View Full Version : Granny doesn't believe granddaughter is gay.lol

Aug 30, 2014, 11:48 AM


Aug 31, 2014, 3:54 PM
Me Gran (me mum's mum) believed everything that could be bad was bad about me so she believed all 2 readily that I was a perverted daughter of Sappho and therefore spawn of the devil from the day she got wind of it... she didn't think much of me b4 then but after??? Well u can imagine!!! Whenever we went down to stay at hers in Salford she put every obstacle in the way to stop me enjoying me lickle self.. she did same wiv me sister, bruvva and me cuzzins who (as far as she knew) were all nice str8 girls and boys, but that came of just h8ing peeps enjoying themselves an being ole cow.. in my case it wos not so much stopping me selling me soul 2 the devil (cos she cudn't give a sod about my soul) as stopping me helping the devil garner a few more souls.. me mum and aunties all endured her mizziness wen they wer kids so my generation found it nowt new...me sexuality (then bisexual) was what wos new.. and that gave me much hassle at her hands and gob, trust me... much more than the more "normal" relatives around me own age.. no 1 knos wy she wos such an ole misery... serpently wosn't just her Catholicism... know ver many catholics and nev met 1 quite like 'er...may find out some day and I am trying 2 get 2 bottom of it..... hope so.. may never love her but may come to understand a lickle why she wos as she wos.. wich wud b one up on ne 1 else on me mum's side of the family.. may help them understand 2 wich wud b nice:)...

..me otha Gran wos luffly.... well she had 2 b.. me dad's dad adored her and she him an so did me luffly ole pop.. and she even had lotsa time for me and she and me grandad accepted me sexuality so easily I will always b grateful.... so I canta been all that bad:bigrin:... must admit, Gear, watching the vid I cud hardly keep me face atr8.. she is luffly ole wifie compared 2 me mum's mum:tongue:!!

Aug 31, 2014, 8:10 PM
You'd prob have been better off if your Gran didn't believe in that kinda goings on. And prob not too.:eek2: Poor buga you couldn't win there. Shoulda been a Goth.:tongue:
I expect the granddaughter in the vid knew what she'd get before she started filming her Gran. Lots of subtle hints here & there about her opinions on gay ladies.lol
She IS funny, but kinda scary too: God's great scheme that involves ignorance from 'Apple' to heart.
We be damned Fran!! Damned I tell yu!:yikes2:

Sep 1, 2014, 5:32 AM
Scary kinda.. ur rite.. the invocation of God does it every time!!! Tho that's wot makes me laff most of all.. and did wen me Gran tried it on.... got moren 1 slap in face for that:yikes2:!!! Ouch.. can still feel me cheeks smart after all this time:eek2:!!!

Sep 1, 2014, 10:35 AM
Sounds like a typical coming out to a religious straight old person. Standard questions "You kiss her hole?" and the like. She grew up when fully gay men married women and had families. Gay was bad. You can't change that attitude in a person that age. Best she kept it from her or let her find out from someone else. She expected this reaction and filmed it. Kinda found it exploiting.

Sep 1, 2014, 4:26 PM
Yes, there were some folks who although I respect very much, I know they are of a generation where I'm just not going to change their mind so I try not to talk bout certain things.

It might be possible that "grandma" will come to terms with her granddaughter's revelation but I'm sure it's not something we'll hear about on youtube.

Sep 1, 2014, 5:24 PM
Sounds like a typical coming out to a religious straight old person. Standard questions "You kiss her hole?" and the like. She grew up when fully gay men married women and had families. Gay was bad. You can't change that attitude in a person that age. Best she kept it from her or let her find out from someone else. She expected this reaction and filmed it. Kinda found it exploiting.
Exactly. Why couldn't she have filmed a positive coming out reaction instead, and uploaded that one? If someone who is LGBT and young watches this video they're going to think that it's best to stay closeted and not tell their family, friends, or loved ones since they could react like the woman in the video did.

Sep 1, 2014, 9:18 PM
OK I watched the entire video again. The grandma isn't being bigoted, or mean. She's just surprised that's all. She did ask her questions about being lesbian since it's not something she understands, and yes she is correct that she and the girlfriend do "kiss each other's holes". I'm not sure why the granddaughter who filmed this just for attention is all annoyed at her grandmother asking her questions, since she surprised her out of nowhere and then decided to film it all.

The grandmother is 90 years old and she probably has not had any other LGBT family members or paid much attention to the so called LGBT community.

