View Full Version : Bush caught cursing on audiotape

Jul 30, 2006, 2:10 PM
This was one of those things that really did not get on the radarscreen in the media over here in the states. Admittedly I had seen what I am about to discuss, but it sort of passed by me until I recalled it today....

I was out on the old lawn tractor mowing the acre and half parcel when I recalled seeing in the past week or so on the telly, audio tape of George W. Bush in an off-the-record conversation with his lap dog, British PM Tony Blair as the most recent G-8 Conference had concluded in Russia...

In the conversation---Bush used a number of "vulgarities" as he discussed with Blair some of the other heads of state and others...

Now most of the American MSM (mainstream media) did not even mention Bush's little off color remarks--but Keith Olberman--host of a program on cable news channel MSNBC played bits of the audiotape containing old Georgie Boy's nasty comments...

I would bet the good folks over at FAUX---sorry I mean FOX-News did not play the tape----

Folks on the religious right love to think that Shrub is "such a good Christian" and such because he sure as hell puts on a good show of "walkin' the walk and talkin' the talk...!!!!" of being a good Christian...

In those comments--Bush made disparaging remarks about some of his fellow big wigs---it hit me as I thought of those comments---it is not so much the fact that Bush used some curse words to make his points--BFD--it was the tone and tenor of his comments--they were very much put downs of others--so much for being a "good Christian..."

When in God's name are these numbnut folks over in the evangelical camp going to wake their contented, lilly white, upper middle classes asses up and really see that their emperor has no clothes--George W. Bush is no more of good Christian than is Osama Biin fucking Laden---

I guess I can take heart from the article I posted in another thread today regarding the evangelical minister who is calling things as he sees it and refuses to accept that to be a good Christian in America means adhering to some perverted form of patriotism and being a member in good standing of the Republican party-I want to someone to show me the passage in The Good Book that says one has to be thus---it ain't in any bible I have ever read...

Jul 30, 2006, 2:19 PM
whats really outrageous was that the idiot walked up behind the Chancellor of Germany and began giving her a "back rub"...her reaction was quite telling, her body language screamed get this moron off of me....if I tried that to a woman without her permission I would be smacked silly and I would have deserved it.

Jul 30, 2006, 2:29 PM
whats really outrageous was that the idiot walked up behind the Chancellor of Germany and began giving her a "back rub"...her reaction was quite telling, her body language screamed get this moron off of me....if I tried that to a woman without her permission I would be smacked silly and I would have deserved it.

OMG! Georgie Boy's turning into another Bill Clinton.

Man, they're all the same. Every last bleedin one of em.

Jul 30, 2006, 2:30 PM
whats really outrageous was that the idiot walked up behind the Chancellor of Germany and began giving her a "back rub"...her reaction was quite telling, her body language screamed get this moron off of me....if I tried that to a woman without her permission I would be smacked silly and I would have deserved it.

You get the feeling watching the footage that none of the european or any other leadrs can stand the stupid son of a bitch. If I get started on Bush I will never get any sleep today.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Jul 30, 2006, 2:31 PM
For the record, it was on FOX news.

Jul 30, 2006, 3:25 PM
That was quite big news over here. Our oh so wonderful PM is now known as 'Yo! Blair'

It spoke volumes about Tony Blairs relationship with George Bush. This Country is crying out for Tony Blair to go (but he insists on hanging in there to destroy whats left of this Country), a lot of people feel we are tied too closely to the US now. Thats why this made fairly big news.

What stuck out to me was George Bush's lack of manners, who here would talk to someone with a mouth full of food?! And Blairs body language made him look like a servant of Bush's.

I really hope Blair listens to his public soon and LEAVES!!!

Jul 30, 2006, 3:47 PM
You get the feeling watching the footage that none of the european or any other leadrs can stand the stupid son of a bitch. If I get started on Bush I will never get any sleep today.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Too Funny :cutelaugh but quite understandable ;)

Jul 30, 2006, 9:45 PM
I read something on antiwar.com about some Americans trapped in Beirut. They watched on television Tony Blair trying to engage Bush in conversation about Lebanon. All Bush did was gripe continually about a dinner roll :eek2:

Jul 30, 2006, 10:36 PM

I know it is off topic but...
This is a funny site that shows political satire clips of Colbert, Jon Stewert and others.

