View Full Version : If you are older

Aug 8, 2006, 5:55 PM
I am 47 years old, a female and looking to meet other "mature" women.

Aug 23, 2006, 12:47 AM
wow I can actually rely to this
I ahven't been able to reply to anything through AOL

anyway I M 54 but I M NOT mature - i refuse to grow up or act my age at all.

Aug 23, 2006, 6:27 PM
...anyway I M 54 but I M NOT mature - i refuse to grow up or act my age at all.

Maturity is highly overated. Life is supposed to be fun!

Aug 23, 2006, 6:33 PM
I'm turning 40 in January. I've been of the mind for years though that you're only as old as you feel. Most days I feel 25. Since I'm down with a mild cold today I'm feeling a little closer to my chronological age.

As far as maturity goes, there are grown-ups and there are adults. Grown-ups still climb trees and play games. Adults are stodgy boring folk.

I'm a grown-up :bigrin:

Aug 23, 2006, 6:55 PM
I'm 28, but i know that i'm mature in every sence.
But not in that way to behave like old boring Lady, i just feel that i'm much more further than my generation is.

Aug 23, 2006, 9:34 PM
Since mature means to be fully grown, developed, ripe....I believe I fit in that catagory. Though I wouldn't mind growing or developing a bit more.

Aug 23, 2006, 11:09 PM
I am 47 years old, a female and looking to meet other "mature" women.

Well, jenn, We're out there - belive me. And as you can read, we're (mostly) having a lot of fun.
Personals can be a bit dodgy - but....
Maybe just make a few hints in your friendship group.

Aug 24, 2006, 2:00 AM
Well, jenn, We're out there - belive me. And as you can read, we're (mostly) having a lot of fun.
Personals can be a bit dodgy - but....
Maybe just make a few hints in your friendship group.

Hmm a few hints in the friendship group :-)

Im only 27 but I have made TONS of friends on this board than I would have anywhere else :-) there are a few I'll LOVE to meet in person someday. :-)
Im mature..... but I have my silly moments :-)


Aug 24, 2006, 10:00 AM
Hey jenn,
These guys are pretty wild. I, myself am a conservative Minnie-sotan type. You being from Missouri can probably relate. So show me! Oh, that's right, I'm supposed to show you. I'm 46, and I value my maturity, relationship-wise. I'm responsible and considerate, but that to me has nothing to do with sliding down a rock on my butt with my daughter yesterday, and yes, doing a lot of tree climbing, breaking into Bohemian Rhapsody at odd moments, or riding through a thunderstorm on the back of a motorcycle. So I understand, I think, that you are looking for someone responsible and considerate, but you still like to have fun, right? Course, it was hard to get all that out of your one-sentence post, but I'm a mind reader too.

Aug 24, 2006, 1:36 PM
Hi there...
Not sure if you mean mature as in years, or mature as in outlook etc. I'm 49, and I do think it gets harder to meet potential lovers as you get older. On the other hand, I never found it easy to meet women when I was young either. In theory at least, it's much much easier now with the internet.
We are out there if you look and have patience!

Bisexuality and beyond (http://suegeorgewrites.blogspot.com)

Aug 25, 2006, 12:20 AM
At 46 for some reason I do not think of myself as mature..I was watching Project Runway and they had the task of designing clothing for the mother's of the contestants ie more mature figures...and "age appropriate"seemed to be the mantra in general of the said attire...who is to say what is "age appropriate"? I feel better at this age than at any other time in my life...free of the many constraints of yesteryear...why should we be bound by our age? I say throw off the fetters and be who we are women! There is so much more life to live!
My mother is 85 and more alive than a lot of people half her age...we are daily redefining who we are as people and women!
I say raise some hell! Stir up some dust! Life is way too short to sit on our gingham skirts and say please and thank you very much....get to it girls! I know you can do it! ;)