View Full Version : Boyfriend or Girlfriend which is better?

Nov 20, 2014, 3:01 PM
I'm more interested in men at the moment but do like women also, I used to like women more but I find women more annoying than men. Gay relationships are good because you usually have the same interests as the other gay man, you can do more stuff than being with a women. I'm not sure which lifestyle I'd prefer to choose.

I do fancy women, but for me they just seem annoying and the relationship is usually one sided towards the women, for example the women wants to get married but the man doesn't really get anything from it, the women wants the man to buy her stuff, the man has to work while the women works at home using the excuse of "Looking after the kids." to sit at home, the womens activities are boring for me, I can't stand shopping or sitting at home watching TV, I want sex, go out to play golf and other things that are fun.

But it just seems that most straight couples sit at home and watch TV, sitting in for the rest of their lives, men aren't really like that and plus the women is usually stressful for the man when they're older, they're usually down the man's throat and being hassle when he gets older, I just knew a man that lived with his wife and they fell out, she kicked HIM out of the house, but it's never the other way around. And plus, being with a male chances are they would let you sleep with another guy, but with a women they don't, they are protective over their husbands and boring.

Despite being attracted to both, I think the gay lifestyle is more enjoyable, straight lifestyle looks boring but the upside is if you want kids, their are positive and negative of both. If I were to spend my life with a man I wouldn't be able to have kids, at the moment I'm seeing a guy but I have second thoughts about whether I want to have a girlfriend or kids one day. I don't want to feel as if I have to dump him because I want kids.

Nov 20, 2014, 4:27 PM
Comparing the two is apples and oranges to me. Both different but yet the same. I get different things from each kind of relationship so I can't really compare.

Nov 20, 2014, 5:12 PM
I agree with Jack apples and oranges

Nov 20, 2014, 5:34 PM
If you're bisexual then relationships and sex with the same and opposite gender are basically the same. Neither one is "better" than the other one.

Melody Dean
Nov 20, 2014, 8:52 PM
Wow, you're young, aren't you? Yes, it's true, there are some stereotypical women out there who are princesses and expect the world to be handed to them. But there are plenty of them out there that aren't that type.

I'm saying, be with men if you want, but don't write us women off entirely. Especially not bisexual women, because we understand. There's plenty of configurations out there, and it really is possible to have both a boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes even at once! Keep your options open, and take what comes your way.

Nov 21, 2014, 7:44 AM
I would say that Ms. Dean has an answer that is right. As I see it you could still be evolving in your focus with identity. Myself I equal enjoy women and men but they each bring something very special to a relationship.

Maybe ask yourself are you truly Bi: How do you determine whether a person is bisexual? (http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/publications/inter2.html) (To the left is an active link)

Nov 21, 2014, 10:18 AM
Odd, gender never impacted the quality of a relationship for me. It was wholly based on how well we got along and enjoyed each other's company and love. Your examples of standard relationships sound like rather poor relationships :-/

Nov 21, 2014, 2:17 PM
Geez, Bearlover, you're thinking this thing to death! Just do what you feel like doing...simple.

Personally, I feel like others said, don't discount one, or the other. Neither can fill the needs of a bisexual person 100% of the time.