View Full Version : Why does Pole Smoker ask such stupid questions?

Apr 10, 2015, 6:25 PM
I bet he can't even get a boner yet! LOL He must be all of 14?

Apr 10, 2015, 8:44 PM
Notice his threads (stupid questions) are clicked on and read by other members but rarely does anyone write a comment. His threads just eventually get buried. It's obvious that our fellow members want threads that contain thoughts and ideas that are far beyond what Pole Smoker can offer. Seeing the interest on recent threads from the archives is indicative of what the members want. Less unnecessary vulgarity and more substance.


Apr 10, 2015, 10:03 PM
I bet he can't even get a boner yet! LOL He must be all of 14?...stupid is just your opinion...I like his questions...

Apr 11, 2015, 1:03 AM
Pole smoker is a self righteous pompous ass. I for one dislike him.

Country Guy
Apr 11, 2015, 10:31 AM
I guess he is just bored and has too much time in his hands

Apr 11, 2015, 12:11 PM
...ok...now you people can go back to 'chat' & leave the other posters alone now...

Apr 11, 2015, 12:13 PM
I bet he can't even get a boner yet! LOL He must be all of 14?...even a 14 year old can get a 'boner'...usually one he could nock on the door with...

Apr 11, 2015, 12:47 PM
Notice his threads (stupid questions) are clicked on and read by other members but rarely does anyone write a comment. His threads just eventually get buried. It's obvious that our fellow members want threads that contain thoughts and ideas that are far beyond what Pole Smoker can offer. Seeing the interest on recent threads from the archives is indicative of what the members want. Less unnecessary vulgarity and more substance.


Couldn't have said it better myself Dee...well-put :)

Apr 11, 2015, 12:59 PM
I find the pole reduced content refreshing and more realistic and sane. Now about Charles (member just a few months) thinking that he is representing non chat forum posters...lol

Apr 11, 2015, 4:25 PM
I find the pole reduced content refreshing and more realistic and sane. Now about Charles (member just a few months) thinking that he is representing non chat forum posters...lol

A fine bit of senseless gibirish.

Apr 11, 2015, 5:35 PM
I have always noticed that the two subjects mentioned here appear to be one and the same...

Apr 11, 2015, 7:02 PM
Most of the time I don't even think he has bothered to read the op before commenting. Just one asshole comment after another turning thread after thread into all about him. He is singlehandedly making this an unpleasant site to visit. I feel sorry for those struggling and looking for positive help from the community. He is probably the guy who pees all over the toilet seat leaving it for the next person to deal with. I am spending more and more time elsewhere.

Apr 12, 2015, 7:11 AM
Most of the time I don't even think he has bothered to read the op before commenting. Just one asshole comment after another turning thread after thread into all about him. He is singlehandedly making this an unpleasant site to visit. I feel sorry for those struggling and looking for positive help from the community. He is probably the guy who pees all over the toilet seat leaving it for the next person to deal with. I am spending more and more time elsewhere.

Curious that he once mentioned how the other sites he used to post on are all closed down. A person needs to not ponder on commonality.

Apr 13, 2015, 10:57 AM
Most of the time I don't even think he has bothered to read the op before commenting. Just one asshole comment after another turning thread after thread into all about him. He is singlehandedly making this an unpleasant site to visit. I feel sorry for those struggling and looking for positive help from the community. He is probably the guy who pees all over the toilet seat leaving it for the next person to deal with. I am spending more and more time elsewhere.

His replies to one of my recent posts really bugged me. I felt like he ruined my interest in sharing my experiences on this site. He made a very bad impression on me, and while it would be easy to say I think he is an asshole I will refrain from saying that. He does seem like an overly opinionated and somewhat hostile person.

Apr 13, 2015, 11:06 AM
His replies to one of my recent posts really bugged me. I felt like he ruined my interest in sharing my experiences on this site. He made a very bad impression on me, and while it would be easy to say I think he is an asshole I will refrain from saying that. He does seem like an overly opinionated and somewhat hostile person.

It is unfortunate that his toxic behaviour is impacting members with genuine and honest discussions as well as fear of sharing. If you research trolls(despite his attempt to label me a troll) you may find your concerns are the goal of trolls. The purpose of a troll is to prevent sincere and open discussion. I have to wonder why this troll appears over and over again on this site or similar toxic posters. Since this is a bisexual site, it is plausible that this is a united effort by a few or one presenting him/herself as multiple posters.

In internet slang a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory extraneous, or off topic, messages in an online community (such as a forum or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
This sense of the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with on line harassment

Apr 13, 2015, 11:18 AM
Some wonder about this possible explanation?

Asperger syndrome (AS) is characterized by significant difficulties in
a/ social interaction
b/ non verbal communication
c/ alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests (ie circumcision, genetalia etc.)

Social interaction
A lack of demonstrated empathy as to how others might feel. Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction.

a lack of social or emotional reciprocity in the sense of giving back appropriate social acknowledgement.(ie denial as to what others state)

People with Asperger syndrome display behaviour, interests, and activities that are repetitive (like posting many polls) and are sometimes abnormally intense or focused.

Apr 13, 2015, 12:12 PM
Pole Smoker may be obnoxious, but give him a break. We all did some stupid things when we were 14 too!

Apr 13, 2015, 2:33 PM
I think he has a serious lack of social interaction with people of our kind. Perhaps he lives in an area where there are no other bi people. His questions are juvenile and rather single minded for my taste, it's all about mechanics and how sex works for bi folk. All the vulgarities with none of the nuance.
Weve had many members who have made this site a troll-fest lately. We seem to run them off then some have the tenacity to come back and further their whims. Some have hang ups and agendas they seem to like to force on the rest of us. They like to stand in judgement of others situations and hand out criticism. More often than not though, they seem to wander away after a while and find other venues to vent their vitriol. A trend I, for one, am glad for. Personally, I just wish he'd go find a cock to suck and leave the rest of us alone.

Apr 13, 2015, 2:47 PM
Yes, but remember that trolls feed on the attention

Apr 13, 2015, 5:04 PM
The other question could be.... what are the alternate Profiles used by the same person??

Apr 14, 2015, 5:37 AM
I find it interesting that with all the comments and post's he's made on the site he hasn't made a single comment or rant on this thread. Why is that?

Apr 14, 2015, 9:34 AM
I find it interesting that with all the comments and post's he's made on the site he hasn't made a single comment or rant on this thread. Why is that?

Cowardice, maybe?

Apr 14, 2015, 11:29 AM
I find it interesting that with all the comments and post's he's made on the site he hasn't made a single comment or rant on this thread. Why is that?

I assume you are wrong here....

Apr 14, 2015, 12:46 PM
Cowardice, maybe?
Nope. My partner and I have been too busy laughing our asses off at all the utter bullshit people assume about me. :tongue: :bigrin:

I'm certainly not 14, not toxic or whatever other BS people want to assume about a total stranger, I don't have Asperger syndrome or any other sort of mental illness, I'm not deeply closeted or certainly don't lack social interaction with other bisexual people or LGBT people like 2bi2Bboring assumed about me, and the other bisexual site I used to go to that chtampa mentioned shut down due to the administrators/owners of that site arguing among themselves, not caring. and pulling the plug when their site was perfectly fine.

Thanks Charles. I enjoy your posts too. People here who are prudes seem to forget how this is a bisexual sex, amateur porn, and hook up site for bisexual adults.

Apr 14, 2015, 11:32 PM
Or..pole is a fuckn nut bar and his clone is Charles...lol The only person fooled is pole and his "husband"....

Apr 15, 2015, 3:07 AM
Or..pole is a fuckn nut bar and his clone is Charles...lol The only person fooled is pole and his "husband"....
Nope to both. LOL

Apr 15, 2015, 7:56 AM
Nope to both. LOL
Case of au contraire, mayb;):confused:

Apr 15, 2015, 7:32 PM
We aren't prudes or forgotten that this is a bisexual site, we've just moved beyond the juvenile mechanics of how sex works. Those questions are for the newbies who have to sit around and fantasize about how others have sex. People like us who are self-actualized, practicing bisexuals know how sex works for us, and have no need for such juvenile questions about the minutia. If this were one question to probe the membership about a subject you were into, that would be one thing. We all have our little -isms we are into, but this is voyuerism by proxy, and is more adolescent.

i seriously doubt there is a husband or even a partner for that matter.

Apr 15, 2015, 7:50 PM
We aren't prudes or forgotten that this is a bisexual site, we've just moved beyond the juvenile mechanics of how sex works. Those questions are for the newbies who have to sit around and fantasize about how others have sex. People like us who are self-actualized, practicing bisexuals know how sex works for us, and have no need for such juvenile questions about the minutia. If this were one question to probe the membership about a subject you were into, that would be one thing. We all have our little -isms we are into, but this is voyuerism by proxy, and is more adolescent.

i seriously doubt there is a husband or even a partner for that matter.
Does your "wife" even exist? Somehow I doubt it.

