View Full Version : secretchoice crash - PSA

Feb 7, 2015, 12:56 PM
for those of you who are members of mysecretchoice as well as here, i was told the site crashed and as many as 90 user accounts were lost when the site was restored from back up.

so don't worry if you go to log in and you can't, you'll just have to re signup. some things may have been lost: messages, pix, friendships, etc. but no one's been kicked out or anything, and the site is back up and running after the crash.

they're going through some growing pains being such a new site, and with so many of us having joined at once.

your patience is appreciated. please spread the word to anyone you know who may be a member.

Feb 7, 2015, 2:22 PM

Feb 7, 2015, 7:08 PM
This is funny. Someone has taken my user name over there...

Feb 7, 2015, 7:20 PM
My account was still there with all my info. More people need to list their locations on their profile. I noticed the main chatroom format has changed and now I can't upsize the fonts and make them bold to read them more easily.

Feb 7, 2015, 8:56 PM
@ tenni: No kiddin' ? Did your tenni handle really get jacked and taken to MSC? It would take a pretty childish, petty, shitstirring, chickensh*t 'fucktard' to do something like that, wouldn't it? I'm sure most of the sane, intelligent, non-sociopathic regulars to this site have a pretty short list as to who the suspected troll is. <sheesh>

Feb 7, 2015, 9:32 PM
@ tenni: No kiddin' ? Did your tenni handle really get jacked and taken to MSC? It would take a pretty childish, petty, shitstirring, chickensh*t 'fucktard' to do something like that, wouldn't it? I'm sure most of the sane, intelligent, non-sociopathic regulars to this site have a pretty short list as to who the suspected troll is. <sheesh>

I resent this commentary and take umbrage, even. It cuts me to the quick, to the very bitter quick even!

Speaking of evens, even the sociopathic of us know who the troll in tenni's case would be. And that is why I am now offended. You do not even consider the sociopaths, no you merely reference all the normal emotion having regular folks. Hmph! If I could feel offended, I just might be offended. Bah! :) ;)

Feb 7, 2015, 10:06 PM
I registered over there as realtenni. The person registered as tenni (today) and made themselves Canadian who just want to fuck in the closet(or something like that)

I guess like a lot of new sites that are new to you, I am able to get around but not sure of things. I got in to the forums but I'm still trying to figure it out. Since I don't use chat, I will wait and see.

Feb 7, 2015, 10:24 PM
Well, feel free to report me to Drew and have my ass kicked off the site. Hell, I'll even report me to Drew. HEY DREW ! KICK ME OFF THIS SITE !! I'VE OFFENDED A FEW OVERSENSITIVE POLITICALLY CORRECT LEFT WING WACKOS !! There ya go...yelling in all-caps should piss Drew off enough to do the trick. A few imbalanced kooks who shoulda been kicked off this site long ago have managed to totally wreck this site for all the rest of us sane, intelligent non-sociopaths. I no longer give flying a Philadelphia f*ck whether I remain a member of this site or not. I dare say most of those who have migrated to MSC feel the same way. I think Drew himself probably bailed on his own site because of all these head cases and their horsesh*t. Adios d*ckheads...enjoy the utopia you've created for yourselves!!

Feb 8, 2015, 4:36 PM
Well, feel free to report me to Drew and have my ass kicked off the site. Hell, I'll even report me to Drew. HEY DREW ! KICK ME OFF THIS SITE !! I'VE OFFENDED A FEW OVERSENSITIVE POLITICALLY CORRECT LEFT WING WACKOS !! There ya go...yelling in all-caps should piss Drew off enough to do the trick. A few imbalanced kooks who shoulda been kicked off this site long ago have managed to totally wreck this site for all the rest of us sane, intelligent non-sociopaths. I no longer give flying a Philadelphia f*ck whether I remain a member of this site or not. I dare say most of those who have migrated to MSC feel the same way. I think Drew himself probably bailed on his own site because of all these head cases and their horsesh*t. Adios d*ckheads...enjoy the utopia you've created for yourselves!!

LOL You're hilarious.