View Full Version : ebola

Sep 15, 2014, 4:26 PM
Are you personally worried about Ebola?

Why or why not?

I read news articles and the comments people write about ebola can sometimes be motivated by fear, or wanting to change the immigration policy in North America, and Europe.

People are spreading a lot of misinformation such as how ebola is now airborne, that it's a bio-weapon, and that everyone will die from it, and other things.




Sep 15, 2014, 4:30 PM

I am not worried about it mainly because there are diseases that are a lot more easier to get infected with than it.

In the African countries where it's being spread most people get it from eating bush meat like in the video (poor monkeys!), from not practising proper hygiene such as not sharing medical supplies such as needles, etc. a distrust of Western and European medicine, and really odd funeral rituals such as kissing a dead body, touching a dead body, and even removing fecal matter from a corpse without wearing gloves and doing all of this without washing your hands afterwards or wearing gloves or a mask during the perpetration of the body for burial.

In North America and Europe, and even Central/South, and Latin America, and Asia and Australia/NZ there's much better medical care than in most African countries.

Sep 16, 2014, 5:08 PM
Obama just now realizes this about ebola in African countries?


Now he and his administration want to send the United States military there. :rolleyes:

Oct 4, 2014, 5:45 PM
Why isn't there a travel ban from and to those African countries like Liberia where there's an ebola outbreak?

Oct 4, 2014, 10:01 PM
More worried about TB and the new respiratory virus.

Oct 4, 2014, 10:14 PM
No, I am not worried, as long as people take prudent measures to quarantine themselves if they are infected we will be fine. Ebola spreads like HIV, from blood borne pathogens..it's not an airborne disease.

It must've been a slow news week last week because the media kept trying to make something out of saying "oh, 100 people may have come into contact with this guy!" -- Ok, so what is the total population of the US?

Is it sad that people are being affected? Yes. Is it something I'm going to be paranoid over? No.

Oct 4, 2014, 11:07 PM
No, I am not worried, as long as people take prudent measures to quarantine themselves if they are infected we will be fine. Ebola spreads like HIV, from blood borne pathogens..it's not an airborne disease.

It must've been a slow news week last week because the media kept trying to make something out of saying "oh, 100 people may have come into contact with this guy!" -- Ok, so what is the total population of the US?

Is it sad that people are being affected? Yes. Is it something I'm going to be paranoid over? No.

In much agreement. From my limited research both CDC & non-CDC sources, what is called Ebola can not be aerosol as the virus dies too quickly via airborne exposure. What I was led to summarize is there is something generally in the air, a trace element what attacks the virus. Did not probe further to comprehend what element, or if anyone is even sure, merely it suffices that Ebola dies in the air rapidly. Recommendations are if you're going to be within 1 meter of someone explicitly proven infected, wear protective gear of the full coverall (disposables), mask (disposables), chemical resistant rubber gloves (disposables), safety goggles (disposables). Also scrub up upon entering the area, after exiting. Fairly basic common sense protocols medical professionals ought to use even for flues, severe whooping coughs, any infectious disease/material.

Be paranoid? No. Cautious? Perhaps, if going to be around anyone suspected of being infected. I too have seen all the raging fear theater of all media, even the alternative or underground sources. It is atrociously stupefying to say the best for it. Guess until Spring sweeps, they need something for ratings. *chuckles & shakes his noggin* Maybe it is Al-C.I.A-da programming the sheep to not go to Africa or Middle East.

<sarcastic imagining>

Cut to interior Langley, VA headquarters of C.I.A:

"Ha Ha Ha Yuck Yuck, You know boys we start whooping up a Jihad scare we gonna get our Militia guys going over there to bite us on the ass."

"Don't worry about it Chuck, got it covered. We tell 'em there's a big huge bad ass voodoo plague what makes their tally whackers fall off and they die horrible deaths gasping for air from puking", Tom says.

Frank looks befuddled, "Jus wat we call this stuff, gots to be sumpin really scary soundin' else none dem good ole boys gonna be buyin it."

"We call it E-Bowler, Frank. You can't bowl East of the Atlantic, that'll keep the Hillbillies away", Chuck offers.

"Hot damn, you got it" Tom exclaims.

</sarcastic imagining>

Oct 4, 2014, 11:26 PM
I am not worried about it mainly because there are diseases that are a lot more easier to get infected with than it.

I can think of a vector of any disease which itself imho ought to be classed as a disease. That vector is poverty.
It was shown that poverty was a highly likely vector for the origins and transmission of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome which led to being considered as having human immunodeficiency virus infection. Of course, one could have typhoid and be considered as having human immunodeficiency virus infection, or form of it. The definition of human immunodeficiency virus infection was proven to have been altered so many times as was needed weekly, daily by political types. [_0_ (http://is.gd/Si9b9K)] Still think this was something cooked up in a lab[2 (http://is.gd/tQhyA8)] as inter-species viruses just do not happen, that is to say pigs cannot pass a version of their flue to snakes. Species are differentiated exactly so as to avoid such things as per course of life, living, nature, cosmic law. But then, "I'm just a pecker-wood who lives in the hills with too many guns"[1 (http://is.gd/oymOaA)].

