View Full Version : General trends of humanity

Nov 28, 2014, 8:53 AM
Apologies if this seems to be something akin to a rant by a crank. Really do not intend it as such, rather more as thought food. If we can engage in conversation regarding some of this, great, if not that'll be alright as well.

The evening of Thanksgiving our local news broadcast decided to do a three hour long program about Winter. I could possibly understand this if Winter only happened once every twenty or thirty years. "Hey, we have to explain this to younger generations!"

No, we have the season of Winter every year, like clockwork, right after Autumn. The three hour show consisted of the gist, "Winter ... it's cold. Oh and Winter, it's cold, there may even be snow, ice, cold." The whole thing struck me as being really strange.

I turned and looked at my wife. "Are people stupid enough nowadays to not understand this happens every year, or not understand Winter is cold?" She had this beautiful smile on her face that imparted a message of "hush, sit, watch."

Of course, this is not the only thing noticed which makes me very curious regarding intellect, lack of it in people. My wife's brother-in-law allegedly has asthma, has had it all his life. He smokes tobacco cigarettes, gets all locked up, coughs to point of needing to vomit to breath.

I died as a baby from pneumonia. Respitory problems are no problems for me really. Still, I note when I smoke tobacco cigarettes, I feel bad, have trouble breathing. Solution, I now use vaporizing and electronic cigarette products.

What is her borther-in-law's benefit in continuing use of tobacco cigarettes? Well, he can keep coughing, having trouble breathing. Sorry, even after having smoked tobacco cigarettes myself for twenty-five to thirty years, if it makes me feel bad and cause problems breathing I'm dropping it like a rock.

It must be something in the coffee, I think, maybe it isn't as I drink the coffee too. It may be due to education inefficencies. I only have a general diploma from public high school. Her brother-in-law has so much college education I think he knows everything, least he tells you he does. Hm, well if not education or coffee, what is going on?

In all honesty, believe it may be a ploy of Santan Claws, Santa Clause's evil twin. My wife helped me piece together the global warming non-issue as part of his ploy also. Then, it may be the Sanity Clause, lawyers always suggest they are included around me. One day I'll get it figured out, ... maybe. ;) :2cents:

Nov 28, 2014, 10:22 AM
Hehehe - well .. people are people - you can't change 'em so you either love 'em or you don't..sometimes you love the people, but maybe not the actions.

A huge reason television exists is to sell advertising, it may not have always been that way but it sure is now. I see a lot of crap on TV, including even the evening news in some instances. That's one reason I built my own DVR - so if I find that I don't like watching something I can either fast forward through it, or stop watching and delete it outright.

Smoking, it changes the brain chemistry .. and some people have a strong oral fixation - they get used to having something between their lips, crave it even...it can be a hard habit to kick.

One of my grandmothers was a chain smoker all of her life, she would be on oxygen, using a walker to get from the front of the yard to the back yard, in tremendous pain and still want a smoke. It got so bad that she finally did quit, but by then her lungs were so scarred that she was still suffering...a tough woman, but she did care about folks at least.

I used to worry about you the same way, and frankly I'm still not all that keen on any addiction because I have witnessed a lot of abuse because of it but you know people are people..we are creatures of habit whether we want to admit it or not..no one is perfect in the mundane world.. I seem to be addicted to love and affection..even that can be bad.

So what you have to do is look past and recognize that because we AREN'T all going to be here in perpetuity, that in a way it is a blessing to be able to share with friends and family. Even if you are watching "Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown" for the 40th time in a row, and half the people are drunk and heckling the show.

In a way this time of year is completely overdone here in the US, but I am glad that at least one day a year people get to have full bellies and be thankful for some of the good things in their lives. I also look forward to the one day a year when followers of a certain sect actually live up to the ideals that Jesus taught before he was martyred.

The human spirit can indeed be grateful and loving, and that is what I miss the most lately in this world.. I think we should all have many more days like Thanksgiving - it is so easy to lose sight of the idea that each person deserves an opportunity to feel joy and happiness (and thankfulness). We can help just by being there with others.

I had to do something with all of this crazy negative emotion coming out of people so I wrote this...

..taking the time to write always seems to help me work through things that weigh on my mind.

..that's "Sandy Paws" - at least that's what my mom calls it when she takes her dogs to the beach - nature has a way of broadening horizons beyond TV.

Nov 28, 2014, 9:27 PM
A huge reason television exists is to sell advertising, it may not have always been that way but it sure is now. I see a lot of crap on TV, including even the evening news in some instances.

I used to worry about you the same way, and frankly I'm still not all that keen on any addiction because I have witnessed a lot of abuse because of it but you know people are people..we are creatures of habit whether we want to admit it or not..no one is perfect in the mundane world.. I seem to be addicted to love and affection..even that can be bad.

So what you have to do is look past and recognize that because we AREN'T all going to be here in perpetuity, that in a way it is a blessing to be able to share with friends and family.

We can help just by being there with others.

"A huge reason television exists is to sell advertising, it may not have always been that way but it sure is now. I see a lot of crap on TV, including even the evening news in some instances."

Here we somehow manage to be fortunate, if you can say that, to have a subscription to Direct TV. I took stock about two days prior to Thanksgiving. There were 47 different channels. Each of these was either "buy product x", "you need medication x" or a combination of the two blended into some type of Stepford wife info-commercial.

I realized too a bit ago the Department of Justice allowed the Federal Communications Commision to allow propoganda to be broadcast. This means any notion of fair, objective, investigative journalism is out the window. If anyone is unaware, Fox News is actually part of Fox Entertainment, was for quite a while. ABC is owned by Disney, NBC by Microsoft. Believe Time Warner or Comcast, a susidy of AOL owns CBS. PBS seems owned by the Rockerfellers & Carnegie, Ford. So, yes I am quite sure I get good, objective mainstream current events reporting. ( closes the irony & cynism tags in case anyone missed them )

That was not even my point really. I was commenting that it seems redundant, to the point of being blugeoned up side the head, that news media has to belabor "Winter is cold. We need to warn you, if you go outside it will be cold. You may expect snow, ice, black ice, freezing rain. This is what the season of Winter brings. We have to tell you this. It happens the same every year, yet, we must tell you." And the so called meteroligists, journalists were quite chipper about it all. Please do pass me the thorazine they are dripping.

They used a fully metrosexual young man for a remote interview with a so called expert on weatherizing your home for Winter. "We're here at Lowes with Brian Smith. How exactly do we stop the chilling, the bone blistering, the devasting ravages of old man Winter from getting into our home? I notice you have some form of spongy adhesive there. What are you going to do, make pasta?" "No, we simply apply this adhesive side to the top window sash like so." (Cue handy mock window pane) "There we are, all done. Of course, you do this on each window internally." "Oh, and that stops cold drafts coming in?" "Yep. If you'd like more protection, we have 6 millimeter poly, duct tape. You can also hang thick curtains over your windows." All the while the young reporter seemed to be off in some enchanted world, as though this salesman had waved a magic wand.

It came across for me as so unreal. It bordered on nudging me into a psychotic break. Honestly, how much more dipshit does dipshit need to get? Then, it all returns to some banalistic Stepford wife impersanation. This genuinely has me in dire concern. Do people not catch the disdain fostered in their direction. "Look you're so dumb we have to tell you to step outside to check your weather. Then, we have to tell you how to dress, how to put up caulk, seal your home for better efficiency." Sorry, I forgot to remove my brain. That may be all it is too, I think too much.

"I used to worry about you the same way, and frankly I'm still not all that keen on any addiction because I have witnessed a lot of abuse because of it but you know people are people..we are creatures of habit whether we want to admit it or not..no one is perfect in the mundane world.. I seem to be addicted to love and affection..even that can be bad."

Yes, was and am aware of your concerns. Aware also of my wife's concerns. These bothered me and were part of a decision to move away from tobacco cigarettes. I will not lie. There are some instances I will still fire up a tobacco cigarette. These instances have been greatly reduced. And yes, I understand anything may become a habit. Still attempting to break one I have involving breathing. :P I have realized I am a bit addicted one flavor of electronic cigarette juice, dubbed ejuice. I enjoy this ejuice flavor a good deal. It does have a bit of taste for me. The flavorings are blueberry, hint of menthol.

I use nicotine containing ejuice, at 18mg per millileter. This equates to me absorbing roughly 9mg per milliter of juice I use. That is roughly half of the nicotine one regular tobacco cigarette, and I use around 1 milliter per day or roughly 30 - 45 ml a month. This in my case estimates out to around two packs of tobacco cigarettes a month in nicotine content.

The only thing with grave consequence in most ejuices is the nicotine. But yes, I do understand yet again your concerns. Financially, I spend around $40 every six to eight months for a big bottle of juice. I may now spend $20-30 a year for hardware, though such a figure keeps reducing itself with experience, with market costs lowering. At most I may spend $200 a year for a nice hardware kit, juice. That is if I were to buy new hardware every year. Compare that to $2,000-4,000 a year for tobacco cigarettes, even the RYO.

