View Full Version : Been awhile.. Update time....

Dec 4, 2014, 6:25 PM
Hey everyone,
So.... long time no talk or see.
So much has been happening over the last oooo maybe 12 months.
Moved house a few times, now settled back home with parents, Currently Job hunting.. Ugh.....
thing that has brought me here today. which is midday 5th Dec 2014 (NZT) is because 5 years ago today i became a mom. Yep those oldies that i love on this site that have had some sort of impact on me over the last ten years My ll Girl has turned the Big 5 and is looking forward to starting school next year.

Now some of you peeps might be thinking...
"Why is she telling us this, its a Bisexual website, full of horny pricks and pussys"

Well back when me and the oldies were more active on this site, it was a community a family, and was fun. hell i was 18 at the time i started here and most of the oldies i miss very much and think about often, they have watched as i have grown up and learnt lessons in life, they know that i became a mommy, been there when ive cried and laughed and fallen in love.

Its my pleasure to keep my friends and family from Bi. com updated on how things are with there lil Gleekybaby and her mini me.

Hope to hear from some of you some time and one more thing...

May the World hold your spirit and keep you watching over me and my Daughter, My dearest Daddy Bear (Usedbear) Each year goes past and i think of you always May the love of a online daughter keep your Spirit in good Paws.

♥ Gleekybaby

Dec 4, 2014, 10:59 PM
Awww, Gleekybaby. It is so nice to hear from you, and especially because you sound so happy.

So many have drifted away from chatting here, but some of us still remember you warmly.

All those avatars you made for people here made you memorable to many, and even though many
do not chat here any longer, they still celebrate you and remember you, as do I.


Dec 4, 2014, 11:10 PM
You are one of the many reasons i cannot dirft completely away from this place my dear Showme, Touched mah heart and made me welcome.

SluRRrrrrrrPppppp ~Big Gleeky Hugs and Loves ~ Always for you Hun. ♥

Dec 5, 2014, 1:06 AM
hi i joined here not so long ago, u must of never been on while i was here untill now. i love how u consider this site like a family. i would like to think it's that way too. i came here to try & figure myself out & there are alot of supportive people here especially on chat. so glad this site exists. i hope to hear more from u. glad to hear u have been a mom for 5 years. happy birthday to ur daughter :)

Dec 5, 2014, 10:39 AM
I Gleeky---so great to get an update from you. I am glad to hear that things are going reasonably well for you and your "baby." Wow---it is something that five years have past since you had her!! It is something to see how fast that they grow up.

Do take care and good luck finding a job and happy birthday to your daughter.

Dec 5, 2014, 3:27 PM
{{{{{{{{{Gleek}}}}}}}}}}} hard to believe she's five, seems only months ago you were posting you were preggers. Time flies. And yes, we were a community and we still are. Just more of the caring takes place in pms rather than open forum due to a few trolls and persistent naysayers. Keep being you, hon.


Dec 5, 2014, 6:59 PM
*hugs sis*

Dec 8, 2014, 4:41 AM
It's been a very long time since we chatted, but glad to hear things are going better.

Dec 10, 2014, 6:47 PM
Hi Gleeky,

So wonderful to hear from you. I can't believe Sam is five. Time has flown by. You have been missed. Please do not be a stranger.


Jan 21, 2015, 11:58 PM
Im trying not to be a stranger hunny, I promise, Just so busy with stuff.... My lil Sis jsut got engaged this month cant believe it! im really happy for her.
Trying to make sure i keep in touch with those i try not to leave behind, like my friends and family here..

Im usually too busy Playing online game with the Boyfriend to really sit and chat on all the old sites ive been apart of

But i miss you all very much and love you all too <3