View Full Version : Im pretty upset..

Aug 6, 2006, 3:53 AM
Today morning i was in the chatroom .. but somehow it was very different from all other times .
Some people there today really said things that really made me pretty sad .
Especially im dissapointed in some with whom i had a really great time last week . Its seems that in here things can quickly turn arround and fall in your back.. as well as people .

Most of all it did hurt me to be insulted because im living in sweden and that i would represent the whole sweden in a bad way because im just an asshole , to make it short .
Im maybe a bit square sometimes and a also i take things too serious but im surely not the worst person excisting and i dont deserve beeing insulted by others who dont know me for even 10 min or less .
The first thing youre saying to someone you dont know should not be "youre an asshole" . :(

Im pretty upset about how people really see me and i opened this thread so that others might also say its not fair to be treated in certain ways only because one has a bit more of a serious character .
I am able to laugh , to tell funny stories , to be stupid in a funny way sometimes.. but i got limits too as well as all of you .

There are surely more who thought sometimes ah, must that be, this is too stupid , i got nothing to say to that .
And i think im not the only one who comes into the chat room and the forum to discuss about normal stuff and to have a good talk .. i dont come only for the sex talk .. it can be fun , but why not on a higher level .

How many of you really think that smth like "Do you wanna smell my farts" is funny or tasteful ? I dont .. :( even if that makes me boring .
You can also use this thread to make me look bad again.. for some that will be a pleasure , but also maybe use it only after u really thought about what you want to say . :kay:

(Nympho... i hope with us it will be fine again.. i really enjoyed talking to you all the past nights... and every talk with you was great.. please.. tell me smth... u made me sad today :( :( :( )

Aug 6, 2006, 4:57 AM
I have been in the chatroom when you have been in and always found you to be very pleasant, always got something to say which is refreshing as there are a whole bunch who seem to sit in the room without ever uttering a word.
You will always get twats in a chatroom who insult others for no apparent reason........as you cant see them its difficult to know why they would want to do that, I always reason that they are probably drunk, LOL.
Anyways dont get upset and have a "KISS" from me

Aug 6, 2006, 5:04 AM
Thanks TinTin .
I always thought and hoped that would be how some of the people in here
would describe me , cause i dont really like to upset others myself as well .
Im not insulting people , i sometimes joke , we all do , but especially because i dont it also means i give people the impression sometimes that im easy to
make fun of . which surely is true , but i still hate it .. :( :(

Thanks again tintin.. *kissesback*

Aug 6, 2006, 5:14 AM
Im sorry to hear you had a bad time in chat Haem. I have found you to be a caring, intelligent and friendly person. I do hope you will come back to chat again. Its difficult for me to comment as I wasnt in chat at the time however I would hope all members would treat each other respectfully afterall us Bi folks need to stick together.

Love & hugs

Aug 6, 2006, 8:09 AM
oooh smurfy :) :) thx to you!!

Aug 6, 2006, 8:45 AM
i'm sorry that chat was distressing for you last night, although i can see the viewpoints of those of us trying to keep things light and peaceful, too. we all have bad times in chat from time to time, lord knows i've had my share. it appears that u are very much cared for here, so hopefully that alone will help to lift ur spirits, lass. :compuser:

Aug 6, 2006, 2:42 PM
Hi Haemoglobin,
I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to you in the chat some people just don't really see who you are and that you do have a very nice side to you:) ,we all have a mean side to us but if somebody is starting things like that when they don't know you is try to ignore them and if they keep it up then thats when you should email drew about it cause he will take care of the problem for you. Just remember you can ignore anybody that you really want to thats why we have an ignore button in chat, I hope you still come to chat and still see the rest of us are easy to get along with.


Aug 6, 2006, 6:42 PM
Hey Haemo! I've only chatted with you once, but like everyone else, I've found you to be perfectly sweet and charming. I'm sorry that you met some distressing people on the chat, but hang tough!

And judging from the responses from others so far, it looks like there are more people who like you than not, so keep a smile on!

Hope to bump into you again! :tong:

Aug 6, 2006, 8:40 PM
I think everyone is entitled to bring into the chatroom, all their baggage, daily grumbles and speak with the mood they are in. Hopefully, they do this to lighten their mood, or connect with people who will help them through a low point.
BUT when someone comes in spoiling for a fight, purposely insult, and degrade anyone around them...that's NOT ON!

I've met a few who seem to enjoy attacking...for whatever reason that is...and yes it is sad to see.
Yet, those people are a very small minority compared to the wonderful people we do get to interact with!

I'm glad you at least voiced your sadness, a trait I admire...to be able to speak about thoughts and feelings. So H...take heart, there are so many people in here who are worth chatting with.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 6, 2006, 8:55 PM
haemo.... I have been in the chatroom with you and nearly wet my pants laughing......you are a awesome person and one of many in the chatroom who make me smile and feel good

I enjoy being in the chatroom and yeah like you I have seen a few people in there that need to learn a more respect for others and how their words and actions impact on others....but i try and go in there with the intention of making everybody smile, laugh and enjoy their time in the chat room

hugs ya heaps

Mrs. Taz
Aug 6, 2006, 9:12 PM
hey, i am sorry you had a rough time in chat, ur a cool person and people need to get to know you before they decide anything about you. as taz mentioned we do have an ignore button in chat, but some people arent aware of it. and yes if problem gets worse or persists then you need to tell drew about it. best wishes and hope things get better for you. :)

Aug 7, 2006, 2:59 AM
I expected this thread to backfire and even more people turning on me for that i say what i feel openly .
Im normally not so easily sad or offended but smth triggered it, and i was just almost close to tears . it is a bit stupid and may even childish .. i still felt that way..

But since so many of you said i wasnt that bad of a person and some are just stupid i start seeing it that way too . some are just stupid and ill use my ignore button in the chatroom some more in the future :tongue:

thanks to all of you.. i was really scared almost to return to the chatroom ever again , i think ill see you there soon though now :tong:

Aug 7, 2006, 3:29 AM
I see you in chat right now and your LAUGHING!! :-) Thats good to see... looks like a fun bunch in the chat room tonight :)

Just put people on ignore if they bother you.. I do :-) or just stay quiet till they leave hehe


Aug 7, 2006, 3:53 AM
its weird isnt it? sometimes you can have such a good time in a chat room then another time you can come out feeling bad....strange how it can affect you so deeply sometimes...iim trying to learn to walk away before i get too upset by recognising things early! if there is someone who has a humour or an attitude i dont feel comfortable with i ignore them even if they say something hurtful...then when they are lulled into a false sense of security i will say something that will make them think without being insulting.....often when you make someone with attitude have to think they get confused and leave....

Aug 7, 2006, 7:08 AM
Hi, Haemo. I hope that nothing we said while I was in the chatroom bothered you. We covered a pretty broad range of topics and hope that some of the more risque ones weren't offensive. Please be sure to tell me if we're in chat together and I say anything that bother you. You seemed to be a total sweetheart and I hope that we can continue to chat in the future!


Aug 7, 2006, 7:27 AM
awww.. people... :rolleyes: :)

I enjoyed beeing in the chat today again though it wasnt for that long .
I discovered that against my normally playful sense of swedish humor :tong: i felt a bit insecure still but only if i see certain names in the chatroom .

It is indeed wierd how a chat can affect someone at all . I dont really know .
I am a member of different kinds of forums and i do have experience with posting and stuff like that , little discussions and so forth . Its still a big difference to a chat room .
This is actually really my first chat (apart from my talks with my people on msn or icq , with whom i discuss completely different things ) of this kind where you exchange comments "live" and im surprised by how much i like it and how it has the abbility to change my mood to a good one or sometimes can upset me like it did .

Sometimes you can know someones dumb , but still .. it leaves a bad taste in your mouth for some time :rolleyes:
I wont let it bother me anymore , or so i hope.. :)

@tasha+winthr. . . . youre both sweeties yourselves :tongue: :)
thx. to you Boogie ( u know your nick reminds of the movie called the boogie-man .. you know the one that comes and takes the little kids.. ) :eek: :tongue:

Aug 7, 2006, 2:12 PM
Haemo, one thing I've seen over the years is that in almost every chat room, there's bound to be someone just trying to start trouble. You can't let them get to you! For every person who misbehaves in the room, there are probably five people who want to genuinely get to know you and like you for who you are - and there are others out there who want to do the same thing. Personally, I like being able to get an international point of view on topics and enjoyed our chat. Just remember to ignore anyone who gives you trouble and overlook them.

Aug 7, 2006, 2:18 PM
ermm.....what can i say lol i think youll find thats the BOGIE MAN where as Boogie 2u is more about music n lurvvvv .... you ever heard of the film Boogie nights? well im not exactly Dirk Diggler but check my photos out, you might get the picture!!!! lol

Aug 7, 2006, 2:47 PM
normally when ever I'm in the chat I don't talk cause I might not know what to say or there may not be somebody in the chat that I know and when I see trouble starting I jump in to stop it if I can but it doesn't always work, if somebody has upset you in chat and you feel that you need to talk about it or even need advise please try to find me cause I like trying to help people when I can it makes me feel good if I know that I've helped cheer somebody up. I saw your posting in my forum and that got a smile out of me when I saw it:) thank you for what you said.


Aug 7, 2006, 4:01 PM
hey their i have not had the pleasure in talking to you , i dont thingk? but i have nver heard anything bad about sweden. i dont thingk it is fair to say those things about you if they dont knowe you. if you said something somebody did not agree with or made them mad they should have reply with more thought to your feelings. im sure you did not say anything to hurt. and on that subject it is vary rude to say that about smelling farts. we are all adults in here. so im with you. if you see me in chat or want to send me a message. feel free i would like to meet you. on the computer of course he he he heh he he he . from boytoy. hope your next chat is a better one :bigrin: :three: :flag3: :bigrin:

Aug 7, 2006, 7:32 PM
I agree with Duck Dong, we both have been in the chatroom with you at the same time, and I think you have a great personality. I'm sorry u had such a bad time, and I'm sorry I wasn't there to set those meanies str8...

Aug 7, 2006, 8:57 PM
hi, i haven't met/chatted with you yet, either. but i've read some of your comments in other forums, and you seem very nice. sorry to hear about your crappy chat. don't let that person(s) get you down or run you off.

thanx from me too, about the ignore button in chat-i had forgotten about it too.

we are all adults and we need to remember that everyone has down moments. but we also need to remember that we all come here because we have something in common. and sadly as it is, that common thing-we are condemned for. so most of us come here for needed support, not others being a-holes to us too. :2cents: ;)

Aug 8, 2006, 3:26 AM
Ola! Guys , ladies :bigrin: Youre great and im really happy that there are people in this forum who do have a good opinion about me .. im really not that bad of a person .

But i did think about one thing , i should be less judging and try to understand that there are people in here for other reasons than i am .. i knew that before , but sometimes(since im only human too) when someone says smth unbelieveable stupid i cant shut up , i gotta make a comment or correct a person.. i shouldnt because those people dont even wanna be corrected , they dont want to seem more intelligent , they like to be stupid and childish.. and thats how ill leave them in the future.. stupid and alone :rolleyes:

thanks to you all for so many nice posts.. :bibounce:

Aug 21, 2006, 5:12 PM
Haemoglobin, i never spoke to you before, but i hope i will.
I must react here on this topic about "strange" swedish humor and Sweden in totaly.
Some people here on this site simply must accept the other diferent ways of humor, diferent kind of mentality too, not just to stick to their own.

I know Sweden very well and whole Scandinavia and scandinavian sence of humor. For me like a woman from Serbia in the beginning that kind of humor did sound very strange, but i simply accept it, and i thought: They are Swedishs, diferent kind of mentality of my own and it's not my bussiness or mission to change it. At the end, i liked it!

I have been also insulted extremly bad on the chat just because i'm from Serbia - uknown country for most of ppl in here.
Some person, i wont say who, just saw my profile, and when he saw that i'm Serbian he turned whole thing on political level insulting me from that point of view totaly ignoring the fact that i am afterall individual person.
Ok, i could fight back, but i didn't see the point doing that, so i just ignored him.

As i saw, you are very smart girl and i really apriciet that. You have your own attitude and your own life, so don't let that bother you, never again.

Aug 22, 2006, 4:57 PM
Its come to my attention in this forum and in chat that any of you that are from Sweden are getting picked on the most because of your since of humor and its not fair to you when that happens everybody is different and it shouldn't matter where we are from cause this site has people from all over the world, so everyone should be getting picked on then cause of it not just the swedish people.

The biggest thing that I hate is people who are very rude to others in anyway possible which I've seen alot of in the chat:(

Aug 22, 2006, 6:50 PM
Canadians are always getting picked on as well.

Mostly cause of supposely sayings we do (I have never heard ANYONE in canada using the word "eh" and Im canadian lol)

And also the fact we are "up north" so supposely its ALWAYS cold up here and we never have hot summers as well according to people who never been to Canada lol We do, in fact get VERY hot summers.

AND the other day in chat I witnessed a converstation going on: When someone said something like "I don't like canada.... I heard everyones MEAN up there"
(I did not say anything but I think that person was joking around lol)

So Sweden isn't the only place to get picked on... us canadians do too :-(


Aug 22, 2006, 8:07 PM
Y'all need to come live in West by Gawd Virginia. We got inbred, mutant, dueling banjo pickers living here. And e' body knows John Denever done went an made us proud by singin bout dem cunt tree roads.

I don't worry about where I'm from. We're all people, good or bad and every type of people has both. Don't let the bad ones trouble you. Remember you are taller than them, because you can overlook them.

Yadayadayada ... It'll be alright ... blahblahblah The good guys always win ... yadayadayada ... On saturday's we've got cartoons! :) Don't worry, be happy. Someone needs to be.

Aug 22, 2006, 8:27 PM

You had me rollin on the floor about to piss myself from laughing so hard.

No one needs to be offended of what someone else says regarding one's country or anything else for that matter. Don't take stuff personal, if someone enjoys expressing their own stupidity.. Let them.. and laugh about it. At lease it ain't you. Take comfort in the ones that are nice and friendly. For they will be around a long time. The jerks will do what jerks do best and burn themselves out, wear out there welcome. And move on to where they can be all new and shiny again. Some people are unprivy to the fact that we are a melting pot of people here. I get flack for living in the states and having the president I do. yadda yadda, its all water.