It turns out the granddaughter filmed this just to hopefully get on the Ellen show. So yeah it was exploitative.


Sep 1, 2014, 9:33 PM
Yes, well I suppose I probably wouldn't be very popular in certain LGBT circles these days..because what I saw was a pretty normal, even sort of positive reaction for someone who is nearly 90 years old.

I was also watching the video of Daniel Pierce coming out to his family in Georgia, and while the video does become violent and his family should not have reacted that way we are only hearing one side of the story..


..by the way, this is one more family I've seen torn apart by facebook..makes me sort of glad I deleted my profile.

Sep 2, 2014, 2:01 AM
I've been watching a lot of youtube lately and the coming out videos are amazing. There are some that break my heart and some that reaffirm my faith in a family's real love for one another. But the growing willingness to film an unsuspecting relative is a bit disturbing. You can pick your nose but you can't pick your family.

Sep 2, 2014, 4:28 AM
Yes, well I suppose I probably wouldn't be very popular in certain LGBT circles these days..because what I saw was a pretty normal, even sort of positive reaction for someone who is nearly 90 years old.

I was also watching the video of Daniel Pierce coming out to his family in Georgia, and while the video does become violent and his family should not have reacted that way we are only hearing one side of the story..


..by the way, this is one more family I've seen torn apart by facebook..makes me sort of glad I deleted my profile.

I've been watching a lot of youtube lately and the coming out videos are amazing. There are some that break my heart and some that reaffirm my faith in a family's real love for one another. But the growing willingness to film an unsuspecting relative is a bit disturbing. You can pick your nose but you can't pick your family.

I agree with you both.

I did not watch that entire video but this was the #1 comment on it.

How awesome did you feel when your plot to shame your family went viral?

I mean personally, I find you a disgusting human being, but I have to admit that you executed this entrapment of your family perfectly. How long did you plan to burn them like this? You must have been gaslighting them everyday since it took so many months before they finally kicked you out. When it finally happened, you must have been so happy to finally have a victim card and an automatic gofundme donation effort right?

I did check out the gofundme page and it's insane how people donated $93,765 already. Seeing as how most people cannot handle a windfall of that much I doubt he'll actually keep most of it, or use it to help himself.

You are correct that we're only seeing only one side to the video. Someone else wrote this on youtube.

LOL, this shit is stupid all the way around. He's putting-on-an-act level faggy, and a shameless facebook attention queen, and they are all retarded level stupid and I could not give a damn about any of them even if I tried. He set them up , thus the camera, and he probably did talk trash about them all over queenbook, so they had a reason to be pissed, but they walked right into a trap because they are all egomaniacs. I wish the attention whore and facebook queen hadn't gotten the better of them , because he's all about the set-up drama queen bitch skills, but they ran right into the camera , so, ahh, fuck em. They went for the bait like bluegill to a nightcrawler , after knowing about the facebook bitchery -> incredibly simple. All of them are totally manipulative by guilt and full of shit. Good for the genetic dead end to this dysfunction. and a gofundme campaign for this talk show worthy sewage? HA, HA.


Everybody that donated to this spoiled kid was taken! 

While I feel bad for him, he is an adult at 20 years old, he did film and record them without their knowledge, and that family clearly has a lot more problems than just having the son or stepson who everyone already knew was gay film them and then put it online to get money. The whole thing does look like a scam or staged by him in some ways. Before I saw the video and did research I thought he was a teenager; but he's an adult.

Remember when 20 years old = being an adult .Who tapes mother and puts on YouTube . Seems like somebody's mad he has to put on his big boy pants and get a job

If he knew they were the Fundamentalist Christian type and not going to necessarily be accepting of him being gay, why did he make the choice as an adult to live with them? He's an adult, apparently in college, and can live on his own instead of choosing to live with them.

His family should not have reacted that way; but he's also not helping by filming them without their knowledge, and provoking them.

To do this, to record this confrontation and make it public, you must have been burning with a hatred that dwarfs anything you perceive in your family. They are disappointed and hurt, but they never filmed you or tried to publically humiliate you. We have gone so morally wrong when this is applauded as 'bravery'. You chose a confrontation (it's obvious from your voice) you chose to film it and you chose to make it public. It's for that, that you are a disgrace. You have your money, now take this down and leave them in peace.

I did find this quoted on another site about him.

Daniel came out to them privately in October of 2013. The recording was made when the family, who seemed to accept him being gay at the time, chose to stage a “pray the gay away” intervention. That is what he recorded. Also, he was not the one to post the video to youtube. A friend did. He was merely documenting the situation in case it got out of hand and his safety was compromised. You can watch his only interview accompanied by an informative article with FACTS if you search for his name and his local TV station, 11 Alive.