Oct 5, 2014, 7:20 AM
People like to think of the world as a set of rigid rules, but it's more like a loaf of dough raising..the whole thing is organic. So you get a little bacteria in there, a bit of a mutation happens and then bamn, interspecies transmission..of course just like NCIS, it's not all that simple, and it doesn't fit into an hour long show but it certainly can happen..


Having said that, I still don't see a need for concern for my own safety yet. Just to be on the safe side, I have gotten into the habit (for years) of washing my hands before I eat food...old fashioned soap and hot water go a long way to curing a lot..I'm not even going to talk about all of "anti-bacterial" bullshnit they put into everything these days. Yeah, really smart idea..marketers are great, aren't they? Oh my goodness, there could be "germs" on things..hehehehehehehehehe .. I'm just waiting for some idjot to get themselves a lysol enema..

Oct 5, 2014, 11:46 AM
The 'panic' in the states about this is simply a result of a society that is based on fear. Headlines like "100 people in Texas being looked at for Ebola". Then you read the story and think, wtf? The media needs a nice distraction of people dying and to tell us how we can all die if we don't watch the news tonight. I haven't sat down and watched the evening news in decades. My mother in law watches every news cast that is transmitted to her tv. She lives in a zero crime area, middle class white, northwest US. I don't even make sure my cars are locked and rarely lock the doors on the house. She goes around double locking everything and lives each day assuming someone is going to break down the door and rape her. Living in constant fear thanks to the media. Anyone remember what the horror was 2 months ago? course not. I didn't either, it was the horrible war threatening our freedom between Hamas and the jews. btw, its still raging, it's just not as interesting as ebola.

Oct 5, 2014, 7:39 PM
I'm just waiting for some idjot to get themselves a lysol enema..

Hey now, don't laugh. I may actually do that in some manner. *chuckles*

After all the propylene glycol in my vaporizing juice is what is used in Lysol(tm). But thing is, that is an inert chemical, meaning it does nothing to, for the human body. Yes, it is a mild laxative and kills bacterial, viral infections. It does this in a fashion similar to using dish soap sprayed on wasps. The chemical attaches itself to receptors of the vectors, and suffocates the vector by not allowing it to absorb anything. It leaves healthy matter alone, attacking only the bad guy matter.

So now you know why hospitals spray Lysol(tm) everywhere, even in the forced air HVAC systems. It helps keep people healthy.

Vegetable glycerin is also mostly inert. I use it in the other half of the vaporizing juice. Worst case for it is that gets metabolized as a low end carbohydrate and passes through the body with no ill effects.

*singing* "Sanka it helps me poo!" *lol*

There is even fear theater on the forums of vaporizing folks. One could be forgiven for thinking big tobacco would pay agent provocateurs, trolls, shills to assail such forums with unfounded fears over food grade GRAS (generally recognized as safe) flavorings used in vaporizing juices. "Well, inhaling it is different than eating it", some of them espouse. Both methods place the alleged nasty chemicals into your blood. If it is safe to eat and get in your blood, it ought to be safe to absorb into your blood. Unfortunately, these trolls fail to grasp this. But then, suppose if they're paid well, ... *shrugs*

Yep, take away money or any notion of it and the world would be a far sight better. *nods, shakes his noggin knowingly* "Well piss. Reckon I hush."

Oct 8, 2014, 2:05 PM

Oct 10, 2014, 10:25 PM
The man infected with Ebola in Texas died. May he rest in peace.

Now his sleazy family is playing the race card saying that had he not been black he would have gotten better medical treatment. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind that this guy did not tell the medical professionals that he was in and traveled from an African country where there's an ebola outbreak, and had he told the truth about where he had been and how he could have been infected or was sick he might still be alive today.

His family does not care about him or the fact that people were exposed to ebola because of him; but they just want money.

Oct 11, 2014, 12:24 AM
The man infected with Ebola in Texas died. May he rest in peace.

Now his sleazy family is playing the race card saying that had he not been black he would have gotten better medical treatment. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind that this guy did not tell the medical professionals that he was in and traveled from an African country where there's an ebola outbreak, and had he told the truth about where he had been and how he could have been infected or was sick he might still be alive today.

His family does not care about him or the fact that people were exposed to ebola because of him; but they just want money.

Ah, I see. They have come up with the flying pig now. Not only can they scare you with the disease itself, but heaven forbid you realize a racial agenda. You also get to live in fear of being assaulted by any black folks who will blame the disease on the white folks, and you're assaulted because you say you think that is racist bull dung. Lovely ploy they got there, one what shall keep on ticking.

