View Full Version : Pussy!!!

Dec 18, 2014, 4:55 PM
There are a lot of sensitive people on this site that easily get offended. I'm sorry but I ran out of tissues for your issues. There are a lot of people on here that are older than me and act like we are in Kindergarten. Are you going to tell the teacher on me? Are you going to tell your mommy and daddy on me? It's not just me but people just get easily offended. GROW UP!!!

Dec 18, 2014, 5:02 PM
You ought to consider that you have no idea who you're offending, nor the means at our disposal.

That's not a threat, it's a promise.

Dec 18, 2014, 5:04 PM
You ought to consider that you have no idea who you're offending, nor the means at our disposal.

That's not a threat, it's a promise.

So what are you going to do? Cry to Drew to get me kicked off this site? Please be my guest.

Dec 18, 2014, 5:06 PM
My point is proven by your own words.

Dec 18, 2014, 5:08 PM
My point is proven by your own words.

Go ahead. Do me the favor. I come on to this site for fun. You are obsessive and need professional help. Bitch!

Dec 18, 2014, 6:12 PM
You are obsessive and need professional help. Bitch!
This all over again?

Dec 18, 2014, 6:14 PM
This all over again?

Sorry but some people on here getting too sensitive

Dec 19, 2014, 1:42 PM
There are a lot of sensitive people on this site that easily get offended. I'm sorry but I ran out of tissues for your issues. There are a lot of people on here that are older than me and act like we are in Kindergarten. Are you going to tell the teacher on me? Are you going to tell your mommy and daddy on me? It's not just me but people just get easily offended. GROW UP!!!

Are you listening to yourself? Why do you want people to respond to this?

Dec 19, 2014, 1:44 PM
Are you listening to yourself? Why do you want people to respond to this?

Why do you respond?

Dec 19, 2014, 1:46 PM
Why do you respond?

Yes, I should have not responded to this...in fact, I have decided from here on out to ignore posts that appear judgmental towards others.

Dec 19, 2014, 1:49 PM
Yes, I should have not responded to this...in fact, I have decided from here on out to ignore posts that appear judgmental towards others.

Do what you gotta do. I'm getting sick and tired of adults on here acting like little children because someone hurt their feelings. Then they go crying to Drew to play the grown up.

Dec 19, 2014, 1:53 PM
By the way, Rule #2: I was flaming an idea, not a person.

Melody Dean
Dec 19, 2014, 2:04 PM
By the way, Rule #2: I was flaming an idea, not a person.

Go ahead. Do me the favor. I come on to this site for fun. You are obsessive and need professional help. Bitch!

Take a step back from the keyboard and a few deep breaths. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but you seem really eager to get in a fight, and I'm not sure why.

Dec 19, 2014, 2:10 PM
Take a step back from the keyboard and a few deep breaths. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but you seem really eager to get in a fight, and I'm not sure why.

Ok. You're right.

Dec 20, 2014, 9:42 AM
I think Sybil is off her meds again. When "they" all start arguing with "each other" it is really rather amusing.

Dec 20, 2014, 9:44 AM
I think Sybil's off her meds again. When they all start arguing with "each other" it is really rather amusing.

Who the fuck is Sybill? And who are you?

Dec 20, 2014, 10:25 AM
I think Sybil is off her meds again.. LOL

Dec 20, 2014, 10:26 AM
Who the fuck is Sybil?
You're apparently too young.

Dec 20, 2014, 10:27 AM
You're apparently too young.

No I just don't watch bullshit movies! My ex-wife loved that stupid movie. Probably because she was committed before.

Dec 20, 2014, 3:22 PM
He fights because he can, each answer he gets is another game for him. He of course has no way of ever winning so its a moot point. If his wife loved that move (Sybil) well, HE married the broad...lol for anyone to enjoy that movie is beyond incomprehensible! Also, its a movie based on actual events, I doubt Kate actually meant the person, not the fiction :) since we can all see you are a for real, messed up dude ;) This post did not originate as any kind of question or inquiry of interest, its pure boredom that makes people this asininely stupid.

Dec 20, 2014, 3:55 PM
I thought the title of this thread would have made it more exciting than its turned out to be.

It would have been better if it was more like the boob thread.

Dec 20, 2014, 4:22 PM
Well it definitely is a change from everyone always talking about cock, cock, cock, cock, and more cock. I thought this is a bisexual site but sometimes it feels like a gay site with predominantly men talking about cock. Or penis. Or dick.