As a foster mom I’ve seen tons of children who are abused numerous times verbally and mentally by their parents! I’m talking about real kids, (you know under the age of 18) What do they get? NOTHING. Somehow this “kid”, who is 20 years old not so much a kid, is making off with 90K? Give me a break! There is something wrong with the world today!

His experience has happened to hundreds of thousands of young individuals WHO DO NOT GET PAID for it. I think this is absolutely ridiculous and anyone that continues to fund his 6 figure payday for intentionally recording his parents act, is an idiot.

This little bastard instigated all this bullshit, then took a video of the results, posted it on here and played the victim card. He cashed it in to the tune of $95,000. You've been played by a manipulative little bitch.

I can't believe people were dumb enough to fall for it. If he were decent, he'd have shut the fund down and returned or donated 100% of what was already there.

He ALLOWED his friend to post it on his behalf. He's grown and discovered an easy way to make money now that he can't live off his "no good dad" and mom anymore. Good God..If I knew saying I was gay would give me a paycheck...I'll ask my Friends to post a video like this. I should have thought of this first.

hat's kids for you, nowadays, they think it's all about them. GTF out on your own and work for a living.

The parents also should get some respect. I wish everyone in that room sue his ass for this. Which they can do BTW.

There are reasonable ways to attempt to have a conversation, and the way he handled it, while obviously not as bad as the parents, was still pretty bad. He went into this, holding a camera, and very clearly intending to have an argument, not a discussion.

Hell just the way he talks from 2:20-2:40 where he's practically goading his mother, into admitting on camera that she's kicking him out?

His parents may be bigoted assholes, but he's a dick himself. He could have simply accepted it and left, he could have had a full blown argument and left.

Instead he purposefully recorded himself stirring up an argument and then posted it on the internet for the entire world to see, and made a crowd funding campaign for money.

I'm sorry, but in no way, shape, or form is he a good person.

Being persecuted doesn't just make you someone of good character.

Oh wow anonymous got a hold of their addresses. The mother's email and phone number along with her website is also floating around the internet. The mother's business is dependent on the internet, looks like she's done. Both the mother and father deleted their Facebook profile, though you can still see a cached version of it.

Sep 2, 2014, 5:23 AM
She's just surprised that's all. She did ask her questions about being lesbian since it's not something she understands, and yes she is correct that she and the girlfriend do "kiss each other's holes".
I just wonder if the granddaughter has a straight sister with a bf, and was asked if she sucks his cock?:rolleyes:
As much as the granddaughter tried to express her partnership being a 'romantic & emotional' one, it was stubbornly depicted as a pure sexual one, and a useless one in God's eyes......in her opinion.

Yes the vid was exploiting the Gran. But the Gran was also exploiting the granddaughters sexuality, her own religion, age, status & her apparent distaste for a lesbian having no shame. Neither respected the other, and both were reduced to spectacles.
Youtube is 'Spectacle Heaven'.

Sep 2, 2014, 5:25 AM
On the cached version of Daniel Ashley Pierce's facebook page these are his "likes" which some are rather odd.

Davey Wavey Fan Page (https://www.facebook.com/daveywaveyofficial), The Good Dog Co. (https://www.facebook.com/TheGoodDogCo.ATL), Crocs (https://www.facebook.com/Crocs), Kennesaw Barber Shop (https://www.facebook.com/KennesawBarber), Mitt Romney (https://www.facebook.com/mittromney), Gay Rights (https://www.facebook.com/gayrights.change.org), Atlanta, Georgia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atlanta-Georgia/107991659233606), Joan Rivers (https://www.facebook.com/joanrivers), Leslie Jordan (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Leslie-Jordan/108007545887955), Grand Slam Pizza (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grand-Slam-Pizza/218715164823629), Fox News Politics (https://www.facebook.com/FoxNewsPolitics), PureZa For Life (https://www.facebook.com/Purezaforlife), doTERRA International (https://www.facebook.com/doterra), Essential Oils Everyday with dōTERRA (https://www.facebook.com/essentialoilseveryday), SuperZoo (https://www.facebook.com/SuperZoo), American Unity Fund (https://www.facebook.com/AmericanUnityFund), Miles 4 Major (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Miles-4-Major/106405906101326), FIFA World Cup (https://www.facebook.com/fifaworldcup), Miles Jai (https://www.facebook.com/MilesJaiProductions), MarkE Miller (https://www.facebook.com/markemillerofficial), Shep689 (https://www.facebook.com/shep689page), Lisbug - Lisa Schwartz (https://www.facebook.com/Lisbug), Nova Pet Supply (https://www.facebook.com/novapetsupply), Pawl Natural Company (https://www.facebook.com/pawlnatural), Absolutely Fabulous Hair Design (https://www.facebook.com/absolutelyfabuloushairdesign), Shane Dawson (https://www.facebook.com/shanedawsonfans),LUSH Cosmetics (https://www.facebook.com/lushcosmetics), NutriSource Pet Foods (https://www.facebook.com/NutriSourcePetFoods), It Gets Better Project (https://www.facebook.com/itgetsbetterproject), NO H8 Campaign (https://www.facebook.com/noh8campaign), Freedom to Marry (https://www.facebook.com/freedomtomarry.org), REI (https://www.facebook.com/REI), WSB-TV (https://www.facebook.com/wsbtv), Connor Franta (https://www.facebook.com/ConnorFrantaFans), Tinker's Home Solutions (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tinkers-Home-Solutions/1468000423435643), Miranda Sings (https://www.facebook.com/MirandaSingsOfficial), Sawyer Hartman (https://www.facebook.com/sawyerhartman), Joey Graceffa (https://www.facebook.com/JoeyGraceffa), Matthew Lush (https://www.facebook.com/MatthewLushFans),Etowah Valley Humane Society (https://www.facebook.com/EtowahValleyHumane), Swinging Richards (https://www.facebook.com/swingingrichards), The Honest Kitchen (https://www.facebook.com/TheHonestKitchen), Youfit Health Clubs (https://www.facebook.com/Youfithealthclubs), Youfit Shiloh Kennesaw (https://www.facebook.com/YoufitShilohKennesaw), Robin Roberts (https://www.facebook.com/robinroberts), Fromm Family Foods (https://www.facebook.com/frommfamily), OC Raw Dog (https://www.facebook.com/ocrawdog), Tucker's Raw Frozen (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tuckers-Raw-Frozen/277749215602734), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (https://www.facebook.com/julialouisdreyfus), BuzzFeed Quiz (https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedQuiz), LOTL Rescue (https://www.facebook.com/LotlRescue), Dogs Naturally Magazine (https://www.facebook.com/DogsNaturallyMagazine), Tyler Oakley (https://www.facebook.com/thetyleroakley), Belly Rubs for Rescues (https://www.facebook.com/BellyRubsForRescues), Majors Academy Dog Training and Rehabilitation (https://www.facebook.com/MajorsAcademyDogTraining), Cherokee County Humane Society (https://www.facebook.com/CherokeeHumaneSociety),Wild Calling (https://www.facebook.com/WildCalling), Target (https://www.facebook.com/target), Sean Hayes (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sean-Hayes/235697306486594), Debra Messing (https://www.facebook.com/DebraMessing), LOVE BUGS - Professional Pet Sitting (https://www.facebook.com/LoveBugsPPS), Fitbit (https://www.facebook.com/fitbit), The Official Grumpy Cat (https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialGrumpyCat), Giuliana Rancic (https://www.facebook.com/GiulianaRancic), Publix (https://www.facebook.com/publix), Rucker Horse & Pet (https://www.facebook.com/RuckerPet), SpaghettiOs (https://www.facebook.com/SpaghettiOs), Betty White (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Betty-White/104059486297701), Larry the Cable Guy (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Larry-the-Cable-Guy/104501786251799), Planet Paws Pet Essentials (https://www.facebook.com/PlanetPawsPetEssentials),Tagg Pet Tracker & Activity Monitor (https://www.facebook.com/taggthepettracker), Zignature (https://www.facebook.com/zignaturepet), Orijen (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Orijen/210026755694620), Orijen Dog and Cat Food (https://www.facebook.com/OrijenDogandCatFoods),Stella & Chewy's (https://www.facebook.com/stellaandchewys), Georgia Republican Party (https://www.facebook.com/GAGOP), Starbucks (https://www.facebook.com/Starbucks), Samsung Mobile USA (https://www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileUSA),Chelsea Handler (https://www.facebook.com/chelseahandler), Ray-Ban (https://www.facebook.com/RayBan), IKEA USA (https://www.facebook.com/IKEAUSA), Academy Sports + Outdoors (https://www.facebook.com/Academy), Pet Pages Atlanta (https://www.facebook.com/PetPagesAtlanta), The Rainbow Cleaning System (https://www.facebook.com/therainbowcleaningsystem), Unofficial: Grumpy Cat. (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unofficial-Grumpy-Cat/456752354392268), Answers Pet Food (https://www.facebook.com/answerspet), Road Trip Home Animal Rescue (https://www.facebook.com/RTHRescue), Tripp Halstead Updates (https://www.facebook.com/TrippHalsteadUpdates), Georgia Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (https://www.facebook.com/georgiarid), DOGSWELL (https://www.facebook.com/dogswell), Sheldon - The Big Bang Theory (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sheldon-The-Big-Bang-Theory/54334549888),Friends To The Forlorn Pitbull Rescue (https://www.facebook.com/FriendsToTheForlornPitbullRescue), United States Marine Corps (https://www.facebook.com/marinecorps), Sprint (https://www.facebook.com/sprint), Pit Stop For Pets, Inc. (https://www.facebook.com/pitstopforpets), Human Rights Campaign (https://www.facebook.com/humanrightscampaign), Canine Caviar (https://www.facebook.com/caninecaviar), R. Falini Designs (https://www.facebook.com/pages/R-Falini-Designs/200468729977406), Pet Buddies Food Pantry (https://www.facebook.com/petbuddiesfoodpantry),Manami Art (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Manami-Art/171775406226691), ROLL TIDE (https://www.facebook.com/pages/ROLL-TIDE/266843631188)

