View Full Version : What do you do for fun?

Jun 19, 2014, 4:21 PM
Besides the obvious, of course. ;) ;) ;)

I read, spend way too much time online, play cards and board games, cook, bake, hang out at the beach or in the park, play with my cats, follow Cleveland and OSU sports, and listen to just about any kind of music.

I'm also fortunate to have a great group of friends and work that I love. I'm almost never bored. :bigrin:

Country Guy
Jun 19, 2014, 4:29 PM
Having work that you love is priceless !!

Jun 19, 2014, 7:02 PM
I make stuff out of stuff.:tongue: Give me a skip full of rubbish and I'm happy. Should have been a Womble, but am not hairy enough.lol
I'm also amazingly lucky enough to find the whole Creation V's Evolution shenanigans highly amusing. Also love crazy shit people do and/or say on Youtube. If Youtube didn't exist, it would have to be invented.:rolleyes:

Jun 20, 2014, 3:44 AM
I am involved in amateur theater and our garden. My partner loves surfing. She's out there in any weather. I sit in the car, eat chocolates and read vampire novels (?) whilst she scads around in the black wetsuit!

Jun 20, 2014, 6:07 AM
Jam wiv Kate and the kids.. garden... read.. go 2 theatre, opera, concerts; classical, jazz, folk an' rock.. moan wen its my turn to make tea:cutelaugh... cinema.. mostly continental.. some of everything else; drink good (red) plonk and cognac... shop.. pubbing... clubbing.. partying.. playing nursie to Kate of a Sunday morning.. paracetamol and Irn Bru... works a treat.. Paris.. Normandie,.. Brittany... France generally.. socialism, pacifism an' lickle lite politics... an' saving the world from the ravages of humankind..... family and bestest friends tho 1st and foremost mean world to me... some of these I am told aren't really fun... 2 wich I say.. bollocks.. u have ur fun.. Fran will have 'ers..:impleased

Jun 20, 2014, 6:15 AM
Well, anything I can do sans clothing! G-string sunning/swimming on the lakes. Welding/fabrication. Jazz and music performance (I play sax :) ). Tattoos :) Exhibitionism :) Having sex in front of and with lots of people! Mild BDSM, even more fun when people watch!

Jul 8, 2014, 9:43 PM
I make stuff out of stuff.:tongue: Give me a skip full of rubbish and I'm happy. Should have been a Womble, but am not hairy enough.lol
I'm also amazingly lucky enough to find the whole Creation V's Evolution shenanigans highly amusing. Also love crazy shit people do and/or say on Youtube. If Youtube didn't exist, it would have to be invented.:rolleyes: Ah yes, making stuff.....creativity is like sexuality...it HAS to find an outlet. Woodworker by trade and fabricator of things from leather, metal, plastic, etc. by avocation.

Jul 8, 2014, 10:35 PM
Go out for drinks as often as the bank account allows, play games online (mostly WoW and Hearthstone), read when I find the time, play music (guitar on my own and trombone in a jazz band), and have wild kinky sex as often as I can!

Jul 8, 2014, 11:38 PM
I hang out playing with my friends Gibson, Fender, Rickenbacker, Martin and a few others. I love to play guitar, sing, write music and books.

Jul 9, 2014, 3:03 AM
We go camping at about one week a month. It's usually at the Florida State Parks. Now we often have another couple who meet us there but, if I was ever going to open that friendship up to being a sexual one, it would have already happened. So, I'm always on the lookout for a retired couple with a man my wife really finds appealing. And, of course, he has a wife who plays too. And if he's bi, well, Utopia! LOL!

I enjoy drinking too and my life long hobby is writing.

Jul 9, 2014, 7:09 AM
We do have the grandkids to keep us busy at times. Other than that just about anything outside. We do golf and ski when we can and take any chance at hanging out nude in the sun. We love to ride our motorcycles and camp every chance we get. We'll be heading out to the NC mountains next weekend on the bike. Hope we can find some time to hit one of the many swimming holes we know. We do go to a couple music festivals a year camping at them for the weekend and helping out. The next one is Sept 5-6. Can't wait.

Jul 9, 2014, 8:40 AM
Like Dark Eyes, I like my red plonk, LOL, maybe a little port, a good ale while relaxing. Mostly watch movies on the tube, but on occasion I do go to the theater. I like to write and can often write treatises on Facebook in response to some meme. I used to write for World Wide Hippies and had my own blog, but got burned out. I try to get people to see the world in a better way, but I think I fail miserably. Too many ultra-conservatives who attack my writings as socialist propaganda. It has no political bent, it is more spiritual in its theme. All about helping each other on this journey. I also love to garden. I have 1.6 acres of which half is fenced in for my dogs to run free and I have six raised beds at the time, more to come. Two with strawberries the other four assorted veggies. I have a mini-orchard I am putting in, paw paws, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, apples, cherries, plus grapes, blueberries, and there are wild raspberries and blackberries. We hope to move the fence back to the tree line and add chickens and bees. So keeps me busy. When I am not doing all that, I am out riding my Road Star 1700. I also am a member of the local fraternal group and run one of the annual fundraisers. I manage to raise over $700 a year for local charities. I also love to cook for families and friends. My two major parties a year, I am told that no one goes away hungry and that everyone looks forward to what culinary surprises I will have.

Jul 9, 2014, 9:29 AM
We play golf, and go camping and fishing. We also love to go see movies. I like to hunt. I also play video games. The wife gardens and does yoga. She reads a lot too.

Jul 9, 2014, 10:01 AM
I like to get outdoors. I do a lot of camping, hiking, hunting, atv riding and the new hobby is prospecting. Pretty much any excuse I can find to get out is good enough.

Jul 9, 2014, 8:14 PM
I get naked and have a big thick cock fuck the hell out of me all night long

Jul 19, 2014, 11:37 PM
I play poker or play guitar or play my thing haha

Jul 20, 2014, 6:59 PM
i like my tuner cars, brewing craft beers at home & I used to write an article for Scale Auto Racing News, a world-wide publication. I called my column " the Soap Box Racer". I now write dystopian sci-fi stories I'm selling on Kindle. I hope it's OK to just mention it? So I spend time on here when I can, & home brewing & tuner sites. I loved hunting & fishing when I could get around more. I've found it interesting that if I were writing sex stories, it'd go a lot faster?...

Jul 21, 2014, 1:26 PM
I am a hobbiest wood crafter. I love to go out to my shop and take a dull lifeless piece of rough cut lumber and create something beautifull. I have done Hope/Blanket chests, Nite Stands, Coffee tables, book shelves, Nic-Nac shelves and am currently doing a set of bunk beds for a friend.

Jul 21, 2014, 5:40 PM
I am an artist and when I am not painting or drawing dirty pictures, I am building bondage furniture or some other kind of project. I ride motorcycles ( I have four) and am often found in the garage tinkering with some kind of mechanical beast. I do some fabrication of my own parts when I can't buy or find what I want. My lovely wife enjoys her garden very much, she is often found reading under the gazebo out there. She is a voracious reader and has gone to reading E-books because I can no longer keep up with supplying her in paper books.

Jul 31, 2014, 8:49 PM
I am an artist and when I am not painting or drawing dirty pictures, I am building bondage furniture or some other kind of project. I ride motorcycles ( I have four) and am often found in the garage tinkering with some kind of mechanical beast. I do some fabrication of my own parts when I can't buy or find what I want. My lovely wife enjoys her garden very much, she is often found reading under the gazebo out there. She is a voracious reader and has gone to reading E-books because I can no longer keep up with supplying her in paper books. I haven't built any bondage furniture yet...but as my sub side begins to come to the fore I find I'm inspired to start on something of the sort. 2bi, if your profile pic is an example of your art you can consider me a fan!

Jul 31, 2014, 9:44 PM
Being retired now has changed my hobbies greatly. Use to enjoy woodworking, building coffee tables, window sleeper/storage units, blanket boxes and building "hot" engines for my toys. Now with the checks not as large i.e. SS, I just ride my Harley when I am not sitting indoors enjoying the a/c more than the outdoor sauna.

Jul 31, 2014, 11:49 PM
Work. (seriously, I love my job - CNC machinist/programmer, CMM programmer/inspector)
Motorcycle ride. (just got back from a four day/3000km trip)
Autocross. (Racing a car around cones in a parking lot - each run takes 30 - 45 seconds and rarely gets the car out of 2nd gear)
Video games.
Guitar. (acoustic. I'm not very good, having been taking lessons for only a year now, but it's a hell of a lot more fun than watching tv in the evenings)

Aug 1, 2014, 3:04 PM
Something illegal --- think. :) At least until it starts hurting.
Then, I throw in the towel because getting depressed blows chunks. :(