View Full Version : bisexual, biracial and atheists. ...im soo open minded lol!

Mar 14, 2014, 11:51 PM
Being that i get to sit back and watch so many different types of life...and even though my views may differ from just about everyone i know and i feel ssomewhat alone i take joy in knowing im not a carbon copy.

I use to hate being mixed and bisexual and i even thought about faking a belief in a higher power to conform. ..but nah i like me , didnt use to i do now.

But i do sometimes feel sorry for those who try so hard to fit into what society deems as normal or common and tosses away who they really are for a need of acceptance.

You dont have to identify with one particularly race ,You dont have to be out as a bisexual or an atheist or be out that your into someone who is bisexual or an atheist , just be honest with yourself, ive learned there is more comfort in accepting yourself than having others accept you.

I say im soo open cause givin my background and my struggles i could be bitter withdrawn and closed minded, but im not , that diversity has givin me an opportunity most wont get. ...

Just something thats been on my mind lately.

Mar 15, 2014, 6:58 AM
Nice post and well said. As a bisexual atheist I too have had my struggles but now in my fifties have come to accept and love who I am and see with clarity all is as it should be.

Mar 15, 2014, 7:33 AM
Thank you for sharing this insight, reminder.

Mar 15, 2014, 7:42 AM
Great thread biblkman!

In the past, I've had issues with trying to define myself to myself. Accepting myself has been a boon to my inner peace and ability to function in a world as an alien!

I, too, have long thought I was different than anyone I knew and felt out of place in many different societies, communities, and especially in my own family. Some of my most compelling likes and interests, seemed to be unlike those of almost everyone I knew.

I was attracted to things few others were....and I'm still like that today. I struggled with my sexuality and opposing interests, since my earliest recollections. In my early 20s, I finally began to look back at my successful and unsuccessful associations with others and began to gravitate toward those with whom I could relate.

I never had a lot of friends, but those I did have (after I began being ME) were more loyal and compatible than when I was trying to fit in with the crowd.

Kudos for those who know who they are and are real enough to survive in a sea of difference!

Mar 16, 2014, 12:08 PM
I fully understand! I was different all my life, that's why I was teased in school for years for being too weird. I accepted my sexuality in my early 20's only. Like Realist I have/ had only few people in my life as true friends, who accepted me as I am.

Mar 16, 2014, 3:40 PM
Well said

Mar 16, 2014, 3:50 PM
I agree, well said. It is difficult trying to fine the real ME. In my case I think it took years. I wish that this forum had been available to me to vent my frustrations with that process when I was in my teenage and 20's/