View Full Version : Being Bisexual

Apr 4, 2014, 10:30 PM
Bisexuality means fluidity to me. I am biologically a man and have no issues with that. I love having a penis. At the same time; as I have said elsewhere, I view being bi as to a third gender whose root is pure lust. For the most part we bisexuals are not transients moving from one sex to another, but are set in our own sex, yet are erotically responsive to both men and women, in short we are not exclusive. I can be both passive and aggressive, masculine and feminine entirely based on our moods at the time and who we are with. Being bisexual means to be suspended between worlds, between genders, between sexes... it is a magical place where shaman are born. From the bi's viewpoint the masculine, the gay, the feminine and the straight are interchangeable and equally understandable. To know how it is to take, and to be taken.

Apr 4, 2014, 11:39 PM
My gender and my masculinity are based on being CSI male and not on my mood. My gender is fixed and I am not suspended between genders. I am not transient nor fluid in my gender but my attraction to other’s gender can be fluid. My mood does not affect my attraction to genders. I am in a real place and whether I have shamanistic tendencies is not co related to my sexuality. I am one spirit …not two spirits. I am attracted to one spirited people but I may be attracted to both genders at the same time. I am neither gay nor heterosexual as they are monosexuals and do not have the gift of being attracted to both genders on a sexual and emotional level.

Apr 5, 2014, 2:04 AM
Simply put, we have the best of both worlds.

Apr 5, 2014, 5:01 AM
i am bisexual

Apr 5, 2014, 7:24 AM
I consider myself outwardly straight, mentally gay, but enjoy sex with both male and females.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 5, 2014, 8:53 AM
bisexuality to me means multi faceted... I can be anybody I want to be, explore things, embrace new ideas and understandings..... I guess I share the same understanding as smokey, bisexuality is not what I am, its aspects of me that can shift according to mood, interest, attraction and desire... and bisexuality is not defining whom I am intimate with but also covering the ways in which I can be intimate and why .....

bisexuality for me also means that I can experience a lifestyle as a gay or straight male for a time without denying who I am, which is a bisexual / pansexual person and I am just allowing the dominant aspect of my personality and interests to flow and thats something I enjoy.... seeing the world thru the eyes of others, helps me to understand how my bisexuality shapes me and how others can see me.....

Apr 5, 2014, 5:50 PM
bisexuality to me means multi faceted... I can be anybody I want to be, explore things, embrace new ideas and understandings..... I guess I share the same understanding as smokey, bisexuality is not what I am, its aspects of me that can shift according to mood, interest, attraction and desire... and bisexuality is not defining whom I am intimate with but also covering the ways in which I can be intimate and why .....

bisexuality for me also means that I can experience a lifestyle as a gay or straight male for a time without denying who I am, which is a bisexual / pansexual person and I am just allowing the dominant aspect of my personality and interests to flow and thats something I enjoy.... seeing the world thru the eyes of others, helps me to understand how my bisexuality shapes me and how others can see me.....

Excellent reply... and as far as I am concerned, right on the money.

Apr 5, 2014, 7:15 PM
For me... I am male and I am happy being male. I do not have a man cunt or any such silliness. I have an asshole that enjoys a cock now and then. I am not going to pretend I am female. I am a man who has a distinct feminine side but not as a man pretending to be female but as a man who enjoys being passive and taken. My feminine side informs my softer, gentler aspects whereas my masculine side loves being dominating and taking. Each aspect is part of me but not the whole of me. When I was in my early 20's I cultivated an androgynous appearance and today were I to get dressed up, it would still be androgynous, not a man in drag, but a man in vaguely feminine in dress.

Apr 5, 2014, 8:06 PM
A friend told me that being bisexual (either male or female) is "reaching into someone's pants and being happy with whatever you find there." To me, it's really the most natural and normal thing in the world. Society (spell church) totally screwed up man- and woman-kind with the desire to control and tell us who, when, where, and how we can have physical pleasure. Were the only animals that have such restrictions.

Apr 5, 2014, 9:35 PM
A friend told me that being bisexual (either male or female) is "reaching into someone's pants and being happy with whatever you find there."

Being bi is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Apr 5, 2014, 9:49 PM
Being bi is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
U think so? Dunno bout u, but I read wot's inside the box if I don't kno.. most peeps do don't they?;)

Apr 5, 2014, 9:57 PM
There's a description?

Drunk Uncle
Apr 6, 2014, 1:02 AM
Long Duck Dong nailed it for me as well.

It's been years (thankfully) since I began trying to explain to the woman who would become my wife what "being bisexual" means and Long Duck Dong really did come as close to anything that I've read or been trying to say all these years.

In the early years I went through the whole "am-I-gay?" questioning period and was tormented and bothered and made some bad relationship decisions based on my own fears and insecurities.

It was a huge blessing to find a real ABS with a lot of books and mags that catered to bisexuals (anyone remember ATM - Anything That Moves?) and I read everything I could get my grubby little hands on. Remember, this was pre-Internet for you youngsters out there. :tongue:

Soon after that I got involved with a woman who, for the longest time, self-identified as a lesbian. In addition to all the hot sex we had back then, we also talked and talked and talked about what we'd been through trying to figure out who we were and what we were, and if you took out gender, quite a bit of our experiences were pretty darn similar.