All in all, I do not see my vaping as being abusive, and no that is not the addict saying it. I have used some 0mg nicotine juice. I can enjoy it. Rather enjoy the nicotine though. On nicotine I am dependent after 25-30 years of using it. And yes, there is a difference between dependent and addict. Set in on an A.A. meeting once, you'll learn quickly. You probably already have though. That in mind I'll hush as you understand where I am.

"So what you have to do is look past and recognize that because we AREN'T all going to be here in perpetuity, that in a way it is a blessing to be able to share with friends and family."

Have no trouble seeing the blessing in sharing with friends and family. I have trouble in seeing obvious stupidity. Of course, rather stupid of me to complain if one saw it as such. It frustrates me seeing the drama presented to those I love. You live away. You are lucky to not see how things eat C, up at times. Her brother-in-law starts his yacking, she cringes, bites her tongue. Then, the drama comes from her brother-in-law and her sister having troubles because neither of them can go and do things without there needing knocking, banging, lots of wheezing, carrying on. We're made to feel guilty for just living here.

Overall it is not the best situation. Hate to put all eggs in one basket too. Still awaiting some kind of final aspect to one. "Will it hatch favorably? Wait and see ... (cue Jepordy music ad infinity)" If it does, not having a problem in looking for some HUD at around $30,000 with $500 a month house payments for me and her. Again, likely I think too much.

"We can help just by being there with others."

"Our power is in our presence." -- D.22 CO.072

It would be great if you could be here. If here was anywhere but here. I know "would that could". I understand this a good deal, too. Feel the same at times. Often, I will go listen to Let's Dance by Bowie to give myself permission to sit in a sobbing mess. Odd a joyful song as that lets me go into bawling fits. Oh well, it is as is said ... life. I keep surviving, keep pondering, keep observing, ponder more. Yes, I think I do think too much.

N.B. Almost forgot mention of nature. Presently, we have deer season. Not ready this year. Next year I may be. Planning on finding a recurve bow. I miss simply target shooting in archery. Used a recurve before, liked it over a compound bow. It was quieter, more peaceful and made any kind of hunt or stalk feel more sporting for me. Not sure I can still do archery but do want to try again. It was something I enjoyed. :)

Nov 28, 2014, 9:46 PM
The outer circumstances will always present you with something beyond your own control, events, energy provoke a response..the only thing you can truly control is your own reaction. How should you choose to react? That I can't tell you, that is for your own will to determine.

The television set comes with these things called knobs (err..well okay- buttons .. I like pushing buttons) - and when they start spouting some ridiculous crap I just use the knobs or walk away. It's designed to be an inexpensive source of entertainment..I find that I must not be in the marketing demographic for most of the shows they are selling nowadays.

Sometimes it bears repeating you know, that snow is cold - don't underestimate just how foolish/stubborn/independent people think they can be...Americans pride themselves on being independent. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes they flip their car or get stuck in a snow drift and almost suffocate to death.

If the newsman was talking about Buffalo NY I could see that, because you know when the snow pile is taller than the house, that's even more snow than they have in Colombia.

My antidote for these things is exercise in nature, if possible...but don't freeze, it's cold outside you know. ;)

Sometimes this time of year can be very stressful, but the winter solstice is also a time when things become still and quiet in nature, things have gone dormant, and will be reborn in the Spring. It is a time best used for reflection..that often drives some people nuts, and others are oblivious to it as they go about their way bouncing from one thing to another with no room to breathe.

I've had my share of crying lately, mostly about the lack of love in this world..but the truth is I know that I am loved, and that I always have been - regardless of the actions of the people around me or whatever circumstances I have been through..I have been told as much, and every once in a while I get a little reminder.

Just this morning I remarked to my friend in an Email that I take life too seriously, think too deeply and forget to live in the present. Just about as soon as I wrote that the entire room filled with wonderful bright sunshine, I just had to close my eyes and enjoy it.. I am sure some atheist will say, "oh well but that is the current of the air moving the clouds to and fro.." but it's hard not to feel loved in the moment, just after typing that sentence, when the room is filled with light after three days of clouds.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 28, 2014, 11:22 PM
ahhh smoking..... careful void, you will have the anti smoking bullies coming after you.....lol...

