View Full Version : Almost finished doc film highlights what life was like in the Phelps family…

Jun 9, 2014, 10:56 PM
There are some filmmakers who are working on a documentary film about the lives of the children of the late Fred Phelps, the founder and leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, the church that says that "God Hates Fags."

What is revealed in the film and shown in this trailer, probably will not come as a surprise to anyone of us….just from the trailer--you can tell it is some powerful and moving work.

You may want to also consider helping the filmmakers to complete the film via a Kickstarter campaign they have started to help them raise the funds necessary to get the film done.

Please check the trailer out….http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/09/nate-phelps-westboro-baptist-church-abuse-documentary_n_5473798.html

Jun 11, 2014, 9:34 AM
At least half of those who were once in that church---have bailed with most of those being family members and they had a total change of heart and mind and are now working for "GLBT" rights and such----it really is not a surprise the old man was an abusive bastard to his own family----that sort of fits the profile and it is being surmised by some since old man Phelps' death----that he actually was a closeted homosexual----but from his background---the way of extirpating "his demons"---he formed that fucked up church of his to "do away with faggots."

The thing is----to me---what that film is trying to do is to show that as monstrous as we think of the Phelps gang---that holding such negative ways of doing and thinking--destroys them too---actually more than the rest of us---look at those bozos that shot the cops in Vegas---they lived and died with their fucked up and negative ways of thinking. It consumed them like a cancer.

Just like we cannot deny the laws of physics---when it comes to human emotions and such---if we live in mostly negative ones---our end is not good.

Jun 12, 2014, 3:03 PM
I am reeeally torn on this one....It doesnt surprise any that there was abuse in that family anywhere...Old Man Phelps just seemed like a hateful old hellion from the git go. I just dont understand where the protesting of Military persons came about.....