View Full Version : FUCKED UP FETISHES

Dec 18, 2014, 9:38 AM
Ok, I understand that we are all different and we all have different fetishes, but seriously there are some FUCKED UP fetishes out there. Now, people like to do some FUCKED UP SHIT to their own cock and balls?!!! I mean there are different strokes for different folks but come on now! Don't ruin your penis for some pleasure that might ruin it where you have to explain to the ER why your penis looks like a vagina! Most people are born and cannot help if their penis gets circumcised. I was circumcised by my parents and I had my son circumcised when he was 2 days old. It's just a natural thing. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A DEBATE ON CIRCUMCISION) But sticking foreign objects in your dickhole is just plain FUCKED UP!!!

My girlfriend is a registered nurse and as much as she loves the idea of me getting fucked by another man, or a dildo, or her with a strapon, she still stresses to me about the dangers of having my ass stretched open and that I might need a adult diaper if I'm not careful. I also enjoy wearing MENS thongs. Not womens or jock straps as what a lot of gay or bisexual men might enjoy wearing, but actual "banana hammocks" or "butt floss."

So my fetish is that I enjoy getting fucked in the ass and I enjoy wearing mens thongs. What's your fetish?

Dec 18, 2014, 12:09 PM
I'm confused, are you complaining about other people's fetishes or asking others what kind of fucked up fetishes they may have? Some may see getting fucked in the ass and wearing thongs as fucked up.

Dec 18, 2014, 12:21 PM
I'm confused, are you complaining about other people's fetishes or asking others what kind of fucked up fetishes they may have? Some may see getting fucked in the ass and wearing thongs as fucked up.

Did I not say "different strokes for different folks?" I may not agree with what others are doing and people may not agree with what I am doing. We all have different fetishes and not everyone likes the same thing. We might be a bisexual community but we are still all individuals.

I'm just curious on what other people's fetishes are. I might have came across as "harsh." Sue me.

Dec 18, 2014, 1:07 PM
So what's your favorite book? I'm OK, You're Fucked-Up ??

With this thread title, you do come across as harsh and judgmental. There's another thread lengthy thread regarding fetishes that doesn't come across this ugly -- why don't you get your jollies from that one?

Why don't you stick to writing to your new BFF - pole_smoker - now that you've kissed and made up?

Dec 18, 2014, 3:07 PM
So what's your favorite book? I'm OK, You're Fucked-Up ??

With this thread title, you do come across as harsh and judgmental. There's another thread lengthy thread regarding fetishes that doesn't come across this ugly -- why don't you get your jollies from that one?

Why don't you stick to writing to your new BFF - pole_smoker - now that you've kissed and made up?

And you're such a comedian! Lol!

Dec 18, 2014, 3:56 PM
I swear there are a lot of people that take this shit too serious

Dec 18, 2014, 4:36 PM

JaredT77 = pole_smoker

Also, I doubt there is a Kiwi lass contemplating sex with her dog. This is yet another BS concoction of the same pole_fucko.

Many of the "members" posting BS in these threads are the same fucked-up fool.


Dec 18, 2014, 4:44 PM

JaredT77 = pole_smoker

Also, I doubt there is a Kiwi lass contemplating sex with her dog. This is yet another BS concoction of the same pole_fucko.

Many of the "members" posting BS in these threads are the same fucked-up fool.


Now you hurt my feelings, wait, ok I'm over it. You are obsessed with that guy. I just called a truce with pole_smoker but I'm not him. Oh well, a lot of stupid retards with sensitive skin on this site. I'm sorry if I hurt your really sensitive feelings. Bitch!

Dec 18, 2014, 4:54 PM
Die Motherfucker die! (Still)


Dec 18, 2014, 4:58 PM
Die Motherfucker die! (Still)


Thank you! I love the Geto Boys! Especially Bushwick Bill, Mr. Scarface, and Willie D. I got their Greatest Hits cd and I think your mind is playing tricks on you. Have a good day!

Dec 19, 2014, 1:34 PM
Did I not say "different strokes for different folks?" I may not agree with what others are doing and people may not agree with what I am doing. We all have different fetishes and not everyone likes the same thing. We might be a bisexual community but we are still all individuals.

I'm just curious on what other people's fetishes are. I might have came across as "harsh." Sue me.

I agree with silkyhoselover. The type of response to my question was not warranted. I simply asked a question. However, I will state that typically, all caps indicates one is yelling or forcing a point. Your original post spent most of it belittling other fetishes (although I don't see how circumcision is a fetish but to each his own. And then your son is brought into this which does not follow. Then to ask others about there as you put it about their "FUCKED UP" fetishes? Who would respond to that considering the nature it was written?

If you are curious about other people's fetishes, why preface it with a judgmental statement about certain fetishes? Is the intent to truly find one you can critique and judge as well?

Yes you said "different strokes for different folks", but you left off the last part "but come on now!" If you are sincerely wanting to know other people's fetishes I would think you would have defused the post to some extent to not appear judgmental

Dec 19, 2014, 1:37 PM
I agree with silkyhoselover. The type of response to my question was not warranted. I simply asked a question. However, I will state that typically, all caps indicates one is yelling or forcing a point. Your original post spent most of it belittling other fetishes (although I don't see how circumcision is a fetish but to each his own. And then your son is brought into this which does not follow. Then to ask others about there as you put it about their "FUCKED UP" fetishes? Who would respond to that considering the nature it was written?

If you are curious about other people's fetishes, why preface it with a judgmental statement about certain fetishes? Is the intent to truly find one you can critique and judge as well?

Yes you said "different strokes for different folks", but you left off the last part "but come on now!" If you are sincerely wanting to know other people's fetishes I would think you would have defused the post to some extent to not appear judgmental

Well I apologize for you and others being too sensitive and get offended too easily.

Dec 19, 2014, 1:56 PM
By the way, Rule #2: I was flaming an idea, not a person. People are just too sensitive on here and act like little children! Are you all going to tell on me because I fucking said a bad word?!