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Jul 27, 2006, 8:47 PM
I'm always fascinated by what people choose to adorn themselves with, as well as the meaning behind said ink. I have a Celtic shield on my back inbetween my shoulderblades. It has four triquetras which intersect at the center to form an eye. It's a paranoia thing, really. A shield, with an eye, on my back. Always watching my back :bigrin:

Jul 27, 2006, 9:15 PM
I have a vine of thorns on my ankle with 3 hearts entwined in it. I've had my heart pricked a time or two, I guess.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:19 PM
I have a heart with a dagger through it on my left forearm. A sun on my upper right arm and I am getting a tattoo of a rooster on my left thigh on August 1st.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:24 PM
I have a butterfly on the inside of my left wrist. I had always wanted a tattoo but let people talk me out of it for one reason or another. Finally did it after going through a painful divorce from an abusive husband. Was a gift to myself and is a reminder of the fact that no matter how much crap I put up with in the past, today I am stronger, happier, and healthier than I ever thought I could be.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:24 PM
I am getting a tattoo of a rooster on my left thigh on August 1st.
whooo hooo I can't wait to see that one.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:25 PM
I have a sun between my shoulder blades with the chinese symbol for strength (got that after my divorce was final), I have 3 horseshoes intertwined on my ankle with the first inital of my kid's names (the one in the middle is a baby I miscarried) and I have one on top if my foot, its a cross with angel wings and a halo with Proverbs 3 written underneath it (when I came to faith). Oh and I have my tounge pierced, which i got 3 days before I got baptized last summer. I think thats about it....although I want another tattoo, just haven't figured out what.


Its better to be hated for who you are....then liked for who you are not!

Jul 27, 2006, 9:25 PM
I don't have it yet, but I plan to get the Japanese character for insect on the back of my neck. It's kind of in the vein of the barcode thing. To the planet, we're all insects.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:36 PM
I've got the kanji for Reiki on my lower back right side. I'm a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and energy healing will always be a part of my life. It's my healing arts foundation.

I want another tattoo one of these days but I don't know what yet. Since I'm decorating my body and it will be with me for ther rest of my life, I want my next tattoo to be as significant as my first.

Jul 27, 2006, 9:49 PM
I have a Celtic Cross on my right thigh--the pic is on my profile--it has a ying/yang symbol in the middle---I plan to get more tatts at some point

Jul 27, 2006, 10:11 PM
I would love a stylized Green Lantern symbol or characterization on my left deltoid, but the wife becomes irrational anytime I mention it. She thinks it would be dorky and ugly. I tried to explain that I don't see it that way. She actually threatened to get a spider tattooed on her face if I got mine, though I doubt she really would.

Briefly I resented her trying to have that much control over me and my body. It even spilled over into resentment over control over my sexuality but the more I thought about it I realized that she is much more important to me than a tattoo or anything it symbolizes.

If it meant that much to me I would just get it and deal with the week of bitchapalooza and the occasional dig about it for the rest of our lives, but it doesn't.

Jul 27, 2006, 10:14 PM
I am have no idea what I would like. Gonna have to think about it.

Jul 27, 2006, 10:50 PM
I currently only have one: it is of a butterfly/worm like thing with the words " In memory of Matthew Dat" around it. I will put a pic of it on my profile. I did this before the anniversary of my youngest birthday/death.
I will be getting 2 more one of Pikachu (my oldest in my little monster) and Wigglytuff (my youngest has this little tuff of hair that wont lay down no matter how short i cut it and he wont sit still) I will be getting them when I loose the 40lb i am still carrying from my pregnancy's with them. (20lb a piece).

I also have a belly ring and a tongue ring and I want to get a genital piercing just don't know what yet.

Jul 28, 2006, 1:13 AM
Here it goes:
Left arm: Cross and rose with tribal wrap around. My nieghborhood name in old Viking runes and my lastest add-on (one week old) a bear paw like the one on my avatar
Right arm: Harley Davidson winged shield with tribal wrap around and my wifes name in old Viking runes.
Upper left back: A four-leaf clover with my first-borns name and birthdate. He was born on St. Pattys Day.
Upper right back: A winged dragon.
Left leg outside of calf: Tribal red-eyed vampire.
Right leg outside of calf: Red eyed vampire skull with missing lower jaw. This will be reworked in the next two weeks.
Lower right ankle: A unique tribal. Little stickmen in grass skirts each one holding on to the others spear. It goes around the ankle.

Now...Hows about posting some pics form some of you human canvases??? :paw: :paw:

Rose Lousie Bennett
Jul 28, 2006, 1:33 AM
As of right now I only have two, but would love to get more. The two I have are on my lower back. One in the center of my lower back is a Kanji of the symbol Dragon, and about two inches to the right of that is a sea dragon/sea horse.

Jul 28, 2006, 4:50 AM
I couldn't resist.

What is it about 'ink' that once you get one...it never ends just there?

I have 7 (seven) tattoos.

