View Full Version : Article on male bisexuality.

Aug 1, 2006, 3:17 AM
A friend linked me to this article and I decided to post it on here. Moderator/Admin, feel free to edit it if it's too big or it shouldn't be posted here in full format.

Curiouser and curiouser

The recent spate of media reports of the commonness of female bisexuality and the non-existence of the male variety inclines Mark Simpson, the man who first brought the ‘metrosexual’ to the world’s attention, to wonder why we seem to be kidding ourselves about the real, red-blooded nature of the ‘bi-curious’ times we’re living in.

marksimpson.com exclusive Feb 15 2006


Click the link to read the entire article: http://www.marksimpson.com/pages/journalism/curiouser.html


However the media tries to deny it, or obliterate it with another feverish discussion of female bi-curiousness, it’s just a matter of time before male bi-curiousness goes mainstream. These are interesting times. What we mean by ‘straight’ is changing so rapidly that the straightest of straight men might soon find themselves having to at least flirt with bi-curiousness – just to lay women.

Aug 1, 2006, 3:58 AM
However the media tries to deny it, or obliterate it with another feverish discussion of female bi-curiousness, it’s just a matter of time before male bi-curiousness goes mainstream. These are interesting times. What we mean by ‘straight’ is changing so rapidly that the straightest of straight men might soon find themselves having to at least flirt with bi-curiousness – just to lay women.

Until that comes to pass, you can find me right here in my warm, cozy little closet. :bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Aug 1, 2006, 4:52 AM
if i had to answer honestly... and i will lol.... its simply one thing... the idea of having a dick in a anus, is one thing a lot of males are repulsed by...its the biggest enemy to the full accepting of male bisexuality

any ways.... a lot of articles are written from the authors view point to illustrate what they beleive, is the truth.. and often that truth is more twisted than a male pigs penis

the media takes great pleasure in not protraying the truth, but pandering to the whims of the public.... hence sly stallone and arnie are *typical macho males *
gays are feminine and the more twisted and full of BS the main story is, the higher the ratings lol

and its the same with a lot of scientific studies.... the * truth* is presented to the public and if the * truth * is not what the public wants to hear.... then its filed away in the BS cabinet and the author is exiled to STFU land

the net is supposed full of pedophiles, pervs.. dirty old men....and sex addicts.... and yeah the net has the dark side... but with the porn sites etc... has come openness and pushing the sexual truth into the forefront... much to the horror of the social morality groups that enjoyed a tight grip on objectionable material and their next door neighbours ass

Aug 1, 2006, 6:50 AM
Of course all women are bisexual...the more you by them them more sexual they become. :tong:

Driver 8
Aug 1, 2006, 9:06 AM
I wonder why he’s the only out UK bisexual male celeb I can think of, off the top of my head?
I wonder why Simpson can't think of Alan Cumming, who's extraordinarily out and talks about it incessantly to the UK press?

... which I realize is an inadequate response on my part to the whole article, but it's the first thing that struck me.

Aug 1, 2006, 3:09 PM
Good article.

My signature says it all...

Aug 1, 2006, 5:50 PM

Hit every nail squarely on the head.

Aug 1, 2006, 5:55 PM
Well, might as well kick in my :2cents: and say I found this quite well written and thoughtful. Hits the mark completely. I approve.

Aug 1, 2006, 6:02 PM
A great posting--it says so many things that I feel and have observed regarding this "Bisexual thing.."

Great post---

Thank you.....

Aug 1, 2006, 10:43 PM
As tired as I am rite now, I'm not even going to pretend that I read all of that. It looks interesting though so I promise I'll make some informed comments later. I have to ask though. Alan Cumming, as in NIghtcrawler Alan Cumming, is bi? He's officially my new hero.

If any of you have seen this awesome man before and wondered "What's he look like naked?" ... wonder no longer. (I found the picture below in a Fark photoshop contest on new soda types, sorry I don't remember the creator to give credit). It's not full frontal, but it's still nice.

Driver 8
Aug 1, 2006, 10:48 PM
Alan Cumming, as in NIghtcrawler Alan Cumming, is bi? He's officially my new hero.
He usually says "pansexual" but he's been very upfront about having sex, and relationships, with both men and women, and that both are important to them.

Aug 1, 2006, 11:18 PM
I read this a few months ago and it is still one of my favorites.

