View Full Version : what's your opinion...im still a little confused.

Aug 10, 2006, 6:49 PM
Ok. Before I get into my question, I will give you a bit of back info to help clear things up. My fiance and I started out as "fuck buddies" basically. I had just gotten out of a long, rough relationship and I wasn't looking for anything but someone to fill my sexual needs every now and then. Since sex was the basis of our relationship, it was easy for me to tell him that I had thought about being with other women. Up until that point I had done nothing more than kiss another female. It was he who encouraged me to fulfill my desires, and even helped me search for a female who was willing to just let me try. We have now been together quite some time and are swingers. The reason we started swinging was so I could be with other females. I think that the female body is a thing of beauty and it excites me to no end to bring them pleasure. Now my question.. am I bisexual or am I just what some would call "try-sexual?" I have never been in a relationship with another female. I wouldnt completely rule it out, but Im not sure if it would work. I do, however, love having sex with females. That may sound horrible, I dont know. lol Opinions anyone??

Aug 10, 2006, 7:19 PM
Sounds to me as if you are bisexual. Maybe not "biamorous."

I feel pretty much the same way, I enjoy sex with men, but don't see myself falling in love with a man.

Aug 10, 2006, 8:57 PM
perhaps you're just "sexual" with women. Never say never though to falling for a woman. When I was younger I thought that I'd never have sex with a man even though I wanted to really badly, or even do things like go on a date with a man, or go into a gay/glbt bar.

I thought that I was just "sexual" with men but then I got really infatuated with male friends and they'd show up in dreams (both erotic and non-sexual dreams), and I got REALLY infatuated with the first guy I had sex with who was someone I picked up from a bar and had sex with twice. Altho I do get infatuated with people easily I am grounded in reality about it, and know that that's what it pretty much is. I do fall in love with friends and there are a few who I'd move in with in a heartbeat but I know that it won't ever happen.

Have you ever thought about looking into polyamory? I personally am more inclined towards that, for myself. If other people want to do swinging I'm fine with that but I personally have no desire to do it since I don't fuck strangers.

Can't a person just be attracted to people, like I am? I think so.

Aug 10, 2006, 9:35 PM
Sounds to me as if you are bisexual. Maybe not "biamorous."

I feel pretty much the same way, I enjoy sex with men, but don't see myself falling in love with a man.

Quoted for great truth. :)

At any rate, you are who you are, you like who you like, let other people worry about the labels if anyone needs to. ;)

Aug 10, 2006, 11:35 PM
First of all...Welcome! :bigrin:

Secondly, ya sound pretty bi to me Bisexuality is as individual as the people who identify with that label. I call myself bisexual because even though I'm in a married, monogamous hetero relationship, I'm still attracted to certain women (ie Tracie Thoms and the Pussycat Dolls in their early, more Burlesque work) for instance. My relationship doesn't stop me from feeling the way I do. I think in your case my signature may help. Define yourself by how YOU feel, not what others may think.

Aug 11, 2006, 7:15 AM
I would agree with most of the posts. I am almost an exact duplicate to you, the only difference is I have a penis. I like to have sex with man, but my partner is a female, and I am totally into her. I have dated man before for reasons other than sex, and have usually been left picking up the pieces after they leave.

Just my two cents, it's still early

Long Duck Dong
Aug 11, 2006, 9:39 AM
lol bisexual or try sexual lol

actually where i live ( in new zealand ) the term try sexual is used to define people, mainly females that kiss another female and then run around telling everybody they are bisexual... but they may be heterosexual or lesbian or bisexual

bisexual is a collective term that covers anybody that have a sexual / platonic / romantic / non romantic etc attraction to both sexes....but it DOESN"T mean you have to have a sexual relation with a member of the same sex to have bisexual tendancies.... if the ruling on that was changed, then any person that have a attraction to a person of the same sex, but doesn't get involved with them sexual, is not able to call themselves a bisexual

its a bit like the age old question.... if a celibate monk never has sex... what sexuality are they ??... we automatically place everybody as heterosexual
but like bisexuality, homosexuality and autosexuality.. its simply a label...and often a mask people hide behind

Aug 11, 2006, 12:54 PM
Hi Honey

It's seems we are alike! I am married and regularly 'swing'. We go to swinging events purely for my insatiable desire for women! My hus loves the whole thing and still finds it highly amusing (after many years together!) when we see a nice gal on the street and compare notes!! Although I am married to a man, I love girls too. Not sure if I could have a relationship with a girl..to many crazy hormones for one relationship...but like yourself, I love sex with women! Simple as that.
I don't call myself anything really. I do what I do and my husband likes it too, so why label it? If you want a label though...I'd say your 100% bi-sexual. You have sex with girls and love it!! What else do you want to call yourself?? Your not curious, cos you've bin there!!

Anyway, drop the label and enjoy yourself!!!


Aug 11, 2006, 4:09 PM
Thanks for all the great info and advice guys!! :bigrin: :bibounce:

Aug 11, 2006, 8:09 PM
....I have never been in a relationship with another female. I wouldnt completely rule it out, but Im not sure if it would work. I do, however, love having sex with females. That may sound horrible, I dont know. lol Opinions anyone?? I don't think that sounds horrible at all. The nature of your attraction to women is different than the nature of your attraction to men is all - that is very common for many people here, and there is nothing wrong with it at all in my opinion. Your attraction to women is basically just sexual, or at least it's not "longterm relationship" in nature. But your attraction to men does involve the idea of a wider relationship.

From the male side of things I see it all the time; bi men who are attracted to other men strictly from a sexual standpoint - but as far as sharing a life, a home, going out to dinner and a movie, sharing childrearing and such, they are only interested in doing that with a female partner. For some bi guys the exclusivity of their attraction to men is so specific that even kissing another man is not attractive to them - their attraction to men is just about specific sex acts with other men (sucking, fucking, whatever).

No harm, therefore no foul.

So welcome to the club!!! :bibounce:

- Drew :paw: