View Full Version : How many guys here are bi and not closeted, out to their partner and others?

Nov 8, 2014, 10:54 PM
How many bisexual men here are bi and not closeted, out to their partner/wife/husband/GF/BF, and others, and your bisexuality is not a secret or something you feel ashamed of that you need to hide from other people?

Nov 9, 2014, 1:14 AM
No shame. I just don't care to run around all outing my sexuality anymore than I run around telling everyone that I just took a really good dump.

Nov 9, 2014, 10:33 AM
Hiding bisexuality isn't shame, it's common sense. If you came out to everyone that you would be marrying your vacuum cleaner, it would get the same response. There is no point in telling people something that they don't believe actually exists. I'm out to just my wife. I assume she thinks I am gay which is not even close. But like Andrew Dice Clay shouts, 'either you suck dick, or you do not suck dick'.

You may live where homophobia isnt the norm, I dont.