View Full Version : Why?

Aug 1, 2006, 10:55 AM
why is it that i am attracted to cock, but not to men?? i have fantasies about sucking dick and getting sucked, getting anal. but have no attraction to men. very confusing.

Aug 1, 2006, 11:08 AM
Its just the way it is for you and for many men for that matter and there is nothing wrong with it. Everyone needs what they need. Don't be confused. Be happy knowing what you know about yourself.

Aug 1, 2006, 11:23 AM
Perhaps your attraction to men is purely sexual, rather than romantic.

Aug 1, 2006, 11:34 AM
I have the same thing going on. I do not have any attraction to men, other than sex abd getting off. I guess I want to keep things as uncomplicated as I can.

Aug 1, 2006, 11:34 AM
i guess thats possible...i just think that is really strange that all i want is a walking dick.... lol

Aug 1, 2006, 12:12 PM
you're probably just "sexual" with men.
A friend of mine is this way.
You could be like me and get infatuated with people easily. ;-\

Where's Mimi's chart when you need it? ;)

Aug 1, 2006, 12:32 PM
I can totally relate to that type of attraction and I have some completely unscientific theories. First I think people with this type of attraction fall closer to the heterosexual side of the scale.

We do not have the urge to "nest" with a male. We are autoerotic beings in that we all occasionally self pleasure ourselves through stimulation of our own sexual organs. I think that those desires can be extended to the sexual organs of another male, without the urges to kiss, cuddle or be romantic with a male.

Also, as unfortunate as it is, the average American male is raised in such a homophobic environment that some of it has to sink in, whether we want it to or not, on a subconscious level. Growing up, we often heard the word "gay" used synonymously with the word "bad" ( if you don't think that is true, watch an episode of South Park). Thus I think we are caught between pure sexual curiousity and desire and our anti-gay upbringing in which we embrace the desire but subconsciously reject the other aspects of homosexuality such as romantic interests in males.

Then again, I could be completely off-base. Just my thoughts.

Aug 1, 2006, 1:15 PM
Don't beat yourself up over it!! It's just the way we all are. Different, but also the same. Were sexual beings, our bodies and emotions speak louder to us than societies labels.

I can relate. In my own little world of limited experience i know i am physically/sexually attracted to men with certain body looks and types. Smoother bodies, slimmer, not the body building type but not slouches either. I fond the attraction not just to get off but truly physical. A desire to pleasure, massage, stroke,and whatever develops mutually. Initially kissing was a turn off but i have seen profiles where i could imagine it.

Just be who you are, and don't think so hard :-)


Aug 1, 2006, 1:25 PM
Also, as unfortunate as it is, the average American male is raised in such a homophobic environment that some of it has to sink in, whether we want it to or not, on a subconscious level. Growing up, we often heard the word "gay" used synonymously with the word "bad" ( if you don't think that is true, watch an episode of South Park). Thus I think we are caught between pure sexual curiousity and desire and our anti-gay upbringing in which we embrace the desire but subconsciously reject the other aspects of homosexuality such as romantic interests in males.

I agree with this. I think a lot of it is social conditioning, or men who are afraid to be intimate with another man because it is seen as "gay" or feminine. Or men who are bisexual saying how they're "het because I don't get fucked or take it up the ass".

Of course I blame centuries of bullshit for men thinking that relying on their emotions/empathy, makes them "like a woman". As if being "like a woman" is a bad thing anyway?

I don't think leaning towards women is something that makes one less likely to get cuddly and enjoy intimacy with another man. I have a friend that is more into women but he loves making out, cuddling with men, holding hands, hugging and kissing men.

Personally, if I am with a man and we are together intimately or having sex I expect him to kiss/hug/hold hands/etc. and get cuddly during/after, and if a guy said he didn't want to do that I'd respect his wishes but I wouldn't get it and I'd get rather annoyed; but then again I need to be kissed during sex and I need to be cuddled during/after.

But I grew up around gay men (my mom's a fag hag), and my parents didn't really care if I showed intimacy to other boys while growing up but they just cared about what others would think. Or I know I grew up thinking that everyone is bisexual or did some kinda sex/"sexual play", with the same gender as kids, teenagers, and as aduts but just didn't talk about it.

Aug 1, 2006, 4:43 PM
That's not strange my friend, you just want sex from a male, it's normal and ok. Good luck!


Aug 1, 2006, 9:53 PM
Apparently it is not as strange as you figured.
Just go with it and enjoy.

Oh Yeah
Aug 2, 2006, 12:49 AM
Dude... I feel the same way.... that's why I came here. I hope someone can help me out!

Aug 2, 2006, 12:23 PM
Same reason you like fish but don't fancy your mum.

Aug 3, 2006, 10:18 AM
I'm the same way(orally)i think it's just like some are saying...sexually inclined but more into women.
The walking dick thing sounds like a good cloning idea!Just think,when one walks by you stop and suck it and carry on,perfect!

Aug 3, 2006, 8:02 PM
:flag3: :male: :female: :male: I'm the same way when I see a cpl walking down the road I look at here 1st then if I like what I see I look at him

Aug 3, 2006, 10:40 PM
Some of us that are wrapped in normal life tend to like wrong or nasty things to do to overide what we are supposed be like.It puts us in an area that is uncommon and sexualy stimualating.It's okay to be this way.In your mind your different and no one else knows.

Aug 4, 2006, 12:32 AM
why is it that i am attracted to cock, but not to men?? i have fantasies about sucking dick and getting sucked, getting anal. but have no attraction to men. very confusing.

interesting statement! cocks i can find anywhere, anytime, but damn, finding a good man is one hell of a workout!

Aug 6, 2006, 1:22 PM
:flag3: :male: :female: :male: I'm the same way when I see a cpl walking down the road I look at here 1st then if I like what I see I look at him

exactly how i feel....

Aug 6, 2006, 1:23 PM
thanks everyone... i feel a little better on how i feel... everyone of oyu was a help to me... :tongue:

Apr 19, 2021, 4:55 AM
Seeing you, I seem to see myself, and I am also a person who is only interested in sex. Sometimes they even buy a lifelike vibrators (https://acmejoy.com/products/10-vibrating-6-telescopic-modes-lifelike-thrusting-vibrating-silicone-realistic-dildo) for masturbation. You can't imagine my desire for desire, the desire to be penetrated!

Apr 19, 2021, 5:26 AM
For me it's all about sexual gratification. I don't find guys cute or attractive but I get aroused real fast at the sight of a nice big dick.