I have several insect related tattoos: on my forearms (left: northern black widow spider); (right: cicada). On my upper right arm, I have a band of ants crawling all the way around my arm. On my upper left arm, I have a bee. I have a ladybug on my left shoulder blade.

On my shoulders: (left: Nirvana's Nevermind); (right: A negative) - that being my blood type. I'm getting a preying mantis on my inner forearm; a dragonfly on the other (not sure which will be which) but I LOVE INK!! ;)

Jul 28, 2006, 8:06 AM
I Have several Ideas of tattoos I want but I have yet to get any. Ive had my bf draw up some pictures of that tattoos I want and they look like they are gonna turn out good, just have to find a good tattoo artist :)

Jul 28, 2006, 8:32 AM
I've got a dwarven fighter kinda over my heart, mrs. tru thinks that what best fits me.

Going to get something on my back to symbolize the accident that fractured two vertebrae this spring, just not sure yet how it'll be yet.

Jul 28, 2006, 9:38 AM
I have 5 tats. A dolphin in waves wraparound on my left ankle, a small seahorse that needs to be redone on the other side of that ankle, a chain and lock on my right ankle, a sun and moon combined (both female faces) that I got to celebrate my bisexuality on my right calf, and one on the small of my back that has an angel looking down into it's reflection in water and a demon looking back.

I love ink.

Jul 28, 2006, 10:37 AM
I have a large butterfly on my right shoulder, it is rainbow in colors. Symbolizes that I am no longer who I once was.

Jul 28, 2006, 11:12 AM
I don't have any ink yet, but I've been planning a tat for some time now- my daughter's name across my lower abdomen, from hipbone to hipbone. I can honestly say it's the only thing I can think of I'd want on me when I'm 90. ;)

Driver 8
Jul 28, 2006, 11:53 AM
I would love a stylized Green Lantern symbol or characterization on my left deltoid, but the wife becomes irrational anytime I mention it.
That's because she knows perfectly well it goes on your finger first.

Jul 28, 2006, 12:20 PM
you can see my ink in my profile photos. I'm ading a special tattoo over the top of that one. It will be a Wiccan Pentacle done in an ink that only shows up under blacklight.

It will symbolize a few things. Under normal light, my first tatto is easily visible, and the scars from the second one will be barely detectable. The first religion I was forced into was Christianity. My chosen religion is Wicca. The Pentacle being done in Blacklight ink will symbolize my chosen religion, the fact the Christianity tried to destroy Paganism and hide it (thus the 2nd tattoo will not be visible under regular light), that they tried to absorb it and perverted their own religion to assimilate Paganism. But we are still here, and if you look, you can see us if we choose to reveal ourselves (thus the blacklight visibility).

Jul 28, 2006, 1:33 PM
I don't have any tattoos, but I designed this (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/32027063/) one for my lovely ex-boyfriend :)

Jul 28, 2006, 4:15 PM
Here's the only pic of mine. I've lost a lot of weight since I had it done. Eventually I'll get a close up shot. It's strange to look at old photos of myself. I went from 230 to 160 :cool:

Jul 28, 2006, 4:35 PM
Going to get something on my back to symbolize the accident that fractured two vertebrae this spring, just not sure yet how it'll be yet.
That reminds me of one I'd want, but would be too afraid of getting... Ink of my spine on my spine.

I have fractures, too... But they're microfractures and unrelated to the tattoo idea.

Jul 28, 2006, 6:23 PM
That's because she knows perfectly well it goes on your finger first.

But my finger doesn't have all these lovely muscles. ;)

Jul 28, 2006, 9:38 PM
Ugh! Now I can't decide WHAT I want to get next.

I was considering feathered wings on my back because when I did healing work, I worked with Angelic energies. I was also considering a tree frog on the back of my calf because Hubby's Mom (she passed 7 years ago) loved frogs and I'd love to do something in her memory.

Originally I wanted a sun and moon kissing with the sun being male and the moon, female to represent Balance in my life. I never really thought of it as being a representation of bisexuality, but, wow...that'd be another good reason for that tat.

And no, I'm not going to get all of them done. I just want one more..maybe two.

Jul 28, 2006, 9:52 PM
I eventually want vines up both legs, a Celtic Pentacle with circles touching the points of the pentagon within, A roman numeral V as I am the fifth to carry my name, perhaps eventually some other things. Lots of them :bigrin:

Jul 30, 2006, 10:14 AM
I have 2005 (C6) corvette flags about 5 inches wide on the front part of my upper leg. Yeah goofy, but I am a corvette addict......

Jul 30, 2006, 10:53 AM
I have a bearpaw on my upper left arm with flames all around it. My wife's chat nick has 'flame' as part of it.

She was right about something back in March, when I got my first ink: There will be more, eventually.

Jul 30, 2006, 4:24 PM
Upper right arm: big cross with roses surrounding it and a banner that reads eph 2:8

Lower right arm: Scary guy modified from the Metallica binge and purge set

Right calf: Three skulls on chains surrounded by flames, the skulls are laughing, crying, and screaming...I'm bi polar, what can I say?

Left calf: St. Michael standing on the devil with sword drawn after he has slayed the Beast

Next one will be on the upper left arm, probably of something involving skulls

After that I plan on putting my boy's names on each shoulder.

Jul 30, 2006, 8:30 PM
I have thought about the vesuvian man

Jul 30, 2006, 9:50 PM
I thought of the Goat of Mendes, or rather the Baphomet of the Templars by Eliphas Levi, to represent androgyny. I would probably get tired, though of explaining to people that it's rooted in Egyptian mythos rather than a Satanic thing like people generally think. I just like the utterly dualistic nature of it.

Sex in Words
Aug 1, 2006, 12:58 AM
I've got my daughters names and birthdates on the front of each of my shoulders.
Can't wait to get many more tattoos...

Aug 1, 2006, 2:12 AM
I have thought about the vesuvian man

Virtruvian man?

Aug 1, 2006, 8:36 AM
my plans are to have a chain ring around my upper left arm continuing up and across my shoulders and down my right side making one long twist down my right leg to another chain ring around my right ankle...also my family crest on my left thigh

Aug 2, 2006, 4:57 PM
I have 3 tattoos. But the one that means most to me is my most recent one. It is a flaming bear paw. This represents the on line names of both my husband and myself together when we met.

I plan on having more tattoos. When my husband got his, (his first) I warned him it would be addictive. He does want more now as well. :)

Sep 6, 2006, 12:39 AM
For my birthday my wife designed me a variation of the Green Lantern symbol that I liked and that she could live with. This picture was taken just as it was finished this afternoon.

Sep 6, 2006, 7:38 PM
In 1976, (senior year of high school), my best bud and I were partying over a three day period: he let someone talk him into letting them give him a tatoo on day 2. They also tried to get me to, but I said "hell no!" On day three of tokin' and drinking Cuervo Gold, (68 hours to be exact), I gave in sort of. . . I gave myself a tatoo of a pot leaf on the inside of my right forearm. At the time I thought it was totally appropriate. I've long since given up smoking weed. Over the decades, I've kept it as a personal reminder of the stupidity of drinking to the point of insanity. LOL

meteast chick
Sep 6, 2006, 11:16 PM
I have 2 tattoos. On my lower back I have a celtic rune sword with purple dragon handles that was very intricate and has since faded quite a bit, but I still love it. It is supposed to protect me from danger and it represents health, strength and wisdom.On my right foot I have a crab. I figured I wanted to do something for my birthday, but given I'm a cancer, that would be a bad omen, the second option was 69, which I figured was appropriate but I may not want to explain that to my grandkids, and the crab, which is often appropriate.

Next I want a phoenix reprisenting life's eternal rebirth and renewal. I also want callalilies on my shoulder (my favorite flower) and will incorporate my kids names in it, because callalilies represent purity and they will always be growing in my eyes. I also want some sort of 4 leaf clover on my hip, for several reasons. My Irish love and my eternal luck (I was born on 07/07/77).

There you have it. Here are some pics. The last 3 are just ideas, but I LOVE the phoenix, think I'll print it out for the tat.

Sep 7, 2006, 10:38 AM
Currently I have 5. I'm lucky in that I've not paid a dime for any of mine! In order of application:

1. Teddy bear - left breast. (I collect bears. Got 6 weeks before my wedding. A biker friend did it in the clubhouse.)

2. Celtic Binding knot - right ankle. (Brother did this. Honors my Scottish roots. Will be getting a combined rune symbol on the inside (for my Norwegian roots) and either my 2 son's names or thier dates & times of birth combining them)

3. Dragonfly - r shoulder (Brother did it. Now he wants to cover it over with a bigger, better one!)

4. Unicorn - abdomen (Traded my brother's friend. Was taken from a cross stitch my mother did for me in 1983!)

5. Yellow 1974 VW Beetle - left calf. (Traded another of my brother's friends. He took the picture of my 1st car & made it yellow instead of beige.)

My brother is drawing up a Dr. Who collage for my right shoulder, plus he will be doing cherries somewhere, somehow on me. (Maiden name is Cherry) I also want the old Milwaukee Brewers symbol (reminds me of my grandfather) somewhere, plus a bunch of other ideas! lol Too addictive!

If you were wondering, my brother is a tat artist. www.webberstreet.com (my bro is Ian) The ironic thing was, when I got my 1st one, he was yelling @ me "I can't believe you would do that to your body! Are you out of your mind? I would never do that!" Now he is a pro & covered, literally from head to ankle!

Sep 8, 2006, 7:00 PM
I have a little ladybug on my right hip/stomach.It means good luck.

Sep 8, 2006, 9:46 PM
i have 6 tattoos.

Right Leg: my zodaic sign(sagittarius) and a Sanddollar

Left Leg: a leopards tail that wraps around the ankle and goe up the leg alittle

Right arm: dolphin that looks like its under water

Left arm: Light house ( Nauset Lighthouse)

Back of Neck: a cross with angel wings