View Full Version : Iv gotten a new toy and now I'm worried..

Feb 23, 2015, 12:10 PM

First things first.. I'm male and all toys I'm talking about are inserted into me..

Ok so Iv been experimenting with toys since I turned 18 (pretty much 12 months ago now) and up until about 2 weeks ago the biggest iv ever put in me is 5 inches in circumference.. But recently I purchased a new toy that has a base of 8.5inches in circumference and 9.5 inches long.. Now iv taken the whole toy a few times now and it had a little pain and a tiny trace of blood but the pleasure out does it..

I thought my body would become a custom to the size

But I used it again tonight and all of a sudden there was some blood, like there wasn't a tone of it but there was a bit, I use about 2 ounces of lube each time.. Now I'm laying on my bed and there is a dull throbing and I'm starting to get worried.. There isn't any blood on tissue paper when I wipe.. But it's just hurting a little.. It's only been about 45 mins since I used the toy but I'm just feeling a little worried..

I'm wondering could I have done some real damage or is it something minor like a bit of tearing from over stretching..


Feb 23, 2015, 12:29 PM
Go see a doctor or medical professional.

Feb 23, 2015, 1:04 PM
It could be minor or it could be very serious. Go see a doctor and tell him what you did. Don't worry, you're not the first and certainly not the worst.

Feb 23, 2015, 1:26 PM
What ever the outcome with your local MD think about what your are doing more carefully in the future. You would not go from being a virgin to taking on the football team in one try and nearly doubling size in one try is a big leap. Think about what you are doing and take things slowly or the price you pay may be high.

Feb 23, 2015, 3:10 PM
Don't overdo it. First, stick with the size that makes you happy. Second, when you do it with a man, your hand or mouth will gauge the size if it feels right. Take a few days off at a smaller size to follow.

Feb 24, 2015, 6:19 AM
Thanks everyone.. I had a sleep and went to work today without any problems.. Apart from a little bit of a sore end (like you've wiped a little to much).. I think it may be a good idea to put that toy on the bench for the time being until I'm a bit more accustomed to its size..

Feb 24, 2015, 6:23 AM
What ever the outcome with your local MD think about what your are doing more carefully in the future. You would not go from being a virgin to taking on the football team in one try and nearly doubling size in one try is a big leap. Think about what you are doing and take things slowly or the price you pay may be high.

Hey Coastocoast

Thanks for the advice.. I was going by pain lvl to see if I could do it.. Weird thing is it didn't really hurt much.. But once I finished and pulled the toy out there was blood on it.. It's pretty much the first time this has happened and it scared me..


Feb 24, 2015, 6:29 AM
Don't overdo it. First, stick with the size that makes you happy. Second, when you do it with a man, your hand or mouth will gauge the size if it feels right. Take a few days off at a smaller size to follow.

Hey mas8092

It didn't really hurt going in or during.. I have had mutch more painful encounters expecially when I first started experimenting.. So it wasn't until after when I took it out that I saw the blood and alarm beds started going off..

I do have a pretty high pain threshold tho so I'm not to book on gauging pain..

Thanks :)

Feb 24, 2015, 8:40 AM
Blood is not a good sign!

Some people are less sensitive, back there, but blood is a sign that your anus is stressed.

There is an increased chance of infections and ripping of your anal liner. The anus is not designed to stretch like a vagina and if you insist on using larger and larger inserts, you should go very slowly and give it more time to adjust.

I'm no expert and not into anal, myself, but I have been around the block a time, or two.

Feb 24, 2015, 9:39 AM
I'm no expert
But clearly, if you rip your sphincter muscles or your Colon, it could spell the immediate end of any playing there and possibly strapping a bag to to your leg for the rest of your life. Blood is not a good thing.