View Full Version : Acceptance or routinely boring to hear (Ellen Page)

Feb 23, 2014, 7:08 PM
"Ellen Page said she’d been scared to reveal her truth, and way too many people responded with, ”In other news, the sky is blue.” The fact that so many felt comfortable being that rude to someone who’d just publicly shared a private struggle speaks volumes about how important they consider the issues of gay women to be. We should be wary of these people. People like them are why so many believe this country is post-racial or post-feminist when this country is racist as fuck and hates women."



When people make such reactions to a celebrity "coming out" do you agree with Guerrilla Feminism or has it become so normal that people do not really care what your sexuality is?

Feb 23, 2014, 7:45 PM
Wasn't it Elaine Paige who came out recently?:confused: Oh dear, I've made some very inappropriate remarks if it's not.:eek:

Feb 23, 2014, 8:10 PM
Yes, it is Ellen Page who came out the other week and spoke about her struggle.

Feb 23, 2014, 11:39 PM
It was not a secret or a total mystery that she was lesbian as she was one of the most closeted actresses in Hollyweird. There was no "struggle" except for the fact that she knew she was lesbian and stayed locked in her closet until now. Your view is not supported by anything except your own internal hallucinations.