I smoke, too much.. but I smoke.... its like the one simple act of pleasure that I have and enjoy.... and I have hit the * ignore anti smokers * button a long time ago.....

do I know that smoking is bad for me ? yes, the same as fast food, sugar, salt, coffee, bread, too much fat, not enough fat, the wrong type of fat, lack of exercise, too much exercise, the wrong type of exercise, the wrong diet, not following the latest diet craze etc etc...... and I am committing the ultimate crime of simply living my life the way I am happy, with the understanding that my choices are my own........ worst of all * omg, shock horror * I do not live my life on FB ...lol

hey I have a mental illness called dystimia with one of the highest addiction disorder rates known to man.....so if I was to give up smoking, I would only replace it with another reason for people around the world to try and bully me into living their * perfect * lifestyle for only $39.95 plus P&P...... so yeah, the need and desire to smoke is in my head, as the anti smoking crusaders want to claim, they are right....... however their claims that champix, Varenicline (trade name Chantix in the USA and Champix in Canada, Europe and other countries would work for me, is unrealistic.... " HEY lets get people with depression to take champix and really fuck them up big time, that way we can blame their deaths on smoking related causes "

yeah the world knows better about how I should live and how happy I would be living a cookie cutter lifestyle, than me who actually lives my life lol......

void, you hunk of meaningful thinking manliness..... I am not sure if you have seen the studies where they have found that the side effects of e-cigs can be more harmful than the nicotine filled cigs that cause every cancer known to man, including the cancer found in cats, dogs and birds, not humans...... personally I think its more of a crusade against the stop smoking tools now because its just another reason for people to crusade against anything remotely connected to sucking on anything enjoyable ..... and yes I have seen the reports that say that sucking a cock can lead to lip, mouth, tongue and throat cancer.......

my step father recently returned from vietnam where he went on a vets return trip ( a type of healing the past, trip ) with his sons and grandkids..... and he remarked about how simplistic the vietnamese people lived and about how happy they were in their small huts and homes with their simple lives, away from the * live this way or that way and be happy for only $39.95 plus P&P livestyles * that are rammed down our throats every day in the media..

I agree with you and elian.... modern technology is a amazing tool, the sharing of information, the access to a global understanding..... but it can never replace the simple pleasure of a walk in nature, hand in hand with the people that make our lives so enjoyable and pleasurable....... and thats why the threads by you, elian, 12 volt and others are a real * walk in nature * in the * urban jungle of troll polls and * do you like to suck cock * threads of this site......

so void, never underestimate the power of not having a uni degree.... sometimes its the simple thinkers amongst us, that have the most profound understanding of how to just be ourselves, happy and contented with what we are.... and loving those people that share the same understanding.......

now its time for me to go have a cig.... bad for me I know... but me smoking is helping to keeping about 30k people in work...and I have to think of those people that need to feed their families and pay the bills....

Nov 29, 2014, 9:17 AM
Believe it or not, my intent was not to pick on you, so I am sorry if my words hurt, I know that you are actually a very loving person who cares deeply about others. The only thing I can do with this forum is to relate my own experiences, and you know males have this thing where instead of being wise by just listening and being comfortable with silence or holding someone they feel compelled to offer some advice or assistance.

If I had to pick an addiction I think I would pick hugs..as stupid as that sounds - it seems to benefit both people ;)

One last piece of advice - the other thing besides a nice walk would be music - I love listening to music, the energy it provides can match my mood, or it can be creative - helping to manifest ideas in the world. When I did tech support, listening to people constantly telling me their problems all day long I had two options. Buying a room full of lead crystal to smash once a week seemed kind of expensive so instead I think I have about every CD that Enya put out. Pizza guy burned the pie, no problem.. ;)

May you (all) be well, peaceful and happy.. (and BIG HUGS)

Other people will always be doing what they are doing, what is more important is what YOU are doing..


Nov 29, 2014, 8:05 PM
Hmm, this one is sort of fun too..


Nov 29, 2014, 9:20 PM
Can I get the "Cliff Notes" version of this thread?

Nov 30, 2014, 3:32 AM
There's a few different things going on.. We've lamented the stupidity of the media - like the news where they are in a big hurry to bring you live coverage of someone speaking, and then tell you what the person speaking said because apparently people can no longer draw their own conclusions. We've also touched on sibling rivalry, and how some people seek out drama in their lives no matter what..even though the wound is self-inflicted. We managed to squeeze in the trend of more and more folks living back at home with extended families, which can cause a lot of tension. Add in a little misplaced chastising, zen, lovingkindness, pop music and a discussion about the good and evil of cigarettes and I think you've got it.