And then, at some point - couldn't tell you when, there doesn't seem to be a certain day or moment - I simply became bisexual.

And my life has been all the better for it.

Apr 6, 2014, 1:47 AM
There's a description?
.... in ne box of choccies I've ever had, sure.... stops us munching them we don't like..an of course helps us make sure we only munch them we do..

Apr 6, 2014, 2:08 AM
Never noticed. Just munch the chocolate.

Apr 6, 2014, 3:57 PM
It's been a rough road, at times, but I've long enjoyed being loved and loving both genders. The differences between the two sexes are sometimes astounding, but still rewarding.

I would never want to revert to being straight...and certainly not gay!

Apr 6, 2014, 5:02 PM
Being bisexual means that I'm neither hetero or homo, but bi. My masculinity has never veered into femininity as far as I can tell. I'm the same person and gender no matter who I'm having sex with, or when not having sex with anybody. It doesn't define me, nor could I define myself as anything else just by assuming another ID. That just doesn't happen for me. I'm all that I am, all of the time.
My lust ebbs & flows, and that's about all that does. That's quite enuf to contend with for me.:rolleyes:

Apr 8, 2014, 9:58 PM
It's been a rough road, at times, but I've long enjoyed being loved and loving both genders. The differences between the two sexes are sometimes astounding, but still rewarding.

I would never want to revert to being straight...and certainly not gay!
I would definitely prefer to be gay, but have always been bisexual. Thus, I definitely envy the range of your loves and experiences with both genders, mine has been much more limited.

Apr 9, 2014, 7:07 AM
A straight person told me once that bisexuals were nothing but half assed queers. A lot of gays I've met have a similar opinion, that we don't have the conviction to be gay... that to claim you are bisexual is kinda like having one foot out of the closet. Comments an attitudes like these makes one wonder if there is anything besides our open ended sexuality to being bisexual.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2014, 8:27 AM
lol smokey..... I have heard that type of thing from different people.... I tend to treat the remark on its merits because its hard to tell how they are saying it in a forum, but in a lot of cases for me, its actually been in the form of a question more than a statement......

for some people they are not able to relate to a fluid sexuality, they may be more used to stability in their life and unable to deal with fluidity so the idea of a fuild ( and in their eyes, hectic lifestyle ) is not something that they can hande...... some people have issues with the opposite gender and do not like the idea that other people do not share the same issues or have the same problems...... and some people are just assholes......

I am more correctly pansexual ( gender and gender identity blind, so to speak ) and the ironic thing is that it confuses the hell out of people because they are not sure how to relate to a person that is just as happy with a hetero, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, cis gender, trans gender, trans sexual, intersex, gender queer etc partner..... and when people realise that its more a case of I am not really seeing the differences between the different groups, that they tend to have more trouble with telling me that I am confused..... hilarious if you ask me.....

most cases of the confused bisexual remarks are because of what bisexuals say, which is they are not able to settle with one gender, they need both genders in order to be more balanced...... and I have noticed in a lot of cases, a lot of people can be talked with and they come to a better understanding about how a fluid sexuality can work..... its just that some people are not that good at talking with people, and immediately go on the defensive and start abusing people

ask yourself..... putting aside everybody elses opinion about bisexuals and bisexuality....how deep and wide do you think your own bisexuality plays a role in your life, friends and social interactions and the answer you give yourself is the best answer you will get, because you will find that a lot of people base their bisexuality around who they fuck.....

I asked the same question of myself... its part of how I became more aware of my pansexuality and the differences between the way I relate to people and the way that others relate to people

Dark Star
Apr 9, 2014, 9:30 AM
I love pussy but I *DO* love to suck a dick on occasion.

Apr 9, 2014, 12:09 PM
I love being bisexual, because I'm able to love a person no matter the gender. Straight & gay people have sexual limits, but we bisexuals are naturally more open then them. Not sure if I would want to change my sexuality to straight or lesbian though, because it can limit me.

Apr 9, 2014, 12:40 PM
A straight person told me once that bisexuals were nothing but half assed queers. A lot of gays I've met have a similar opinion, that we don't have the conviction to be gay... that to claim you are bisexual is kinda like having one foot out of the closet. Comments an attitudes like these makes one wonder if there is anything besides our open ended sexuality to being bisexual.
Yes, bisexuality is also an easy target for bigots, and uncomfortable example of how hetero & homosexuality isn't necessarily carved in stone.
It's not just a sexuality in itself, but a psychophysical thorn in the arse of those who bind sex to love, and commitment to morality. It's not the cause, but a stark example of how societies morality and guidance is flawed. It's much easier to view bisexuality as the flaw.:bigrin:

In the 50's, if the net existed and you came here to Pervert.com and said how you are a bloke but you only like other blokes. You'd be posting about how hetero's (normal people) say that people like you have a mental illness, and are a danger to young boys:


Homosexuality wasn't viewed as a proper sexuality like heterosexuality is. It was a flaw, and a sickness that prevented you to be hetero.
These days it's viewed as one of two normal sexualities.
Bisexuality however has a lot of resistance to being viewed as one of three normal sexualities. It's a confusion of the mind, and a 'foot out of the closet' into homosexuality. It's a sickness that prevents you from being one of the two normal sexualities.:rolleyes:
Society moves on slowly, but Humans will be Humans and will be as vindictive as they please until society tells them it's 'wrong' to be.lol