No, my whole intentions were driven by oversensitive people which are probably predominantly men that act like a bunch of pussies whenever someone like me comes off sounding harsh. Would you like me to change your diaper? Give you a baba (bottle)?

Then you get the people, with bad grammar, always feel it's their sworn duty to put in their 2 cents. Of course this is a Thread.

Dec 20, 2014, 4:36 PM
Did you guys ever wonder if Drew took the chat down due to the level of social dysfunction displayed in this community ? ! ? !
I know well that many of you would like to point to me as the source of much of the above said dysfunction.
I suggest a nine year old can see the reality of the <ahem> level of community and maturity present in chat, and on these boards lately;
As well as who the real villains are. Who would sponsor such a mess?

Dec 20, 2014, 4:50 PM
Did you guys ever wonder if Drew took the chat down due to the level of social dysfunction displayed in this community ? ! ? !
I know well that many of you would like to point to me as the source of much of the above said dysfunction.
I suggest a nine year old can see the reality of the <ahem> level of community and maturity present in chat, and on these boards lately;
As well as who the real villains are. Who would sponsor such a mess?

I'm sure Drew probably threw his hands up in the air and said, "whatever." There is no maturity on this site because everyone expects Drew to step up and play the grown up. I said something that came off as harsh or rude and I am labeled a bad guy or I'm "off my meds" or I'm "trolling" around. Seriously, for a grown person calling another grown person a "troll" is so fucking juvenile.

Drew gave up on you all because you all are grown adults that act like fucking juveniles. This website amuses me because it is full of children over the age of 40 or 50 years old and they act like they are in grade school. The ironic part is that you people with your big shot education try to sound so sophisticated but you just come across as a fucking hypocrite with no cajones, or balls, or nuts, or marbles. Pretty much I'm accusing a lot of men on here for having no testicles.

Dec 20, 2014, 4:57 PM
Seems to me, a majority of chat sites eventually succumb to " Sand Box Politics " . I have used this phrase for years.
I was so hoping for better from a community I once fancied as" enlightened people.

Dec 20, 2014, 5:01 PM
Seems to me, a majority of chat sites eventually succumb to " Sand Box Politics " . I have used this phrase for years.
I was so hoping for better from a community I once fancied as" enlightened people.

I'm sorry you feel that way and looks like that's what this site's coming too. Everyone just doesn't know how to act and behave. Nobody knows how to get along. How about everyone on this site goes out for a rl picnic and meet everybody IN PERSON? I got that idea from a good friend on here.

Dec 20, 2014, 5:51 PM
How about everyone on this site goes out for a rl picnic and meet everybody IN PERSON?

I've chatted with a few people that are supposedly near me and when we get close to setting something up, the just stop coming to thhis site. I don't know if they got bored here, we're looking for a hookup site or never were Bi in the first place.

I don't really have any problems meeting with other Bi guys through other means. I'm getting enough of what I'm looking for already. I'd still meet with people here but I'm just not finding anyone willing. I'd love to meet with Bi woman too or even couples.

This site seems to have more voyeuristic people lurking than those that actually participate the bisexual lifestyle. There are more than double the people not posting than those that do.

The local Fetish group seems to be a lot more organized than anything that will happen here. They have regular group get together to meet each other, say hi and introduce new people. I'm just ready to eat food and suck milk out of somebody's ass. Well, not yet anyway. LOL

JaredT77, if you lived closer, I'm sure we would have already met.

Dec 20, 2014, 7:14 PM
I've chatted with a few people that are supposedly near me and when we get close to setting something up, the just stop coming to thhis site. I don't know if they got bored here, we're looking for a hookup site or never were Bi in the first place.

I don't really have any problems meeting with other Bi guys through other means. I'm getting enough of what I'm looking for already. I'd still meet with people here but I'm just not finding anyone willing. I'd love to meet with Bi woman too or even couples.

This site seems to have more voyeuristic people lurking than those that actually participate the bisexual lifestyle. There are more than double the people not posting than those that do.

The local Fetish group seems to be a lot more organized than anything that will happen here. They have regular group get together to meet each other, say hi and introduce new people. I'm just ready to eat food and suck milk out of somebody's ass. Well, not yet anyway. LOL

JaredT77, if you lived closer, I'm sure we would have already met.

I like that idea. Why bitching and whining when you can meet and have fun? If you and I were closer, I would love to meet you too.

Dec 21, 2014, 11:03 AM
You ought to consider that you have no idea who you're offending, nor the means at our disposal.

That's not a threat, it's a promise.

