View Full Version : Wicked Weather...........

Apr 28, 2014, 10:23 AM
For those that have been or will be in the path of this storm system, may you be safe.

It was a rough night here though we didn't have any tornadoes touch down, but they predict a very rough Derby festival. Some events had to be canceled due to high wins. It's gonna be a really muddy Derby the first Saturday in May.

Kinda sucks, around here we normally do the garden on Derby day, not this year. Ground is way too soaked and we are expecting up to another inch of rain today.

Praying for those that got hit so devastatingly hard last night.

Apr 28, 2014, 11:46 AM
Right there with you, where I live in KC it came in fast and started with hail (golf ball size). To all who were not as lucky as I was, thoughts and prayers are with you. To everyone stay safe durin storm season.

Apr 28, 2014, 6:14 PM
I lived in Kentucky, during the tornadoes of 1974.

After seeing Brandenburg the day after the tornadoes hit, hurricanes in in my home state of Florida didn't seem bad at all!

I hope none of the members are affected by the recent storms!

Apr 28, 2014, 7:41 PM
Nothing scares me worse than Tornados. Hurricanes on the other hand just might too. Please be safe out there Ya'll....
Concerned Cat.

Apr 30, 2014, 11:57 AM
Let our thoughts and prayers go out to all those communities that have fallen victim to what is once again--one more "record setting storm event" thus far with something like 135 tornadoes and counting having been spawned by it--with the death toll up to around 30, so said the news this morning.

My gosh---around Pensacola, Florida---they had 24 inches of rain in 25 hours---they had live footage early this morning from a subdivision in that area---that had a bit of a downhill slant to the street, with the street being a raging, rushing river instead of a suburban street!!!!

For those who are in the path of these storms----stay safe. Don't drive into flooded streets, and if they say a tornado is coming----take appropriate cover.

Apr 30, 2014, 4:46 PM
Somebody go tell the Nutz in DC that are tampering with Weather Control to knock it off already! lol Go test in the Sahara desert for a while fer Pete's sakes...:}
Seriously tho.I hope all of our down south friends will be fine and safe in this insanity..

Apr 30, 2014, 9:08 PM
Another example of crazy weather--ALL of California is now listed as being in a severe drought and in places like parts of Colorado, New Mexico and elsewhere--they say we are about to experience another "dustbowl" situation.

May 1, 2014, 6:11 AM
Wow the weather channel makes for more entertaining watching than most of the movies on tv these days. Sad thing is.. it's real people and real people's homes. I truly pray that everyone stays as safe as possible, take the precautions that are given out.

May 1, 2014, 9:07 AM
Having lived through a terrible flood 8 years ago that literally destroyed much of the town, I too hope you are all ok. Believe me, my thoughts are with you.