Aug 2, 2006, 10:52 AM
Hi DD et al,

I editted the original post to remove the actual article - reprinting it in it's entirety would be a copyright violation. So just click the link to read the article - it will open in a new window. Quoting small parts in your replies is okay.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 2, 2006, 12:14 PM
In my experience if you want a straight woman, say you're straight (not that you SHOULD lie mind, nothing worse than living a lie and if you're single being out can have other benefits :bigrin: )

Aug 2, 2006, 9:13 PM
Well, my what an interesting article, I guess I have neglected to accept or be a conspirator in the media's madness and attempt to say all Bisexual men are "Gay" Now, who am I to judge. I am but one woman who has had the pleasure of being with a bisexual lover or two. I can tell you that NONE of these men were any less virile potent, erotic or down right wussey when it came to making love with me. I enjoyed each and every moment with them and to be honest, it was not their penis which made the man but the wonderful gentlemen inside the body which attracted me and made me glow. To be honest I am a lot of lady to handle and it takes a certain lover to capture my attention, certainly not the media's portrait of a bisexual male.

Perhaps I am slanted in my thoughts as I happen to adore watching two men make love. Seeing them together is a wonderful expression of the beauty of what two human beings can share. I also happen to enjoy watching bi and man to man porno Truthfully, I wish some of the men shown in the porn were not so "metrosexual" as noted in the article. This is not an adequate representation of the men it the world, in my opinion. Not every woman likes a taught, tight body and someone better looking than she. I happen to favor a common everyday working man who knows his sense of self and is not afraid to show it. The outside is just window dressing. Being bi is just another part of the man, the men I adore.

I do agree with the comment that was made on the acceptance of female bisexuality by straight men making the woman more desirable and posing a greater air of adventure and having an added facet, yet I cringe when that same standard is not applied to males. Although my experience with women is limited, the thoughts of two people sharing themselves is beautiful.

Guess I am a lone wolf in my fondness for bi men. I have learned so much on how to please a man from my lovers and they perhaps enjoyed the fruits of the labors of others. I wish more women, wives in particular would be open to the bisexuality of their men. I am not sure what they are afraid of...he is not going to go anywhere and she is the one he comes home to every night. I am so lucky that I can share this part of my husband. His bisexuality if a part of him, the man I love, my soulmate and the father of our child. We have a life as a family and this is part of him. I never want him to be ashamed of it. We are also so fortunate to be able to come home at the end of a day and talk to each other about these feelings. So many must stay in silence as they can not share these most blissful, yet heart wrenching feelings with their spouse.

I think that I am so blessed with the wonderful MAN I Have, and the wonderful MEN I know.


the sacred night
Aug 8, 2006, 1:17 PM
My initial reaction to this article was "So there ARE bi men out there somewhere? SWEET!"

I have to admit I believed that there were very, very few bisexual men in the world and a lot of bisexual women, because that's what you hear.

:bigrin: I am one of those mentioned women who finds guy on guy action to be the Hottest Thing On Planet Earth, and bisexual men even more alluring than gay men, but I seriously thought these things were more rooted in female fantasies than in reality. To the idea that there are actually quite a number out there, I just have to say... yesssssssssss!

Aug 8, 2006, 4:52 PM
Trust me, TheSacredNight, there are quite a few of us out there, and a lot of us are just dying for women to accept this part of us. I'm alone right now, after a divorce from a woman I adored. I could never tell her that I am bisexual, and I think the guilt and shame and self-loathing contributed to my pushing her away and out of my life. If I could have had the least bit of an inkling that women can accept such a thing, I might still be with her today, at least I would have tried to broach the subject with her. Who knows, maybe she would have been loving enough to overcome all the prejudices against bisex that society feeds us. I am still not brave enough to risk coming out to a woman I care about. Unfortunately, being the coward that I am, I am faced with either being untruthful or alone. Currently I'm very alone, wishing I didn't rely on society to do my heavy lifting of the heart.

the sacred night
Aug 10, 2006, 4:17 PM
I happen to have it on good authority (ie: other women) that there is a good chunk of the female population that agrees with me. I really think women are just as interested in guy on guy stuff and men are in girl on girl... it's just that straight girls either are too proper to admit it or they have never seen any guys do it so they don't know. I know I was shocked the first time I witnessed something even vaguely homoerotic in men and found myself to be turned on by it.

I'm not trying to push you into revealing something you're uncomfortable telling, but it might not be as bad as you think. Or, maybe a woman who's also bi would be a good start. If you ever do decide to come out to a woman, though, earlier is better. Maybe not on the first date, but waiting till you've been together 2 years probably won't help the situation either. I support you 110% no matter what you decide to do :flag1: