View Full Version : lonely bisexual in W PA and need advice

Jun 15, 2014, 4:08 PM
All right I need help.

Im an attractive, kind, tall, smart, employed guy who recently discovered bisexuality. My problem is finding a woman. I want to be in a loving relationship with a woman that doesnt have a problem with my bisexuality, and will even join in. I wouldnt mind if she was bi either. Id welcome it. I want to start into a swinging lifestyle but it seems hard to find a sane girl willing to do the bi or group thing that im attracted to and is within 10 years my age. Where are these women in western PA.

Does anyone know anyone or where I can start. Bars and craigslist seem like dead ends.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Sorry about the puncuation but this is from my phone.

Jun 16, 2014, 9:59 AM
When asked if they would date a bisexual man, women overwhelming say no. The main reasons for this are 1) a woman wants to be the center of your world and doesn't want to share. 2) you are actually gay 3) you will cheat. It's way easier to just date a straight man. There are a lot of women out there that will accept it, but "sane" may not be part of that package. My suggestion is date as a straight man. When you meet a girl who you think may be open minded and accept this, then tell her. I wouldn't go into a relationship with this bit of info though or your date list could be pretty short.

Jun 16, 2014, 11:09 AM
They are out there! My wife was a virgin when we met! Now she swings with me (started swinging when we were dating 8 years ago!) and knows I'm bi (and joins in, even gets turned on by it!). I told her about 3 months into our dating.

Jun 16, 2014, 8:14 PM
Neither of those answers give me much hope...:(

Jun 17, 2014, 10:17 PM

I can relate.

I don't know where you can find such a woman and "pick her off the vine". I've tried. Now, not to discount anyone else's experience; but it would seem to me that those blokes are lucky to have the women they've found. For the rest of us, it would seem to me that some "engineering" will be required.

There are two ideas I think could work. Plan #1 involves writing a best-selling novel that women everywhere can read, and thereby become OK with the idea of marrying a bisexual man and having lots of three-ways and four-ways with him; living happily ever after in the process. Of course, this is a rather involved plan that would take a great deal of effort and luck to make work; but which could eventually pay off for bi-guys everywhere.

The downside of Plan #1 is that I've got no time to write such a book (maybe later, though).

Plan #2 is very, very intricate, but seemingly much more doable than my Plan #1 described above. It is a two part plan that first involves "The Ass-Fuck Conspiracy" described in this "Best Of Craigslist" ad (http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/63921265.html); but with a twist, in that you deftly steer the situation into a bisexual direction. This is done by; A) getting her to let you fuck her ass; B) ideally winning that permission to ass fuck her by trading her your permission to ass fuck you with a strap-on, by pandering to the inevitable "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" argument; C) at the same time, using carefully chosen porn and/or erotic literature, plus whatever else you can get in the "fantasy" category, you subsequently corrupt her enough that she'll eventually get the idea in her own head that she wants to see you get fucked by another man -- CAUSE YOU'VE MADE HER HORNEY FOR THAT!

If you can make her horny for it, you can make it work for you (and done right, she'll be very glad you did)!

That's my plan, anyway. Of course, it requires an "open minded" woman. The trick is to open a woman's mind. This may not be possible with every woman; but to the degree it is possible, it's likely she'll be more open minded, rather than less. If you're dating a woman with zero curiosity about anything, dump her now. Find someone with more curiosity as a generalized personality trait. If she's generally-speaking a curious type of person who wants to know about stuff and things and whatnot; she could very well be susceptible to the corrupting influence of a horny bisexual man who want to have MFMs and other worthwhile sexperiences.

I would appreciate any feedback from any reader that could potentially help me to improve/implement my plan. Also, if you know such a woman with such a predisposition, have her contact me here! SERIOUSLY!

Added later: Perhaps a Plan #3 we could all engage in would be to write "Letters to the Editors" of all those woman-targetted lifestyle magazines I see on the magazine rack. Write letters that plant the idea. That's all that probably needs to happen. Plant that idea in the minds of women everywhere; so that when they encounter such a man in real life, the concept itself isn't so foreign or "unthinkable", simply because they've thought about it already. Put it in online dating profiles -- not with the expectation that you'll get a valid response -- just in the hope of planting that idea in the right minds, where it'll take root.

Jun 18, 2014, 8:33 PM
I like you bi bed bud.....you are my type of guy.

Both plans seem involved. I was hoping for a quick solution...voo doo dolls, swing a cat by its tail...yelling at a girl on the bus. I guess it takes a lot of effort.

Jun 18, 2014, 8:54 PM
When asked if they would date a bisexual man, women overwhelming say no. The main reasons for this are 1) a woman wants to be the center of your world and doesn't want to share. 2) you are actually gay 3) you will cheat. It's way easier to just date a straight man. There are a lot of women out there that will accept it, but "sane" may not be part of that package. My suggestion is date as a straight man. When you meet a girl who you think may be open minded and accept this, then tell her. I wouldn't go into a relationship with this bit of info though or your date list could be pretty short.

This, for the most part. But you can't take a woman's right to her preference away from her or deceive her . Love based on lies can be the nastiest type of fight and retaliation out there. There is a reason for the saying, "hell hath no fury like woman scorned"

Jun 18, 2014, 9:01 PM
I like you bi bed bud.....you are my type of guy.

Both plans seem involved. I was hoping for a quick solution...voo doo dolls, swing a cat by its tail...yelling at a girl on the bus. I guess it takes a lot of effort.

Yep, lots of effort. But that is worth is it not? To find the person just right for you? You may have to be willing to make some concessions here. We women are not into sharing our men with women much less men. Like Tenni says, we monosexuals are a selfish awful lot, lol

Jun 18, 2014, 9:30 PM
I'd try a swinging site first where you start off with the m-m-f sex, then think about dating her. Much better odds than the other way around IMO.
What red-blooded horny swinging woman wouldn't love to have 2 HOT blokes ravish her (and each other) then be taken out to a movie?:tongue:

Jun 18, 2014, 10:59 PM
I tried being in a relationship and telling her i was bi. I was faithfull to her and never cheated. But when i told her i was bi she split. That hurt....i really loved her. Im still licking my wounds over that. So maybe i should just stay closeted and repressed ratherThan be open and lonely.

Jun 18, 2014, 11:02 PM
I tried being in a relationship and telling her i was bi. I was faithfull to her and never cheated. But when i told her i was bi she split. That hurt....i really loved her. Im still licking my wounds over that. So maybe i should just stay closeted and repressed ratherThan be open and lonely.

Sorry hun. My husband repressed it and it almost killed him. I don't recommend it. Loneliness is temporary. Death is forever.

you have to realize that monogamy is what 90% of the population expects in a relationship. And that the stereotype on bisexuals not wanting monogamy is a hard one to shake and one that most women don't really entertain when they have options that better meet their needs. Poly and open relationships are almost as rare as hen's teeth in non-metro areas. You may have to make some hard choices I order to find what you are looking for. And I don't mean repressong, opening up finding a love farther from where you live.

Jun 19, 2014, 9:04 AM
I was 28 when I found my love! She is 7 years my junior :) I'm still kinkier than she is, but really, to find a woman like her is rare! So, I'm not complaining :)