Sep 2, 2014, 5:28 AM
I just wonder if the granddaughter has a straight sister with a bf, and was asked if she sucks his cock?:rolleyes:
As much as the granddaughter tried to express her partnership being a 'romantic & emotional' one, it was stubbornly depicted as a pure sexual one, and a useless one in God's eyes......in her opinion.

Yes the vid was exploiting the Gran. But the Gran was also exploiting the granddaughters sexuality, her own religion, age, status & her apparent distaste for a lesbian having no shame. Neither respected the other, and both were reduced to spectacles.
Youtube is 'Spectacle Heaven'.

Yes youtube is the way you describe it. I'm not sure why anyone would want to put something so personal online for everyone to see?

I guess they must love drama and attention. Or in the case of the woman in the original video they want 5 seconds of fame on Ellen.

Sep 2, 2014, 5:53 AM
Yes youtube is the way you describe it. I'm not sure why anyone would want to put something so personal online for everyone to see?

I guess they must love drama and attention. Or in the case of the woman in the original video they want 5 seconds of fame on Ellen.
Yes that's sadly the case for many. That's what Hollywood etc teaches about significance.:eek2:

Sep 2, 2014, 6:02 AM
It could have been worse. I was reading news articles and I found this one, do you know who he is?

I snorted so much meow meow I thought I was dying, says married BBC presenter Paul Ross after his drug-fuelled affair with man he met dogging is revealed. Paul Ross has admitted to having a one-year affair with a man but says he will continue to stay with his wife. The TV personality 53, who co-hosts BBC Radio London’s weekday breakfast show and regularly appears as a showbiz reporter on This Morning also admitted to snorting mephedrone up to six times a day during the affair Ross said he met Barry Olivier, 57, a former English teacher and father of four, at a popular dogging spot near his home in Maidenhead, Berkshire last year after suffering two years of financial difficulty and sexual impotence.


Sep 2, 2014, 6:07 AM
As far as the grandmother talking about sex only, if you confront someone who doesn't have direct experience with gay people typically their first thought is about the sex act so that doesn't surprise me..they may not realize the emotional side of what is going on. The first few minutes actually I think the grandmother was considering the fact that her granddaughter "loves" this woman, and would have probably said "okay, but that's not sex so you're not gay."

As far as Daniel Pierce, no one should have to go through that sort of violence - especially not from a mother who says, "Well son, I've ALWAYS known you were gay" .. but he still strikes me as a teenager, and teenagers sometimes think they know more than they actually know, or they don't have the experience to understand things from the other side. I remember I used to resent my parents back then too, I was looking for acceptance from them that I never really got at that time. Eventually with enough experience I was able to have empathy from their perspective as well. There was enough violence in the home that it had an effect on me, although they never physically attacked me personally..I was mainly a witness to abuse perpetrated against others, which was sad enough in itself.

Frankly I don't care if he "likes" the republican party or not, you can be gay and conservative. If we were all the same the world would be boring I think. It would seem that he also likes dogs and the idea of helping stray animals. Not necessarily a bad trait to have, the animals will give him unconditional affection, and he maybe gets to help them as well.

