View Full Version : A thread about our jobs..

Aug 11, 2006, 6:09 PM
Hi Y'all, Well i was listening to my sports talk radio station i listen every day. And one of the host was talking about a web site called,www.vacation vovaction.com Anyway its a site that was started buy a man that was beaten down buy his regular job at the time. So he came up with the idea for this company of his. What it pertains to is if you could do any job you wanted to you could spend yur vacation doing that job. Apparently he is doing very well with it. It was an very interesting segment to listen to. So what i am wondering,is if you had the ability,talent are whatever it would take,what job would you do if you could do any job there is?? Iknow i have asked what jobs people have had in the past,and what they are doing now. But i thought this was a neat topic,so put your thinking caps on and let me know what jobs you would do if you wanted and could . And now i guess i should tell you what job i would want to do!! lol.. Well i have allways loved the game of baseball. I was never talented enough to make it to the bigs,in fact i sucked at it,lol. So i would love to be a pro baseball player. ALso some kind of musician would be my 2nd choice. Ithink it is amazing what those people can do!!! Wel;l let me know what y'all would do.....

Aug 11, 2006, 6:39 PM
i would own a wildlife sancuary, in africa. that would be a life!


Aug 11, 2006, 6:49 PM
An art teacher and/or music teacher. I cannot play an instrument, can barely sing but I love all forms of music! Cannot draw or paint or sculpt but I have a vivid imagination and can appreciate all forms of art! :)

Aug 11, 2006, 11:58 PM
Currently unemployed and on government assistance. When I'm among the living I'm a HVAC technician.

Aug 12, 2006, 12:39 AM
i am a housing developer; in my case in-fill housing in the city, and i enjoy doing just that, so i would say i am lucky to be doing what i want!

smile, it adds years to your life!

Aug 12, 2006, 12:12 PM
i do love my job right now. could be b/c i'm still new to my career. but, if i could do one thing...i would have to choose being a dancer. i love dancing, i love watching ppl dance. i miss being on stage. so thats what i'd have to choose!

Aug 12, 2006, 12:18 PM
Artist and Photographer. Unfortunately, my camera is dying fast and we can not quite afford the new one yet, but I am starting my own photography company and am an artist (a fairly good one according to the feedback I've been getting from my work online, although I have to say I don't agree). Damn that last $500.00 just keeps eluding us - LOL, so my whole photography company and all my art is on hold until the day when we can purchase the new equipment. Wish us luck! :)

I also played trumpet very well (jazz and clasical) when I was a child- and am teaching myself guitar and piano, but do not intend to try to earn any $ with that.

Art and photography are my main choices, No matter how difficult a shoot is, it still feels so much more enjoyable than the slaving away for some inconsiderate ass who only see's me as a machine that must constantly be adjusted to produce more while being given progressively less and less.

Aug 12, 2006, 2:28 PM
i do love my job right now. could be b/c i'm still new to my career. but, if i could do one thing...i would have to choose being a dancer. i love dancing, i love watching ppl dance. i miss being on stage. so thats what i'd have to choose!
Gets a bunch of bills ready in anticipation of beka dancing. :bigrin: :tong:

Aug 12, 2006, 3:47 PM
I would love to be a hunting guide in Alaska. I would like to say a bi/gay friendly service but I am not sure I would get many clients...I have never met another gay or bisexual man that enjoys hunting...do they exist? :rolleyes:

Lisa (va)
Aug 12, 2006, 5:40 PM
I thought about this for a couple hours and even though I currently am not working, I can't imagine doing anything else; I guess I'm one of the few that really loved their job !


hugs n kisses

Aug 13, 2006, 2:32 AM
If I sat here and listed everything I'd want to do with my life, I'd be writing for hours...

My most completely far-out desires would be to compose music (all sorts of it), and/or move to Asia and be a mountain hermit... lol. I'm not kidding. :( I'd sit outside of my hut at every sunset and compose a haiku to the river or something. In Japanese. Because apparently I'm really good at composing them in Japanese.

Many times I've also thought about going through culinary school so I could open up a cooking college for strictly vegetarian cuisine. I've also wanted to start up an art and fashion magazine that features REAL people, not the tall, stick-thin, caucasian, blue-eyed, bleach-blonde zombies that currently line the magazine racks.

Most realistically (if it even is)? I'd like to work in either Japan or China at an art college focused on more traditional media, while doing what I enjoy on the side. Even though I'm sure I'm not the best, I'm a dedicated writer. I want to publish my articles, poetry, stories, etc. I want to make music even if only I ever hear it. (Luckily, I might end up doing something else I'd really love: paleontology. Yep, I wanna dig up dinosaurs. :bigrin: )

Oh, and no matter what I do, I want to lobby for kind treatment of animals in every bleeding corner of this planet.

Hmm, I guess I went off, there. But alas, that's not even a tenth of what I'd want to do with myself. :(

Long Duck Dong
Aug 13, 2006, 9:41 AM
sighs,...... I would become a full time teacher / counsellor / advisor

however, thats where the rule book gets thrown out the window...lol

I have years and years of knowledge in my head... and skills coming out my ears.... and they are wasted because people don't realise what it is I have wishing to share FOR FREE

over the years I have taught many, many people, skills in healing, intuition, psychic readings, meditation, sexual prowess, natural therapies, life control, dealing with inner issues, the list is endless

if I could, I would set up a FREE center where people could come and learn how to develop their own skills, using their own abilities and knowledge, and forming their own techniques... there would be no weekend seminars / courses yadda yadda..... there would be " come as you are, when you can, and I will help you as you ask " , courses.... there would be no books, no course guides, no certicates etc... cos you can't mass produce a personalised learning experience for each person as each person has their own knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of doing things... and my ways are NOT based on what any book says but what each person can do.... and I have no idea what each person can do until they do it themselves

Aug 13, 2006, 9:43 AM
I would love to be a hunting guide in Alaska. I would like to say a bi/gay friendly service but I am not sure I would get many clients...I have never met another gay or bisexual man that enjoys hunting...do they exist?

You get it started sign me up!!!! I'm an avid big game hunter. Just because I suck dicks doesn't mean I can't enjoy the things homophobics enjoy, ;) .

I have met several other bis that enjoy hunting. I've yet found one in my area to hunt with. Be nice tho to find some one bi to help kill time in the blind with ;).


Aug 13, 2006, 12:54 PM
Presently, and for roughly a decade I've been applying myself toward being an author. I've one collection of poetry published, though now, I'd prefer to work in the field of novels. Poetry is a difficult market.

I'll need to put the pursuit of being an author on a sideline after the first of the year. It is something I love and will continue, but I need to do what needs doing. And if I may find something that gets me back into EMS or that type of field, I'll be doing something I love, too.

Figure woking on housekeeping at a large hospital will afford time to get E.M.T certifications, again. May even try my hand at being Paramedic, see if that can locate a paid spot. I love volunteering even if I must remain employed at the hospital. All the while I'll write and keep abreast of the industry in due course.

Then I'll eventually start cranking out novels, build a readership. Once that becomes more stable, the possibility of bowing out of other employment again will be feasible. Right now, I need to work and roll in the green for the betterment of family, self. Not that money is the be all, end all. It does help, though.

Aug 13, 2006, 1:09 PM
My DREAM job?
Aquarium curator, going on occasional research scuba dives to take pictures.

My actual future job: pharmacist. Not the same at all, but with the money from being a pharmacist I can afford to go diving a lot on my own.

Aug 13, 2006, 1:24 PM
I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.