View Full Version : New year - new you?

Dec 27, 2014, 7:27 AM
Lets not go into resolutions and fantasy for a bit! Time is ticking for us and God knows how many ticks we have left here.:eek2:
We ALL want to make this life as happy and fulfilling as we possibly can, and it usually falls down to us to make it that way, lets face it!

So, if you are not already in Paradise but would like to take a few steps (or giant leaps) towards that:
What would you like to happen in 2015 for you, that you CAN possibly help make happen?

Dec 27, 2014, 9:14 PM
Have a healthy babba... due in Spring. Everything is as it shud b ther so far! Fingies x'd for the next 4 months.... for every1 2 b happy.. healthy.. even wise. For Kate, Shiv An Lou.. for me m8s and every1 else, life 2 b joy. For me mum.. the daft ole bat... b happy wiv ur new luff. Not me dad.. but then no 1 will ev be. Hellen n Tara, Jo n Alice n Carrie, Sam n Fluffy, Alex n Bridie n the kids, the ratha gorge Briony;for Brian, Stace, Danny n Paul, me oldest m8 Debs.. for the luffly Barb...for us all 2 have an ace year.. for every1 on .com 2 have the best year of their lives... for Gear and his wee girl.. all the otha peeps I came 2 adore on .com over the years...:love87:

Dec 28, 2014, 4:01 AM
Have a healthy babba... due in Spring. Everything is as it shud b ther so far! Fingies x'd for the next 4 months.... for every1 2 b happy.. healthy.. even wise. For Kate, Shiv An Lou.. for me m8s and every1 else, life 2 b joy. For me mum.. the daft ole bat... b happy wiv ur new luff. Not me dad.. but then no 1 will ev be. Hellen n Tara, Jo n Alice n Carrie, Sam n Fluffy, Alex n Bridie n the kids, the ratha gorge Briony;for Brian, Stace, Danny n Paul, me oldest m8 Debs.. for the luffly Barb...for us all 2 have an ace year.. for every1 on .com 2 have the best year of their lives... for Gear and his wee girl.. all the otha peeps I came 2 adore on .com over the years...:love87:
Being the proactive little whirlwind that you are, it's going to be 'business as usual' for you to keep all those happy and on the straight & narrow next year. You don't just wish them well, you go out and get your oar stuck in.:bowdown:
That's what we want Fran!! A bit of that from us all could do a lot of good.YAY! I hope you're going to slow down a bit when your little angel comes along tho, not that little angels are good for that.lol Will def make yours & fam's year tho, bless her/him/them.:love:

Dec 28, 2014, 8:03 PM
I try me luffly.. sometimes fall flat on me face, but I try. It is how I was raised. Don't treat peeps like shite and in the main, they will respond in kind. Isn't always that way.. but mostly. Serpently get peeps 2 go that extra mile forya than ifya don't treat them like crap! And babba will b taught as I was...

Jan 13, 2015, 9:35 AM
For Sure! 2015 is very interesting to start, after alot of thinking, talking and research, just now have i crossed that line aka 1st time!

Jan 13, 2015, 11:12 AM
New Me?

.................................................. ........... Day 13... Not so far!


Jan 13, 2015, 12:04 PM
No predictions, here....I gave up on making resolutions; not one for changing things...pretty satisfied with my lot in life and I've been very lucky, so far.

2014 was a bad year for some I know and hope better's in store for them, this year.

I'd like to see a return to manners, consideration, for our fellow man....peace in the world would be nice, but I don't see that happening.

So, I'll just deal with whatever, the best I can and hope for the best for others.

Jan 13, 2015, 12:14 PM
2014 was a very good year for me as an artist with a good number of exhibitions and curatorial projects. They continued to be bunched to gather to increase lovely stress. I had December kinda off and have an exhibition installation tomorrow.

My health has been basically good. I think that health should be an important goal for me and others. I agree with Realist rephrased in a way to hope to have the strength to deal with any negative stuff that may come my way.

Jan 13, 2015, 12:36 PM
:oh: I'm way behind on my typy typy typing, and need to be a lot more proactive about time management I think.lol

I'm talking about things that you can do, and just going ahead and doing them. May take a bit/lot of bravery, a willingness to risk failure, or a sidestep from your comfort zone & wisdom. BUT the positive grasp of your fate in 2015 will be put into action.YAY!

Sadly, this month I'm tackling my laundry.:bigrin: It's a start!!! A damn good start!! I'll overcome or die trying!!!:wiggle2:

Jan 13, 2015, 7:51 PM
My New Years resolution, no fantasy, is to actually LET myself be happy. I'm not waiting anymore for "something" to happen, I'm going to make it happen! I'll learn to spend wisely in this endeavor. Once I reestablish my familiarity on campus, I'll TRY to make friends. I'll improve my performance at work. I'll have fun seeing dancers, returning to that "spend wisely" bit. I will suck cock, whether I swallow first few times is iffy, but I will have a mouthful of cock before this year is out. The only one of these that has me concerned is the "friends" part, socializing isn't my strong suit.

Jan 13, 2015, 10:09 PM
My New Years resolution, no fantasy, is to actually LET myself be happy. I'm not waiting anymore for "something" to happen, I'm going to make it happen! I'll learn to spend wisely in this endeavor. Once I reestablish my familiarity on campus, I'll TRY to make friends. I'll improve my performance at work. I'll have fun seeing dancers, returning to that "spend wisely" bit. I will suck cock, whether I swallow first few times is iffy, but I will have a mouthful of cock before this year is out. The only one of these that has me concerned is the "friends" part, socializing isn't my strong suit.
friends are so important in life.....i wish u alot of fun but i wish u friendship the most.

Jan 14, 2015, 12:27 AM
Too crush the rebel forces with the power of a fully operational Deathstar. Or find my perfect match.The Deathstar thing may be easier....

Melody Dean
Jan 14, 2015, 9:31 AM
Too crush the rebel forces with the power of a fully operational Deathstar. Or find my perfect match.The Deathstar thing may be easier....

That's no moon...

Jan 15, 2015, 9:15 PM
My goal is to experience anal intercourse for the first time. I am keen to mostly bottom, but would also love to experience being a top as well. I really believe it will happen in 2015.

Jan 15, 2015, 10:30 PM
I'm like BCVan, in that I would like to experience being a bottom, that is to receive anal, and try oral for the first time.
Last year was devastating, filled with loss and bad news. This year will be better, since I have run out of things and people that can go wrong or go terminal.
I used to hear "Smile, it could be worse!" Well, last year I smiled, and sure enough, it got worse, much worse.
This year, things can only get better, I seriously doubt if it could get any worse than last year. Plus, having moved to Louisiana, it is a whole new ball game.

Jan 15, 2015, 11:45 PM
I would like have some more " genuine " friends, and try not to say anything that causes anyone discomfort because they misinterpret my wording, or I theirs

Jan 16, 2015, 10:16 PM
What would you like to happen in 2015 for you, that you CAN possibly help make happen? Well, ...., I do buy lottery tickets. Does that count as "possibly help make happen"?

Jan 17, 2015, 4:27 AM
Well, ...., I do buy lottery tickets. Does that count as "possibly help make happen"?

Herman was a very religious man. Every night he got on his knees to say his bedtime prayers, and each night he always ended up asking the Lord to let him win the lottery.
"Oh Lord!" he would pray fervently. "You know I have been a faithful follower of your laws and commandments. If I could win the lottery, I could do so much to further you work here on earth. Please, oh PLEASE Lord, let me win it just one time."
Every night for 5 years, Herman said his prayers and always ended them with a plea to win the lottery. One night, as he was finishing his nightly prayers in the usual way, he heard a thunderous voice,
"HERMAN ! ! "

Stunned, the only thing poor Herman could think of to say was, "Y-y-y-yes Lord?" :eek2:
"Work with me Herman. First ya gotta buy a ticket ! ! ! !" :yikes2:

Jan 17, 2015, 5:22 AM
Well, ...., I do buy lottery tickets. Does that count as "possibly help make happen"?
It does!:thumbu:

I say I'm going to win the lottery and get a hottub etc , but I never buy a ticket. At least you give yourself a chance.YAY!

Melody Dean
Jan 18, 2015, 12:13 PM
I've been hesitating posting to this thread, I think because I didn't want to admit this to myself. I need to stop letting people take advantage of me. Even in friendships, sometimes people want different things out of a relationship. Then I try too hard to provide that for the other person, without getting my needs met in return. And even if they are, if all parties have to work at it, is it really worth it?

Jan 18, 2015, 12:24 PM
I am attempting to surround myself with more people who are more in synch with my own thoughts,ideals,and feelings. A tall order since I seem to be such a fringe dweller ,but I am tried of bland one-sided social interactions.

Jan 18, 2015, 12:24 PM
I've been hesitating posting to this thread, I think because I didn't want to admit this to myself. I need to stop letting people take advantage of me. Even in friendships, sometimes people want different things out of a relationship. Then I try too hard to provide that for the other person, without getting my needs met in return. And even if they are, if all parties have to work at it, is it really worth it?

Very wise Melody. I too have been taken for advantage (financially), but I also mean to cease letting this happen. Good luck in your efforts.

Jan 18, 2015, 12:25 PM
I think I just want to put the past behind me and try to be more positive in my life. Also, surround myself with more positive people too and stay away from the negativity that can pull me down. I think this year has a lot of potential for me to be even more happier in my life. I am hoping on at the end of this year, maybe getting married.