Jul 30, 2006, 10:56 PM
I really hope Blair listens to his public soon and LEAVES!!!

Maybe you can enlighten me on the British political system? It seems like 12 or 18 months according to US TV news that Blair or his party lost a national election. The news was saying how it had taken Blair's power to run the govt form him and that he would have to step down soon. He is still there just like our moron. Why? Was that story about Blair's election defeat incorrect or do the voice of the public through elections really not mean anything in the UK? Thanks for any enlightenment that can be provided.

I am curious because I am afraid Republicans in the US will find another way to steal an election like Florida in 2000 or Ohio in 2004 or find some other way to ignore the results if they cant steal it (terrorist attack etc)? This pattern of odd political results happened in Mexico too. I dont get how the huge numbers of poor in Mexico voted for the status quo instead of change in their election. The election results to me say they are satisfied with a very few super rich and the rest being dirt poor. I mean the Mexican economy is a basket case. The results just dont make sense. I just wonder if there is a pattern developing worldwide? Should I be afraid?

Jul 31, 2006, 12:04 AM
well, hell i may as well weigh in here too....

from what you've said, it sounds like dipshit the 2nd has taken up his excessive drinking again...two whom i can think of immediately who were in positions of power like his and were that badly behaved were churchill and stalin, who both drank at least 2 pints a day.. oh, sorry forgot that that romanian s.o.b. that got deposed in the late 60's early 70's. oh, and yeah, what's his name?? the fat slob that used to run russia before putin?? yeltsin..

U.S. presidents not being well behaved?? taking liberties with the heads of state of other countries?? too much touchy feely?? get the fuck over it! that has been the damn norm for almost 250 friggin years!! we may have had about 5 that did not behave so badly and misrepresent us wherever they went in that amount of time.. thinking of woodrow wilson, coolidge, filmore, and at least one of the earliest johnsons...come to think of it, ben frankllin, one of our earliest and most revered statesman, was just a glorified horny old goat.. which today wouldnt even get him a posting to out mongolia![ sorry, mongolia, we usually don't let the major lunatics out into the wide world unrestrained like we used to]

lbj, nixon and reagan, all 3 were major calibre bigots of one type or another.. lbj and nixon being extremely vulgar when upset that their megalomaniacal worlds didn't match reality, not to mention that they each had sex scandals of their own.. tho those were very much minimalized by the more at heel and genteel press corps of their respective times.. oh, and, lets just not forget jfk...grandson of a bootlegger, those ill gotten monies bought him a presidency, then bought the silence of those who knew of all the raunchy ass secrets that the entire white house staff were afraid to admit seeing.

point is this; our so called leadership has never, ever been paragons of virtue in any form, neither here or abroad.

what the rest of the world should know is that they never ever truly represent the entire population of this country, and they in turn should not judge the rest of us by the disgraceful actions of the countless criminals in political office who've supposedly stood for our nation since the times of english rule.

having said all this; my political views are moderate, i usually vote as an independant. and i am damn tired of the entiriety of my country being slammed by snot nosed haters who fail to see past the actions of one person at the good the rest of us do on a daily basis...

come down to it... don't like the leadership, get off your ass and vote them out!! still dont like the way things are?? leave! go find another place you do like.. which, by the way is getting harder for US citizens to do. :2cents: :soapbox:

Jul 31, 2006, 12:25 AM
Maybe you can enlighten me on the British political system?

Whoa! It may take us three months, but the questions still get answered. Eventually.

The last British General Election was in May 2005 and it was won by the Labour Party - Tony Blair, in other words, the same guy your media were saying was drinking in the Last Chance Saloon. Well, maybe he just likes the decor in there.

Now, unlike George Dubya, so long as the public keep on voting for him, Tony Blair can stay ensconced at No 10 Downing Street until the flesh rots on his skinny hide. However, he keeps threatening to abdicate in favour of his old friend and mentor, Gordon Brown, who is now Chancellor of the Exchequer (the man with the money). Everyone wants him to do that, because there's an old belief that Scotsmen are tight with money. I can't confirm or deny that, naturally :)

Jul 31, 2006, 1:51 AM

Just as a thought from left field, what do you want to replace the Republicans? I see that you're antiwar. Unfortunately the Democrats are even more obnoxiously pro-Israel than the Republicans are pro-Saudi. The Repubs will sell us to oil-rich emirates quietly while the Democrats sell us to Israel with bold faces. Pick your poison, pick your treason.

If the Democrats take control in the current state of things, I wager we will have the war with Iran that Bush can't get going on his own. Right now the Democrats are trying to win in November by attacking Bush for not stamping out enough terrorists in the areas surrounding Israel. Naturally, the discussion of Iran is tied up with all of this because of Hezbollah getting aid from Iran. They are also trying to win points by bedeviling Bush about Iraq and calling for troop withdrawals. The result, in the scenario that the Dems take Congress back, is that Iraq will collapse after troop withdrawals, making it easier for Iran to transport goods through Iraq to Syria and Hezbollah, thereby giving the Dems greater justification to placate the Israel lobby by pushing for war with Iran.

War with Iran would be a wonderful blessing for both parties. Imagine, a country of 70 million people to crush, lots of oil, years and years of flag-waving, and a chance to unveil our latest nuclear technology. The Democrats like Charles Rangel have been preaching in favor of a draft a long time. At long last, they'll have it. And at last, as the Democratic strategists have been wanting for so long, "Democrats will be the party of strong defense and patriotism again." Yippee.

Have you listened to people like John Kerry and Chuck Schumer lately? They're talking war. The same way that Bush talked war. It's all the same old shit. The Democrats are not going to give us gay marriage. Maybe we'll get a minimum wage, but they'll probably try to steal immigration as an issue away from the GOP and they'll defend "working Americans" by railing against illegal immigrants. Remember that, prior to Kennedy, the history of the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.

I've canceled my Democratic party membership and, like my friend Wandering Richard, am now in the paradise of third party land. Woohoo!!! Fuck the Democrats and fuck the Republicans. The founding fathers didn't want us to have parties anyway.


Maybe you can enlighten me on the British political system? It seems like 12 or 18 months according to US TV news that Blair or his party lost a national election. The news was saying how it had taken Blair's power to run the govt form him and that he would have to step down soon. He is still there just like our moron. Why? Was that story about Blair's election defeat incorrect or do the voice of the public through elections really not mean anything in the UK? Thanks for any enlightenment that can be provided.

I am curious because I am afraid Republicans in the US will find another way to steal an election like Florida in 2000 or Ohio in 2004 or find some other way to ignore the results if they cant steal it (terrorist attack etc)? This pattern of odd political results happened in Mexico too. I dont get how the huge numbers of poor in Mexico voted for the status quo instead of change in their election. The election results to me say they are satisfied with a very few super rich and the rest being dirt poor. I mean the Mexican economy is a basket case. The results just dont make sense. I just wonder if there is a pattern developing worldwide? Should I be afraid?

Jul 31, 2006, 4:42 AM
Hmmm, the British political system. I dont think anyone could explain it. If I remember rightly, Blair only got something like 35% in the last election, and he only got that much because he promised to step down soon and let someone else (Brown) take over. I cant believe people fell for that though. He's changed his mind about doing that now, suprise suprise. His problem is he's soooooo out of touch with his public. Its almost like he thinks he's doing a good job, with the sleaze stories about his Government hitting the papers virtually everyday and doing nothing other than sucking up to Bush.

Sorry, I have a real hatred for Blair at the min, I have close ties to the military and see and hear on a daily basis how bad things have gotten in recent years. They keep taking more money off us and I have yet to see it put to good use, the NHS is getting worse, the Military is in desperate need of more funding and I cant say I've seen a real improvement in many schools!

Jul 31, 2006, 12:18 PM

Democrats have to be better than Republicans. A friend told me once that Bush was worse than Satan (if you believe Satan exists) because at least Satan is competent. By the way the Cubs have a player by the name of Angel Pagan and I believe there was a hockey player whose last name was Satan. The US leadership both democratic and republican does not serve US interests by being an allie of Israel. Israel spys on our military, conducts war crimes against its neighbors with US weapons and has no oil.

I hope someday in this "democracy" called the USA there will be real debates about the real important issues like democracies are supposed to have. Instead we debate gay marriage, Terri Schiavo and flag burning. Democracy in the US has been "Springerized". Only the sensational and the freaky topics that are not the "real" issues that are important to everybody get debated. The US has never debated the consequences of our special relationship with Israel. It has been imposed upon us by elites. Is a country really a democracy if it does not debate the real issues? How about a a debate regarding the effect of US arms sales on the stability of the world? Should they be prohibited? How about a debate regarding 100% public financing of political campaigns so that the politicians wont be bought before they take office? How about a debate as to whether corporations should have legal status as persons?

