View Full Version : Dick size study

Mar 4, 2015, 8:28 AM

That is a link to a Yahoo News story about penis size. The study says the average dick size is just over 5".

Read the article or not, that's not the point here. I'm curious to hear from those guys that have had 10+ male lovers, what was the average size of those guys?

My sample plan is large enough to start a graph. These have been some of my observations:
less than 10% had dicks in the 5" range. Mostly 6" to 7". Less than 10% over 7". Minimal variation in girth.

Lot's of odd outliers but nothing that could be considered a trend. For example, one guy that was close to 10" and as thick as my thumb. Ya don't see that very often lol.

Mar 4, 2015, 8:48 AM
on some level i wish i could participate in ur survey :P

new day
Mar 4, 2015, 11:54 AM
Here is some input to your discussion. Included is a link to a size percentile calculator and a chart showing the distribution in terms of length.



Mar 4, 2015, 7:19 PM
(smiles and shakes head)

Mar 4, 2015, 10:28 PM
I am in the middle of that chart in girth and length. My partner is at the upper end of the chart in length with a 6" girth.

Mar 4, 2015, 10:29 PM
...but......I have a good personality !

Mar 5, 2015, 5:19 AM
You guys can deal with the charts & graph's and stuff. I'll just concentrate on sucking them...

Mar 5, 2015, 9:30 AM
I would love having the job of measuring cocks for the study. A long line of men. Take each into a little room. Pants off. Quickly measure them soft. I'll take their cock in my fingers and lift up the soft member. My assistant measures the penis with a soft cloth measuring tape. We also take notes on circumcised vs uncircumcised penises. We photograph them from several angles.

We ask if they are straight, gay, bisexual or other. Then show the men some porn videos of their choice. If they say they are straight they can watch girl on girl. If gay they watch guy on guy. But if they say they are very anti-gay, saying things like "fags are gross, damned by god" and things like that we understand that they are in that group of men who are afraid to admit that they have homosexual tendencies. So we start out with girl on girl, then a guy joins, then another, then the girls leave and it is just guy on guy. And those homophobic guys get the biggest erections.

While the guys are watching the porn I fondle their cocks. Stroke their balls. Play with their nipples. Oh, give up, why pretend this is going to be all clinical? That cock in my hand really needs a willing mouth. I get to work on those cocks, stopping when really hard so my assistant can take measurements. Then back to my duty.

Every guy leaves smiling and is told that there are thousands of guys to go and they cannot get back in line. Today.

Mar 6, 2015, 8:04 AM
I wonder why men are so fascinated with penis size? It seems to have something to do with valuing our own worth in comparison to others. I also wonder why some posters sexualize a scientific research activity. If you had to measure a stretched penis for a study and we're constantly sexually aroused, you couldn't do that job. You would be fired for being unprofessional. Such fantasies seem sophomoric. If you need to fantasize and make a fantasy post I guess the rest of us will either bone up with you or ignore your post.

Mar 6, 2015, 9:18 AM
damn tenni, someone piss in your corn flakes? Who cares what someone posts? Like ALL of us, we read thru a thread and skip over the ones that don't interest us. By labeling someone as sophomoric you make them less likely to post anywhere. At least the post wasn't full of hate. We put our shit out right here. Shit that builds up and needs released. For some reason, typing out our thoughts on a subject that we can't discuss openly, allows some release that is much needed. Sometimes comments take a left turn from the subject but what does that matter?
of course we are curious about cock size. it's not like breasts, right there, big, small, perky, saggy. It's the unknown, how do we measure up? I don't think its a measuring tool of our worth, but possibly our sexual prowess due to increased confidence. If one is small, one may want to know there are many others like them, if one is large, he may want to know how many others are smaller than him. it simply satisfies a human curiosity. There was a time that having a big dick labeled a person as a stupid oaf.

Mar 6, 2015, 10:27 AM
"There was a time that having a big dick labeled a person as a stupid oaf."

hmm That must have been before my time...lol

I agree that penis size is often thought connected to sexual power..which can get connected to self esteem whether large, average or small. The study results may say that you are average but some still don't want to believe it..lol

Mar 6, 2015, 10:45 AM
"There was a time that having a big dick labeled a person as a stupid oaf."

hmm That must have been before my time...lol

I agree that penis size is often thought connected to sexual power..which can get connected to self esteem whether large, average or small. The study results may say that you are average but some still don't want to believe it..lolS'pose is betta than bein' tidgie, tenni;).. and trust me... found it much preferable 2 the few who wer unreasonably immense... :yikes2:. Thank God they were few and far between...:tongue:

Mar 6, 2015, 11:02 AM
lol Darkeyes
I'm average or slightly larger (surprise to me) but I had a buddy who told me that he was hung. He said that it took him awhile to learn how to safely penetrate a woman so that he didn't hurt her. He found that penetrating more on the upper side of her vagina helped reduce any woman's discomfort...or something like that. lol ;) Big dicked guys may not be oafs but it is not all easy...lol

Mar 6, 2015, 12:01 PM
... and they reckon there is no truth in claims that black men have bigger willies... or that foot size is an indication of willie size.... hmmm. Tend 2 agree wiv one but the jury is out on t'otha since I dont think I had enuff experience of the former to judge tho the experience I did have (counted on 1 hand minus the thumb) tended to back up the bigger willie theory.. so really I am unable to confirm or deny the reality and doubt I ever shall b since guys havent been my cuppa T for ova a decade...:)

Mar 6, 2015, 6:48 PM
bump up due to trolling