View Full Version : An Odd Week of Coming out.

Mar 9, 2014, 1:02 PM
I had this really odd week where I gotted outed, and where I came out. Last Sunday my fwb called me in a panic telling me his wife somehow had gotten into his emails and read some explict messages between us. Now, I know his wife and we have all gone out and hung out. She simply things that we are co-workers. Needless to say, she catches her husband with messages from me about wanting to suck his cock, so he is busted and at the same time I am mortified that somone knows my secrete; aside from him, no one knows; he had to give us up. So know he's in a panic and so am I. A few days later things calm down and I start to feel better.

A few days later, I'm at home having some wine sexting my girlfriend. She is pretty cool, but doens't know my secrete. Well, I started teasing her about dildos and strap-ons and the wine started to kick in and I was feeling cocky, and I blurted it out that I was bi. She fucking went nuts. She is more excited about me being bi and is dying to try new things with me. Obviously, bringing in a third is still in the fantasy stage, but hello to the new dildos and strap-ons.

So in essence, my buddy had to out me because we were caught, then a few days later I out myself to my girlfriend. I've been hiding this secrete for years, but in one week my secrete comes out with two different expereinces and results.

One thing I do know, there is a huge sense of relief after having told my girlfriend; a new type of connection on a whole other leve.

Anyways, I thought I would share.


Mar 9, 2014, 1:56 PM
Glad to hear your girlfriend is into you being bi, sorry about your FWB.

Mar 11, 2014, 9:44 PM
Funny I just responded on another thread that I think that if more men would be brave and tell their wives or girlfriends about their bisexual desires, they would be surprised of the results. Many women like myself LOVE the idea of bisexual men and love to participate. I do think the men really have to not feel ashamed or embarrassed about their desires for another man.

Belle in Boston

Mar 11, 2014, 10:52 PM
Seems like the difference in outcome is related to being out to those who should know your sexual orientation and those who should not know.

Mar 12, 2014, 5:37 AM
I've been out to lovers, FWBs, and a very few close friends. The reactions were drastically different. Some accepted it, some were appalled, and some indifferent. With others, who I knew would never accept it, I've kept my secret.

We each have different feelings about who to tell and who not to. I'm comfortable with how I've shared that information, or not, and we each should do what our conscience dictates.

The reactions that surprised me the most, were those who reacted in ways I'd never suspect. A few straight people were indifferent, they could have cared less. Some broke off any further connection, reacting emotionally and obviously repulsed....that shocked me! A few not only accepted, but expressed interest in joining me!

The longest same-gender relationship I ever had began that way.

When my present GF learned I was bisexual, she expressed an interest in possibly being part of a closed-loop triad, or 4-some. We haven't actually made much of an effort to join with others, but the option is there.

So, in my case, the results to my coming out has had both detrimental and beneficial effects.

It's a lottery!