I worry not because the Democrats will start more wars but because they still wont take a stance to get out of Iraq and all Persian Gulf countries now. A Democrat running for Congress came to talk to me Saturday morning while I was watering my yard. He is against removing troops form Iraq. He says he has a secret plan to win in Iraq within a year. Sounds like Nixon's secret plan to win Vietnam? If Democrats cant even reach the logical conclusion to be in favor of pulling out of Iraq then they have no hope to win or if they do win to change policies.

Remember prior to 1991 there were no al-Quaida attacks against the US? What happened in 1991? US ground troops were permanently based in the Persian Gulf. Let the Navy alone secure oil supplies in the Persian Gulf like they did without antagonizing anyone from 1945-1990. Why did Hezboolah atack the Marines in Lebanon in 1982? Because they were there.
Untill we get leadership willing to return things to 1990 status quo regarding US troops there will be no peace for the US. That and Israel needs to be told they are on their own. No more money no more weapons.

Lastly the Arabs will never accept Israel in the Middle East. Arabs see that Israel was founded upon a terrorist attack at the King David Hotel and the stealing of land that was owned by Arabs. They believe Israel was populated by Jews who left Europe and violated a blockade to move to Palestine.

The US should offer to relocate the country of Israel. Option-1 The US should offer part of its land for an Israel in North America. Israel could not exist currently without US support and we are their biggest supporter. Many American Jews move to Israel or at least vacation there. I would think the area around North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana etc. would cause least problems. Compensate Americans who currently live there in exchange for moving by making them very wealthy. If Americans want to stay they can live in Israel. Americans moved to Texas when it was part of Mexico so Americans have been willing to live under another govt's rule in North America. Option 2 - Where else in the world does a religion have a right to a country? If the Israelis want to stay they should live in ONE democratic secular state with the Palestinians. One person one vote. The Israelis would be minorities and have to accept that fact. Those are my solutions for peace in the Middle East.

If those solutions are too complicated I go back to cutting Israel lose and removing ground troops from the Persian Gulf. No more aid or weapons sales to Israel.

Jul 31, 2006, 12:30 PM
OMG! Georgie Boy's turning into another Bill Clinton.

Man, they're all the same. Every last bleedin one of em.

PULEEEESE do not ever compare Bill Clinton to that hypocritic, ignorant power hungry asshole. Bill had his issues, but he was not an imperialist who has raped our constitution....

blew bi me
Jul 31, 2006, 12:41 PM
Wow!! To read these comments leads me to believe a lot of people seem to think the Democratic dipshit from the liberal northeast could do a better job.

Stop and think people!! Who in their right mind would spend $100M to get a job that pays $400K? They are politicians and its not our best interest they have in mind.

Whether you agree with him or not (and I don't agree with a lot), at least Bush does what he says instead of lying to our face.

And on a less imperialistic note: You fucking Brits aren't doing a lot right either so commenting on our leader (who happens to be the most powerful leader in the world...the position, not the man) isn't the brightest thing you could do today.

Now shut up and go fuck somebody!!

Jul 31, 2006, 12:43 PM
Wow!! To read these comments leads me to believe a lot of people seem to think the Democratic dipshit from the liberal northeast could do a better job.

Stop and think people!! Who in their right mind would spend $100M to get a job that pays $400K? They are politicians and its not our best interest they have in mind.

Whether you agree with him or not (and I don't agree with a lot), at least Bush does what he says instead of lying to our face.

And on a less imperialistic note: You fucking Brits aren't doing a lot right either so commenting on our leader (who happens to be the most powerful leader in the world...the position, not the man) isn't the brightest thing you could do today.

Now shut up and go fuck somebody!!

Less imperialistic than Bush? Have you not been paying attention to Iraq? Bush told you the truth about the reasons for invading Iraq? He told you the truth about the development of US energy policy? Oh thats right he wont even give you the right to know how it was developed. I guess that is not lying. The truth was told about drunk Cheney shooting a man in the face?