I think somehow I was also trying to convince Void that other people's reality comes with knobs too, sometimes you have to either change the channel or at least turn the volume down if the noise gets on your nerves.. Easier to say than do, I understand... I mean the only other thing I could say is "I'm sorry things are rough right now, I hope they get better."

I'm taking a lot of liberty with the thread but a lot of people experience stress this time of year, I think we could all use more *nuzzles* I am grateful for good friends.

Hey, it's still better than a thousand "do you like to put cum HERE?" threads.. sorry - but where I am from "How many times does X go into Y?" is still an arithmetic problem.

Dec 1, 2014, 7:51 AM
The television set comes with these things called knobs (err..well okay- buttons .. I like pushing buttons) - and when they start spouting some ridiculous crap I just use the knobs or walk away. It's designed to be an inexpensive source of entertainment..I find that I must not be in the marketing demographic for most of the shows they are selling nowadays.

M're, I'll give you some buttons to push, er or push some of yours. ;)

Agree in not being in the demographic. Then, I wasn't really in it twenty years ago either.
Recently found myself able to watch X-Files simply as etertainment.

Wife and I sat here last night watching some episodes. One episode had characters using digitalis as posion that caused paralysis. We both laughed. they said digitalis came from some rare flower, grown only in Africa in a remote village. We laughed all the more.

Digitalis as any first week E.M.T in training may tell you treats heart ailments. It comes from the foxglove flower naturally. Foxglove is grown all over the world, fairly common, an herb and at times a nuisance. The chemical digitalis does not cause paralysis, unless of course you stuff a corpse full of it.

Another episode saw a guy trapped in a wind tunnel, he had an access computer inside. He could have opened the door from that. Yet he was *gasp* trapped. We had to watch that we didn't burst our stitches. :)

We kept watching because a. it was at least something to watch b. we were too tired/bored/frustrated to not care c. it was comic relief. Yet twenty years ago when the series ran, me and her were both not all that interested in the show. We saw the big glaring blunders, got turned off of it. Now, we were watching and noting the writing puns. One guy was killed in a car wreck. The guy being questioned, "what are you driving at?"

But yes, take your meaning. I also have some Ellery Queen anthology readers on my nightstand. I delve into them once in a while. Also enjoy merely getting out for a walk round the bottom.

Also sit back at times and watch time pass me by, I get frozen, stop aging, time keeps on.

Dec 1, 2014, 8:25 AM
ahhh smoking..... careful void, you will have the anti smoking bullies coming after you.....lol...

*chuckles* Sorry. I'm not bashing smokers. I may bash the big tobacco companies/industry though. They peddle death to everyone to make a buck.

Yeah, I realize they give "jobs' to some fortunate ones. Wish having "jobs" was not something we all took as being fortunate. That aside, not bashing smokers really. I'm not trying to say my way is better for anyone except me. I found something which works for me, makes me feel better. Yay. Go me.

Yes, seen a lot of variants of studies calling vaping everything but what it is. One thing common on the vaping forums is a push to incite fear over flavorings in the ejuice. To some minor extent a bit of caution with the flavorings I can see. That's common sense I believe. To the extent these folks continue to harp over, sorry, you're likely a big tobacco or big pharma shill paid to drive folks to Chatix/pill of the month, big tobacco again.

For all the negative studies thus far there are at least three positive ones, respectively for each negative one, which either refute outright, or establish a realistic and more objective view. Those who are actually doing real research and study, are coming up to the conclusions. "We need more data but so far, it seems vaping is a lot safer than smoking. Nothing is 100% safe of course, as per usual disclaimer."

*sighs, shakes noggin and chuckles* Silly Ticks, Babbits are for Goat Children. *grins*

Glad to hear that someone returned to 'Nam to see life resuming. All I can muster is a commonly held thought. War of 1776 onward, all wars been the same war, possibly even wars before then as well. War is war, all the same hell. I think folks are begining to agree to and see that, want it done, over, finished. We all need peace. Maybe we all do not need one world governing body. We need guidance I think but I think we do that via something akin to what Mike Tellinger suggests, Ubuntu Contributionism. He says we go back to villages having councils of elders, thirteen elders, twelve committie folk and a chief.

What do I know though? I'm just a guy that think's too much, lives in the hills. *chuckles* "I'm just a peckerwood who lives in the hills with too many guns (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0822854/quotes?item=qt0342211)." *grins, hugs* You run 'er Slow over yon. Nobody here be taking your smokes away, looking down on you because of them. Nobody saying you need to change. We only saying, "look we found sumpin werk fer us, neat!"