LOL that's funny. I do have a husband and at first he was my partner for over a decade. Neither of us really care what some idiot on the internet believes about two strangers he does not even know. :rolleyes:

You've been here since 2012 and you only have 107 posts, and are not really that active on this site. I'm a very experienced bisexual man, and so is my husband; but I'm the only one that posts on this account as he doesn't have an interest in posting on a bisexual amateur porn, cyber, hook up, and sex site for bisexual adults.

But haters like you do nothing but hate...hate...hate.

Apr 15, 2015, 8:22 PM
He's a prime example of a troll.

Apr 15, 2015, 8:37 PM
He's a prime example of a troll.
Nope I'm not a troll. I just don't sugar coat things.

However, if you, or tenni want to see a perfect example of a bigoted homophobic/biphobic troll who has self loathing about being bisexual simply look in the mirror. ;)

Of course, it's not like I need to tell you this...since it's extremely obvious about both of you. ;)

Apr 15, 2015, 8:44 PM
No self loathing here, I enjoy my bi side. I just want it kept secret and I don't suscribe to that gaystapo "bake our wedding cake" and tolerate/celebrate my diversity bullshit. I don't have to tolerate shit. Just keep silent about it.

Apr 15, 2015, 8:52 PM
No self loathing here, I enjoy my bi side. I just want it kept secret and I don't suscribe to that gaystapo "bake our wedding cake" and tolerate/celebrate my diversity bullshit. I don't have to tolerate shit. Just keep silent about it.
ROTFLMAO!!! Typical response from an extremely closeted, and ashamed homophobic/biphobic bigot.

Sweet life...

Apr 15, 2015, 9:23 PM
…I’ve got the solution to all the ‘pole’ hater’s problems…if he starts a thread…DON’T OPEN IT AND READ IT…

Apr 15, 2015, 9:24 PM
Oh, so you're legally married to a man? That begins to explain a bit about why you make so many holier-than-thou comments and judgments and have such an antagonistic attitude toward bis and gays who enjoy casual, no strings sex with men with no desire for commitment. Speaking of stupid questions, here are a few: In a gay marriage, are the partners legally designated as "husband and husband" or "husband and wife" or "domestic partner and domestic partner"? How come nobody's ever heard of a gay divorce? Do married gay couples have to go thru the same legal processes as hetero couples to be divorced?

Apr 15, 2015, 9:34 PM
Oh, so you're legally married to a man? That begins to explain a bit about why you make so many holier-than-thou comments and judgments and have such an antagonistic attitude toward bis and gays who enjoy casual, no strings sex with men with no desire for commitment. Speaking of stupid questions, here are a few: In a gay marriage, are the partners legally designated as "husband and husband" or "husband and wife" or "domestic partner and domestic partner"? How come nobody's ever heard of a gay divorce? Do married gay couples have to go thru the same legal processes as hetero couples to be divorced?
1. We're both husbands, and bisexual. But that's because we are legally married. If it were a civil partnership it would be domestic partner, and domestic partner, or a civil union is more akin to what used to be called a common-law marriage; but it's not the same as an actual marriage the way a common-law marriage was not an actual marriage but still had some legal ramifications.

2. Divorces between same gender couples who are married happen. Friends of ours who are a same gender couple who were legally married did separate, and divorce. They have kids and their kids live with their one dad, and then visit their other dad on the weekend or for certain holidays; but they did go through the court system, divorce proceedings, etc. just like heterosexual people, or a woman and man who are legally married do.

Apr 15, 2015, 10:08 PM
Speaking of stupid questions, here are a few: In a gay marriage, are the partners legally designated as "husband and husband" or "husband and wife" or "domestic partner and domestic partner"? How come nobody's ever heard of a gay divorce? Do married gay couples have to go thru the same legal processes as hetero couples to be divorced?

Gay marriage is going to be a huge profit for divorce lawyers considering the promiscuity of the homos which will break up homes.

