View Full Version : Going to meet. Excited...and nervous.

Feb 14, 2015, 7:38 AM
I have been chatting with a couple for about two months and we have decided to meet for lunch today. It's just a meet and greet for us to get to know each other further and see if there is any physical attraction. We've traded pics and talked on the phone a few times and we all think it's time for a face-to-face. I'm excited.

They are both 5 years older than me and have been married for 30 years. From what I understand, they have grown apart sexually and over the past few years, he has gotten to where he prefers sex with males. They still have sex with each other, but according to her, it's not all that wonderful because she feels like it mostly just going through the motions for him. They love each other and do not want to separate, especially after three decades together.

They had a previous lover that they really enjoyed who, according to them, really met both of their sexual needs. He unfortunately got transferred and had to move away, so they are looking for another.

I like the pace of things and am hopeful it actually works out. If we do decide to take it to a sexual level, we all will be tested and it will be an exclusive thing. Seems like all the right things are happening.

I'll post more about out meeting today, especially if we decide to take it further.

Wish me luck.

Feb 14, 2015, 7:49 AM
All the best, man. "YOLO" and all that.

Feb 14, 2015, 8:26 AM
I experienced this for about 2 years with a married couple that had been together that long. In the beginning the sex was really fun as I had never had access to all my favorite things at the same time. Over time, the sex became less important. He was slightly disabled, enough that he couldn't do that much physical activity. His wife and I would spend days together hiking or skiing. He trusted me to not take advantage of the situation which was fine by me. Sexually, the 2 of us didn't really click, but with all 3 of us, it was better.

After about a year, the sex was getting more and more rare. I would still spend most of a weekend day with them but after awhile, we found we really just enjoyed each others company. In particular, the husband and I were becoming really close friends. We would spend the day, sitting on the patio, drinking whatever the day called for and just hang out. I miss him.

Anyway, I digress, I wanted to say good luck man. This could be one of those turning points in one's life. Have fun and tell us about it!

Feb 14, 2015, 10:18 AM
Good luck and have fun. Let us all know how it turns out.

Feb 14, 2015, 12:23 PM
congratulations.....hope u make some new good friends! this is not something everybody gets to experiance, or is even open too. just a word of warning, more for them than u...........not that i speak from experiance but from what i have heard if a couple is having problems sometimes they think opening up there marriage might fix things, but from what i have heard this rarely works & if it gets to the point they decide to do something like this it might be a sign it's over. it might not apply in this case if they already had a friend in the past & there still togather. i still wish all of u alot of luck & fun but if they need to work things out u might have to step aside for awhile. again i'm not speaking from experiance just something i have observed from a distance. just talking in general, i know each person is different, each couple is different.

Feb 14, 2015, 2:54 PM
Congrats, good luck and keep us informed on how this turns out. Through your posts, we can almost experience what several of us would like to experience. I'm excited for you and I hope it all works out.

Feb 15, 2015, 6:54 AM
Okay, so here's an update...

We met up for lunch and after the first few awkward minutes, it was a great meeting. We spent close to two hours just chatting and getting to know each other. We all got along well and had a lot of good conversation. Way too much to spell out in a post...mainly because it would be painfully long and I'm too lazy to type that much. LOL!

At any rate, it didn't take too long before we got to the subject of what they are looking for. As I stated earlier, while they are sexually active with each other (2-3 times per month), the "flame is missing" and there is no oral. She loves to give it, he just doesn't really even get hard when she does it and never cums, so she doesn't do it anymore. He is totally averse to performing on her, which she misses because she loves it.

They did mention that they do not play together. Seeing two men together doesn't really do anything for her and she feels like she can't "let go" if he is present. They told me that they really miss their last friend. He was evidently great at performing on both of them and she said he could really get her off, both with his tongue and especially with his cock.

They explained their last arrangement and said they hoped to have a similar one again...how it worked was they would get together once, sometimes twice, per week. They would alternate visits. One would be focused on him, the next focused on her. On "his" visits, their friend would evidently start off by giving her oral and making her cum then getting together with him. On "her" visits, it was the reverse. Their friend would suck him off and then get together with her. Sounds very interesting. They also said that while not real often, the both do a little traveling for work so there would potentially be some 1:1 meetings.

Okay, it's getting a bit long, so I'll cut it off for now. We decided to move ahead with STD testing and chat further over the next week or so. If everything comes back clean we are going to plan a play date and see how it goes. I hope the planets line up and it happens. It seems like it will be quite an adventure.

Feb 15, 2015, 8:39 AM
This sounds like both a weird and ideal situation. So you perform a quickly on one and then they leave while you perform the extended version on the other? Is the other still within ear shot?

I'm excited for you, I got hard just reading you're post and thinking 'Really?'. Maybe a bit voyeuristic, I hope you write about each of the encounters. While it sounds almost too hard to believe that this could happen to anyone, it sounds like you'll get to experience it!

Your blog could also be a boost in this sites membership. Keep us informed!

Feb 15, 2015, 11:49 AM
I agree and it hasn't happened yet. I've learned not to get my hopes too high. I suppose in a couple of weeks I'll know for sure.

I'm not sure about the ear shot question, but from what I understand, that is how it will work. I presume there will be different rooms as they don't play as a couple. Hopefully I'll find out...

This sounds like both a weird and ideal situation. So you perform a quickly on one and then they leave while you perform the extended version on the other? Is the other still within ear shot?

I'm excited for you, I got hard just reading you're post and thinking 'Really?'. Maybe a bit voyeuristic, I hope you write about each of the encounters. While it sounds almost too hard to believe that this could happen to anyone, it sounds like you'll get to experience it!

Your blog could also be a boost in this sites membership. Keep us informed!

