" their protected and proprietary genetic material in it!! They did this sort of shit to some of the seed bank people and destroyed their lives!!


PS--I found these stories--after I wrote my copy. If you do a Google search on this subject---you find scores of such stories along these lines---amazing that people in the agricultural community not just in the US but elsewhere have the same experiences and feelings about the way that Monsanto operates. I had decided that I was going to spend my life savings on "doing right' by getting into organic farming at this stage in my life. I was taking part in programs that provided training, assistance and such offered by the state of Ohio to get new people of all ages into farming. I was doing my "due diligence" in trying to figure out all the "In's" and "Out's" on that. As scary as it was the thought that this company could destroy me if my path and theirs crossed and I felt I had to fight them, I was prepared to "go for it." Now I guess things worked out for the best and I am not so sure it is a good idea to do this. I lost a few years on that now and have pretty much decided to go another way again. Finally going to go back to college and start working on a Master's Degree beginning in June 2016. If you watch the film at the site talking about Canadian farmers fighting GMO Alfalfa, I had no idea that GMO Canola made Organic Canola Oil a total impossibility and that GMO Alfalfa is an even bigger threat than I had learned!

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expandingits sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead offree choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and materialresources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,economic, scientific and political operations.” John F. Kennedy


I think "Monsanto" is just one of the results we get when we ignore warnings about those who look to seek control over our lives.

I wonder how nature is going to respond to this as nature seeks to balance things like it tends to do. I imagine that nothing in our legal system would stand in the way of such a process. Thank you for your story.


May 26, 2015, 2:58 PM
Boy iwantamouthful----are you are paid corporate hack for Monsanto or what?? You do not know the entire scope of the way that Monsanto does business.

There was just a series of protests around the world against Monsanto: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com

When it came to those in the seed banks that Monsanto went after----the seeds that people were selling were seeds that people had been sowing for generations and before Monsanto started introducing all the GMO products into the food stream, there was no contamination of those seeds----but once they did that, the seeds did wind up with some of their "copyright protected" genetic material in them and that was the basis on which their lawsuits proceeded against the seed bank people, they were not selling a direct line of Monsanto seed----the farmers were selling the same stock of seeds that they had sold since the late 1800s in some cases---but that stock had been contaminated with Monsanto genetic material. It was not a case that those seed bank operators were trying to make a buck off of selling Monsanto seed--they were only selling, giving or trading seed that had no connection to Monsanto product---for another thing---as a rule, most of the crops that come from Monsanto seed stock, won't make viable new seed-----the farmers are forced to buy new seed product each sowing season.


Monsanto denies that their seed stock is designed to be "terminator seed" but studies do indicate that this is the case in spite of what Monsanto says about this.


This article is a bit more "pro-Monsanto" It takes a look at one aspect of all of this that Monsanto is bad at----creating "positive PR!" http://modernfarmer.com/2014/03/monsantos-good-bad-pr-problem/

The fact does remain--if you farm, at least in our modern "Standard Farming Practices"---your best bet is to buy your seed each year from Monsanto or another seed company, with most of the rest having license to use Monsanto patented products in their seed or they have created similar products themselves.

Having the old tradition of seed banks is now gone thanks to Monsanto having gone after everyone they knew still had them so that is all a moot point now---but the way they went about things---still obviously has left a "bad taste" in the mouths of many farmers.

May 26, 2015, 5:05 PM
Boy iwantamouthful----are you are paid corporate hack for Monsanto or what?? You do not know the entire scope of the way that Monsanto does business.

There was just a series of protests around the world against Monsanto: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com

When it came to those in the seed banks that Monsanto went after----the seeds that people were selling were seeds that people had been sowing for generations and before Monsanto started introducing all the GMO products into the food stream, there was no contamination of those seeds----but once they did that, the seeds did wind up with some of their "copyright protected" genetic material in them and that was the basis on which their lawsuits proceeded against the seed bank people, they were not selling a direct line of Monsanto seed----the farmers were selling the same stock of seeds that they had sold since the late 1800s in some cases---but that stock had been contaminated with Monsanto genetic material. It was not a case that those seed bank operators were trying to make a buck off of selling Monsanto seed--they were only selling, giving or trading seed that had no connection to Monsanto product---for another thing---as a rule, most of the crops that come from Monsanto seed stock, won't make viable new seed-----the farmers are forced to buy new seed product each sowing season.


Monsanto denies that their seed stock is designed to be "terminator seed" but studies do indicate that this is the case in spite of what Monsanto says about this.


