View Full Version : This new argument by the Dominion far right "christians" is ridiculous…..

May 12, 2014, 8:51 AM
It has become a new rallying cry by those who come from the far right, extremist, dominion "christian" wing ---that if anything happens, like what one man is claiming that because the Rams recruited an openly gay man---this offends their sense of what is right and wrong.

Those on the "christian right" use this sort of thing as the core argument that companies like Hobby Lobby are making in a case that has already been argued before the US Supreme court in regards to the company not wanting to have to pay for women to have access to contraceptives with those drugs or devices being provided by the company's insurance program as required by the new health care law. They say they are against anything that might prevent a pregnancy, so they don't want their female employees to be able to get contraceptives via the company's health care plan.

We are seeing this sort of thing going on for all sorts of things that these "good christians" object to----and they of course--for always supposedly hating "victimhood status" when it came to blacks or others seeking real rights actually denied them by "the system."

This crowd sure turned that on its head and now claim that if they are not basically free to discriminate against anyone for any reason they say has a "biblical basis"--then they are the ones who are being discriminated against and they are victims of "discrimination and bigotry"----"bigotry" against their form of bastardized, extremist "christianity"--which to me--- it is a good thing they cannot be allowed to get their way.

I don't have any problem if they are such "victims" because if they had their way---pretty much everything that most of us like in this world----they would ban, outlaw, prohibit, restrict, etc.

Their view of things really is like that outlined in Margaret Atwood's novel, "The Handmaid's Tale" that was set in a future, dystopian world in which this sort of extremist "christianity" had come to rule in the US. Let us hope they are not successful, but this crowd surely seems to be dead set on gaining control. Look at all the "tea party" types that have gotten elected to Congress and other elected office in recent years.


May 12, 2014, 9:37 AM
America wouldn't be America without them, the rest of the world need somebody to laugh at.
Funny how Europa can crown drag queen, and these right wing assholes are stuck in the middle ages.

May 13, 2014, 10:11 PM

May 13, 2014, 10:19 PM
"Look at all the "tea party" types that have gotten elected to Congress and other elected office in recent years."
Who is at fault for them getting elected?
If we choose to actually vote. They will no longer be a problem.
Otherwise, just pin a kick me sign on you know where.

May 14, 2014, 12:52 AM
"Look at all the "tea party" types that have gotten elected to Congress and other elected office in recent years."
Who is at fault for them getting elected?
If we choose to actually vote. They will no longer be a problem.
Otherwise, just pin a kick me sign on you know where.

You are right about that. For whatever reason---the Democratic party is very good at "getting out the vote" when they have a national candidate running for the president---but they are terrible at getting out the vote in the "off year elections" and in those years is when we have had all of these tea party/Republicans win in both the Congress and at the state level, gaining control over many governorships, the rest of the state executive offices and in the state houses with both levels becoming dominated by "teavangelical" types--so the Dems only have themselves to blame.

They also never did things like create organizations "on the left" to counter those on the right such as The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, and the Federalist Society, to list but a few of those entities.

It just gets frustrating sometimes that with so many substantive issues facing our nation and world----we have one party that dithers while another one spends its time on trying to do things like "turn back the clock" on gains made by women, racial and ethnic minorities, GLBT individuals and other things of this sort…..I just got to let off some steam sometimes and post "a scream"like this one was!! LOL

May 14, 2014, 5:59 AM
Well once again we really have to be careful not to fall down that slippery slope. This is the United States of America and we still have freedom of speech. If the right wing Christians don't want to watch professional football b/c of an openly gay player that is their right. If they want to stand up and say this that is their right also. YOU have the right not to listen. As for places like Hobby Lobby, if they choose not to pay for contraceptives for their employees that should be their right also. Just like the employee can decide not to work for Hobby Lobby anymore. Why should the government force Hobby Lobby to go against their beliefs? If the government decided that you should be taxed 10% of your income to fund say the catholic church you would be well within your rights to scream bloody murder about this infringement of your freedom as guaranteed under the constitution. If I decide to go out and eat junk food all the time that is my choice but if I get sick doing that do I have the right to demand that you cover my medical bills? We all need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop looking to the government to bail us out for our mistakes.

May 14, 2014, 6:52 AM
Well once again we really have to be careful not to fall down that slippery slope. This is the United States of America and we still have freedom of speech. If the right wing Christians don't want to watch professional football b/c of an openly gay player that is their right. If they want to stand up and say this that is their right also. YOU have the right not to listen. As for places like Hobby Lobby, if they choose not to pay for contraceptives for their employees that should be their right also. Just like the employee can decide not to work for Hobby Lobby anymore. Why should the government force Hobby Lobby to go against their beliefs? If the government decided that you should be taxed 10% of your income to fund say the catholic church you would be well within your rights to scream bloody murder about this infringement of your freedom as guaranteed under the constitution. If I decide to go out and eat junk food all the time that is my choice but if I get sick doing that do I have the right to demand that you cover my medical bills? We all need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop looking to the government to bail us out for our mistakes.
'Course ur rite.. not quite sure I agree wivya on the medical thing but that's cos I live in a place wer we have a public health service paid for outa tax.. one for all as they say in Alexandre Dumas' 3 Musketeers, tho a National Health Service is a far greater undertaking an not a work of fiction in most of the world.. but I diverge..

...'course peeps have the rite to believe wot they like.. even preach it (within the law and constitutionally wer appropriate..even in the US freedom of speech is not absolute).. and wen peeps kick off at us... we have the rite to kick back at them.. freedom of speech working both ways last time I looked... no 1 is saying peeps shud b deprived of ther freedoms.. tho the present British Government is giving a terrific impression of trying to do just that.. and the US isn't a helluva a lot better... so don't warn us 'bout slippery slopes... warn the getts that get elected to power an ther un-elected skivvies... and them who demand the right 2 free speech wile trying to deprive many of us of it.. like much of the right in this world, Christian and otherwise.. and much of me own side too.. the left r no innocents wen it comes to depriving peeps of hard won freedoms, Volty, as u well kno...

May 14, 2014, 9:29 AM
Well once again we really have to be careful not to fall down that slippery slope. This is the United States of America and we still have freedom of speech. If the right wing Christians don't want to watch professional football b/c of an openly gay player that is their right. If they want to stand up and say this that is their right also. YOU have the right not to listen. As for places like Hobby Lobby, if they choose not to pay for contraceptives for their employees that should be their right also. Just like the employee can decide not to work for Hobby Lobby anymore. Why should the government force Hobby Lobby to go against their beliefs? If the government decided that you should be taxed 10% of your income to fund say the catholic church you would be well within your rights to scream bloody murder about this infringement of your freedom as guaranteed under the constitution. If I decide to go out and eat junk food all the time that is my choice but if I get sick doing that do I have the right to demand that you cover my medical bills? We all need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop looking to the government to bail us out for our mistakes.

+1 !!!

aLABiM75 & StrF51
May 14, 2014, 1:22 PM
Bottom line:

These far right "christians" are Not Christian.

They are simply people, trying to use a Religion they do not practice or understand to control others.

May 14, 2014, 1:28 PM
"Nobody’s rights have been trampled here, though that would have changed had these bigots compelled the Rams to ignore Sam out of fear of the repercussions."

I'm sorry but people from the US who get on this site and begin discussing freedom and right have not got a clue about freedom and rights. They seem to have it arse backwards as usual.

No one has the right to prevent a person from playing football merely due to the colour of their skin, their sexuality, their age,religion and several other factors that show their bigotry. This man was offered a chance to win a position with this football team due to his abilities as a football player.