I'm just frustrated it seems the whole world seems to go stupid at times. And then here's me going "huh? What the hell happened? Somebody turn the lights off? Ah, look I'm drifting, hm, that steering wheel looks purdy, I gunna play driver now yeehaw! Nobody looking, I'll drive yay!" And then, of course, somebody always pokes in and runs me away from the driver's seat. Everything remains stupid. *sighs* Guess they no like it when the guys who are nucking futs drive, we drive it truer than they can, makes 'em look bad.

*shrugs, wanders along whistling am eriely familar tune quietly, fades off into the void*

Dec 4, 2014, 12:12 AM
It is a perplexing thing to try to figure out the current state of humanity at this point---on the one hand we have people who are helping to lead us to all kinds of discoveries, developments, advancement in all sorts of things from astronomy, to physics with the researchers at CERN having found "the God Particle:" great advances in medicine and what have you.

On the other hand---we have religious fundamentalists of all stripes from our own far right "christians" that come up with all kinds of crazy, stupid and backward stuff----backward stuff that if they had there way would be more suitable to an iron age culture instead of one looking to move out into space and such----and of course crazy fundamentalist types in both Islam and Judaism that also seem hell bent to make the world party like it's 1199!!

Thanks to both extremist "religionists" and for those who argue for a return to (mostly) laissez-faire capitalism (at least when it comes to their businesses they don't want any regulations and such)---we are seeing "democracy and freedom" under threat to a degree that has not been around since the defeat of Hitler and the Third Reich and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I know that many people say that we are in danger of "going socialist" but I think that is hogwash--- I'd say the biggest threat we face to deprive our "essential liberties" comes from a mix of Oligarchy, plutocracy and Fascism, but forget what you call the "ism"----if you are on the bad end of things---you have lost your freedoms and are pretty well screwed.

We have a resurgence of hard core racism taking place here in the US and elsewhere around the world, with us having events like what took place in Ferguson, MO and elsewhere and all the intense, unabiding hatred of Barack Obama---forget his performance in office and such----the amount of seething, foaming hatred of this man really is amazing. Jeez, when it comes to fucked up presidents----how long has it been since we have had a really good one?? Not in my lifetime----the last good ones were probably Truman and Eisenhower. Kennedy seemed to have promise---but sad to say---it was probably (in terms of a historical legacy) that he did die in office as he did, had he lived on to finish out what probably would have been two terms---there is a good chance that history would not have been so kind to him.

When it comes to "rank and file" people---sad to say---we seem to have a real epidemic of SERIOUS STUPID going on with so many these days--just go read all of the "shite" that people post up on Facebook about current issues.

I guess it has always been thus--that things can go better or totally to shit---but you do have to admit--I do think that in so many ways---the stakes for the future of our species has never been higher and more critical than it is today.

We really do seem to be at or are fast approaching one of those epochal "turning points in history."

One the one hand, we have so much promise and on the other----there is much one can be gloomy and pessimistic about---almost at the same time when I look at the state of affairs---I can be both optimistic, hopeful, excited about the future and then in a flash---be totally bummed and negative about our prospects on so many levels.

Well---I know that we have many who come to this site, who when they see a posting like this----react like "what the fuck is this shit about?---this is a sex site--not a debating society on issues none of us know jack shit or care about anyway, I just want to know if you like looking at pictures of me in my panties and will let me lick your ass or if you will lick mine" or something along these lines.

I don't really care if it pisses some people off----I like such posts---thanks Void for posting up such a thread---to those who don't like this one-----well then don't spend any time reading it and move on to something that does interest you more…….please don't go bitching, pissing and moaning about this post if you don't like it---like the line from a great song that many including Johnny Cash made famous: "it don't mean nothing, don't mean nothin', Move on!"

Dec 4, 2014, 12:05 PM
Apologies if this seems to be something akin to a rant by a crank. Really do not intend it as such, rather more as thought food. If we can engage in conversation regarding some of this, great, if not that'll be alright as well.

The evening of Thanksgiving our local news broadcast decided to do a three hour long program about Winter. I could possibly understand this if Winter only happened once every twenty or thirty years. "Hey, we have to explain this to younger generations!"

No, we have the season of Winter every year, like clockwork, right after Autumn. The three hour show consisted of the gist, "Winter ... it's cold. Oh and Winter, it's cold, there may even be snow, ice, cold." The whole thing struck me as being really strange.

