View Full Version : Racism on Bi.com

Apr 17, 2015, 11:38 AM
The most recent poll that speaks about being obsessed with "black" cock and desire to be fisted by a Black person not only objectifies but is racist.


Christopher South
Apr 17, 2015, 11:45 AM
I would think that most of us have preferences when it comes to sexual partners. Some prefer chubby partners while others only want muscular hunks. Some like hairy, some like smooth. Some like tops and some like bottoms. And yes, some like black, some like white, some like Asian.

I would think it would be racist to say "I don't want to have sex with a black person because they are subhuman" but just to prefer a black man/woman? Not racist.

And as far as objectifying someone, I think when you get right down to it, we're all probably somewhat doing that in our sexual relations... to some degree.

But that's just my two cents.

Apr 17, 2015, 12:28 PM
The most recent poll that speaks about being obsessed with "black" cock and desire to be fisted by a Black person not only objectifies but is racist.

You take things way too seriously and live in a world of theory and ultra-political correctness. You will never be able to tolerate being an out bisexual man who is comfortable with his sexuality and the sexuality of others.

Where is all the outcry on this site when people post about how much they like "big black cock", write about how black men have huge penises compared to other races, or obsess over sex with black men and women?

I saw a post by a longtime member where he wrote about wanting to be with black women and men and objectifies black people simply only because they have certain characteristics in his opinion that other races do not, and have large penises. :rolleyes:

Then there is the post by a longtime female member who actually believes the racist myth that black men have larger penises than men of other races do. :rolleyes:

Apr 17, 2015, 12:32 PM
I agree that people have physical preferences in their attractions. That however doesn't dismiss basing your preference on an entire race. Stating that you like big cocks is not much different from stating that you want to have sex with a blonde, muscular body. Wanting a black person to fist you is different. Having a specific race do a kink like fisting to you is laddened with all kinds or racists thought.

There is a difference in my society between objectify women or people and admiring women or people of different races. Sexual objectification involves a person being viewed primarily as an object of sexual desire.

It doesn't matter how many threads sexually objectify based on race. They may all be racist.

Melody Dean
Apr 17, 2015, 12:35 PM
Technically, I think I'd call it fetishism. And we've seen it in other forms here before. I'm not sure if I think it's wrong in general, but I see how some could be offended. I know I personally have a body type that is sometimes fetish-ized, and I have had internal conflicts before about that.

Apr 17, 2015, 3:50 PM
I find that the word "fetish" is often mixed in with body parts. As I understanding a fetish is an object or non genital parts of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

Technically a cock is a genitalia while someones earlobe may qualify as a fetish it is more reasonable but less used is the fetishing of say leather boots etc. Either way, when you include a race with a mythic reputation for large cocks, it can easily be read and identified as racist. It can easily be referred back to the concepts of slaves having physical feature that would be bred for certain reasons. IF there have been a series of threads using this tone then bi.com is racist or permits racist comments. The people posting about black cock are racist whether they realize it or not. It is similar to some guys attraction to transsexual and calling the transwomen "she males". Is it a fetish or just sexual objectifying women and particularly transwomen.

For terms of reference, I give you racism's definition.

Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Apr 17, 2015, 4:45 PM
I would think that most of us have preferences when it comes to sexual partners. Some prefer chubby partners while others only want muscular hunks. Some like hairy, some like smooth. Some like tops and some like bottoms. And yes, some like black, some like white, some like Asian.

I would think it would be racist to say "I don't want to have sex with a black person because they are subhuman" but just to prefer a black man/woman? Not racist.

And as far as objectifying someone, I think when you get right down to it, we're all probably somewhat doing that in our sexual relations... to some degree.

But that's just my two cents. …well said…too much emphasis is placed on political correct BS…and not on personal choice…liking black cock doesn’t make you a racist…

Apr 17, 2015, 4:57 PM
I find that the word "fetish" is often mixed in with body parts. As I understanding a fetish is an object or non genital parts of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

Technically a cock is a genitalia while someones earlobe may qualify as a fetish it is more reasonable but less used is the fetishing of say leather boots etc. Either way, when you include a race with a mythic reputation for large cocks, it can easily be read and identified as racist. It can easily be referred back to the concepts of slaves having physical feature that would be bred for certain reasons. IF there have been a series of threads using this tone then bi.com is racist or permits racist comments. The people posting about black cock are racist whether they realize it or not. It is similar to some guys attraction to transsexual and calling the transwomen "she males". Is it a fetish or just sexual objectifying women and particularly transwomen.

For terms of reference, I give you racism's definition.

Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

You're just finally realizing this now? People have been posting racist stuff here for years as I posted about before. I have seen posts by people who are black men who posted about how they don't like stuff about big black dick posted and they were banned or labeled as "trolls" by certain people here.

I'm not racist, and I posted the poll question more as a joke since people here do obsess about how large they think black dicks are, and if they're into bottoming or getting fucked and like to do this with large objects it's only a matter of time before they get fisted.

Secondly there are people of all races who prefer black people as sexual partners, and it's not necessarily racist on their part, and doesn't make them racist people. There are even black men and women who exclusively only want to be with people who are black. Would you consider these black people to be racist?

But let's consider the source: It's you. Even if I had just posted a poll question about men and women being fisted in general not mentioning race at all, you would have taken your typical ultra-PC drama queen stance of someone who doesn't live in reality or know anything about bisexuality or human sexuality, and flipped out...claiming that such questions or discussions should not be on this site since you don't like them or the person who asked them.

Apr 17, 2015, 5:18 PM
Then there is the post by a longtime female member who actually believes the racist myth that black men have larger penises than men of other races do. :rolleyes: I think I may be the long time female member referred to, but what I have to say is this...

.....there have been a number of studies into the size if the willies of the various ethnic groups going back to Kinsey and probably before.. a few years ago (2012) there was a study which claimed that black men, esecially those from the Congo did indeed have larger members on average than any other race... men from the indian sub continent the smallest of any racial group... only this year another study claimed research showed there was no discernable difference between the planet's ethnic groups... other studies have been commissioned, so who knows what the truth is, and tbh does it matter? In me own case, (ancient historical) personal experience showed that black men seem to be larger, but my experience of black men really is but a handful (bad pun, hey?) and also of other races, and all are numerically insufficient probably for me 2 b able to say with any confidence what the truth of the matter is.. all I can say is that for certain, I can't say... no 1 knows for sure... many women seem to believe so, and men too. Maybe one day we will know, but whether we do or not, so what?

Is it racist to speculate on any of this? That depends really why people speculate.

Apr 17, 2015, 5:53 PM

With regard to differentiating between racism and admiration of a certain ethnic or racial group is a delicate line that is easily crossed. I agree with you it depends on why someone is speculating anything. When you sexualize and objectify any group you are showing bigotry. To makes statements about Asian penis is sexualizing but not with the intent to grandoising and objectify Asian men. Just because one study found some physical features from one specific area doesn’t mean that it is acceptable to generalize to an entire race. I was reading yesterday where an area of Iran has an almost completely black population due to slaves being brought there. Perhaps a study might be done on black men in that area. Whatever penis size was found the be the medium may or may not back up the Congo study. I have read more often that a flacid penis is larger in many Black men but once erect increases in size less than other penis. I don't know whether this is valid or bigotry myths.

As far as the people who start such threads denying once again that they are not racist, they are not a troll, they are not ….. Denial is more than a river in Egypt as is said. :) It is to be expected that this person will deny anything that they do not consider adding their attractiveness. Why a person denies having been on this site in previous years and yet also refers to past eras is a troll give away..to be denied of course.

Is there a difference in preferring a race as a partner is somewhat different a statement that they prefer a race as a sexual partner. The second person is objectify a race and that is racist. As far as joking, many racists joke about those they consider beneath them and it is still can be very racist joke. Joking is the tool of bigots and is used often to deny racism. Similarly, heteros joke about bisexuals and homosexuals with generalized derrogatory myths..swish swish etc.

Apr 17, 2015, 6:12 PM
As far as the people who start such threads denying once again that they are not racist, they are not a troll, they are not ….. Denial is more than a river in Egypt as is said. :) It is to be expected that this person will deny anything that they do not consider adding their attractiveness. Why a person denies having been on this site in previous years and yet also refers to past eras is a troll give away..to be denied of course.

Is there a difference in preferring a race as a partner is somewhat different a statement that they prefer a race as a sexual partner. The second person is objectify a race and that is racist. As far as joking, many racists joke about those they consider beneath them and it is still can be very racist joke. Joking is the tool of bigots and is used often to deny racism. Similarly, heteros joke about bisexuals and homosexuals with generalized derrogatory myths..swish swish etc
I'm not denying anything, and your opinion of me doesn't matter since you don't even know me.

