View Full Version : Don't ask, don't..........

Aug 2, 2006, 9:34 PM
well, here's a sad example of intolerance and how our military uses the rule to ....aaaawwww , hell, you decide


Aug 2, 2006, 9:45 PM
That is really sad and I'm glad some are fighting back to get their rights.

Aug 2, 2006, 11:23 PM
Ignorant people make me want to hurl. :( With eveything going on in the world you'd think the Army would have better things to do than to interrogate this good soldier.

Aug 3, 2006, 2:20 AM
'But the GAO also noted that nearly 800 dismissed gay or lesbian service members had critical abilities, including 300 with important language skills. Fifty-five were proficient in Arabic, including Copas, a graduate of the Defense Language Institute in California.'

This in itself is pretty staggering.

Aug 3, 2006, 4:21 AM
Argh, have you read the discussion page? :(

When you think about just the health implications of the increased chances of contracting AIDS and HIV in the gay community, how could we ever allow gays to be in same showers with other valuable military members.
For heaven's sake...

I just can't understand the reasoning behind gay people not being allowed in the armed forces. (I didn't know there was this rule in America. I don't think there's an equivalent in the UK.) Besides which, as we all know, it's quite possible to have same sex experiences and not be completely gay... Do they exclude people who are gay but have never had a same sex experience, and people who have in the past had same sex experiences but do not intend to in the future? It seems a ridiculously vague and bigoted rule.

I'm wittering, sorry!

Aug 3, 2006, 5:31 AM
I really dont understand why America operates a 'dont ask, dont tell' policy. What difference does it make? I live on a military camp and some of the best technicians here are openly gay, they get a bit of teasing but only in jest and they give as good as they get. Its just men being men. If their commrads cant deal with their sexuality then surely they're the ones that need punishing in some way. It just seems so sad that good people cant do their job because of their sexual preferance which bares no influence on their ability to do their job!
JMO :2cents:

Q x

Aug 3, 2006, 6:26 AM
Although I did not accept my feelings at the time there was always a subconsous fear when I was in the Navy. Now being a contractor on a Navy base it is almost as bad, I have to be a closet liberal and a closet bisexual man as I feel I would not be employed long if I was vocal about either.

Driver 8
Aug 3, 2006, 8:28 AM
I just can't understand the reasoning behind gay people not being allowed in the armed forces. (I didn't know there was this rule in America. I don't think there's an equivalent in the UK.)
I've seen news stories in the US press about the UK military recruitiing at pride festivals, and military personnel in uniform marching in pride parades. Very different policies in the two countries ... and I find it interesting that the UK military doesn't seem to have fallen apart as a result.

Aug 3, 2006, 8:31 AM
Why would it fall apart? I cant see why letting people be who they are would cause the military to fall apart.

Q x

Aug 3, 2006, 8:35 AM
I find it interesting that the UK military doesn't seem to have fallen apart as a result.
Hehe yes, it's all good - people in the military are allowed to go to Pride marches in uniform, as far as I know. And yeah, perhaps the US should take a look at our armed forces and realise that it hasn't caused any serious problems as yet... I believe their stupid rule is totally based on prejudice. There's little or no practical reason for it.

Aug 3, 2006, 8:40 AM
Totally agree Ophilia! Ok so there were lots of jokes made about the lads having to march in the gay pride events. But no-one meant it or thought it was a bad idea. I remember reading somewhere that the Navy were doing role playing exercises to teach people what it is like to be gay and teach understanding and compassion or something like that.
I really cant believe people accept the American military's policy, I dont think it'd go down very well over here.

Q x

Aug 3, 2006, 8:47 AM
well, here's a sad example of intolerance and how our military uses the rule to ....aaaawwww , hell, you decide


This is the same story as in the link:


which I posted together with other cases in my thread "discrimination is still rampant!!!":


I think it's good to say it once and again, if with that we can reach people who have not heard about it, and make people think and educate others about acceptance (and not tolerance as somebody else said in this site, as tolerance seems to imply to accept something wrong we do, but the reality is that we don't do anything wrong- I mean our sexuality!!! :bigrin: )

All the best,

ray :male: