View Full Version : Of Myths and Monsters..lol

Mar 9, 2014, 9:42 PM
I know this is going to sound completely weird but I dont care..:} I collect what I call Myths and Monsters. I love stuff that has to do with local legends and stories from all over the world. Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie, Champ, Ogo Pogo, Yoway, Chupacabre, Jersey Devil and countless others. I had a teeny tiny blown glass Nessie years ago and what I'd Like to do is see if I can get something from each state. That would be so very cool. Thus far, all I have is a small Bigfoot in a snow globe...lol

If you have a myth, legend, or Monster from your local area, tell me about them. I could probably send you some money to have you purchase a figurine or something to send me. It would be great. :bigrin:

So what kinds of beasties do You have going bump in your local night? :yikes2:
Cat..weird person...lol.

Mar 9, 2014, 9:55 PM
I live in south central Kentucky and here's a link of some myths and legends from around here. Don't think there are any trinkets associated with them though.


Mar 9, 2014, 9:59 PM
Well ,Here in my area of Traverse city MI. We have Dogman. Which was just made into a movie. Not sure if there is a figurine for it. You can google it for more info.

Mar 9, 2014, 11:09 PM
When the Dutch first settled New York in 1609, the Wappingers Indians told the Dutch to stay away from an area in the Hudson Valley they called "The Devils Playground". They explained to the Dutch that there were mysterious phenomenon there, and that there were spirits there that they did not want to even talk about, fearing that if they did, they would give these spirits even more power.

When I heard of this, I stared to go to every Native American Pow Wow that I could. I would politely ask if I could speak with some Elders,and a lot of times they would say that they had heard of it, and nothing more...Finally I did speak to an Elder, and he said that in Hunter Mountain (NY State) that there is a rock formation that at a certain time of the day, at a point in the setting summer sun you can see the face of the Devil. I thanked the man and shook his hand... I turned around to ask him one more question, and he was gone.

Mar 10, 2014, 6:53 AM
Well.. we have a few.... kelpies an selkies, water horses and wulvers, Boobries an brownies, washer women an Sawney Bean the cannibal, and Nessie an Morag, fairy flags at Dunvegan, several apparitions of Mary Queen Of Scots, including her in page boy kit at Borthwick castle.. many otha ghosties an ghoulies... headless drummer boys at Edinburgh Castle bein' 1... an' that Arthur's Seat wos 1ce where a giant slept.. course we also have Bruce and the Spider, an red caps an fachens an a mill an 1 otha myths an legends..

me favourite? That me grannie umpteen times removed slept wiv Johnny Armstrong so he wudn't nick her cattle an wot little else of value she had... no child wos forthcoming but so much fun wos she that bad boy Johnny left her wiv 'er cows... Johnny Armstrong btw wos a 16th century reiver hung in end... me gr8 gran wos like moi, obviously bit of a tart if true.... is only family legend so is prob bollocks... but I put more faith in the story of Grannie Elliot an' bad boy Johnny than I do of most otha myths an legends, family or othawise.:impleased. I just want 2 believe it..

Mar 10, 2014, 8:53 AM
Used to go to the Isle of Arran for the odd holiday.. also been ther for the odd mucky weekend... is a luffly place.. there is a legend that if the White Stag of Arran is spotted it is there to escort the chief of the Hamilton's who used to own the place to the hereafter... is meant to b lucky if one spots it.. not for chief of the Hamilton clan hey?
Well.. we have a few.... kelpies an selkies, water horses and wulvers, Boobries an brownies, washer women an Sawney Bean the cannibal, and Nessie an Morag, fairy flags at Dunvegan, several apparitions of Mary Queen Of Scots, including her in page boy kit at Borthwick castle.. many otha ghosties an ghoulies... headless drummer boys at Edinburgh Castle bein' 1... an' that Arthur's Seat wos 1ce where a giant slept.. course we also have Bruce and the Spider, an red caps an fachens an a mill an 1 otha myths an legends..

me favourite? That me grannie umpteen times removed slept wiv Johnny Armstrong so he wudn't nick her cattle an wot little else of value she had... no child wos forthcoming but so much fun wos she that bad boy Johnny left her wiv 'er cows... Johnny Armstrong btw wos a 16th century reiver hung in end... me gr8 gran wos like moi, obviously bit of a tart if true.... is only family legend so is prob bollocks... but I put more faith in the story of Grannie Elliot an' bad boy Johnny than I do of most otha myths an legends, family or othawise.:impleased. I just want 2 believe it..

Mar 10, 2014, 8:56 AM
Someone wrote: "... me gr8 gran wos like moi, obviously bit of a tart if true...."

A BIT of a TART?!......REALLY, only a bit?

Mar 10, 2014, 8:56 AM
We live approximately 45 min to an hour from the area surrounding the
Moth Man. Think a consensus is held it turns out moth man is neither
moth nor man, rather a mutated crane. And this does seem to make sense
as in Nitro, WV there are old ammo and chemical dumps. Seems logical
to figure most any critter could mutate in swampy soups of chemicals.

Mar 10, 2014, 9:09 AM
Someone wrote: "... me gr8 gran wos like moi, obviously bit of a tart if true...."

A BIT of a TART?!......REALLY, only a bit?
.. an wot else luffly but cheeky Realist is a girl who is less than 155 cms? That's 5'1 in old money.... lickle.. therefore a bit of a tart...

Mar 10, 2014, 1:21 PM
I live on the coast about an hour away from Willow Creek, CA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willow_Creek,_California). It's considered the home of Bigfoot. The legend of Bigfoot, of course, isn't limited to Northern CA and there have been sighting all the way north to Washington and beyond.

Mar 10, 2014, 1:55 PM
We have Dai Dark patrolling the local valley mountains looking for kids camping out to traumatize. There are a few old mines around and plenty of dying went on inside them, legend says. Dai Dark is one pissed off miner who hates kids that camp out...apparently.:eek2:

Mar 10, 2014, 4:42 PM
*Note to self* Hmmmm, Fran is big enough to throw over my shoulder to make off with her, and have my wicked ways with...... Mmmmmm...lo
Cheeky Cat

Mar 10, 2014, 4:44 PM
And Real? She's a tart, but a tasty tart I'm betting..lol ;)

Mar 10, 2014, 6:51 PM
Uhuh... tasty?Has been sed Cat... by moi 'mong othas..:cutelaugh. Like 2 think of mesel as a lickle hot 'n a tadge spicy...:impleased A few have even agreed ova me life..... wich is nice. Have of course been called much less flattering names.. o well. None of us r perfect...:eek2:

Mar 10, 2014, 7:47 PM
We live approximately 45 min to an hour from the area surrounding the Moth Man.

Is the local legend the same as the movie? I thought the film actually presented a good old-fashioned "ghost" story in a captivating way. I was very creeped out by a few scenes. For example, the one when the phone rang and the voice knew what he line he was reading in the hotel Bible. Eeek.

Mar 11, 2014, 8:29 AM
Is the local legend the same as the movie? I thought the film actually presented a good old-fashioned "ghost" story in a captivating way. I was very creeped out by a few scenes. For example, the one when the phone rang and the voice knew what he line he was reading in the hotel Bible. Eeek.

From what I am led to understand, it is like the one in the movie. Though mostly folks just see something weird.
The bridge did collapse though.

Not so much afraid regarding Moth Man. More fearful of folks in Logan County. Rumor suggests they
are cannibals, inbred and such. Course you got rumors of all kinds. *shrugs*

Mar 11, 2014, 9:24 PM
Where I am at down here in Central Florida for the winter and will most likely make a permanent move to by year's end, there are several mythical creatures--both along the lines of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch----I am very close to the vast expanses of The Ocala National Forest and not too far as well from The Green Swamp with both areas having their own "swamp man" sort of creature that goes by various names.

I have been doing some riding around in the area taking little day trips to places relatively near me---and it is amazing---one minute you can be in "civilization" and a few minutes later---be out in the middle of deep, dark swamps complete with cypress trees, Live Oaks covered with thick Spanish Moss, and "oh black water, keep on rolling…." You know that there are plenty of cottonmouth snakes, big snapping turtles and "big ole' gators!" out there---along with whatever else. Surely there are plenty of black bear and some Florida panther. There are also some big, nasty, scary and dangerous wild boar. I saw a really big one lying dead alongside the road, when I was taking a day trip out to Cedar Key on Sunday. I sure would not have wanted to been the one to hit that thing and even more----would not want to be out in the woods with that thing close by----it could tear a person up with the tusks it had.

You can see how at the very least, the mind plays tricks on people and makes them at least think there are weird creatures out there.

Back in Ohio though, believe it or not----it is said that Ohio has Bigfoot types of creatures and some years back---someone in Ohio recorded what is considered to be one of the best "howls" from a Bigfoot/Sasquatch creature and from my "hillbilly" and native American friends up there----they say that they have always considered there to be such creatures living in Ohio--mostly in the hilly to semi-mountainous southern portions of the state.

Mar 12, 2014, 6:40 AM

I love those ghosts and myths too. There are loads of legend of the Leni Lenapi Indians of Delaware. A Google search will find them. You might too want to search "Patty Cannon" an interesting lady.


Mar 16, 2014, 12:23 PM
I believe that some myths can be based on truth. People in Russia & Zimbabwe truly believe in the existence of mermaids. There is one mysterious lake in Karelya state, Russia, where a lot of men drown. Locals say they get lured by mermaids, who's voice sounds like dolphin and they hypnotize them to get into water. In North Africa people are serious about shapeshifting magic. If people go out in the evening for a drink or just hang out, they don't come back in the morning to their home, because in the dark people, who change into animals, come out.

From my personal experience I truly believe in the existence of ghosts. I had a real situation few years back. For a while I spend nights in my mothers apartment, and in the room I was sleeping I had a feeling someones touching me. In the middle of the night someone was knocking on the door and walking around the apartment. Once I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shadow looking at me. After a while my mom told me that previous owner of the apartment died recently. I got freaked out.