View Full Version : If you could invent something..... what would it be?

Jul 31, 2006, 1:35 PM
I was talking to EludedSunshine last night and we got to talking about inventing things.....

We were talking about baths (no, nothing sexual lol) but you know how books and water do not mix and sometimes it is hard to read without getting it wet!!!
ES says we need waterproof books.... there are but its for kids and mostly "learning type" books. :-)

So we thought how neat it would be to invent special waterproof books for older people to read in the tub :-)

So thats what we would invent!!! What would you guys invent if given the chance? :-)


Jul 31, 2006, 7:31 PM
How about dry water instead? ;)

Jul 31, 2006, 7:35 PM
Kids already have waterproof books.

Do these inventions have to be actual or far out? I'd like to invent food that tastes like all the bad foods but have the health benefits of crappy foods. rice cakes with flavors like cheesecake, chocolate cake, pie, bacon and egg flavored oatmeal, etc.

Jul 31, 2006, 7:36 PM
A time machine more than likely.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 31, 2006, 9:28 PM
inventions ??? cool grins evilly.....

the first thing i would invent would be something along the lines of a 3D chat room....the basis is simply a dual web cam / projection unit
you sit at home and the webcam films you and sends that to the room server... the server server processes that and sends back a collection of images set in a chat room... the projector unit then projects that image into a small self assembled project room ( say 6 ft by 6ft ) and using 3D glasses and a head set...you get the full feeling of sitting in a room of people.. so you can act nauturally..drinking coffee / tea and smoking etc... it would help greater with more relaxed and open chatting and you can use your own image or a avatar image in the chatroom

the other thing i would invent is a migraine treatment that actually works

Jul 31, 2006, 11:34 PM
I would invent a nicely decorated head band with eagle feathers and colorful beads. Of course, this would just be a cover for the real devise that would enable me to read womens minds and see what goes on in thier heads because some of the babes on the Rez are just too damn difficult to figure out... :paw: :paw:

Aug 1, 2006, 9:14 AM
Hmm....a time-machine that allows those inside to talk, interact and rest...while the rest of the world has time standing still. No need to rush those special moments or have to face a new day so tired.

I always enjoyed Star Trek....so a real replicator would be just perfect!!! So long as I don't have to ask for my coffee to be HOT!
(I like the transporter idea too.....I know where I'd go)

Shoes that adjust to your foot...no more sore parts or breaking them in.

Automatic hair styler: no more 'bad hair days', the just-been-shagged-look (unless you want that in order to brag), or having to find the time to go to a salon/barber/stylist.

Ok; now for the real flights of fancy....

Easy-to-open containers that ARE easy to open.
Self-assembly furniture that DOES assemble (without an MBA in five different languages and no spare parts left over)
...get the idea??

Aug 1, 2006, 1:05 PM
Hmm...how about home lyposuction? Or maybe something that removes extra calories from candy and chocolate and gives it the nutrients of veggies and fruit.

Aug 1, 2006, 1:11 PM
Hmm...how about home lyposuction? Or maybe something that removes extra calories from candy and chocolate and gives it the nutrients of veggies and fruit.

You know, thats a great idea :-) Kids especially will get more veggies and fruit in them if it looks and tastes like candy and chocolate hehe

Aug 1, 2006, 1:47 PM
I'd like to invent cures for HIV/AIDS, cancer, and heart disease.

Aug 1, 2006, 6:11 PM
I was talking to EludedSunshine last night and we got to talking about inventing things.....

We were talking about baths (no, nothing sexual lol) but you know how books and water do not mix and sometimes it is hard to read without getting it wet!!!
ES says we need waterproof books.... there are but its for kids and mostly "learning type" books. :-)

So we thought how neat it would be to invent special waterproof books for older people to read in the tub :-)

So thats what we would invent!!! What would you guys invent if given the chance? :-)


Tasha--there are books designed to get wet--there is a series of short story collections on erotica--I have what I think is the second such book in the seris and there has been a rather recent release--the book I have is titled: "Wet: More Aqua Erotica"

The books are put out by Three Rivers Press of New York---the books are colections of short stories with erotic themes that in some fashion deal with sex and water--the pages are plasticized so one can take them into any wet environment and "have some fun"

Aug 1, 2006, 6:29 PM
I would invent a house bot to charge my powertools, switch my thrash albums, and pour me tea all while working the tension out of my shoulders. Then I would invent a replica of myself to go to family functions. Ooohhhhh, the possibilities are endless!!!

Aug 1, 2006, 6:35 PM
I would invent a house bot to charge my powertools, switch my thrash albums, and pour me tea all while working the tension out of my shoulders. Then I would invent a replica of myself to go to family functions. Ooohhhhh, the possibilities are endless!!!

Inventing a replica of yourself would be very handy!! :) Sometimes we get so busy we realize we end up having to do to much, would be nice to sent one self to do this and that whille you can do the rest lol
OR sent the replica to some boring event you don't want to go to :)

I would keep mine at home and go off and travel!!! hehe


Aug 1, 2006, 7:05 PM
Tasha--there are books designed to get wet--there is a series of short story collections on erotica--I have what I think is the second such book in the seris and there has been a rather recent release--the book I have is titled: "Wet: More Aqua Erotica"

The books are put out by Three Rivers Press of New York---the books are colections of short stories with erotic themes that in some fashion deal with sex and water--the pages are plasticized so one can take them into any wet environment and "have some fun"
While this type of book would certainly be fun to read in the tub, Tasha and I had something more universal in mind. Erotica could be nice sometimes, but usually I'd rather relax and read my "boring" nonfiction and such. :tong:

Anyway, I'm loving this thread. What people pick really says something about them, I think... although I'm not always sure what! :bigrin: Keep 'em coming!

Lisa (va)
Aug 2, 2006, 1:17 AM
In addition to Diamond Dogs suggestion, how about a pill that makes folks accepting of who they are and accepting of other people for who they are.


hugs n kisses

Aug 2, 2006, 2:30 AM
hmm..i like that idea too..especially the one for the pill which makes others accept you.. because if others like you its much more easy to like yourself as well . . not the other way round in my opinion honestly .

Aug 14, 2006, 2:43 AM
platonic:carbon nanotubes filled with ultracold liquid hydrogen to be used as nanoscale wire, the conductivity and efficiency would be astonishing, plus no heat emmissons! w00t!

Aug 14, 2006, 2:58 AM
fun: a set of wetwear (neuronetworked) glasses that can reflect a klein rating on individuals using a nanite network field produced by same glasses, results are superimposed over the heads of each person in the androgyn sensitive radiation field. the catch is that will only work with those who are also using this device. this also reveals u to them. mua ha ha ha ^_^

Mrs. Taz
Aug 14, 2006, 2:59 AM
not sure what I would invent. I would like to let everyone know there are cures out there for almost everything though the doctors just cant use them or they will get fired. the people over them dont want docs to lose there jobs by curring everyone of their illnesses.

Aug 14, 2006, 7:38 AM
“Instantaneous wisdom pill” also commonly referred to as a “chill pill” and make it mandatory that every world leader take one so they can see the damage we are causing to one another and to Mother Earth with our arrogance and intolerances.

Ambi :)

Aug 14, 2006, 8:24 AM
I once thought of a robot that you could plug into your computer that would perform sex acts done by online partners with robots of their own. So when you do something to your robot, the person's robot on the other end of the line does the same thing to them. Kinda creepy but fun. :tong:

Aug 14, 2006, 8:53 AM
First impossible thing I think I'd invent would be some way of telling at a glance what someone is like, what they're into & if they are single or not.
This would stop a lot of potentially awkward situations.

Second impossible invention... Simple, a network socket in my head so I could still keep doing all these things without ever having to type or sit in front of a screen, or talk on the phone or watch tv again!


Aug 14, 2006, 8:58 AM
fun: a set of wetwear (neuronetworked) glasses that can reflect a klein rating on individuals using a nanite network field produced by same glasses, results are superimposed over the heads of each person in the androgyn sensitive radiation field. the catch is that will only work with those who are also using this device. this also reveals u to them. mua ha ha ha ^_^

Oops, looks like you beat me to the punch on that one crysstaafur, seems you put a hell of a lot more thought into how to do it too! :tongue:

Aug 14, 2006, 9:33 AM
I always enjoyed Star Trek....so a real replicator would be just perfect!!! So long as I don't have to ask for my coffee to be HOT!
(I like the transporter idea too.....I know where I'd go)

Shoes that adjust to your foot...no more sore parts or breaking them in.

Easy-to-open containers that ARE easy to open.
Self-assembly furniture that DOES assemble (without an MBA in five different languages and no spare parts left over)
...get the idea??

I really liked these ideas Nara - especially the one about "easy-to-open containers. I have severe arthritis and even those supposedly easy-open containers are still a challenge for me. I've long said "child-proof isn't it's adult proof" about those that are supposed to be child-proof. When my kids were younger they would often have to open pill bottles for me that were suppposed to be child-proof but were instead adult proof. :bigrin:

Shoes that break themselves in - aaaaaaaaah the ease of a new pair that would be. :tongue: I'll wear a pair almost totally out rather than have to break in a new pair as my feet hurt enough already and don't need the added pain of breaking in a new pair of shoes.

As a Trekker, there are a lot of things from Star Trek that I'd really like to see us have too. :rolleyes: With the price of gas today and going higher all the time a transporter would be wonderful - no more having to worry if ya have enough gas to get where ya want to go - just zip and your there. :rolleyes: Those nice little communicators too so no need for a phone anymore. Just push a little button and your connected to whomever you want to talk to. ;)

I could go on forever about things from Star Trek tho.

Anyway my :2cents: :2cents:


Aug 14, 2006, 10:10 AM
I don't watch Star Trek but the episodes I have seem, a trasporter would be great :-) Can go anywhere in the world lol

What would be nice is a computer that makes you a drink or meal when you ask for it within seconds. Like in Trek :-)
So....too tired to bother making a meal but your hungry?? no problem, just ask the computer for a nice healthy meal hehe
In this time and age... I don't think people even have time to stay in the kitchen all day long perparing dinner like our grandmothers did long ago :-)


Aug 14, 2006, 12:56 PM
I would invent a cure for RSD and Anti-coagulants that are not Rat Poison and dont have nasty side effects!!

I would also invent a home teleport system so I could visit all my chat room friends for real.

Aug 14, 2006, 12:57 PM
I would also invent a home teleport system so I could visit all my chat room friends for real.
The tea will be waiting, darling :bigrin:

Aug 14, 2006, 1:31 PM
I like the idea for "Acceptance pills". They'd have to be crushable though (not gelcaps).

Secret ingredient for the lemonade I serve my family.....
hell, I'd dump it into my college's water supply.


Aug 14, 2006, 7:13 PM
I'd invent a harmless substance that can be sprinkled in the whole world's water supply. It would remove all sexual hangups and make people feel free to suck, lick, touch, explore or play with any part of a person's body--as long as that person was willing! We'd all be bisexuals. Or better yet, we'd all be EVERYSEXUAL!

Aug 14, 2006, 7:43 PM
“Instantaneous wisdom pill” also commonly referred to as a “chill pill” and make it mandatory that every world leader take one so they can see the damage we are causing to one another and to Mother Earth with our arrogance and intolerances.

Ambi :)
Then maybe after the wisdom pill we would not need my reduce population pill.

Aug 15, 2006, 4:06 PM
Dude, what if we invented some way people could breathe underwater without masks or tanks, like some implant to convert oxygen out of water.