You however do love to troll, stalk/flame/harass others, spread hate/bigotry and your own agendas of homophobia/biphobia, get all bent out of shape over nothing when someone posts or does something you don't like or that personally offends you-of which the list is endless- and deny doing all of this.

There's something called a search engine that's easy to use. Perhaps you have heard of it?

Don't take everything so seriously and get your panties in a bunch when people do something you will claim is not politically correct or make a joke about anal sex. Or instead stay a total swish, and one of the biggest queens on this site. ;)

Long Duck Dong
Apr 17, 2015, 9:35 PM
Black is a race ? ....... does that mean that a african and american with african ancestory and a english person with african ancestory and a australia abboriginal and a new zealand maori all are descendants of the same race, black ?

so I am curious, what are the origins of the black race and where do they hang out ? what country do they live in ?

I read the original thread that this is a offshoot of.... and to me, its a valid question.... do people that enjoy and have a interest in cocks that are black, also have a interest in being fisted by the same person, since there is a the understanding that black cocks may be bigger than average so its a logical step that people that perfer bigger, may have a interest in fisting as well.....

maybe the term, people of colour is a better term but many different races tend to lay claim to that title including races that are not really viewed as being part of the darker colored races and so they would fall outside of the interests of the person, so its not really the term that is appropriate..

so is there racism in the site.... actually no, there is not because race is not being mentioned, general skin color is being used and skin color is not a race.

Apr 17, 2015, 10:46 PM
I see your point as far as your aboriginal people in NZ. However, in Canada and the USA Black is a preferred name for people of Negroid race.

Again, in Canada and in particular my society this is a racist derrogatory reference. The site is Canadian still unless Drew sold it.

Apr 17, 2015, 10:51 PM
I see your point as far as your aboriginal people in NZ. However, in Canada and the USA Black is a preferred name for people of Negroid race. Arguments ad infinitum may be put forward and support by circular logic to argue that there are no races etc. There are groups such as the Maroi who are discriminated against just as the First Nations of Canada and Inuit. I've not heard of any myths about Inuit cock preferences. Let alone wanting to be fisted by an Inuit.

Again, in Canada and in particular my society this is a racist derrogatory reference. The site is Canadian still unless Drew sold it.

Maybe, there are not too many men wanting to be fisted by genetically Scots in NZ due to the myth of small penis or maybe in NZ genetic Caucasian of Scots ancestry have a myth of large penis. Canadians of Scots ancestory seem to have average penis mythology.

I do not get the connection between a man's penis size and preference to be fisted by race though. What is it about a man's penis that makes him preferred or disliked to have him insert his hand in your anus LDD?
Where did LDD post that he's even into being fisted?

Apr 18, 2015, 1:48 AM
Oh look I see Tenni is back to his attacks then editing..... so yeah thanks for capturing that and showing exactly what he does. This is why people left, Tenni. Not because people were talking about sex but because of you and your petty assed attacks. Why don't you go get laid for crying out loud maybe then you wouldn't be such a dick.

And nope, not editing... so bite me.. no don't.. I don't want to catch anything from you.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 18, 2015, 2:11 AM
the nz maori while being of a aboriginal nature... have been classed as indigenous by the united nations........ but the actual aboriginal people are Australian, not nz people

it does not change the fact that black is not a race, its a color..... and while the term " black " can be used as a umbrella term for people, its the same as calling any darker skinned person a nigger or negro, which would not actually be correct...... and i tend to view people that use the term of black, as being in one of two classes of people A) using the term as a umbrella term or 2) people that are using the term in a derogatory manner and with the intention of insulting people.....