Feb 15, 2015, 12:05 PM
That's great! I hope it all works out for you.

May I make a comment, please?(thank you).
It seems many men write and post that they are interested in finding a same sex partner or a couple. Maybe it's because they desire the m/m experience.
Maybe it's to fulfill a fantasy. Maybe it's because of a non existent sex life at home. Whatever the reason-I read comments and the men say "I wish I could find that" or as in AGuyIKnow writes "while it sounds almost too hard to believe that this could happen...." I don't get why they think that way. It seems there are MANY men looking for the same thing. Couples also who are looking for a male partner for the man or a man to join their bed for 3ways. So I wonder why do some members find it difficult to find someone? Please don't suggest to me that this site is full of phonies. It isn't. There are many honest sexual beings on this site who genuinely want to feel fulfilled. If many of us want the same thing then why aren't there more happy reports of success like what TX posted?

I do understand many of us have specific likes and dislikes when it comes to what we crave. And sometimes there isn't a match. I get that. I wish there were more successful matches.

Feb 15, 2015, 12:43 PM
Couples also who are looking for a male partner for the man or a man to join their bed for 3ways.If there's a couple looking nearby that's looking for this, we need to talk.

Feb 15, 2015, 6:02 PM
Good luck to you, Lonestar!

I think Fresia's comments are certainly insightful, too.

As I've written before, I've experienced three multi-partner relationships. Call them poly, or whatever; two of them were mutually gratifying as well as emotionally and sensually fulfilling.

The first attempt was actually a failure, because we were too anxious to begin and didn't discuss our interests, differences, nor did we draw up any barriers.

We began blindly, although enthusiastically, but within three weeks it was over. Jealousy from husband, even though he initiated the whole thing, raised it's ugly head. That immediately ruined, what I thought was going to be an ideal arrangement.

Amazingly, a couple, who were friends of the first couple, began to discuss the possibilities with me and we began negotiating a similar agreement. This time, we got to know each other, taking it slower to see if we could come up with a compatible three-piece puzzle. Taking our time, we first became friends, then lovers. Once we were satisfied that we'd made a mutually compatible plan, we proceeded the with trial. It was soon evident that we were all very much alike, in our desires and interests.

Thus began a 13 month experience that I will never forget. (One might ask why only 13 months?) We were in the military at the time and victims of transfers, to opposite ends of the earth! Unable to go with them, I came to the end of my enlistment and got out...they were "lifers".

However, that became one of the most sublime relationships I ever experienced! I hope, that your experiment turns out, at least, half as good as that one was!

The third relationship was with two women, a few years later, thus somewhat different in dynamics and it wouldn't fit into this thread.

I hope you will develop the relationship that you (and they) desire!

Good luck!!

Feb 15, 2015, 8:04 PM
3 surely is better than 2, no jealousy here what so ever from the husband, however thats a different topic with the wife as far as another woman in our bed. Something we need to iron out, she has said why do you even need another woman, etc. Because you virgin boy wants to experience another woman I say. She herself says she has no interest in women, but could be bi comfortable.Jealousy can be tough for sure.

Feb 16, 2015, 12:37 AM
Lonestar, Congrats on the progress made after meeting your new friends.

Feb 21, 2015, 7:04 AM
One step closer! We all have been tested and are free of anything that can be passed around. Not surprising given that neither they nor I play around unsafely.

We have scheduled a play date for next Friday. I'm so excited! I wish I had a time machine. LOL! We are going to get together at their house and have dinner and some drinks and then...

I think we are all going to have a good time!

Mar 2, 2015, 4:59 AM
Well, thanks to the absolutely beautiful weather we've had here for the past week, we were unable to get together last Friday. So we has rescheduled for this coming Saturday. Hopefully we won't have another winter storm...ever! LOL!

Mar 2, 2015, 6:23 AM
She can't let go if he is present? That is sort of sad that she feels judged by him in that way... I would want to share anything and everything I could with my partner..especially where supposedly good feelings are concerned. I hope they can heal.

As far as not finding someone, everybody is different, and it takes a lot to make yourself vulnerable and build trust over time?

Mar 2, 2015, 7:55 AM
Good luck

Mar 2, 2015, 9:04 AM
Wow! Congratulations on the chance to experience this new period in your lives. I hope it works out soon and is everything you want it to be. For myself and my wife we're absolutely much more into all three participants interacting together but whatever works for you guys.
We're currently vetting potential gentlemen to bring into our lives. The process is a lot of fun. I'm mainly responsible for the initial contact with them and then determining whether they're a fit for us. After I find a guy that seems like he might work I put her in contact with them. She has the final say in it. If she likes you I like you. Currently we have a couple of possibilities. One definite front runner who is going to help her and I live out a number of fantasies if things continue the way they're going. We're all getting along very well right now and plan on meeting in a couple of weeks.
I'm extremely excited for the prospect as I'm sure you are too.
Good luck my friend!

Mar 2, 2015, 4:47 PM
I am in agreement with tech46 My wife and I have had some great mmf experiences. She was the instigator. During sex she told me what a turn on it would be to watch me have sex with a man. To my amazement this was really getting me excited. This became our number one fantasy every time we had sex and the sex was great. We eventually made the fantasy a reality. My wife and I are very secure in our relationship, have a great sex life and are very much in love. Could not do it if all three were not interacting together. Exploring sexuality with my wife with another man is an unbelievable experience. On one occasion when she was out of town se called be and suggested that I should go to a gay bar and pick someone up. After a few cocktails and her telling me what she wanted me to do with the man I did it. When she got home she wanted to know all the details and we had mind blowing sex. We have only done this a few times and will again I am sure, however, I don't think it would be such a turn on unless all three were into it. But different strokes for different folks they say. Good luck