View Full Version : Bi?? Is she???

Apr 30, 2014, 8:18 PM
Hi! So I'm in esthetics school right now. And my teacher is a female, as of me as well. The school is filled with a bunch of girls. I think of my teacher as hot. Her face is absolutely gorgeous. I think I might have a little bit of a crush on her. Anyways, is esthetics school, we get very personal with each other, as we're all learning new things, things such as facials, waxing, Brazilian waxing, spray tanning, and salt glows.

She will make comments in general of different smells, we use a oil for waxing, and she says it smells like "dirty vagina" and that she hates that smell.I have seen her check me out many times before. Actually she had just did it today, in front of people. It was a long stare too. She will sometimes touch my shoulder or my waist if she is trying to get through if I'm in the way, or I general. And sometimes I catch her staring at my lips.

She will call me cute, so many times, and one time, she was handing out products to me for a facial I had, and she said "perfect!" And then she adds, "you are perfect!"

We do have kinda similar interests, but not really. She was raised in a rough home, and I'm the complete opposite. So her past fascinates me.

But then she will talk about how hot some male celebrities are, so I guess I'm confused.

I know I have a crush on her, she is 10 years older then I am, and she is single, but i am dating.

I just want to know if she is interested in me. I wanna know that I'm not going crazy over here!!

Apr 30, 2014, 9:56 PM
She could be interested in you. Try asking her if she has any women in mind that she thinks are hot. Maybe not in those exact words, but explore the situation.

Apr 30, 2014, 10:15 PM
Or you could be a troll.

May 1, 2014, 1:50 PM
Probably she has some interest, because girls friends never check out their friends sexually. I had bisexual women flirting with me, and they usually wanna touch you.

May 1, 2014, 4:34 PM
So start looking Back. Smile, flirt gently. Compliment her and see how she reacts. Ask if she'd like to go have coffee something, or lunch. See where it leads. :}

May 2, 2014, 6:47 PM
Ask her out to a bar. See what happens after a few drinks.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
May 2, 2014, 11:46 PM
Finish your classes, and when they are over.... take her out and find out.