I really do not know if people are wanting to be fisted by genetically scots in NZ, their preferences may swing that way as part of their kink.... as for the myth of small penis while thats something you may have read or heard, I really do not know but if its real in your mind.... but I was kinda thinking that the term of " white * because apparently thats the umbrella term for people of european descent......

not seeing the connection between a mans penis size and perference to be fisted ? well..... it regards people to think with the mindset of people that are into that type of thing.... some people may be turned on by the idea of a darker skinned fist and penis because of the contrasting color between skin types or maybe even something else like the gangsta persona.......

personally fisting is not really something that would interest me... tho under the right circumstances with the right person, I would consider it as a new experience to cross off my list of things I have not done before I die........ and its a very short list because I am open to trying new things and experimenting with the interest of learning and expending my understanding of the world around me......and that way, if a thread by pole smoker comes up about being a scottish new zealander being fisted in the ass, I can answer it from personal experience in the same way that others have answered pole smokers threads with their own experiences.........

nice to see that nothings changed, you are still doing the side slaps and quick edits with your posts.... BE a man for once in your life, if you are going to say something, say it and stand by it.... do not keep using the excuse that you realised it was wrong and offensive so you removed it... that excuse failed years ago when you hounded some of the bisexual members from the site even after drew banned you because of your personal attacks on people.

Apr 18, 2015, 4:57 AM
I think I may be the long time female member referred to, but what I have to say is this...

.....there have been a number of studies into the size if the willies of the various ethnic groups going back to Kinsey and probably before.. a few years ago (2012) there was a study which claimed that black men, esecially those from the Congo did indeed have larger members on average than any other race... men from the indian sub continent the smallest of any racial group... only this year another study claimed research showed there was no discernable difference between the planet's ethnic groups... other studies have been commissioned, so who knows what the truth is, and tbh does it matter? In me own case, (ancient historical) personal experience showed that black men seem to be larger, but my experience of black men really is but a handful (bad pun, hey?) and also of other races, and all are numerically insufficient probably for me 2 b able to say with any confidence what the truth of the matter is.. all I can say is that for certain, I can't say... no 1 knows for sure... many women seem to believe so, and men too. Maybe one day we will know, but whether we do or not, so what?

Is it racist to speculate on any of this? That depends really why people speculate. …it’s been my personal experience that there are as many white guys over 8 inches as there are black…its only my personal observation but Mexicans tend to be smaller as a group…and Asians the smallest…I’ve also noticed that short black & white guys tend to be bigger than tall guys…that’s based on a study of between 350 & 400 guys…

Apr 18, 2015, 5:05 AM
Again, in Canada and in particular my society this is a racist derrogatory reference. The site is Canadian still unless Drew sold it. …and that would have what bearings on this discussion?...

Apr 18, 2015, 5:11 AM
Oh look I see Tenni is back to his attacks then editing..... so yeah thanks for capturing that and showing exactly what he does. This is why people left, Tenni. Not because people were talking about sex but because of you and your petty assed attacks. Why don't you go get laid for crying out loud maybe then you wouldn't be such a dick.

And nope, not editing... so bite me.. no don't.. I don't want to catch anything from you. …here…here…if all I got to read was Tenni’s posts I’d be long gone…thank goodness for the interesting posts…

Apr 18, 2015, 6:16 AM
…it’s been my personal experience that there are as many white guys over 8 inches as there are black…its only my personal observation but Mexicans tend to be smaller as a group…and Asians the smallest…I’ve also noticed that short black & white guys tend to be bigger than tall guys…that’s based on a study of between 350 & 400 guys…

Wich is wy, Chas, I admitted 2 having but a handful of black men( there is that pun again). The sample is 2 small 2 really judge ...me experience of European men from home and abroad was much more extensive..but from other races again too few 2 judge.. but size was never important... serpently isn't nowadays for obvious reasons... the largest I had made me jaw drop to floor on 1st sight. He was black.. but have known men of me own and other ethic groups not so far away who did same.. so the answer is I don't know the answer for sure... m8s wiv much greater experience of men from ethnic groups than I argue as much about it between themselves as ne1 else.. between (many) women it is a fun talking point... sexist prob (yes, women can be and are sometimes)... racist.. possibly depending on the discussion... tenni isn't entirely wrong in his claims. So...

.....we shudn't dismiss tenni as just so just so much troll... he often has had valuable things to say, and will again.. I think Poley is so much troll u wudn't believe, but even he has on occasion made valuable contribs on site (in all his guises).... it is a pity he has to show so much resentment and contempt for any who get in his way or disagree with him however mildly that any contribs he makes become devalued and list in a bucketful of bile. There is no need for it but I doubt he will be stopped now he has free reign because if owner absence. But then we all c peeps and the things they say and do differently... 'tis the way of the world for gud or ill...

Apr 18, 2015, 6:51 AM
the original aborigines, Duckie, were in Roman mythology, the people who first inhabited central Italy... it has come to mean the orginal inhabitants of ne region or country.. the word is far more ancient than Van Demien or Captain Cook... and not because the aborigines of Australia were the first to call themselves it..

