View Full Version : Canadian Homo Marxist

Apr 13, 2014, 9:23 PM
"We disagree with homosexual activism," he told reporters in Regina. "We believe homosexual behaviour is immoral, but that doesn't equate with hating people."

Oh my. We must stop them from breeding :yikes2:..lol Your thoughts?


Apr 14, 2014, 12:29 AM
Some can say smoking is immoral, using foul language, eating candy, oral sex or for that matter any sex at all is immoral. I believe such terms are used to condemn others because they don't conform to their own beliefs, especially that of a religious following. So is it not hate? Or maybe it is just a dislike? So what's the difference?

If one thinks it is immoral, than you have the right not to practice it. But you don't have the right to dictate to others who do not believe the same as you do. There is a lot of things that people do that I wouldn't do myself, but as long as they are not hurting anyone else, leave them alone........

Just my two pennies worth....

Apr 14, 2014, 4:52 AM
What do you expect, he is from the US, may he just come back from Uganda.
Wish this kind of people would stay in their own country.

Apr 14, 2014, 5:54 AM
Sounds a lot like the "kindler, gentler" Ku Klux Klan guy from just across the border who tried to say that they don't "hate" black people last year.. What a coincidence that there was just another story of violence tied to the Klan this weekend.

"Because of the acts of a few rogue Klansmen, all Klansmen are supposed to be murderers, and wanting to lynch black people and we're supposed to be terrorists. That's a complete falsehood," Ancona said.

Despite their exclusive membership status, Ancona argues that it would be a mistake to call them a hate group.

"We want to keep our race the white race," said Ancona. "We want to stay white. It's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."

..I'm having a hard time with the way the last line is twisted. If you've never faced discrimination from the majority maybe it sounds like a perfectly sane statement to make but if you have ever been in a minority the statement is contradictory.. I'm sorry if people feel disenfranchised but that is no excuse ..

Of course the cultural landscape is shifting anyway .. Not to minimize anyone's struggle for equality but we actually have bigger problems to deal with in the US, or at least the answers to those problems are not clear. We seem to have transitioned from the bronze age to the industrial age and from there to the information age, what is next - the "service age" ? ..there are a lot of displaced folks and it would seem that we'd rather build more prisons than schools.. I'm not sure, but I think we may have reached the limit of "producing for the sake of producing" being the best motivator for our economy. Maybe that is why services like kickstarter are interesting, because they literally tie a market demand to an actual "product" instead of just making a bunch of something and marketing it to folks as if they might need it.

There is no clear guidance and we only think in the short term - about 8 years into the future at a time for some strange reason..

It's not a pleasant thing to see the communities around where I am living struggle.. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to solve all of the mysteries of the universe in 20 minutes.