View Full Version : curious

Mar 23, 2014, 1:44 AM
I haven't been with a guy before but i did have a friend suck my sick while i was asleep. There are also a couple times after me and the same guy did stuff in public.i jacked him off and he sucked me off. I am curious to try more but i am scared it will cause me relationship problems and it will cause me problems when i join the military any help?

Mar 23, 2014, 3:06 AM
Welcome to the site, CJ. I hope you find the answers you've hoped for.......but I'm betting that you already have them inside you!

I'll begin with something that's been advised over and over again: "Only YOU know what's best for YOU and you should do what you feel is best for YOU!"

I've learned that if you appreciate and enjoy same-gender interactions and are compelled to act upon sexual and/or emotional impulses with both genders, you are bisexual. And, any attempt to force yourself to be anything else, could cause your life to be in turmoil for as long as you live. It'll be best to resolve these questions as early in life, as possible!

If you're read many of these threads, you know that there are many different theories on this subject.

Some have lived a monogamous lifestyle with a single opposite-gender mate, even though they claim to be bisexual.

Some have been totally out and open to their lovers, friends and even families.

Some have carefully hidden their cravings for same-gender interactions and have only explored that side of themselves covertly.

Others have denied themselves that experience and have never actually been in a relationship, or even had one, ever!

There's many more examples, but you can see, there's no one answer to fit all!

Each of us should do what we feel is best for us. But, as a life-long bisexual, who has made more than my share of mistakes, I would say that the sooner you figure out what is best for you to do, the better.

for me, personally, It would have been most rewarding for me to accept my bisexuality and revealed it to my potential lovers, in the beginning of relationships. I would have never advertised my sexual proclivities to the world, but certainly should have been more open with those I trusted and cared for.

Under NO circumstances would I have ever come out to my family! If you knew them, you'd understand why! I have no interest in their sexual practices and I certainly wouldn't want to share mine with them! To be fair, many feel differently and they should reveal themselves, or not. No one should influence you to do anything you feel is not right for you!

Apparently, you're young and just beginning this adventure called life. I hope you choose the route that is best for your sanity and is the best option for peace and fulfillment in the future.

Good luck to you!

Mar 23, 2014, 4:49 AM
Real I always appreciate your posts. You words to CT are right on the money. There is nothing as personal as sexual desire, under no reason are they anyone else's business or for evaluation. Pretty unusual actually in todays society. Interestingly, todays new reports Michigan wants to rescind same sex marriage. Society is attempting to manage personal sexual based relationships. When I was teaching elementary school over 50% of my kids were from divided/separated families. I found that quite a statement on society as well.

Mar 23, 2014, 6:35 AM
Welcome to the site, CJ. I hope you find the answers you've hoped for.......but I'm betting that you already have them inside you!

I'll begin with something that's been advised over and over again: "Only YOU know what's best for YOU and you should do what you feel is best for YOU!"

I've learned that if you appreciate and enjoy same-gender interactions and are compelled to act upon sexual and/or emotional impulses with both genders, you are bisexual. And, any attempt to force yourself to be anything else, could cause your life to be in turmoil for as long as you live. It'll be best to resolve these questions as early in life, as possible!

If you're read many of these threads, you know that there are many different theories on this subject.

Some have lived a monogamous lifestyle with a single opposite-gender mate, even though they claim to be bisexual.

Some have been totally out and open to their lovers, friends and even families.

Some have carefully hidden their cravings for same-gender interactions and have only explored that side of themselves covertly.

Others have denied themselves that experience and have never actually been in a relationship, or even had one, ever!

There's many more examples, but you can see, there's no one answer to fit all!

Each of us should do what we feel is best for us. But, as a life-long bisexual, who has made more than my share of mistakes, I would say that the sooner you figure out what is best for you to do, the better.

for me, personally, It would have been most rewarding for me to accept my bisexuality and revealed it to my potential lovers, in the beginning of relationships. I would have never advertised my sexual proclivities to the world, but certainly should have been more open with those I trusted and cared for.

