View Full Version : Found this question on 4chan...............

Nov 20, 2014, 5:11 AM
And it made me wonder.

Is it more of a reaction to an interracial same sex couples color or gender that gets people more worked up.

Which wins out, the racist or the bigot?

Either way I see the LGBT losing.

Nov 20, 2014, 5:40 AM
Personally I don't have a problem with either and don't understand why others do. As for my opinion I think the gender would bother them more.

Nov 20, 2014, 6:54 AM
Personally I don't have a problem with either and don't understand why others do.

Agree with this fully. Only desire stating, due not having comprehension regarding others, some withdraw. Those lacking comprehension may feel debased, degraded socially and so avoid society.

"X makes me feel bad. I do not like feeling bad. I can avoid X and not feel bad", may often be the rationalization. Society maintains bigotry in various forms. People discriminate because of religion, politics, skin color, gender, clothing, hair color, eye color, body shapes, and the list goes on infinitely.

While having personal preferences is fine, when such a choice becomes a form of bigotry, life generally becomes much worse for all. Often, I may incite a rally cry of reason.

"DEATH to ALL fanatics!"

This is something of a very sarcastic and morbid bit of irony. "Look at me being a fanatic as well, demanding death to all fanatics. Ha!" While it may seem mildly amusing and a tad humorous, such an attitude over time becomes stale, leaving one in some desolate void of emotion, or rather lack of emotion. In simple terms, "X makes me feel bad. ...". This place is inhospitable yet it remains a safe haven for a good number of people who get lost in seeing all the f**king bigotry of the world outside.

We don our "FTW!", togs and ride off into our voids to await outside of the outside, outside of society. You desire choosing hate then, do yourself and us a favor, stay clear away from us. Do not mistake pacifistic love for inability, or lack of desire to resolve your demise if needed. We do not desire your hate, bring it and be assured we'll end it in whatever means is required. Our kind did not start the war but our kind will finish it.

Hate is fear in its most basic form. Fear kills minds, kills bodies attached to minds. If you think hate requires courage, you may want to rethink that logic. Nothing is more courageous than setting aside a sword and shield, throwing arms wide open to embrace an enemy in love. Hate is for cowards.

Honestly think however, that is what these mysterious shadowy P.T.B seek in the world. They use fear as energy, as power. To borrow from Jack Nicholson in a Batman movie, "wait 'til they get a load of these!" I see love winning the game but also a darker storm on the horizon. We have to weather such storms in order to get from here to there despite both places being one in the same. Maybe, in some distant future we'll learn to make these transitions without such needs.