View Full Version : Can't Donate Blood

Apr 23, 2015, 5:52 PM
Last week I tried to donate blood. NOPE!!! DENIED!!!


On the questionnaire, it asked specifically FOR MALES ONLY (women fill in bubble that they are a woman) if they have ever had sex with another male, even once. Not wanting to lie, I filled in the bubble for YES. When the lady was going over my questionnaire, she asked when was my first time with another male and I said sometime in October 2001. She even asked me for the day too so I guessed. Didn't ask for any details but said I was ineligible according to the computer to donate so I left.

Here's the links that explains why. Seems to me very fucked up.



Apr 23, 2015, 8:55 PM
Yes it is unfair, and it's been this way for decades; but they want to change it.

Neither myself or my partner are allowed to donate blood even though we've been monogamous for awhile.

I know a gay guy that flat out lies and gives blood anyway. This guy is a real queen and the type that when he speaks you know he's gay so I have no idea why they let him donate?

Another gay male friend of mine says that it's good that there's a blood ban for bisexual and gay men since a lot of men who are gay or bisexual have HIV and other diseases; but he's lived in areas where it's like this.

Apr 23, 2015, 11:35 PM
Yes it is unfair, and it's been this way for decades; but they want to change it.

Neither myself or my partner are allowed to donate blood even though we've been monogamous for awhile.

I know a gay guy that flat out lies and gives blood anyway. This guy is a real queen and the type that when he speaks you know he's gay so I have no idea why they let him donate?

Another gay male friend of mine says that it's good that there's a blood ban for bisexual and gay men since a lot of men who are gay or bisexual have HIV and other diseases; but he's lived in areas where it's like this.

I think they should ask for a HIV test instead of asking if a man has ever once had sex with another man. I mean anyone, man or woman, can catch any STD. But instead the government says that bisexual and homosexual men are more likely to catch HIV so automatically bans us for donating blood. Doesn't matter that being in the military, I have been tested every year of my 14 year career in the Navy and never showed up for having HIV.

Maybe I should have just lied so I could donate blood and get the free movie ticket. Lol!

Apr 24, 2015, 12:18 AM
Last week I tried to donate blood. NOPE!!! DENIED!!!


On the questionnaire, it asked specifically FOR MALES ONLY (women fill in bubble that they are a woman) if they have ever had sex with another male, even once. Not wanting to lie, I filled in the bubble for YES. When the lady was going over my questionnaire, she asked when was my first time with another male and I said sometime in October 2001. She even asked me for the day too so I guessed. Didn't ask for any details but said I was ineligible according to the computer to donate so I left.

Here's the links that explains why. Seems to me very fucked up.


http://www.takepart.com/article/2014/02/25/fda-blood-donation-ban …It maybe an unpopular opinion…but I have to side FDA on this one…too many people have gotten contaminated blood…better to error on the side of caution & be safe…after all a positive test can go months before its detectable…mean while someone with AIDS can inadvertently & innocently be giving blood….

Apr 24, 2015, 12:16 PM
Better safe than sorry. I watched a South Park episode last night where poor little Eric Cartman got HIV from tainted blood when he got his tonsils removed.

Apr 24, 2015, 3:21 PM
Yeah better safe than sorry. Just took me by surprise because I never heard of this before. Luckily, I work in a information call center and found that information. Or actually a co-worker helped me find it. So I give credit to her. But at least it's a FDA government policy instead of a organization like One Blood that put this policy in effect. I just can't donate blood ever, despite not having a sex life. Lol

Apr 27, 2015, 10:22 AM
Last week I tried to donate blood. NOPE!!! DENIED!!!


On the questionnaire, it asked specifically FOR MALES ONLY (women fill in bubble that they are a woman) if they have ever had sex with another male, even once. Not wanting to lie, I filled in the bubble for YES. When the lady was going over my questionnaire, she asked when was my first time with another male and I said sometime in October 2001. She even asked me for the day too so I guessed. Didn't ask for any details but said I was ineligible according to the computer to donate so I left.

Here's the links that explains why. Seems to me very fucked up.


http://www.takepart.com/article/2014/02/25/fda-blood-donation-ban…I’m sure Arthur Ash has an opinion on this subject…