View Full Version : Cameron Speaks Out about Persecution Against Christians

Apr 7, 2015, 12:44 PM
David Cameron makes an interesting speech about recent persecution of Christians. He states clearly that Britain is still a Christian country but welcomes other religions.

As members of a marginalized sexuality do you believe this will help him and his party politically?


Apr 8, 2015, 12:08 AM
bump the trolly off

Apr 8, 2015, 3:02 PM
Yes - while British politics isn't hugely faith-driven the way that for example American politics is, there is a greater correlation between church-going and voting for his Conservative party compared to most of the other UK political parties.

Traditionally the Conservatives are (somewhat unfairly) seen as entirely anti-LGBT while their largest rival party, Labour, are (also unfairly) seen as pro-LGBT. In practice both have mixed records, but that's the popular perception.

As part of the Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition over the last five years, his Lib Dem coalition partners legislated same-sex marriage among other equalities issues. This alienated a chunk of Cameron's religious voter base and he needs to be seen making nice face with that section of the electorate.

That said - lots of videos like this are made by lots of politicians of all stripes in the UK all the time, you shouldn't read too much into it.