Apr 16, 2015, 6:07 AM
A tadge homophobic dontcha think? Homes r broken up for million and one reasons. Not least cos peeps become bored with each other, fall out of love or just start disliking each other. Also cos they shag on the side not just homosexuals but bi and str8 peeps...u r right that lawyers will make a mint out of divorcing same sex marriages and civil partnerships.. price alas gay and bi peeps pay for wanting equality with the str8 world...:eek2:

Apr 16, 2015, 6:16 AM
...and since it has been raised, divorces of same sex civil unions began about a year after peeps could enter them here.. much the same will occur now that we can marry or covert partnerships to marriages... lawyers do indeed have big smile over their faces and fatter wallets.. more so across the pond wer lawyers really rip peeps off...:yikes2:

Apr 16, 2015, 12:39 PM
1. We're both husbands, and bisexual. But that's because we are legally married. If it were a civil partnership it would be domestic partner, and domestic partner, or a civil union is more akin to what used to be called a common-law marriage; but it's not the same as an actual marriage the way a common-law marriage was not an actual marriage but still had some legal ramifications.

2. Divorces between same gender couples who are married happen. Friends of ours who are a same gender couple who were legally married did separate, and divorce. They have kids and their kids live with their one dad, and then visit their other dad on the weekend or for certain holidays; but they did go through the court system, divorce proceedings, etc. just like heterosexual people, or a woman and man who are legally married do. …I think the first legal court granted divorce was here in Texas…gay marriage isn’t legal in Texas but they’d been married in a state where Texas & that state had an agreement to honor each other’s laws…that gave the judge legal standing to hear the case & grant the divorce…

Apr 16, 2015, 12:44 PM
considering the promiscuity of the homos
…that sounds kinda strong for a web-site like this…that’s almost gay bashing….

Apr 16, 2015, 12:47 PM
…that sounds kinda strong for a web-site like this…that’s almost gay bashing….

Indeed; but consider the source. ;)

Apr 16, 2015, 12:52 PM
…I’ve got the solution to all the ‘pole’ hater’s problems…if he starts a thread…DON’T OPEN IT AND READ IT…

Exactly it's that simple. There are threads I don't read since they don't interest me.

Apr 16, 2015, 4:42 PM
The vast majority of posting is done from the "pole_Smoker and Charles-Smythe accounts. :yikes2: Mostly, they post back and forth to each other. Co incidence? Not likely....

Apr 16, 2015, 4:55 PM
The vast majority of posting is done from the "pole_Smoker and Charles-Smythe accounts. :yikes2: Mostly, they post back and forth to each other. Co incidence? Not likely....
Yeah it is a coincidence. Great minds think alike!

Apr 16, 2015, 5:32 PM
Yeah it is a coincidence. Great minds think alike!
Fools seldom differ...;)

Apr 16, 2015, 5:43 PM
Fools seldom differ...;)
Neither Charles, or I are actually fools unlike other people here. ;)

If you actually followed your signature and kept an open mind you would find that you agree with Charles and I on certain topics.

Apr 16, 2015, 5:57 PM
I think he has a serious lack of social interaction with people of our kind. Perhaps he lives in an area where there are no other bi people. His questions are juvenile and rather single minded for my taste, it's all about mechanics and how sex works for bi folk. All the vulgarities with none of the nuance.
Weve had many members who have made this site a troll-fest lately. We seem to run them off then some have the tenacity to come back and further their whims. Some have hang ups and agendas they seem to like to force on the rest of us. They like to stand in judgement of others situations and hand out criticism. More often than not though, they seem to wander away after a while and find other venues to vent their vitriol. A trend I, for one, am glad for. Personally, I just wish he'd go find a cock to suck and leave the rest of us alone.

Well said...I completely agree! This website would be much better if it wasn't troll-infested. Overall, there are some good people on here. But it's like a needle in a haystack in connecting with people who are real versus people flaunting a facade!

Apr 16, 2015, 6:39 PM
Well said...I completely agree! This website would be much better if it wasn't troll-infested. Overall, there are some good people on here. But it's like a needle in a haystack in connecting with people who are real versus people flaunting a facade!
Who are you again? You've been here since 2014; but only have 4 posts...so for all anyone knows you're a fake person, and a troll, and you're not active at all for someone who has been here for about a year so far.

Nope I certainly don't lack interaction with other people, or even bisexual people LOL.

Apr 16, 2015, 7:01 PM
Neither Charles, or I are actually fools unlike other people here. ;)

If you actually followed your signature and kept an open mind you would find that you agree with Charles and I on certain topics.It is statistically certain the greatest of minds shall on occasion agree with the greatest of fools... that does not make me a fool or u a great mind...:);)

Apr 16, 2015, 8:06 PM
Fools seldom differ...;)
…darkeyes…I have never disrespected you…why did you say that about me?...

Apr 16, 2015, 8:51 PM
Who are you again? You've been here since 2014; but only have 4 posts...so for all anyone knows you're a fake person, and a troll, and you're not active at all for someone who has been here for about a year so far.

Nope I certainly don't lack interaction with other people, or even bisexual people LOL.

FYI, I've been on this website for more than a year. To be exact, I've been on here since 2007 which I decided to make a new account. If anything, if I was a "troll." Why would I have a mysecretchoice.com account to whom I share personal information and pictures that isn't "photoshop" in depth?

Honestly, for a person like you to be hostile towards being called a "troll"...makes it obvious that you're one. If you know who are and what you are. You should have the ability to flick it off and laugh versus playing the "blame game." Because, within yourself...you know what is and isn't true about yourself.

Btw, this a forum for opinions. If you can't handle what people dish out about you; and you tend to take something that's "small" seriously. Then, your ass definitely don't need to be on here. That's the fact! #FreedomOfSpeech

Apr 16, 2015, 11:21 PM
"I’ve got the solution to all the ‘pole’ hater’s problems…if he starts a thread…DON’T OPEN IT AND READ IT…"

This doesn't work when all the threads are either created by the troll, clone or hogs the postings. Day after day the latest version of the troll(s) keep hogging the threads with toxic posts and images. What is funny is when she/he brings back his former self as Top Fucker as a thread that he has found..Selfish and greedy.

Does not play well with other. Has anyone read where the troll admits his flaws that other points out?

Apr 17, 2015, 3:54 AM
FYI, I've been on this website for more than a year. To be exact, I've been on here since 2007 which I decided to make a new account. If anything, if I was a "troll." Why would I have a mysecretchoice.com account to whom I share personal information and pictures that isn't "photoshop" in depth?

Honestly, for a person like you to be hostile towards being called a "troll"...makes it obvious that you're one. If you know who are and what you are. You should have the ability to flick it off and laugh versus playing the "blame game." Because, within yourself...you know what is and isn't true about yourself.

Btw, this a forum for opinions. If you can't handle what people dish out about you; and you tend to take something that's "small" seriously. Then, your ass definitely don't need to be on here. That's the fact! #FreedomOfSpeech
*yawn* Did you say something? :rolleyes: LMAO.

Keep spamming your site. I don't really care.

"I’ve got the solution to all the ‘pole’ hater’s problems…if he starts a thread…DON’T OPEN IT AND READ IT…"

This doesn't work when all the threads are either created by the troll, clone or hogs the postings. Day after day the latest version of the troll(s) keep hogging the threads with toxic posts and images. What is funny is when she/he brings back his former self as Top Fucker as a thread that he has found..Selfish and greedy.

Does not play well with other. Has anyone read where the troll admits his flaws that other points out?
You're the only toxic person here since you do troll, stalk/flame others, and try to control this site or who posts just like another above poster who reacted in a toxic way when told the facts.

Apr 17, 2015, 5:56 AM
…darkeyes…I have never disrespected you…why did you say that about me?...

It is intended as a riposte 2 Poley's quip about gr8 minds... it is an automatic, generally jocular riposte I (and many others over here at least) make almost every time ne1 says it in me presence....it isn't intended as disrespect to u which is why u aren't mentioned in me own post #50.. about him however, that is a different matter....:) I don't deny that ur apparent closeness 2 the guy is a tadge disconcerting, but as yet u havent shifted in2 full contemptuous mode and so as I do with everyone, I deal as I find.

..and the words below fyi were only ever intended to refer to how people consider and deal with my sexuality, not how I or others think or behave generally.. while I endeavour to treat people decently and with respect, some are beyond the pale. Poley is just such a person and so I deal with him in the manner I do... which, if I may be bold enough to suggest is a bloody sight better than he deals with the site specifically and most other people generally.

Ne way, no matter to what my signature refers, it should be considered a double edged sword...:)

Apr 18, 2015, 8:49 AM
This site is part information, part porn, and sadly, part judging. I don't cum here to read verdicts.

In real life I tend to avoid pidgeonholers.

Apr 18, 2015, 2:30 PM
stupid is as deep as he can intellectually aspire. at least his friend charles has a sense of humor, which seems to elude ol' smoky