View Full Version : Same Sex Dreams

Jul 29, 2006, 10:33 AM
How many of you have experienced an erotic same sex dream? Do you have them regularly or is it sporatic? Do you know the people in your dreams?

The reason I ask is that I just had another same-sex dream. But for the first time it was with someone I didn't know. The first three were either with friends from college or my first same-sex crush (my Karuna Reiki master).

In this one, however, my family (husband, 2 sons and myself) and my parents were staying with friends of my parents. Their daughter was...wow...beautiful blonde woman with an etheric quality about her. Well in the dream I accidentally walked in on her in the bathroom while she was getting ready to take a shower. Of course I appologised and went back to the bedroom that my husband and I were using.

THIS is where it gets wierd. In the dream I started fantasizing that she came in and I took her face in my hands and kissed her. After a moment of shocked surprise, she kissed back and we crawled up into the loft bed and made love.

THEN, just as the fantasy was ending, my oldest son came in (in the dream) and told me it was time to get up.

Weird, huh?

Buck Naked
Jul 29, 2006, 11:41 AM
I’ve definitely sucked a few cocks in my dreams (but none in real life :( ). It seems that I have these dreams about both friends and strangers. It’s always weird in these dreams because the recipient seems to often be the least likely person I would expect to be blowing.

I’ve also dreamed that I can lean down and suck myself off which is not even possible IRL. In dream land I’m a hell of a lot more flexible and of course my cock is much longer :bigrin: . When I have the self suck dream I’m always amazed at how easy it is to do and wonder why I haven’t been doing it more, then I wake up! :(

Jul 29, 2006, 11:55 AM
Oh wow :-) I am so happy you asked lol

I had several of these.
I always seem to have the same person in my same sex dream. I can never see her face but I know she was white skinned and had long dark hair (either dark brown or black). We would be kissing and touching sometimes, others it would be going all the way. Other dreams we would just be talking or doing fun things together like baking or antique browsing.

I can never see her face tho... its always blurred or shadowed out. Sometimes I wonder if its a "future dream" that I am being allowed a sneak peak at something about to happen someday. (since most dreams I have where a persons face is blurred or covered actually do happen months later)


Jul 29, 2006, 12:21 PM
I don't seem to have sexual dreams very often at all, but just last week I had a same sex dream that ended in me having to change the sheets.

I don't remember much about the other guy except that he was very buff and very hung. It was a mutual masterbation scenario. In my dream he stroked me until I came, and as I did, I really came. I woke up looked around the room and nobody was there but my sleeping wife. I pulled back the covers groaned at the mess and got up and changed the cover sheet. My wife woke up and had a good laugh.

The whole idea that I had an orgasm and ejaculated without any physcal touch is amazing to me, but I don't want this to become a regular thing. LOL

Jul 29, 2006, 12:29 PM
No not weird at all. Any same sex dreams I have had, I never knew the other woman. How ever I did have this one weird sex dream where I went into my back yard and it had changed and had like a Roman Ampitheater in it. All these men and women were dressed in Togas and skirts. but body parts were exposed. I sat down among the people and then we all started kissing and fondling each other, and then I ended up reverse riding on some guys shoulders where his face was in my crotch and he is walking around eating me and some people are cheering and others are having sex with each other. Then he placed me on top of another woman and I was having sex with her and a couple more women joined in. Then I left her and began having sex with another guy, but this time he was carrying me around while I was riding his manhood, holding on to my butt.

Ok, its not only the weirdest dream for me.. But the best too!

Jul 29, 2006, 1:44 PM
I've had same-sex dreams both about people I know and imaginary people. Both have been really good :rolleyes: I used to dream about my first girl crush a lot, and sometimes I still do; and there's a girl I like at the moment who crops up in my dreams now and again. But I've also had dreams about making love to women I don't ever remember meeting, although maybe there was some visual cue in the daytime to make me dream about them. I wouldn't worry about having dreams about random people :) Often when people seem a little forbidden or unreachable, it makes them more desireable as well...

Jul 29, 2006, 2:27 PM
I normally only have same-sex dreams when I am really horny and need sex. The people's faces are usually blurred and If I can see it I don't know the women. If it has guys they are usually my ex's that I would rather step on than help let alone have any sexual experience with.

Tink :2cents:

Jul 29, 2006, 3:01 PM
Ooooo, one of my favourite subjects. ;)

When I do have them (which is not very often) they're always with people I don't know.

One involved me sleeping in a back room of a big mansion. When a really hot guy came in and we had some hot risque sex. Wait, I assure you this is a same sex dream. So then a little while later, the most beautiful African woman came into the room. Man, was she gorgeous. Anyway, we had even HOTTER and RISKIER sex. It was magnificant! Needless to say, the girl was much better than the guy. :female:

Jul 29, 2006, 3:38 PM
I think it's normal for everyone to have those dreams. I have never had one involving a woman. I have had dreams where I was with other men and the dreams were so real! :bigrin:

Jul 29, 2006, 3:42 PM
I am so jealous of all of you.

I can't remember having a same-sex dream within like.....the past three years. Hell, or even a sex dream at all. In my dreams I usually just end up dead. :wacko: (I originally typed up a post briefly listing the things that I do dream about, but halfway through, I realized that it was getting way out of hand. Perhaps I'll start a topic about not-so-good dreams some time.)

Oh, and in the last girlie dream I had back in high school, her tongue turned into a dagger right as something good was about to happen. :( My subconscious just can't catch a break. :wiggle2:

Jul 29, 2006, 3:42 PM
Ever since I started taking psychotropics regularly, I scarcely remember my dreams. I have dreamed about boys in the past, but not in some time. My last dream I remember :offtopic: was about frolicking with a young woman who was purely the product of my own imagination. It wasn't really sexual, just affectionate. It basically involved a girl blowing my mind with her wit. I wrote a little ditty of a poem about her in the book of Azrael. The last dream I remember before that was my family trying to cut my hair with hedge-clippers :eek:

Jul 29, 2006, 4:41 PM
I have often had sexual dreams with both sexes, the ones I remember the best are the same sex dreams. The most pwerfull one is of me and a friend of mine who is a very fit bicyclist, a very sexy guy but noone I could ever approach.

Jul 29, 2006, 5:42 PM
I so seldom remember any dreams i have. I do emember this one tho, at least the end. It wasn't a same sex dream but as someone who I don't know was entering me it felt sooo good and I woke up. I had to finish things with my vibrator in the other room. mmmmmmmmmmm I wish it had been same-sex.

Jul 29, 2006, 7:00 PM
I do have sexual dreams regarding both genders--they are about equally distributed as to gender and also whether the person is a stranger or someone I know---I also have dreamt often about sucking myself as well---I had one such dream the other night with this theme that was very vivid.

Whether the person is male or female-my dreams place me suddenly in bed with them and we are having sex--the dream will jump from us doing something simple like walking down the street--I might even be alone then the next thing--I am in bed with someone having sex with them....

I had one like this rather recently where I was with a guy I did not know--I had been riding my bike and came upon this lake I did not even know was there and stopped at this little group of houses to just look at the lake and rest a bit before I had to turn around to return to my car.

It was daylight when I first arrived there, then things jumped-- I met this guy who offered me to stay at his home since a bad storm had come up.
Then the next thing-- night had fallen--we were walking on the beach watching these huge waves crash into the shore, the wind was blowing hard and the moon had come out making the foam of the waves glow a neon blue color -- the scene changed once again to us being in his bed with me giving him head with that neon blue light filling the room....

When I have such dreams and I wake up--they are so vivid that I do find at least a little fluid coming from my very erect penis--one time some years back, I actually did cum from such a dream but mostly--I have to take direct action and finish what my mind and body have started but not completed....

Jul 30, 2006, 2:02 AM
I've had dreams that involved:
me giving oral sex to a male friend, auto fellatio, fucking/getting fucked by men in a group sex experience, having sex with women, getting plowed by a woman, fisting a woman and then giving her oral sex, group sex with a man and a woman, a FMF 3 some with the man getting plowed, fucking random men, fucking male friends, fucking female friends, fucking random women, getting fellatio from male a friend while another male friend fucked him, making out/kissing men, getting fucked by a man who was being fucked by another guy and then having them piss on me in the shower, dreams about mutual masturbation with men, I had a dream where my two male friends that don't like each other how the one fucked the other one with a strapon and made me watch, dreams about rubbing around with men, dreams about bondage with men, and I had one once where I got kidnapped by two women got tied to their bed and they used their sex toys on me. The women then turned out to be aliens from space! :eek:

I hope this isn't TMI for all of you. No, I'm not making any of it up.

Jul 30, 2006, 2:07 AM
I've had dreams about both sexes, but my same sex dreams were usually someone I actually had sex with back in the day - but they weren't memories - they were whole new sexual encounters with the guys I used to be with long ago.

Have had a few with recognizable hostorical figures too :tongue: those were wild indeed!!!!

Jul 30, 2006, 2:15 AM
Most of my same sex dreams are almost awaken dreams, something i put myself to sleep with.
I have also had sleeping ones,and some of the people in them are wierd.
People i would never sleep with, ever.
Most are fine.
It seems to be all forplay and never getting down to sex in my dreams.
Call my shrink i need a session.

Jul 30, 2006, 9:47 AM
Not wierd at all. You take good care angel, and don't worry.

Jul 30, 2006, 11:11 AM
Once in a while I will have a dream where I find myself in same-sex intimate play. It so far hasn't been anything more than oral.

Come to think of it, that's the same boundary so far with opposite-sex dreams as well.

A common element with both as well is that I haven't actually ever had full-on penetrative sex in a dream with someone I've been sexual with in real-life. Never with a guy from the past. Never with an ex-girlfriend, never with my wife or with anyone I'm currently interested in. I appear to be a virgin at dream sex.

On the other hand, sweeties have told me that I have been in some dreams of theirs, having all kinds of sex with them. One day I would really like to say "damn you were good overnight". :)