"Fear the plague! Fear the racial division!"

These benighted troglodyte coyotes, not related to the coyote on here, seem to have found a bit of inspired genius. :yikes2::cutelaugh

And no, I am not saying all people who are black will blame whites for any disease. I am saying though that such will be the perception and the media angle of everything. Yes, some black people may indeed blame the white people. My whole take away is being blind to all but one color, tombstone gray. Tombstones don't give a rats ass if your red, white, green, yellow, indigo, black, chartreuse, dead is dead and we're all destined to be tombstone gray in the end in one form or another. To me all people are just that, people. You have good and bad in any lot, unfortunately you have to take one with the other.

I am just in pure awe over the relentlessness of pure unbridled stupidity, greed, corruption, inhumanity, indignity, indignation. Also, my back hurts like a son of a bitch from sciatic nerve pain. No cure for it save surgery which would make it worse. All a nurse can offer is pain management. Yay! I get good drugs legally. :cutelaugh These are the drugs they give to those who have epileptic fits. The drugs trick the nerves into releasing control, but at times the nerves fight back. It is real fun. "tra la la .."

At any given I am so "lovin' this" apparent shit storm what befalls us with a name of Ebola. I saw a bit from a source suggesting NYTimes & CNN were using fake victims in their stories. Not sure how far I would throw the source, or NYTimes & CNN for that matter, much less trust any of them. The source was Veteran's Talk or some such. Did a bit of poking, seems their front man was sued and lost over 1 million for a hacking and spaming scheme what solicited sex from respondents. *shrugs* I did not bother poking too much. Think George Carlin had it right. "It's all a fucking circus."

Going to be hell if they come to me with this notion of mandatory vaccination, will say that and back it up. They may as well shoot all my dogs because it would be the same result, me in their grills for a second, them gone after that. That would be if they're lucky and see me. Consider this, I now do believe in a religion. *chuckles* I am Jedi, or even a non-practicing member of Principa Discordia - The Church of The Sub-genius. "All hail Eris! Remember Bob's your uncle but only on days of five. Now, everyone make like mannequin wearing silk lingerie, yes all gals even you got a six gun. Walk like Charlie who don't surf. Saul Good is the best author evar!"

N.B. & P.S.

I did not forget merely was distracted by what is seen as stupidity, greed, avarice. Our condolences for a fellow human losing their lives. All wishes of peace, healing and empathy to the family. It is indeed sadness life ends. It is a course of nature as well, none who live may continue. Again, respectfully our wishes of healing, peace, empathy.

No disrespect was intended, merely offering an expression of self respect & opinion.

Oct 11, 2014, 12:40 AM
So you don't get vaccinated at all? Why is that?

I get a flu vaccination because I am older, and work with the public.

I do know people who work with the public who should be getting a flu vaccination but they choose not to because they think it makes them sick with the flu.

Oct 11, 2014, 1:23 AM
So you don't get vaccinated at all? Why is that?

I get a flu vaccination because I am older, and work with the public.

I do know people who work with the public who should be getting a flu vaccination but they choose not to because they think it makes them sick with the flu.

I was vaccinated as a child for school, public school kind of requires it. Got some when in service. As it is now, I will not likely accept vaccinations. There are a lot of degrees of mistrust involved from my end. I understand the flu vaccine allegedly helps you better cope with a flu, perhaps help in getting over it. Comprehend that yes medical science in some aspects is truly good. Am also comprehending too, there are evils in the world now what will use anything against anyone.

If that sounds like paranoia and a don't trust anyone policy, it may well be. Given how things are can be safely be argued that such can be justified, perhaps even seen as a bit rational? To put it another way, a psychologist asked me if I was paranoid. I asked back, "watch the news?" There was no reply at all and that's been over two years ago.

And paranoia or high alert situational awareness is not exactly fear. It is actually courage to face what you fear, to go and look into things, to see if what you theorize is true or false. I have done a good bit of that and continue to do it. Some has proven false, some more true. At my discretion, I'll avoid those running at me with needles unless I have reason enough and evidence of why I'm being stuck. Had to get a tetanus series about three months back. I had a rusty nail poke into my ankle after catching it in the weed eater.

"When did you last have a tetanus booster?"

"Erm, um ... fudge."

"Yep, you're in luck we're off to the clinic with you."

So, I won't avoid all medicines. But I would like to think there were a choice to them, and a valid need. Barring that, I'll be off and away if you come to stick me. ;) And no, not had a flu shot yet. Not had a flu since ... oh geeze, 1978 or so, may have been '76. I was between ages 4-6, and am 42 now. Had chicken pox at about 7 I believe, brothers had it too along with me.. We took amoxcylin I think, that was back when it was not used so much, at least for people. It works good for calves who get milk sick, if ircc.