Bush ran on the platform of not getting involved in world affairs. How is that doing what he said he would do? He also said he would be a uniter? Strike 2. He said he would would a compasionate conservative. Strike 3. By the way nobody should ever believe that it is possible to be a compasionate conservative. The two theories have goals that are opposite from each other.

Jul 31, 2006, 1:14 PM
Wow!! To read these comments leads me to believe a lot of people seem to think the Democratic dipshit from the liberal northeast could do a better job.

Stop and think people!! Who in their right mind would spend $100M to get a job that pays $400K? They are politicians and its not our best interest they have in mind.

Whether you agree with him or not (and I don't agree with a lot), at least Bush does what he says instead of lying to our face.

And on a less imperialistic note: You fucking Brits aren't doing a lot right either so commenting on our leader (who happens to be the most powerful leader in the world...the position, not the man) isn't the brightest thing you could do today.

Now shut up and go fuck somebody!!

Yeah lie about getting a blow job or make up a bunch of lies that cost over 2,000 American lives and the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Arrogance is exactly that which will bring this end to this country.

Jul 31, 2006, 1:21 PM
Blew BI Me,

Bush's approval rating is in the 30s. I am not sure you really are a supporter of Bush or just trying to stoke the fires of outrage. If you really do like Bush you truely are in a very small minority.


The US has almost always been an exclusively two party system. When a third party develops its ideas usually are incorporated by one of the established parties and that third party disappears. Voting for a third party instead of Democratic will hand the next elections to the fascists again. If that happens you had better get ready for the draft and war in Syria, Iran and maybe North Korea. Perot gave the election to Clinton when he ran against Bush I. Nader gave the election to Bush against Gore. Even though Gore still won the popular vote. The Civil War was brought on by the split of the Democratic party. It guaranteed Republican victory which guaranteed Southern seccession.

Voting third party will ensure Republican wins. Ralph Nader has been overwhelmed by his own self-importance. It happens so much in America when a person mistakes himself for the cause he is fighting for and hurts his cause by pursueing his own self-interest.

Jul 31, 2006, 4:30 PM
Wow!! To read these comments leads me to believe a lot of people seem to think the Democratic dipshit from the liberal northeast could do a better job.

Stop and think people!! Who in their right mind would spend $100M to get a job that pays $400K? They are politicians and its not our best interest they have in mind.

Whether you agree with him or not (and I don't agree with a lot), at least Bush does what he says instead of lying to our face.

And on a less imperialistic note: You fucking Brits aren't doing a lot right either so commenting on our leader (who happens to be the most powerful leader in the world...the position, not the man) isn't the brightest thing you could do today.

Now shut up and go fuck somebody!!

I am sure all of that made sense to you when you wrote it, but I fail to see it.
As noted by others Bush only has a low 30's approval rating which when you subtract the narcissistic top 1% that leaves a select group of idiots who have no idea what is happening right in front of their faces.

Aug 1, 2006, 12:57 PM
Wow!! To read these comments leads me to believe a lot of people seem to think the Democratic dipshit from the liberal northeast could do a better job.

Stop and think people!! Who in their right mind would spend $100M to get a job that pays $400K? They are politicians and its not our best interest they have in mind.

Whether you agree with him or not (and I don't agree with a lot), at least Bush does what he says instead of lying to our face.

And on a less imperialistic note: You fucking Brits aren't doing a lot right either so commenting on our leader (who happens to be the most powerful leader in the world...the position, not the man) isn't the brightest thing you could do today.

Now shut up and go fuck somebody!!

If it weren't for the "democratic dipshits" from the Northeast, they'd be a haulin your redneck ass to Gitmo for bein a hom-asexual terrorist!

Aug 2, 2006, 12:47 PM
We shouldn't be debating gay marriage - ace.

Terrorists won't attack us if we pull out of the Middle East - course they won't.

"If there's a contradiction between British law and Islamic law then British law can go to hell...unless they pull out the middle east that is"

"Europe you will have your 9/11...as above"

"Death to infidels! We should spike their drinks, bomb their clubs (how dare those women not be covered up) but you know, if those troops pull out the middle east, suddenly I'll reckon not being a Muslim aint so bad after all".

All those honour killings must be because of troops in the middle east aswell.

And before you tar me - I despise Israel's actions and am against the fake war on terror. I'd like to see the Republicans ousted and hate Tony Blair, though I think Cameron and Hitchens would do a worse job.