As to where blacks come from originally, most (not all) agree and believe all of humanity originated in Africa and that once all of the species was black...... some believe we came from Asia, and some even from the stars... doesn't really matter, for peeps are peeps r peeps.. or as we Scots luff sayin'.. we are a' Jock Tamson's bairns...

..but u are right that black is not a race.. there is but one race.. the human race... homo sapiens... which is why what were once referred to as races are now called ethnic groups.. but each remains part of the race of homo sapiens...racists and racism really are wrong words. Ethnicist and ethnicism are words which already exist in the English language but they mean other things too. Xenophobe has far too extensive a meaning but what we refer to racism is a form of xenophobia..

Apr 18, 2015, 7:25 AM
..and let me say most peeps change posts after they are posted for a mill and one reasons... done it mesel often... nothing wrong with it. Seem to mind u doing it moren 1ce Duckie... tenni isnt Mr Tactful at times but has never been as bad as u or darlin' darlin' have made him out to be.. all of u have always been blinded by personal animosity which I dont deny that there is good historical reason for some if it.. but it has never ever been all one sided.. often it has been a case of u say sugar he says shite and vikki verki...

U may wade in on Poley's side if wish... no skin off my nose, but there has always been far far worse than tenni for getting up peeps noses and stopping peeps from returning to the site. Tenni is ur biggest .com bugbear, not every 1's... .com is dying on its knees... tenni isnt 2 blame for that by a long way. tenni doesnt want the site to die... Even Poley in all his guises isn't entirely to blame... owner absence and disinterest and the site problems arising not being dealt with isn't helping... It is a matter of time and then one day .com will wake up dead...

Apr 18, 2015, 8:52 AM
Again, it is only the constant stream of stuff that I object to - people are most certainly prejudiced - you can't help but be because it is a part of human nature to discriminate. What you CAN do is work toward getting to know folks personally and try to build trust and understanding between people. There is undoubtedly a history there that can be very painful, and in a lot of ways it still goes on today. I will never really know what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes but I do at least have a little bit of empathy from growing up having to question my sexuality. I get a taste of what it means to be in the minority.

Yes there is a fetish, and some of it is based on stereotypes, but isn't porn in general based on a stereotype? That's why I would like to see a mix of thread types.

In the real world, not all men have a big penis, not all women have tremendous ti..err..nevermind .. When "sexual" attributes don't matter what is left? As a bisexual person - while I might enjoy admiring the human form I also try to have compassion, empathy and love for the people I care about.

Growing up in a rural county, I do have prejudices I have to confront, but frankly it was all over many years ago once I realized that the little boy standing next to my mother and I in the welfare line was just the same as I was..liked the same things, just as friendly, just as caring ..

For as different as we all like to pretend to be, we are all a lot more connected than you'd think..

Apr 18, 2015, 9:47 AM
The question is whether bi.com is racist. It is not should it be racist. There is a lot of reaction from some now nearly invisible posters. They did not make one protest when racist comments were made about black males. It is good that they are now reacting...but have you picked the messenger rather than the poster(s) who post racist statements? If you tolerate behaviour, you get more of it. When it is pointed out that you are tolerating racism, your eyes open just a bit.

I do not want bi.com to be racist. Tolerance of trolls who promote racism is what may be making bi.com not just racist but also promoting false beliefs about bisexuality. I know that "lets ignore" is now in fashion or abandon ship approach. If you care about bisexuality being smeared with kink as a definition as to what bisexuality is...maybe you should feel some shame? I don't know.

If Drew didn't want posters to reflect and edit their posts, he would not have given a nearly hour to edit...lol Such whiners should perhaps reflect on what they post and edit it over the given time. Some thought and reflection is a good thing..is it not?

OH, the black is not a race and there is only the human race is so much bullshit spouted by egalitarin false assumptions. It is similar I would guess as Bi Invisibility thinking. I suspect cirular logic is in process. Whether the word race or groups is used it is still derrogatory and full of bigotry and sexual objectification. Does denying racism even exists make some comfortable? Silly sheeples.

Using the term racism is common and well entrenched in cultures. I believe the word race is in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms but I have not read it recently. Arguing that there is only one race does nothing to erase bigotry, discrimination towards groups including bisexuals. Sexual objectification is going on on this site and protesting it is not happening.

Apr 18, 2015, 2:06 PM
No, Jim Riley, it isn't. Not editing that out either... hide some more?
LOL so this is Tenni?



Apr 18, 2015, 2:32 PM
I deleted that not for him, but his family and I'd appreciate it if you would do the same. His family is innocent, it's not their fault he's such an ass.

Apr 18, 2015, 2:45 PM
I'm not the type to jump to conclusions. Things aren't always as they appear. So I'm only saying if.....IF the pictures in post #25 are of Tenni....and IF he sent them to you (Pole Smoker) {which I'm doubting he did} and you posted them without his permission, you have gone way too far!

Im keeping this brief and not expressing how reprehensible I find it (posting pictures of others without their permission) because, like I wrote above, I don't assume things are the way they look. And I'm hoping the dissension on this site has not come to such low class antics.

So....please, Tenni, tell me that those pictures are not of you. Or if they are tell me that you gave permission for them to be posted.


Apr 18, 2015, 2:47 PM
DD, are they pictures of Tenni? Did you post them first and Pole repost them?

Apr 18, 2015, 2:53 PM
I don't believe what I see!
I don't fuckin believe someone would do that!
Is that allowed?
Or even legal?
BHS is right. That is very low class!!!!!!!

Apr 18, 2015, 2:55 PM
DD, are they pictures of Tenni? Did you post them first and Pole repost them?

don't know on the pics, but I did call him out by name and deleted the post for his family, not him. I don't believe those pics are him from what I have seen of a video of his art though.

Apr 18, 2015, 3:28 PM
DD, as you can see, Pole lifted that thread before you deleted it (or at least a portion of it).

(This isn't directed solely at DD. I'm unleashing this in this thread)
Enough! There are 5-6 members here who are collectively destroying this site! The constant need to belittle fellow members, posting threads and graphic images for the sole purpose of attention, the constant need to disagree with others opinions.....we all know who the offending members are and what behavior I am speaking about!

I've watched the adolescent behavior for months now. I'm so outraged! Just the thought that one of you could be filled with such contempt for another that you'd post the real identity [and possibly a photo] of another member completely disgusts me!
I've found many of the members on this site to be pleasant and respectful. But several of you are complete assholes.


Apr 18, 2015, 4:05 PM
Well now everyone knows the kind of person that DD & pole are. Whether that is my name or image no one will know. It reflects the low class people on this site. Bullshit DD about my family. Your morality came back to you briefly. Your bitter hatred projection is making you not a good person. You can do better with your life. Get help.

I agree with bi his side that there are/were good people on this site.

Apr 18, 2015, 5:16 PM
Well now everyone knows the kind of person that DD & pole are. Whether that is my name or image no one will know. It reflects the low class people on this site. Bullshit DD about my family. Your morality came back to you briefly. Your bitter hatred projection is making you not a good person. You can do better with your life. Get help.

I agree with bi his side that there are/were good people on this site.
Yes there are some good people on this site...however you're not one of them, and that's obvious to everyone here. :rolleyes:

Long Duck Dong
Apr 19, 2015, 4:14 AM
..and let me say most peeps change posts after they are posted for a mill and one reasons... done it mesel often... nothing wrong with it. Seem to mind u doing it moren 1ce Duckie... tenni isnt Mr Tactful at times but has never been as bad as u or darlin' darlin' have made him out to be.. all of u have always been blinded by personal animosity which I dont deny that there is good historical reason for some if it.. but it has never ever been all one sided.. often it has been a case of u say sugar he says shite and vikki verki...

U may wade in on Poley's side if wish... no skin off my nose, but there has always been far far worse than tenni for getting up peeps noses and stopping peeps from returning to the site. Tenni is ur biggest .com bugbear, not every 1's... .com is dying on its knees... tenni isnt 2 blame for that by a long way. tenni doesnt want the site to die... Even Poley in all his guises isn't entirely to blame... owner absence and disinterest and the site problems arising not being dealt with isn't helping... It is a matter of time and then one day .com will wake up dead...

I am in a better headspace than I have been for a few years...... so I am going to be straight up honest with you about this

1) yes, I edited my posts to correct typos, wrong words and shit.... and yes a few times I removed stuff that I should have not said.......

