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View Full Version : July 9, Birthday at Balanca's in Kansas City

Jul 2, 2005, 5:12 AM
As many of you know, I am turning 40 on July 10th. (Ugh! I don't want to turn 40!) My bf & I plan to spend the evening of the 9th at Balanca's at 18th & Grand in Kansas City. I know some of you live in the KC area. If you are able to drop in at B's, maybe we'd get the chance to meet. I'd love to meet you!

Jul 2, 2005, 1:13 PM
As many of you know, I am turning 40 on July 10th. (Ugh! I don't want to turn 40!) My bf & I plan to spend the evening of the 9th at Balanca's at 18th & Grand in Kansas City. I know some of you live in the KC area. If you are able to drop in at B's, maybe we'd get the chance to meet. I'd love to meet you!

Happy birthday early if I do not talk to u before then I know I would love to attend before I have a 10 yeah high school reounion so sorry :cool:

Jul 4, 2005, 3:29 AM
AMENDED birthday party date: July 8 at Balanca's Pyro Room, 1809 Grand, Kansas City, Missouri.
I hope to be at Balanca's by 9 p.m. and will stay until closing (3 a.m.). We've changed the date due to a conflict in schedules. Anyhow, if you can make it to Balanca's, there are 2 groups hosting a Meet & Greet. One group is Club Foreplay (C4P) and the other is EBCN (Emergency Booty Call Network). I am told that Balanca's will be packed out wall-to-wall. I am really looking forward to attending this Meet & Greet. It will be my first time at a M&G. There are some really great people at these parties. I hope to see some of you there! If you think you might be able to come, if you e-mail me privately, I'd love to hear from you!
I hope some of you will be able to help me celebrate my 40th. I'd love to be able to put some faces to some of the people I have chatted with here!
:bdaygrin: :bday:

Jul 6, 2005, 4:15 AM
Gayle, you're being brave again!! An open invitation to all of us to your birthday party!!! Well THAT will "out" your boyfreind (l.o.l!!!). Well done lass!! I hope you have a truly WONDERFUL time!! I would love to join you but I'll be here in London, UK, as usual!! Bit far for a party!! Sorry!!

Anyway - HAPPY "BIG FOUR-OH"!!!!

Hugs and love to you,


Jul 6, 2005, 2:04 PM
I find it amazing that someone from this site would find it amusing or find satisfaction in somone else outing their significant other, is this really what this site is about? I thought this was supposed to be a place for people to come and feel safe not to have to worry about them being outed and their life ruined because somone else thinks everyone should be outed and a persons privacy means nothing!

Jul 6, 2005, 4:43 PM
Bishadoman, my comments were, strange as it may seem, meant as a JOKE. "Outing" some-one without any regard for their self-worth/esteem or even safety is, it goes without saying, at the very least, hurtful. I'm not sure if Gayle is actually "outing" anyone. An open invitation to one's birthday party via this site is a fairly brave thing to do in MY book - for others it would just be another day - nothing to do with being brave at all. Maybe Gayle will be able to get her boyfriend to comment on the site about this, I can't say. If we can no longer joke with one another on the site it is a very sad day. If my comments have upset you in anyway I apologise, although they were not meant to - this is obviously a very sensitive area for you.
