View Full Version : Nelly Furtado red-faced over loose tongue

Aug 12, 2006, 4:59 PM
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Title: Nelly Furtado red-faced over loose tongue
Author: Alexa Moses
Date: August 10, 2006

Canadian singer Nelly Furtado was red-faced yesterday over an
interview she did with a European gay magazine which sparked rumours
of her bisexuality on the internet.

Click the link below to find out what she REALLY meant:


Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 5:49 PM
Sound like she's been reading this book (http://fakegaynews.com/index.php/2005/11/how-to-not-come-out/).

"Fortunately, denying these allegations just became a whole lot easier with the release of celebrity handler Jack Jackerson’s new book, What to do When People Think You’re Gay (Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That)."

Also, let me roll my eyes a little over this (in the Furtado article):

"In Sydney yesterday to promote her new album, appropriately titled Loose (the hit single is Promiscuous)"

Because there's nothing that says "Promiscuous" like hinting you're bisexual, and then getting a second dose of publicity by making it clear you're Not One Of Those People.

Aug 12, 2006, 5:59 PM
it's interesting that she mentions Kurt Cobain.
what exactly did the bisexual Kurt Cobain mean by the "bisexual lifestyle" in his Advocate interview?

Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 6:12 PM
what exactly did the bisexual Kurt Cobain mean by the "bisexual lifestyle" in his Advocate interview?
My impression was he meant having sex with both men and women, though I don't recall the big Cobain bio I read a while back confirming that he ever did. Hard to know whether that's because the author's uncomfortable, or because this is another case of a rock star trying to drum up free publicity. (Here's a link to the interview (http://www.nirvana-music.com/kurt-cobain-advocate-interview.html) for those who want to judge for themselves.)

Aug 12, 2006, 6:20 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I have been taken out of context before and see where it could happen accidentally, but it probably didn't.

Either way I think the song kinda blows, except for one of the club versions.

Because there's nothing that says "Promiscuous" like hinting you're bisexual, and then getting a second dose of publicity by making it clear you're Not One Of Those People.

Aug 12, 2006, 6:21 PM
Thanks for this, I was just looking for that.

My impression was he meant having sex with both men and women, though I don't recall the big Cobain bio I read a while back confirming that he ever did. Hard to know whether that's because the author's uncomfortable, or because this is another case of a rock star trying to drum up free publicity. (Here's a link to the interview (http://www.nirvana-music.com/kurt-cobain-advocate-interview.html) for those who want to judge for themselves.)

Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 6:38 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I have been taken out of context before and see where it could happen accidentally, but it probably didn't.
Yeah, it's hard to know. I'm pretty much being flippant because I think that most of what celebrities say in interviews has been carefully crafted by their publicity team.

I'm looking forward to the day when saying "I'm attracted to women" is no longer a big deal for women, so no one will bother to pick up the story ;)

Aug 12, 2006, 8:08 PM
"Fortunately, denying these allegations just became a whole lot easier with the release of celebrity handler Jack Jackerson’s new book, What to do When People Think You’re Gay (Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That)."

Wow. Well, Mr. Jackerson, I've never heard of you til this moment... but I don't like you. What kind of a contradiction is it to say "Not that there's anything wrong with being gay ...... except that you'd better do something about it if someone thinks you gay because that's just awful. Here, let me devote an entire book do how you can rid yourself of those terrible humors... because you just Can't let anyone think you're gay, whether it's true or not."

Well I have news for YOU mister: Your name is JACK JACKERSON.
I think you got teased a lot as a child. Your book doesn't make up for it now. Stop writing... see a therapist.


Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 8:17 PM
Well I have news for YOU mister: Your name is JACK JACKERSON.

That site is a joke, making fun of the way all the celebrity gay-denial statements sound exactly the same.

Aug 12, 2006, 8:32 PM

That site is a joke, making fun of the way all the celebrity gay-denial statements sound exactly the same.

Oh. Well that'll teach me not to ignore the links in a thread.
::Wipes egg from face::


Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 10:50 PM
On the one hand, I do roll my eyes whenever some would-be-edgy celebrity hints at being bisexual, knowing they'll likely retract it all later, and figuring they're contributing to the general bad image we get. On the other ...

Back when I ran the support group, I was always struck by how many people would talk about some celebrity they admired who they believed was bisexual - often on as little evidence as some ambiguous song lyrics or quotes. (I did this myself when I was in my late teens.) Now, I doubt all these people were bi; and in many cases, whether they were or not, they weren't what I'd call great bi role models - they often characterized sexual orientation as a choice, or the like. At the same time, though, the details didn't really matter. What mattered was that for a lot of bisexual people, this was the first time another person had said something they could identify with. It meant they weren't the only one.

I think sometimes GLBT culture can be a bit too celebrity-obsessed - and, in the worst cases, you end up with the claim that GLBT people are just all-around different from those boring, talentless straight people, since every single famous person gets claimed as GLBT. (And don't get me started on the people with bisexual histories who've been magically turned gay or lesbian after their deaths.) Instead of fighting it - a useless activity if there ever was one - maybe we can try to keep the spotlight on some of the bisexual people who are out, proud, and worth being proud of in return? :2cents:

Aug 13, 2006, 2:01 PM
ugh..spin doctors and rumor groupies.. what a shining example of busy bodies who need to get a life.. :2cents:

Aug 13, 2006, 2:27 PM
Wow. Well, Mr. Jackerson, I've never heard of you til this moment... but I don't like you. What kind of a contradiction is it to say "Not that there's anything wrong with being gay ...... except that you'd better do something about it if someone thinks you gay because that's just awful. Here, let me devote an entire book do how you can rid yourself of those terrible humors... because you just Can't let anyone think you're gay, whether it's true or not."

Well I have news for YOU mister: Your name is JACK JACKERSON.
I think you got teased a lot as a child. Your book doesn't make up for it now. Stop writing... see a therapist.


OMFG.... your reply had me cracking up laughing so hard!

that was great!

Aug 13, 2006, 2:30 PM
Well I have news for YOU mister: Your name is JACK JACKERSON.
I think you got teased a lot as a child. Your book doesn't make up for it now. Stop writing... see a therapist.


Brilliant Jen, brilliant!


Aug 13, 2006, 2:31 PM
i think.. it's all a crock a shit...............

she probably meant what she said when she said it.. but then some advisor of hers.. said "damage control"

and then she had to eat her words. or not.

... i know she's not fucking me.. so therefore i could be a bit bitter...lol.