This article is a bit more "pro-Monsanto" It takes a look at one aspect of all of this that Monsanto is bad at----creating "positive PR!" http://modernfarmer.com/2014/03/monsantos-good-bad-pr-problem/

The fact does remain--if you farm, at least in our modern "Standard Farming Practices"---your best bet is to buy your seed each year from Monsanto or another seed company, with most of the rest having license to use Monsanto patented products in their seed or they have created similar products themselves.

Having the old tradition of seed banks is now gone thanks to Monsanto having gone after everyone they knew still had them so that is all a moot point now---but the way they went about things---still obviously has left a "bad taste" in the mouths of many farmers.
While I do not like Monsanto that other person iwantamouthful is entitled to his own opinion, and expressing it.

Of course a troll such as yourself who posts rambling posts that are utter nonsense and bullshit who talks out of his ass would love to censor anyone who posts anything you do not personally like or agree with. :rolleyes:

Seed banks are still around, and have not gone anywhere. So quit talking out of your ass.

May 28, 2015, 12:22 PM
Boy iwantamouthful----are you are paid corporate hack for Monsanto or what?? You do not know the entire scope of the way that Monsanto does business.

There was just a series of protests around the world against Monsanto: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com

When it came to those in the seed banks that Monsanto went after----the seeds that people were selling were seeds that people had been sowing for generations and before Monsanto started introducing all the GMO products into the food stream, there was no contamination of those seeds----but once they did that, the seeds did wind up with some of their "copyright protected" genetic material in them and that was the basis on which their lawsuits proceeded against the seed bank people, they were not selling a direct line of Monsanto seed----the farmers were selling the same stock of seeds that they had sold since the late 1800s in some cases---but that stock had been contaminated with Monsanto genetic material. It was not a case that those seed bank operators were trying to make a buck off of selling Monsanto seed--they were only selling, giving or trading seed that had no connection to Monsanto product---for another thing---as a rule, most of the crops that come from Monsanto seed stock, won't make viable new seed-----the farmers are forced to buy new seed product each sowing season.


Monsanto denies that their seed stock is designed to be "terminator seed" but studies do indicate that this is the case in spite of what Monsanto says about this.


This article is a bit more "pro-Monsanto" It takes a look at one aspect of all of this that Monsanto is bad at----creating "positive PR!" http://modernfarmer.com/2014/03/monsantos-good-bad-pr-problem/

The fact does remain--if you farm, at least in our modern "Standard Farming Practices"---your best bet is to buy your seed each year from Monsanto or another seed company, with most of the rest having license to use Monsanto patented products in their seed or they have created similar products themselves.

Having the old tradition of seed banks is now gone thanks to Monsanto having gone after everyone they knew still had them so that is all a moot point now---but the way they went about things---still obviously has left a "bad taste" in the mouths of many farmers.

This is one of those rare topics where an aware portion of the public is not only questioning an "authority" like Monsanto, but actually taking very effective action in shinning a light towards a very ignorant society.

Propagana happens. Even on little Internet forums such as this.


May 29, 2015, 3:53 PM
Hard cell, 12volty

Resorting to personal attacks is an indicator that you realise how tenuous you argument is. When you compare anyone that you dislike to terrorists it once again affirms that you do not wish to argue the true facts. When you talk senseless gibberish about "seed banks" it shows that you have absolutely no grasp of modern agriculture. When you speak of a despot like Vladimir Putin like he is your hero it pretty much establishes your mind set.

Perhaps you two might actually take some time to educate yourselves and actually learn the facts instead of just repeating every mindless blurb that you read on some johnny Appleseed website.

There is no need for you to respond. I'm sure that your time would be much better invested working in your tin foil hats.

May 29, 2015, 5:25 PM
Hard cell, 12volty

Resorting to personal attacks is an indicator that you realise how tenuous you argument is. When you compare anyone that you dislike to terrorists it once again affirms that you do not wish to argue the true facts. When you talk senseless gibberish about "seed banks" it shows that you have absolutely no grasp of modern agriculture. When you speak of a despot like Vladimir Putin like he is your hero it pretty much establishes your mind set.

Perhaps you two might actually take some time to educate yourselves and actually learn the facts instead of just repeating every mindless blurb that you read on some johnny Appleseed website.

There is no need for you to respond. I'm sure that your time would be much better invested working in your tin foil hats.
Just ignore 12Volty he's a troll with rage issues, and flames/harasses anyone he does not personally agree with.

He's also full of shit that there are LMAO "no seed banks left". :rolleyes: I'll bet he's never even been to a farm and doesn't even know the basics of growing anything.

May 29, 2015, 7:24 PM
Hard cell,

Resorting to personal attacks...

Quote my personal attack against you, man...

When you speak of a despot like Vladimir Putin like he is your hero...

Vladamir Putin's reputation has been built on propaganda as much as other public figure or corporation in the West has. He just obviously doesn't want our brand of bullshit in his backyard.

Perhaps you two might actually take some time to educate yourselves and actually learn the facts instead of just repeating every mindless blurb that you read on some johnny Appleseed website.

Well you obviously didn't understand that the intention of the article posted was not to inform people of "facts", but was to demonstrate a different way to think and perceive about the topic. In the Age of Information, it's not about what you know, but how you think and perceive, that matters.

There is no need for you to respond. I'm sure that your time would be much better invested working in your tin foil hats.

There's critical thinking which is complex thinking, then there's stereotypical thinking which is simple thinking. You think your little tin foil comment is going to make me feel ashamed about myself?


May 30, 2015, 11:29 AM
Some "late breaking news' regarding my favorite (not) corporate behemoth, Monsanto: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/30/monsantos_next_power_play_partner/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

I think it is pretty clear that the way that Monsanto does business is pretty repugnant and I am in very good and large company in that I don't much care for Monsanto. There are surely plenty of pretty bad actors when it comes to modern corporate business, but Monsanto is the "poster child" for what represents the worst of the way that modern, multinational corporations operate.

There are people at all points on the political spectrum who to put it mildly, "Profoundly Dislike" Monsanto.

This "profound dislike" is a point that unites many who might not otherwise agree people on a host of other issues.

To me, it seems quite clear that instead of doing good, with the ways that Monsanto operates when it comes to something so fundamental as the food that we put in our bodies, instead is bound to lead to mush suffering and death.

I think that the evidence is pretty clear that with the way that the entire Food Production/Industrial Complex, not just Monsanto deals with our food, that out of convenience, mass production, standardization, etc, what is being put in our food has lead to our epidemic of obesity and all that entails, putting too much salt, sugar and other "deadly" additives into our food supply----they are basically killing us slowly.

I would say that with all the film documentarians, journalists, medical researchers, etc who do work detailing and expressing concerns about the nature of our food supply system in the modern world----that is hardly being "Tin Hattish" to coin a term. That is merely a matter of getting informed and not blindly accepting that everything that comes from corporations is "good for us, so shut the fuck up and don't bitch about it and accept that what we want to give you is "good for you."

Something else about Monsanto: https://survivingthemiddleclasscrash.wordpress.com/2009/02/05/the-multiple-ways-monsanto-is-putting-normal-seeds-out-of-reach/

When it comes to the seed bank issue, I did look online but cannot seem to find it but about maybe ten years back now--there was a great documentary film that detailed how Monsanto dismantled the old seed bank system by taking to court a number of those farmers who used to have what were left of the "old school" seed banks that I talked about and basically they were able to bankrupt those farmers thanks to the litigation that they faced. Those farmers were getting older and wanted to turn their tradition of seed banking over to the next generation. These court cases stopped this and another of the ways that Monsanto undid the old system----they played hardball with those farmers who had been buying seed from those seed banks----it really was not a formal system per se it was more but more of a lose thing that farmers did for ages with one another. Sure-----that old system no longer exists--at least in America and Canada---because companies like Monsanto made sure that this system died away. Actually saying this was seed banking was not exactly correct, but more of a matter of farmers sharing seeds amongst one another.

Here is a story that puts it far better than I can in defining what I was talking about----http://www.grain.org/article/entries/5142-seed-laws-that-criminalise-farmers-resistance-and-fightback

May 30, 2015, 12:16 PM
Here are a few of the doc films I have found or links about them.




There are plenty more out there on these topics. The last one describes seed swapping----and how that is something that agriculture has relied upon since we began to formally grow crops--and is something that is becoming rarer….it details one such swap that was done down in the Ozarks region of the US a few years back.

I wonder if Monsanto came back and gave these people grief for having done this since they think that even if the seeds don't have any Monsanto "stuff" in them, that they and they alone should be the ones to provide seeds to farmers.

There is yet another negative factor that is of concern with the way that modern agriculture and patented seeds present-----the imposition of "monoculture' crops by the AG companies like Monsanto, with the threats that this can pose to the vitality of our food supply by reliance on just a relative few varieties of crops like corn, tomatoes, wheat, etc., when in the past, we had a huge variety of all crops. These points are covered in the seed swap doc.

Jun 1, 2015, 9:19 AM
Corporations use psychologically based tactics in order to groom a certain public perception about them. In other words they BRAINWASH and have been doing so since the advent of commercialism. And it's a freely admitted practice, that not only corporations use, but nowadays the same psychological tactics are used for grooming the perception of political figures.

It is all admitted to in this BBC documentary, "Century of the Self". This is a must watch....