2) now..... as for tenni....

tenni is just a user name........ just like the random names that bullies all round the world have, that target overweight people, smokers, LGBT etc... and want their right to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality... ironically something that tenni speaks out against when it comes to bisexuals.....

no fran, you are wrong.... its like the enemy in a desert fire fight, their name does not matter, age, gender, eye color, it all does not matter.... what matters are people like me are the people that are trying to stop them from getting rid of the people they deem not worthy to be on the face of the earth........ and its people like you that think that people like me, should not fight against the bullies and if innocents are lost .... its collateral damage...

this site and the members mattered to me and still do...... but I am not going to continue fighting for it because there will always be another tenni to bully the members of the site and another fran to sit in judgement of those that do fight for the site and its members, and the owner that gives into people like you, and does not ban people because it infringes on their rights to a opinion......

and there is always going to be other MEs that will fight for the site and have you both come after us for doing so......

Apr 19, 2015, 6:40 AM
I have never said that collateral damage is acceptable... I have never believed it. The body and soul of every human being is much too important for anyone to believe it.. too many do.. I am not sure whether u do if ur historical writings on site are 2 b believed. Interesting comment about getting rid of folk not worthy. Not something I have ever believed either... u seem to since u don't think tenni is worthy.

I am not saying u bully for u don't.. but both u and he can b pretty strident in the things u say in ur different ways. Tenni is serpently consistently the more aggressive in tone and hectoring.. but u have been known to b pretty aggressive urself.... but tenni bully? He doesn't bully... he has a style in print which will rarely win friends and influence people, but it isn't what I call bullying.. if bullying is his intention and I am quite sure it isn't, the guy isn't much good at it...

As for fighting for the site, if that is what u do, then the site is a list cause... it will not be until the owner gets off his arse and takes an interest in being a bit more pro-active.. why he has let things slide I have no idea, but slide they have. Now, I don't mind what u say about tenni, or me or anyone else... u have the right to see and say things whichever way.. trust me, Poley has changed the site and upset and frightened off more people than tenni ever has or is ever likely to... mayb u shud re-appraise how u c things vis a vis .com and instead of concentrating on tenni, try aiming ur arrows in another direction... tho until whoever owns .com begins 1ce again 2 take some interest it will simply b a waste of brain power, on line time and leccy and the site will continue sinking ever more speedily in2 the depths.. I kno the owner cant do it all without the members but equally without his active interest, eventually .com will disappear in a whiff of on-line bad odour...

...and come after u? Pul-eeeze.... don't b such a silly sausage. I have far more important things to do.. taking issue isn't coming after u... the funny things u do say.:tongue:

I will say this tho... wb lummox... it is nice 2 kno in this world that some things nev really change even if others get twisted out if kilter.:)

Long Duck Dong
Apr 19, 2015, 8:03 AM
you never believed it ??? it was the answer you gave to me asking if we stop standing up and fighting wars to try and stop people from wiping masses of people off the face of the earth.... what about the innocent people that will die because of our inactivity ? your answer was collateral damage...... .....

I did the best thing possible for me..... I walked off the site..... but this time I did not make the mistake of leaving my partner here so tenni would PM her again and try to get her to end our relationship because a heterosexual woman should not be with a bisexual guy or tell her she was the cause of my life long mental illness.......

I am not interested in fighting with you... or anybody else... but the battle lines have been drawn and its clear that if I do not take sides with or against pole smoker, I am wrong..... and remaining neutral and answering a pole smoker thread, immediately got tenni having another go at me with his misinformation and snide remarks that he tried to edit out again but pole smoker was to quick........ and the edited post showed me immediately that nothing has changed and nothing will change..... only the death of this site, will really force any change... but the bullies and trolls will just continue on in another site......

so fran.... who is really responsible for the issues? drew.... or the people causing the problems because of their own personal issues..... lil hint.... banning people does not make people deal with their behievoural issues......and I managed to sort myself out without ever getting banned from this site......

Apr 19, 2015, 8:55 AM
" but this time I did not make the mistake of leaving my partner here so tenni would PM her again and try to get her to end our relationship because a heterosexual woman should not be with a bisexual guy or tell her she was the cause of my life long mental illness....... "

There was no such PM. I have a memory of only one PM years ago to her. I remember it because she disclosed something that I had Private Messaged to her under the belief that she knew and understood that PM's are private. There may have been a misunderstanding that PM's are confidential. It isn't my business what two people living on different continents do.