Of course the fun thing about facebook is that you get to define yourself, not by creatively telling us about yourself, but by a set of predefined "likes" that others create. Ever ask yourself why there is no "dislike" button?

Sep 2, 2014, 6:44 AM
Paul Ross is a BBC radio and telly presenter and his younger brother is Jonathan Ross a British Chat show host and general smart arse.. competent, unspectacular, not a lot of personality and with a bad choice of game shows on his CV but no accounting for taste. He has always struck me as a nice guy.. he was, a colleague at work tells me, in film Bridget Jones Diary (have seen it but didnt notice him so musta been wee part). A tadge tactless he once gave away a story line of Eastenders (rather grim and awful UK soap set in The Smoke) and promptly got his mum.. an extra on the show, fired.. the hoo-ha about his sexuality and drug addiction has only just surfaced a few days ago.. ne ways.. that's who he is since u asked... google him if u want more..

Sep 2, 2014, 9:44 PM
It could have been worse. I was reading news articles and I found this one, do you know who he is?

I snorted so much meow meow I thought I was dying, says married BBC presenter Paul Ross after his drug-fuelled affair with man he met dogging is revealed. Paul Ross has admitted to having a one-year affair with a man but says he will continue to stay with his wife. The TV personality 53, who co-hosts BBC Radio London’s weekday breakfast show and regularly appears as a showbiz reporter on This Morning also admitted to snorting mephedrone up to six times a day during the affair Ross said he met Barry Olivier, 57, a former English teacher and father of four, at a popular dogging spot near his home in Maidenhead, Berkshire last year after suffering two years of financial difficulty and sexual impotence.

A showbiz celeb being exposed for m-m sex in the UK is a HUGE relief from the usual pedophile celeb exposures.:eek2:
Dogging, drug abuse and having an affair with a bloke is bugger all these days. You kinda assume that goes on with celebs and I doubt it shocks anybody.
Even living celibate Saint Cliff Richard has had allegations of pedophilia against him lately. I'm sick of being shocked!

So Paul Ross is actually a relief. Coz it could be far worse than that!:yikes2:

Sep 3, 2014, 8:13 PM
A showbiz celeb being exposed for m-m sex in the UK is a HUGE relief from the usual pedophile celeb exposures.:eek2:
Dogging, drug abuse and having an affair with a bloke is bugger all these days. You kinda assume that goes on with celebs and I doubt it shocks anybody.
Even living celibate Saint Cliff Richard has had allegations of pedophilia against him lately. I'm sick of being shocked!

So Paul Ross is actually a relief. Coz it could be far worse than that!:yikes2:Paedophilia, Gear me luffly... I kno I kno.. I can b ver picky an pedantic at times.. but I have an arse not an ass and so do u!!:love87:

Sep 3, 2014, 8:23 PM
Paedophilia, Gear me luffly... I kno I kno.. I can b ver picky an pedantic at times.. but I have an arse not an ass and so do u!!:love87:
My Google Chrome won't go to the right & proper British spellcheck, and insists that I have spelled things wrong......by American standards.:rolleyes: I'm saying nothing!lol

Sep 3, 2014, 8:53 PM
Just blame Webster, Gear dear..... ;) u have probs wiv spelling.. talk 2 Fran.. she will putcha rite.. kick Google in2 the bin.:love87:;):cutelaugh

Sep 25, 2014, 10:51 PM
Frankly I don't care if he "likes" the republican party or not, you can be gay and conservative.

It is rather hypocritical of him to support a political party that's against the rights of LGBT people, and then claim he was discriminated against because he came out, and his parents told him to leave their house during an argument that he secretly recorded.

This guy secretly films his parents in the privacy of their own home, during a personal family discussion, then puts it up on the internet to spite them - and we're supposed to feel sorry for him?! Excuse me? HE IS 20 YEARS OLD!

He now has $93K-that's $93,000 donated to him by people who believe this BS. He originally only wanted $20,000 and he should give the majority of the money back to the people who gave it to him.

The fact the other woman filmed her grandmother just to get mentioned on Ellen the TV show shows how low she is, and how she just wants 5 seconds of real time fame on a daytime TV talk show.

Sep 26, 2014, 8:02 PM
Points taken pole_smoker. I definitely think he is not mature, but the parents should still not have resorted to violence, one thing that bothers me in the video is the mother stating "I've always known" .. and still acting the way she did.