I turned and looked at my wife. "Are people stupid enough nowadays to not understand this happens every year, or not understand Winter is cold?"
I would not be surprised if they are. Now the national American news here in the United States shows segments on the weather around the country, as if this is somehow actually news that it's snowing in upstate NY, or flyover country.

Dec 5, 2014, 4:39 PM
"Shut Em Down"

I testified
My mama cried
Black people died
When the other man lied
See the TV, listen to me double trouble
I overhaul and I'm comin'
From the lower level
I'm takin' tabs
Sho nuff stuff to grab
Like shirts it hurts
Wit a neck to wreck
Took a poll 'cause our soul
Took a toll
From the education
Of a TV station
But look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
Boom and Pound
When I
Shut 'em down
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
What I use in the battle for the mind
I hit it hard
Like it supposed
Pullin' no blows to the nose
Like uncle L said I'm rippin' up shows
Then what it is
Only 5 percent of the biz
I'm addin' woes
That's how da way it goes
Then U think I rank never drank, point blank
I own loans
Suckers got me runnin' from the bank
Civil liberty I can't see to pay a fee
I never saw a way to pay a sap
To read the law
Then become a victim of a lawyer
Don't know ya, never saw ya
Tape cued
Gettin' me sued
Playin' games wit' my head
What the judge said put me in the red
Got me thinkin' 'bout a trigger to the lead
No no
My education mind say
Suckers gonna pay
There gonna be a day
'Cause the troop they roll in
To posse up
Whole from the ground
Ready to go
Throw another round
Sick of the ride
It's suicide
For the other side of town
When I find a way to shut 'em down
Who count the money
In da neigborhood
But we spendin' money
To no end lookin' for a friend
In a war to the core
Rippin' up the poor in da stores
Till they get a brother
Kickin' down doors
Then I figure I kick it bigger
Look 'em dead in the eye
And they wince
Defense is pressurized
They don't want it to be
Another racial attack
In disguise so give some money back
I like Nike but wait a minite
The neighborhood supports so put some
Money in it
Corporations owe
Dey gotta give up the dough
To da town
or else
We gotta shut 'em down


Dec 5, 2014, 6:12 PM
One the one hand, we have so much promise and on the other----there is much one can be gloomy and pessimistic about---almost at the same time when I look at the state of affairs---I can be both optimistic, hopeful, excited about the future and then in a flash---be totally bummed and negative about our prospects on so many levels.

Reminds me somewhat of a conversation I had with pyhsician's assistant. The pyshsician is allegedly a psychologist. Although I would debate he does not actually doctor, at all.

Me: "I have moments where I feel tranquil, feel good that I have a wife and boyfriend that love me, served briefly, wrote a book of poetry, made it so far and at the same time I feel like a complete fuck up. I feel both at the same time. 'Gee, I'm a fuck up but lal la it's just fine', surely that isn't fine, feeling both at once, or even anxiety after that piling in?"

PA: "Oh no, that's all perfectly natural. You are fine, really."

Me: "Okay, so what do I do to become mobile when such a mash of feelings overtakes me?"

PA: "Um, I don't know. Your vistoril working?"

Me: "If by working you mean I take one on feeling anxious, pass out ten minutes later, then yeah."

PA: "Great, I'll give you yet another perscription for them. See you in three months."

Similar conversation happened with the psychologist. Both of them seem keen to video conference with a patient only two minutes. Their stock routine is to simply ask, "medicine working? Fine, I'll perscribe more." You're not expected to actually try addressing the rationale behind why you're in therapy. Wave to doc, smile, nod, come back in three months to repeat. The doctors flat out obviously do not give a fuck. All they are is pill dispensing robots.

The therapist, bless them, is set up with their hands tied as well. They are not allowed to diagnose. They can only tell me there is something wrong in my mind. They cannot say exactly what, only that they are unable to state I'm clear to work, and unable to write an order to keep me out of work. It's the biggest catch 22 there is. I had diagnoses prior to moving to WV for garden variety clinical depression, borderline p.t.s.d. No one here can write that down to provide the Fed for a disability case. I figure they're milking medicaid which is all I can aford as insurance.

Fed for disability says I could do entry level janitorial work. That is if I could find that local enough. As it is there are roughly 2-400 in line for anything like that which opens. And entry level means minimum wage only. Then, minimum wage will go up after first of year, lots more folks will be out of work. Employers will not pay the increase, automate as best they can instead. Sure I know janitorial lacks opportunity for automation, give employers an incinitive though, they need to pay poor Joe more? We'll automate. Roombas at least can sweep floors.