So how's that "promise" working out for you? I'm still here. Don't make promises you can't keep.

Dec 21, 2014, 11:19 AM
All I can say to this thread is: WHAT IN THE FUCK??? :banghead::banghead:

Dec 21, 2014, 11:26 AM
All I can say to this thread is: WHAT IN THE FUCK??? :banghead::banghead:

Are you living in a fantasy world? Do you not like a dose of reality? This guy, BiBedBud always makes violent threats to people he doesn't agree with. He threatened pole_smoker. He threatened me. How about you go back to your fantasy world and not make anymore worthless comments, ok?

Dec 21, 2014, 12:00 PM
Uhhhh, I saw the thread title and I thought the subject was going to be about vaginas. While I'm here I would like to state how much I appreciate the look, feel, taste, smell, and functions of a well-maintained vagina. I appreciate the aesthetics be they shaved, groomed, or wild and free. Large labia, small labia, big clit, small clit,.....dry and clean or wet and dripping....its all good. Ladies, I salute you!!

Dec 21, 2014, 12:03 PM
Uhhhh, I saw the thread title and I thought the subject was going to be about vaginas. While I'm here I would like to state how much I appreciate the look, feel, taste, smell, and functions of a well-maintained vagina. I appreciate the aesthetics be they shaved, groomed, or wild and free. Large labia, small labia, big clit, small clit,.....dry and clean or wet and dripping....its all good. Ladies, I salute you!!

You are awesome dude! I also appreciate a beautiful pussy as well! Thank you for your good natured comment!

Dec 23, 2014, 12:11 AM
Simply because one has balls, does not infer one has to take them out and bounce them around on display. This is similar to an adage, simply because you have a gun doesn't mean you need to use it. That noted I do have a few things to state.

Not everyone requires, resquests Drew "steps up and plays the adult". I saw that you and pole were bickering like children. It seemed obvious to me you said something in public which warranted an equally public apologie. You read that from me, you disagreed. I ignored both of you until you did apologize.

Weather, or not I used the ignore feature of the site is irelevant. The point was I too was tired of childish bull. I saw what seemed a correct course of solving things, said as much. You disagreed, I ignored you, your actions changed, I unignored you both. I handled the situation as an adult, without bothering Drew, period and full stop.

I do though think Drew ought to maintain his own web site. It seems he would as it is his. But I'm inclinced to agree with PamelaBiPantyboy.

Who would sponsor such a mess?

That noted, easy to consider that Drew may have lost sponsor/s and has no further desire to bother with his site. Really would not fault him.

As for you well, I can only chuckle and say "okay, whatever." You're not even worth the attention I grant mainstream media, which is little to none. I'm only responding here now because I know it'll just make you "oh so happy". Fine, be happy. Do me a favor while your so happy? Go piss up a rope, eh?

Dec 23, 2014, 12:40 AM
Simply because one has balls, does not infer one has to take them out and bounce them around on display. This is similar to an adage, simply because you have a gun doesn't mean you need to use it. That noted I do have a few things to state.

Not everyone requires, resquests Drew "steps up and plays the adult". I saw that you and pole were bickering like children. It seemed obvious to me you said something in public which warranted an equally public apologie. You read that from me, you disagreed. I ignored both of you until you did apologize.

Weather, or not I used the ignore feature of the site is irelevant. The point was I too was tired of childish bull. I saw what seemed a correct course of solving things, said as much. You disagreed, I ignored you, your actions changed, I unignored you both. I handled the situation as an adult, without bothering Drew, period and full stop.

I do though think Drew ought to maintain his own web site. It seems he would as it is his. But I'm inclinced to agree with PamelaBiPantyboy.

That noted, easy to consider that Drew may have lost sponsor/s and has no further desire to bother with his site. Really would not fault him.

As for you well, I can only chuckle and say "okay, whatever." You're not even worth the attention I grant mainstream media, which is little to none. I'm only responding here now because I know it'll just make you "oh so happy". Fine, be happy. Do me a favor while your so happy? Go piss up a rope, eh?

void, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You never make any sense other than that you make no sense at all.

Dec 23, 2014, 3:08 AM
You are awesome dude! I also appreciate a beautiful pussy as well! Thank you for your good natured comment!

To be in the large labia/average clitoris community like myself, I find it to be beautiful :). Lol more to pleasure or eat out!

Dec 23, 2014, 7:59 AM
void, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You never make any sense other than that you make no sense at all.

You aren't even pathetically funny. Kind of sad. Oh well.