View Full Version : Bisexual Voice heard in Gainesville Flordia

Aug 12, 2006, 4:33 PM
In July, we attended the local meeting of the LGBT organzation that puts on the PRIDE fest here. I say PRIDE fest, because it supports the entire LGBT community thus its not GAY PRIDE fest. After 2 hours in the meeting feeling like nothing was accomplish, I voiced my opinions to the Co-Chair and reminded him every time I spoke, email or saw him that there were bisexuals out there. After the 5th or 6th time, he agreed and changed the web site to display not only the rainbow flag, but all 4 flags...LGBT. So many times the bisexual community gets lost in the gay community and clumped together. We are not gay, nor straight. We are BiSexual and have our own place in culture. I have changed all my icons on chat services to proudly display the BiSexual flag and answer all questions when asked what it is. In today's society, there is room for us all...LGBT and Str8 and more than enough respect for all desires and people. Next time you see an event hosted by the local community, look to see if indeed there is a BiSexual flag flying in the breeze just as high as the rainbow. If not, ask "Why isn't there a BiSexual Flag flying?"


Driver 8
Aug 12, 2006, 6:04 PM
Good for you, Gville! Always nice to see someone take on a challenge like this - and then win. :)

Aug 12, 2006, 6:16 PM
Cheers to you! We are still fighting to have our GLCC here changed to GLBTCC or just the Diversity Center.

They did advertise Bisexuality Day on their Marquee outside this year though.

Aug 12, 2006, 7:27 PM
Used to live down in West Palm..that is a battle that has to be taken in baby steps but can be done. I still have a few bi friends down there that can make a voice in Palm Beach county and might know some people in Broward to help out the cause. If I can be of any help..please..don't hesitate to ask. We are all in this together and for one cause.


Aug 13, 2006, 2:24 PM