I have publicly stated that I believe bisexuals are better partnered with another bisexual. Believing that bisexuals are best partnered with another bisexual is different that stating that heterosexual women should leave their bisexual male partner.

I agree that there are people with mental illness on this site. Perhaps more mental illness than ever before. As others have posted, the site is dying.

The above post is once again typical off topic of the thread behavioiur.

Apr 19, 2015, 9:30 AM
Ok, well if you are going to accuse people of being off topic, next time do a better job of labeling the thread topic.

I actually tried to write a post that at least relates to racism, but I didn't realize that the thread topic was actually "Behavior of contributors to bisex.com" - we already have 4-5 of those threads started..

It is good that this thread is finally airing grievances though, unlike all of the others which are just passive-aggressive.

In light of what was discussed, I guess my comments about prejudice and unhealthy fixation on fetishes stand..even if your fetish is non-sexual, such as mind-fucking a bunch of people on an open discussion forum.

Of course it doesn't work if people don't play along..I just have to figure out if my energy is better spent here or somewhere else...both maybe..who knows..?

I've already walked away from other things in my past that were not healthy, I guess I can do it here too - real people with real lives are secure in their own self image and don't have to constantly denigrate each other. It's a shame that we could never meet in real life because we might've found out we have more in common than not.

Apr 19, 2015, 9:34 AM
Sorry if my posts have come across that way.

Returning to the thread topic. It seems that some posters do not believe that referring to a race in a sexualized objectification manner is racism.

It is each person's decision where and what they spend their energy on.

Apr 19, 2015, 11:29 AM
There is a difference between acceptance of an existing reality and not accepting or believing that it need be, Duckie... I accept what goes on and is likely to continue unless circumstances change but I do not accept nor believe that existing reality 2 b inevitable...

We are all responsible for our own words and actions... no 1 is exempt from resposibility for the present plight... no1 who is aware of it and serpently not Drew, whether through accident or design...whether u fight for or against Poley or remain neutral is immaterial to me.. do I wish him banned? I have always said I am against banning and that remains so, but his negativity is as bad as I remember and the contempt he holds for any who disagree with him is vicious and unnecessary.. in a way I understand why u may support him since his animosity to tenni far outstrips even ur own or Darlin' Darlin's and for that matter, tenni's 2 u... it is how it is, but his vindictiveness to all who disagree with him hardly encourages ne1 to join or return 2 .com. U will make ur own decisions and I accept that but don't b surprised ur decisions on this blow up in ur face.. time will tell..

Long Duck Dong
Apr 20, 2015, 1:31 AM
if you want to play tenni and pole smoker off against each other so you can sit on the sidelines and act like a lil angel, you go for it..... you are just a manipulative lil bitch that is trying to drag me into something I have no interest in being involved in.......

Apr 20, 2015, 5:57 AM
Strong words.. so uncalled for :eek2::yikes2:

Apr 20, 2015, 7:42 AM
Why is it that we can see when others say things that are uncalled for but not when we do it?
I've read many threads and posts on the site.
Sometimes I see point on comments.
Sometimes I see snark.

In alphabetical order----
(and the assorted trolls that come and go)

The above names target each other and bring too much negativity and drama.
The above names forcefully repost their opinions many times on one thread.

Others can disagree.
I expect that.
I won't repost to anyone who disagrees.
I won't repost to those who agree.
Its my opinion and I don't need to try and convince anyone to see it like I do.


Apr 20, 2015, 10:26 AM
Sorry if my posts have come across that way.

Returning to the thread topic. It seems that some posters do not believe that referring to a race in a sexualized objectification manner is racism.
If saying that you want to be fisted by a black man is racist, then what would you call saying that you wanted to be fisted by a redheaded man? How is one any different than the other? It isn't. The fact that politically correct people WANT it to be racist is the only difference. I, personally, enjoy sucking cock but have no desire to have a man do anything to my ass, but I would bend over for a woman with a strapon in a heartbeat. Does that make me sexist? I would love to dress a beautiful black woman in lingerie and cum in each of her three holes? I have done the same with white women, so does having a fantasy of doing the it with a black woman mean I am a racist? No, maybe it means I have a bucket list of items and that is the one I am thinking about now. The same could be said for the person that wants to be fisted by a black man.
The only thing this whole thread has accomplished is showing that Tenni, is in fact a shit stirrer and an idiot.