View Full Version : Down again?

Dec 19, 2014, 6:57 PM
Chat is down again? No way. That has never happened before. I'm truly shocked! Well not really.... :yikes2:

Dec 19, 2014, 7:53 PM
LOL...also shocked...not LOL...at least I got a chance to read most of the Blog post which I had been meaning to do for a while...hope chat comes back soon...c'ya all

Dec 20, 2014, 10:11 AM
not shocking, but disappointing nonetheless

Dec 20, 2014, 12:22 PM
Lol the chat room being down for awhile isn't the end of the world people (chat room addicts). Stay proactive, connect to people in different ways or just read a book!

Dec 21, 2014, 11:11 AM
No loss, Last time i went into the chat rooms, was a whopping 11 people in the room from all over the world, I think the nearest one to me was over 800 miles away. so chat rooms, almost worthless

Dec 21, 2014, 11:14 AM
It has already been down for about a week now---maybe more----easy to lose track--sure hope it isn't down for two months or so again like last time…..ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!

Dec 22, 2014, 9:48 AM
Well I guess we get what we pay for but it still sucks

Dec 23, 2014, 8:29 AM
Here are a few alternatives to the chat.

Instant Messaging

Trillian - https://www.trillian.im/

As of 2012 it seems Trillian is Windows only. It does seem akin to
Pidgin in being multi-protocol. They also offer a paid & free version
of the software. In my opinion, I would hesitate even using this one.
Often, it seems once folks start paying for software, downturns follow.

Pidgin - http://pidgin.im/

A multi-protocol client for Windows, Linux/Unix. Being multi-protocol
means it can be used upon several various instant messaging networks.
It can for example use Google Talk, Yahoo Instant Messanger, Windows
Messanger, Internet Relacy Chat (irc), ICQ, Facebook chat.

Pidgin remains free and open source.

Adium - https://www.adium.im/

Adium is Pidgin for OS X, or Macs. It is highly similar to Pidgin.

Granted these are not lobby type channels or rooms. Still one can keep
connected without the site's chat using Instant Messaging. Even then, if
you use a messanger which supports irc, you can feasibly find the lobby
type of rooms you may desire.

I do not use irc save to talk with a very few select people, or visit
select channels. I do this infrequently and let the software work out
most of the details for me. There are plenty of guides to irc out on the
web, Internet. Check those out for better understanding of irc prior to
attempting to hop in and swim in sometimes icy waters.