View Full Version : Some video segments worth watching…

Mar 30, 2014, 4:06 AM
This first video segment, comes from Jon Stewart and the Daily Show---its a interview Stewart recently did with Malala, the young woman who was shot by the Taliban because she supports something very fundamental and essential---education for females.


This is a short video done by the British Humanist Society, and no matter one's view on the existence of God, if something or anything lies beyond this life or not and big questions of that nature-----the things laid out here as far as I am concerned are pretty damned good prescriptions for we human beings to live a decent and fulfilled life:


I hope that whoever watches both videos likes them both and I know for me, I am going to get the book that Malala has written---for a 16-year old young lady--she surely is a wise soul and the things she talks about---we all need to consider and take to heart because no matter one's ideological worldview---I think there can be no doubt the "Essential Liberties" as Benjamin Franklin called them---are under threat all over the world from many sources.

I had to come back and add this one-----I won't talk about it--but it's worth watching too:
