View Full Version : Coming out with the help of Myspace.

Aug 1, 2006, 8:34 AM
Well I in a sense came out around March/April with the help of myspace. I'm now 20 years of age as of July 6th and known I was attracted to guys and girls since elementary school. While still in the closet I began commenting on guys myspace pictures in February. Well friends at work began to catch wind of this and lots of rumors began circulating. So to clear the air in march I began letting certain people at work know I was bi :flag2:. I became comfortable with doing this as a result of meeting a gay friend from myspace. There have been alot of negative reports of myspace but for me it has been great in helping me come out of the closet. :)

Aug 1, 2006, 10:44 AM
fdiaz, Great for you hun! I did the exact same thing. I discovered myspace before finding any sites related to bisexuality. So I outed myself there and post bloggs related to my bisexuality. I did it in march/April. Small world isn't it? I have made some friends that are also bi and in similar situations. And then dear friends and that are not bi. Take care hun.

Aug 1, 2006, 3:05 PM

We wish you well as you journey on your path!

I found an incredible amount of peace and happiness when I finally came out, I sincerely hope you do too.

Aug 1, 2006, 6:06 PM
Congrats to you, fdiaz!

I guess Myspace is the place for bi folks to out themselves. I did the same thing around April/May. Officially took the plunge and changed my orientation to "bi" in May. I was scared with working in government, but no one ever asked and I never heard any rumors. My co-workers are all twice my age and basically out of the myspace loop anyway.

Aug 1, 2006, 6:16 PM
Good for you. I can't really get into the myspace thing myself, but it's good to know it's useful for some. I'm just not patient enough to lay mine out properly.


Aug 4, 2006, 4:03 AM
i'm still in the process of coming out, but last week, i changed my myspace profile from saying "no answer" to "bi" and it feels really great. :flag1:

Feb 10, 2007, 3:20 PM
i changed my myspace profile from saying "no answer" to "bi" and it feels really great.

Ditto to that, I did exactly the same thing on Friday

When I first joined myspace (I can't honestly say how long ago that was) for about a month I just labelled myself down as straight but that was just a lie. after that first month or so I then decided to put down my sexual orientation as not sure and then from there and until now I just put no answer.

I think for a long time now I have believed that nobody would get suspicious and ask questions from my lack of answer on my sexual orientation on myspace.

I was a fool to think that. And I know this because friends from college have recently started asking me if I am gay or bi.

I have realised when you view a person’s profile and it says sexual orientation: No answer

I also can’t help but get suspicious lol.

Feb 12, 2007, 12:42 AM
haha, Its funny how MySpace can have such an impact. When I was coming out the whole "Sexual Orientation" section was something to be dealt with. I can really mark my coming out by changing that field from "no anwser" to BI

Feb 12, 2007, 1:08 AM
i have a myspace page too, but rarely use it.. i just revisited it today and changed ot ti "bi" as well. hehe. guess my friends on there who didn't know before, will know now.. lol

Feb 16, 2007, 7:34 PM
Yeah, I did the "no answer" to "bi" thing last April or May, but by then I was mostly out.

Gotta tell you, that one little click was definitely worth it...


Feb 16, 2007, 10:12 PM
I don't use myspace but I use other sites where I identify as bi.

Feb 17, 2007, 10:51 AM
Good for you! I think that coming out can be hard enough for some people in itself and if you can find a way to do it that makes it more easier for you than I say go for it!