Under NO circumstances would I have ever come out to my family! If you knew them, you'd understand why! I have no interest in their sexual practices and I certainly wouldn't want to share mine with them! To be fair, many feel differently and they should reveal themselves, or not. No one should influence you to do anything you feel is not right for you!

Apparently, you're young and just beginning this adventure called life. I hope you choose the route that is best for your sanity and is the best option for peace and fulfillment in the future.

Good luck to you!

This is a great response. Honestly its kind of what I needed to hear as well after having my first gay encounter a couple days ago and as well as with own comfort level of not being "out" as bisexual in public life. Everyone needs to do what's right for them no matter what.

Mar 24, 2014, 8:25 PM
I am afraid to do anything. I don't know if i am ready to do anything. I have had a few other guys blow me in my car but that's about it

Mar 26, 2014, 1:22 AM
I think I could've written this same post. I too have the curiosities and I guess the best way to describe it would be the nervousness. Our situations are different but still much the same. I was introduced to M2M sex at an early age by a cousin. Whether you consider what he and did or what he got me to do with him right or wrong I'm sure it helped to plant the seed later in life for me. I largely stayed with girls only except once in my 20s and although I did enjoy the experience (it was oral only) I never really sought out more even though I did fantasize about it and enjoyed gay or bi porn. I was worried about what my friends would say if they knew what my GF and later my wife would say or think. I was worried, so I hid it.

Fast sti forward to now. I've been married and divorced and re-married to a younger and more open wife now. I reluctantly told her of my fantasies when we were still dating. Lucky for me she found it a turn on and had no problems with it. I'm now in my early 40s and I still haven't had more encounters with men though I do still think about it, and want to act on it, but fear of disease, fear of how I integrate that into my marriage and fear in general still about my friends & family knowing slow me down. I'm happy my wife knows about me and that I don't have worry about being "caught" with the porn or whatever. I'm glad I could at least share and not be ostracized because of my feelings or desires. However I do wish I could make up for that lost time spent hiding and feeling ashamed or scared.

my point to you CJ is from what I can gather you are young and testing things out. If that's the case, run with it. Don't let fear hold you back. Now is the time for you to find out what you really want. Some may disagree, but if I could go back for a re-do that's exactly what I'd do. I'd explore my desires and find out about myself. Who knows what will happen, and honestly who cares? What's the worst that could happen to you? You could find out that relationship you're worried about messing up is more solid than you thought, maybe the person in the relationship with you would get turned on by your desires, or maybe not. Maybe you decide that you enjoy sex with men and find a way to involve your girl. There are many three member relationships out there too. Maybe you end up exploring a little more & find that while you like blow jobs, maybe guys just aren't for you. I'm sure either way you will end happier later in life if you allow yourself to explore and find out. No matter what happens the end result will surely be better than having to wonder if you missed out forever.

as far as the relationship concerns, sure it has the potential to kill a relationship, who knows maybe you end up in a better one later because it that one ended, or maybe not! No one can predict the future, but I can tell you this you decide who you tell about your experiences. You can always come to a site like to "confess" your exploits or desires anonymously. All I know is I read posts on here all the time from men in their 50s that lament over lost time or being trapped with a wife that would never understand. You have the opportunity right now to decide your life's path before you get "stuck", but no one can decide for you or answer questions about your future.

Hope my insight helps, and wasn't too much rambling! Good luck to you and feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to.

Apr 30, 2014, 7:39 AM
You're lucky to be living in these times.

The army changed its dont ask dont tell, and state after state is legalizing gay marriage.

Nobody cares anymore if a guy sucked one dick in his life and nobody cares anymore if a guy sucks 5 cocks a day anymore either. If your desires are telling you to do it then you should do it. Your concern about relationships is valid and friends of the same sex - especially long time and/or close friends - who have gay sex together after their friendship has been sealed - don't remain friends after they do it and if they do their relationship will and can't ever be the same as it was before they hooked up.

But there are lots and lots of other guys out there so if you're really concerned about doing it with someone then don't - and go out and find another one.

Good luck have fun and remember is only sex we're talking about here.