Guess I keep pondering, shaking my head. Glad to have got a conversation going. Bisexual people are people after all. Would seem what effects people would effect bisexual people too. Don't get me wrong, don't mind talking sex. Rather be having sex though. ;) No point talking about it, if not getting it, and if getting it, no point talking of it either. *chuckles* Hard to desire sex if the world is going to shit, or maybe that's the best time for sex? *ambles along lost in his thoughts *

Dec 5, 2014, 6:33 PM
"Shut Em Down"

I testified
My mama cried
Black people died
When the other man lied
See the TV, listen to me double trouble
I overhaul and I'm comin'
From the lower level
I'm takin' tabs
Sho nuff stuff to grab
Like shirts it hurts
Wit a neck to wreck
Took a poll 'cause our soul
Took a toll
From the education
Of a TV station
But look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
Boom and Pound
When I
Shut 'em down
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
What I use in the battle for the mind
I hit it hard
Like it supposed
Pullin' no blows to the nose
Like uncle L said I'm rippin' up shows
Then what it is
Only 5 percent of the biz
I'm addin' woes
That's how da way it goes
Then U think I rank never drank, point blank
I own loans
Suckers got me runnin' from the bank
Civil liberty I can't see to pay a fee
I never saw a way to pay a sap
To read the law
Then become a victim of a lawyer
Don't know ya, never saw ya
Tape cued
Gettin' me sued
Playin' games wit' my head
What the judge said put me in the red
Got me thinkin' 'bout a trigger to the lead
No no
My education mind say
Suckers gonna pay
There gonna be a day
'Cause the troop they roll in
To posse up
Whole from the ground
Ready to go
Throw another round
Sick of the ride
It's suicide
For the other side of town
When I find a way to shut 'em down
Who count the money
In da neigborhood
But we spendin' money
To no end lookin' for a friend
In a war to the core
Rippin' up the poor in da stores
Till they get a brother
Kickin' down doors
Then I figure I kick it bigger
Look 'em dead in the eye
And they wince
Defense is pressurized
They don't want it to be
Another racial attack
In disguise so give some money back
I like Nike but wait a minite
The neighborhood supports so put some
Money in it
Corporations owe
Dey gotta give up the dough
To da town
or else
We gotta shut 'em down


I do not think it is all corporate at fault. Think it lies with the most base of human sins, greed. Everyone always desires more.

I'm happy to just have enough, same as wife here. Sorry, never jumped on the "he who has more toys, wins" bandwagon.

Nobody can take anything with them when they're gone anyway. In all honesty, I am of a mindset that I am simply passing through this earth. Love her like she's my momma but ultimately she lets all her children go.

Up until about two years ago, if I paid over $20 for a new pair of shoes I felt ripped off big time. Then, after my wife haggled with me, she bought me pair that cost around $60. Her logic was a $20 pair only lasted three months, a $60 pair ought to last 9 months. Sadly, the $60 pair only made out for four months. I'm not exactly hard on my shoes. I wear them and visit a pen of dogs. There is feces in the pen, mud too. I do have a pair of wellies though and if I can recall, I put them on to go feed critters. Still my shoes just wear bad, quickly.

I blame a desire for more profit. Some fool wants more bonus on his check. He sends shoe labor to a cheap factory what automates 95% of the labor and 80% of the quality control. That saves the company money, which nets him more bonus. So yeah, it's greed. Most folks can own a fair share. I do enjoy more pecan pie myself. :) Then too, I am kind of the poster boy for moderation. *chuckles* I always take both, more and less, white and black, blue and pink, bitter and sweet, light and dark. For sure I am often an extremist, not.

Dec 5, 2014, 6:45 PM
I would not be surprised if they are. Now the national American news here in the United States shows segments on the weather around the country, as if this is somehow actually news that it's snowing in upstate NY, or flyover country.

Yep. I have trouble understanding this too. If I want to know our local weather, I step outside. Yes, it's nice to maybe have a rough idea of what may be coming locally in the near future, but do I really need to know California is having a hell of a drought? The only rationale for this being relevant to me is the supermarket. I may not have access to some oranges which were grown in California, or artichokes. Even then it is of little relevence as I could barely afford these at any given, or the supermarket as it is major chain, will get the produce elsewhere.

One of our family friends had an excellent system regarding the weather. 50/50 chance, it'll rain/snow or not. So, watching the weather and seeing the reporter say 30% chance of rain I figure an 80% chance is there. This guy's method has yet to be wrong. *chuckles* :)